Police Raised Blue Flag on Podium, Stating Residents were Participating in Unlawful Assembly

Police Raised Blue Flag on Podium, Stating Residents were Participating in Unlawful Assembly

2113 | Kowloon Bay

The blue flag was raised in Telford Plaza last night (Dec 28). Residents stated the reason they were not leaving was that the police officers kept returning every 5 to 10 minutes. Some residents who just arrived at Telford Plaza looked in disbelief. Questions such as, “why was the blue flag was raised in the shopping mall?” and “how can it be that staying at the podium is considered to be an unlawful assembly?”

On the podium of Telford Plaza, the riot police raised the blue flag, stating that it was an unlawful assembly. In response to the residents’ discontent, the police chanted, “If you guys go away, we will leave!” Residents shouted back, “We live here! How can you enter private properties just like that?” The district councillor arrived at the scene, pleading non-residents to leave first, and all residents to go back home. However, the riot police mocked the councillor, “what you said is purely wrong” and even threatened to arrest everyone on the scene.

Source: First hand news

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