Police Cum

Police Cum


Police Cum

Video shows Atlanta police officer using excessive force on Black woman
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“Why was a taser pulled out? Why was she frisked by a male officer?” the victim’s sister asked.
A video currently sweeping social media shows a Black woman being forcefully arrested by a male police officer as she pleads with him to know what his reasoning is. The footage was shared by a woman who goes by Foxii Roxcii on social media. She claims to be the victim’s sister.
“Please watch! I can’t believe this happened to my sister!” her post begins. The video was posted yesterday (Aug. 9) and shows a tense situation. “​​To give context my sister has never been in any type of unlawful situation and simply out of fear and lack of information she had questions about signing her citation,” Roxcii continued. The woman in the video repeatedly asks the officer why she’s being arrested. He responds that she failed to sign a ticket that he issued her. An unidentified male who was with the woman at the time of the incident records the interaction with his cell phone as he begs the officer to let her go.
The post goes on, “Last night @angelguice and her friend were hanging out at a park unknowingly after hours. Officer Brooks pulled up, asked for ld’s and proceeded to give each of them a citation to sign.” She added, “Angel simply wanted to know exactly what she was signing and asked for the [officer’s] name and badge number. At some point, he became irritated by her questions. He then abused his power by using excessive force .”
The officer is seen swinging the woman to the concrete and drawing his taser. Guice, frightened, screams and cries as she tells the cop that she will comply and sign his ticket. He tells her that it’s “too late.”
“Are we not [allowed] to ask questions about our rights without ego taking over[?] Why was a taser pulled out? Why was she frisked by a male officer? Aren’t police here to protect and serve? What kind of training is this? Aggressive officers like this have to be STOPPED!” Roxcii wrote. She notes that the officer is employed with the Atlanta Police Department . At this time, there has been no official statement from the department.
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