Pokemon adventure Gold Download - Gameshark Codes

Pokemon adventure Gold Download - Gameshark Codes


Pokemon adventure Gold chapter Download - Gameshark Codes

what is Jhoto region?

Welcome to the world of Pokemon in Jhoto region . The jhoto region is Second
region of Pokemon world . The jhoto region is a Fictional region of Pokemon
world with magical animals.
In The Jhoto regions there are different types of Pokemon and there types too.
The cites in Jhoto region are New Bark Town , Cherrygrove City , Violet City ,
Azalea Town , Goldenrod City , Ecruteak City , Olivine City , Cianwood
City.The types are Grass , Fire , Water , Dark and many more . Three new
Legendary Pokemon Introduced in The Jhoto region are Raikou , Entei , Suicune
.Pokemon Jhoto region is west from kanto and south from sinnoh . The game base
on The Jhoto region is Pokemon Soul Silver , Pokemon HeartGold , Pokemon Gold
, Pokemon Silver .

Who is Jimmy (Ethan)?

Ethan is main Character of Pokemon games like Pokemon HeartGold , Pokemon Soul
silver , Pokemon Gold and silver . Ethan is living in New Bark town ( Jhoto
region) with his mom . The Eye colour of Ethan is Gray and hair colour of
Ethan is black . Ethan Gets its Stater Pokemon Elm . The starter Pokemon Jhoto
region is Cyndaquil , Totodile and Chikorita .

Pokemon adventure Gold Cheats - Gameshark Codes

0121 = TM01 Work Up

0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw

0123 = TM03 Psycho Cut

0124 = TM04 Calm Mind

0125 = TM05 Roar

0126 = TM06 Toxic

0127 = TM07 Hail

0128 = TM08 Bulk Up

0129 = TM09 Venoshock

012A = TM10 Hidden Power

012B = TM11 Sunny Day

012C = TM12 Taunt

012D = TM13 Ice Beam

012E = TM14 Blizzard

012F = TM15 Hyper Beam

0130 = TM16 Light Screen

0131 = TM17 Protect

0132 = TM18 Rain Dance

0133 = TM19 Roost

0134 = TM20 Safeguard

0135 = TM21 Frustration

0136 = TM22 Solar Beam

0137 = TM23 Rock Throw

0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt

0139 = TM25 Thunder

013A = TM26 Earthquake

013B = TM27 Return

013C = TM28 Leech Life

013D = TM29 Psychic

013E = TM30 Shadow Ball

013F = TM31 Brick Break

0140 = TM32 Double Team

0141 = TM33 Reflect

0142 = TM34 Acid Spray

0143 = TM35 Flamethrower

0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb

0145 = TM37 Sandstorm

0146 = TM38 Fire Blast

0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb

0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace

0149 = TM41 Torment

014A = TM42 Facade

014B = TM43 Flame Charge

014C = TM44 Rest

014D = TM45 Attract

014E = TM46 Thief

014F = TM47 Low Sweep

0150 = TM48 Razor Wind

0151 = TM49 Hyper Voice

0152 = TM50 Overheat

wild pokemon modifier


000014D1 000A

1003DAE6 0007
0001 = Bulbasaur

0002 = Ivysaur

0003 = Venusaur

0004 = Charmander

0005 = Charmeleon

0006 = Charizard

0007 = Squirtle

0008 = Wartortle

0009 = Blastoise

000A = Caterpie

000B = Metapod

000C = Butterfree

000D = Weedle

000E = Kakuna

006A = Hitmonlee

006B = Hitmonchan

006C = Lickitung

00D6 = Koffing

006E = Weezing

006F = Rhyhorn

0070 = Rhydon

0071 = Chansey

0072 = Tangela

0073 = Kangaskhan

0074 = Horsea

0075 = Seadra

0076 = Goldeen

0077 = Seaking

0078 = Staryu

0079 = Starmie

007A = Mr. Mime

007B = Scyther
000F = Beedrill

0010 = Pidgey

0011 = Pidgeotto

0012 = Pidgeot

0013 = Rattata

0014 = Raticate

0015 = Spearow

0016 = Fearow

001B = Sandshrew

001C = Sandslash

001D = Nidoran

001E = Nidorina

001F = Nidoqueen

0020 = Nidoran

0021 = Nidorino

0022 = Nidoking

0023 = Clefairy

0024 = Clefable

0025 = Vulpix

0026 = Ninetails

0027 = Jigglypuff

0028 = Wigglytuff

0029 = Zubat

002A = Golbat

002B = Oddish

0030 = Venonat

0031 = Venomoth

0032 = Diglett

0033 = Dugtrio

0034 = Meowth

0035 = Persian

0036 = Psyduck

0037 = Golduck

0038 = Mankey

0039 = Primeape

003A = Growlithe

003B = Arcanine

003C = Poliwag

003D = Poliwhirl

003E = Poliwrath

003F = Abra

0040 = Kadabra

0041 = Alakazam

0042 = Machop

0043 = Machoke

0044 = Machamp

0045 = Bellsprout

0046 = Weepinbell

0047 = Victreebel

0048 = Tentacool

0049 = Tentacruel

004A = Geodude

004B = Graveler

004C = Golem

004D = Ponyta

004E = Rapidash

004F = Slowpoke

0050 = Slowbro

0051 = Magnemite

0052 = Magneton

0055 = Dudrio

0056 = Seel

0057 = Dewgong

0058 = Grimer

0059 = Muk

005A = Shellder

005B = Cloyster

005C = Gastly

005D = Haunter

005E = Gengar

005F = Onix

0060 = Drowzee

0061 = Hypno

0062 = Krabby

0063 = Kingler

0064 = Voltorb

0065 = Electrode

0066 = Exeggecute

0067 = Exeggutor

0068 = Cubone

0069 = Marowak

007C = Jynx

007D = Electabuzz

007E = Magmar

007F = Pinsir

0080 = Tauros

0081 = Magikarp
0083 = Lapras

0082 = Gyrados

0084 = Ditto

008A = Omanyte

008B = Omastar

008C = Kabuto

008D = Kabutops

008E = Aerodacty

008F = Snorlax

0090 = Articuno

0091 = Zapdos

0092 = Moltres

0093 = Dratini

0094 = Dragonair

0095 = Dragonite

0096 = Mewtwo


1003DAE6 0007
83007CEE 0374 for xurkitree

83007CEE 0373 for pheromosa

83007CEE 0372 for buzzwole

83007CEE 0371 for nihilego

83007CEE 00FB celebi

83007CEE 0200 shower

83007CEE 0201 abomasnow

83007CEE 0202 weavile

83007CEE 0203 magnezone

83007CEE 0204 lilickiliky

83007CEE 0205 rhyperior

83007CEE 0206 tangrowth

83007CEE 0207 electivire

83007CEE 0208 mag mortar

83007CEE 0209 togekiss

83007CEE 0210 gallade

83007CEE 0211 probopass

83007CEE 0212 dusk noir

83007CEE 0213 froslass

83007CEE 0214 rotom

83007CEE 0215 uxie

83007CEE 0216 mesprit

83007CEE 0220 darkrai

83007CEE 0221 shaymin

83007CEE 0222 arceus

83007CEE 0223 victims

83007CEE 0224 shiny

83007CEE 0225 service

83007CEE 0226 serperior

83007CEE 0227 tepig

83007CEE 0228 pignite

83007CEE 0229 emboar

83007CEE 0230 herdier

83007CEE 0231 stoutland

83007CEE 0232 purloin

83007CEE 0233 liepard

83007CEE 0234 pansage

83007CEE 0235 simisage

83007CEE 0236 pansear

83007CEE 0237 simisear

83007CEE 0238 panpour

83007CEE 0239 simipour

83007CEE 0240 zebstrika

83007CEE 0241 roggenrola

83007CEE 0242 boldore

83007CEE 0243 gigalith

83007CEE 0244 woobat

83007CEE 0245 swoobat

83007CEE 0246 drilbur

83007CEE 0247 excadrill

83007CEE 0248 audino

83007CEE 0249 timburr

83007CEE 0250 sawk

83007CEE 0251 sewaddle

83007CEE 0252 swadloon

83007CEE 0253 leavanny

83007CEE 0255 whirlipede

83007CEE 0256 scolipede

83007CEE 0257 cottonee

83007CEE 0258 whimsicott

83007CEE 0259 petilil

83007CEE 0260 darmanitan

83007CEE 0261 maractus

83007CEE 0262 dweble

83007CEE 0263 crustle

83007CEE 0264 scraggy

83007CEE 0265 scrafty

83007CEE 0266 sigilyph

83007CEE 0267 yamask

83007CEE 0268 cofagrigus

83007CEE 0269 tirtouga

83007CEE 0270 zoroark

83007CEE 0271 minccino

83007CEE 0272 Ciccino

83007CEE 0273 gothita

83007CEE 0276 solosis

83007CEE 0277 duosion

83007CEE 0278 reuniclus

83007CEE 0279 ducklett

83007CEE 0280 emolga

83007CEE 0281 karrablast

83007CEE 0282 escavalier

83007CEE 0283 foongus

83007CEE 0284 amongus

83007CEE 0285 frillish

83007CEE 0286 gellicent

83007CEE 0287 alomomola

83007CEE 0288 joltik

83007CEE 0289 galvantula

83007CEE 0290 eelektrik

83007CEE 0291 eelektross

83007CEE 0292 elgyem

83007CEE 0293 beheeyem

83007CEE 0294 litwick

83007CEE 0298 fraxure

83007CEE 0299 haxorus

83007CEE 0300 noivern

83007CEE 0383 cursola

83007CEE 0384 bealeaf

83007CEE 0385 blossomole

83007CEE 0386 blossomite

83007CEE 0387 pyrocub

83007CEE 0388 volbear


1003DAE6 0007

83007CEE 0307 = Rowlet

83007CEE 0308 = Dartrix

83007CEE 0309 = Decidueye

83007CEE 0310 = Pikipek

83007CEE 0312 = Toucannon

83007CEE 0313 = Yungoos

83007CEE 0314 = Gumshoos

83007CEE 0315 = Grubin

83007CEE 0316 = Charjabug

83007CEE 0317 = Vikavolt

83007CEE 0318 = Crabrawler

83007CEE 0319 = Crabominable

83007CEE 0320 = Mareanie

83007CEE 0321 = Toxapex

83007CEE 0322 = Mudbray

83007CEE 0323 = Mudsdale

83007CEE 0324 = Dewpider

83007CEE 0325 = Araquanid

83007CEE 0328 = Morelull

83007CEE 0329 = Shiinotic

83007CEE 0330 = Tsareena

83007CEE 0333 = Passimian

83007CEE 0334 = Wimpod

Pokemon adventure Gold chapter Rom

State-of-the-art model- Beta 1.2

Updated on- July eleven 2016


Name: Pokemon journey Gold bankruptcy

Hack of: hearth crimson

Language: English

Author: zero.Four


Play as Gold

Teach the Pokemon Gold stuck inside the Manga

Follows the Manga precisely with a few more chapters

Day and night device

Gen 3 - five actions

Fairy kind blanketed

Skateboard rather than a bike

Pokemon adventure Gold chapter Download

Download link


Play as Gold from the Pokemon Adventures Manga. Someday a Totodile

changed into stolen from Prof. Elm' research lab with the aid of an unknown
trainer. Whilst seeking to capture the teacher he mysteriously banished. After
that day, Gold made a promise to seize the teacher and to go back the missing


0.Four, Joexv, Aethestode, Sniper, JPAN, Mr. Dollsteak, Regin Prower,

Pedro99, Coronis, GoGoJJTech



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