Pokimane Leaks

Pokimane Leaks


Pokimane Leaks
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Fedmyster EXPOSES Pokimane, LEAKS everything
Comment deleted by user · 2 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 2 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 2 yr. ago
Hub for all things Destiny (the streamer, not the game).
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someone needs to save this video quickly before it gets deleted again lol
I have. Now, time to watch it and see if it was worth it lol
can someone tl:dw this for me so I can understand all the memes?
EDIT: Further evidence released has revealed Poki is not the imposter. Fuck Fed.
Poki is very smart and manipulative.
She strung fed along for more than a year, not making their relationship clear. Distancing him while seeing someone else, and then running back to him when alone. Very mind-fucky controlling behaviour. Always sending mixed signals, where she would appear cold in messages but a month later its like she's down to date him again.
It seems that fed vented to the just friends house people about this issue. Hence the people there viewing poki in a negative light. He mentions that he tried inviting her several times to the just friends house, but poki was the one that denied. (because she saw no business value) and it seems like she let those friends go, having almost an equal part in those friendships being ruined as fed did.
She also lied about his involvement in deciding to firing Yvonne(otv employee). Fed actually tried to protect yvonne's job when poki was the one calling her lazy.
This doesn't have anything to do with groping Lily and Yvonne. But he's admitting fault for it and trying to make changes in his life(or atleast it looks like it).
18-22 year olds have relationship dramas because they're young and still learning.
Fed wrote a huge doc. containing his POV of what happened between him and Poki and some other stuff. That doc has been leaked.
It includes tons of screenshots between them where its very clear they have an intimate relationship of some sort.
But Poki kept going hot and cold, from the outside its pretty clear he was super interested and she was more concerned about image and impacts on her life/career. But instead of setting clear boundaries and pushing back, she led him on while never actually committing to anything. So presumably that whole thing fucked him up real good.
Then theres a bunch of stuff where he denies a lot lf Pokis allegations. He provides a lot of evidence for certain things, no evidence for others.
My take on it is that its obvious Pokimane is mostly interested in her business and public image, and the wierd crossing of business and personal life has created this drama. Fed admits a lot of his own fuckups, but a lot of what Poki said is simply her trying to control the narrative.
Its a bit of a shitty situation, Fed was clearly in the wrong in a bunch of ways but Poki has definitely taken the opportunity to throw him under the bus.
In her explaination of the fed situation she says:
"Fed was by far the closest friend I had like within otv and just a very close friend in general. Albeit having a very very complicated dynamic we were super close so I would share with him how isolated and ostracized i felt within our community of friends and in the house"
Of course she doesn't explain the whole situation but I think that it gives her some leeway.
From my perspective this just makes Poki look like shit. And that's fine and all, I feel bad for Fed in that sense. But this doesn't make it right for what he did to Lily and Yvonne.
So I hope Destiny doesn't burn that Lily bridge because he's "roleplaying as Fed" in those messages with Poki. Like I get it, and I haven't watched the full video yet, but please watch your words here Destiny...
Yeah it absolutely makes her seem like shit, but none of this compares to sexual harassment and how he made Lily, Yvonne and others feel very uncomfortable.
It doesn't compare in any way, but community will react way more aggressive to this and slam on Poki compared to how they reacted to Fed, so that's gonna be a shitfest.
I didn't think much of poki until this, now i know theres no other woman for me. MY QUEEN
This calls intk question all of the lily and yvonne stuff. We already knew it was pretty tame to begin with and if this is how Poki treated him, then why would it be any different for the rest of the house?
Fed was always beat up on by the house members. He was constantly lied about and insulted on camera as a way to produce content. He may have acted out of line at times, but I am sick of seeing this "believe wahmen" crap after there are loads of evidence that the women were out of line many times as well. Now this drops and people still claim that Fed was the problem.
So dumb. Otv sucks nowadays anyway. Thanks to michael its getting better.
Maybe I'm misreading the statement, but Destiny's comments at 1:40:00 seems kind of cringy to me. Like, I don't stan Pokimane and if what Fed said is even partially true fuck her for being so manipulative, but I thought Fed lost OfflineTV and his content creation because of his misconduct with Lily and Yvonne. I'm sure Pokimane's video fueled the flames even more, but I thought her video came a day or two after all that shit went down.
I don't think Destiny is being a bad actor or anything. His statement just seems a bit yikes to me.
If you are a fedmyster there is no better bang for your buck than leaking this to Destiny, he has the recent experience with deplatforming, grugw takes on how men should be treated in relationships, and is a professional bridge demolisher. Destiny right now is the perfect storm, he should get some non-negligible amount of money for saving this man’s career.

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Imane Anys was born on May 14, 1996. She is a Moroccan/Canadian Twitch broadcaster, YouTube celebrity, and gamer who goes by the pseudonym Pokimane. Anys is most known for her Twitch live streams, in which she shows off her gaming exploits, most notably in League of Legends and Fortnite.

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