Pokemon Pregnant

Pokemon Pregnant


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Pokémon PG #1: Our Expanded Adventure Begins!

Outside Pallet Town

“No stop!” yells a voice of a girl unseen in the tall grass.

A couple of Rattata run through the grass and come across the girl who is being held down by two men in black clothes that have a large red R on them. A third man walks up to them.

“My dear don’t you know how dangerous it is to travel alone in this tall grass?” asks the third man. “What is your name?”

“Jessica…,” she says. “Jessica Garcia.”

“Ahh, Jessica, a lovely name for a lovely young lady,” says the man. “Just one more question, how old are you?”

“Eighteen,” says Jessica before tears run down her face.

“Well, Jessica you’re exactly what we’ve been looking for,” says the man. “You can call me Dr. Namba.”

Dr. Namba stands at five feet six and is partially bald. Over his work attire he wears a long white coat indicating that he is a scientist. Jessica herself, who is now forced to her knees, wears a short top that only covers her large breasts and he bottom by a short skirt which are now showing her panties with her being forced down. She also has a white baseball cap on her head which she wears backwards. The cap itself has a picture of a Pokéball on it.

“What do you want from me?” asks Jessica.

“My dear I am a scientist of Team Rocket, we’ve discovered something great and we need your help,” says Dr. Namba.

“Team Rocket?” asks Jessica. “I’ve heard of you. You’re no good crooks who steal people’s Pokémon!”

“Yes, maybe so,” replies Dr. Namba. “But we will be known for much more then that very soon, with your help of course. See we’ve found the remains of three extraordinary legendary Pokémon, the last of their kind.”

“What?” asks Jessica.

“There isn’t a single one of them left in existence. We instantly came up with a plan to resurrect them,” says Dr. Namba. “We knew if we did this we could use these Pokémon to take over the world. So we set our plans in motion and we came up with something special. We just needed one thing, a way to let these creatures grow in a safe environment. We came to the conclusion that we needed the bodies of young women to revive these Pokémon! Their wombs being the special environments! This is what led us here.”

“You need my womb to resurrect a Pokémon?” asks Jessica.

“Yes,” replies Dr. Namba as he pulls a small container from his lab coat. “This pill in here contains the DNA of the Pokémon we wish to resurrect, once you swallow it…”

“No…,” mutters Jessica. “No! Stay away from me.”

“Keep her down,” orders Namba to the two Team Rocket grunts.

They do so and he steps up to Jessica and forces open her mouth. He places the pill in her mouth and then grabs a bottle of water from his other pocket and pours it into her mouth.

“Drink up,” says Namba. “Our previous attempts say it tastes bad, so the quicker it goes down…”

With her eyes wide open with fear she swallows the water with the pills going with it.

“You don’t know what a great service you’re doing for us,” says Namba. “You’ll be written down in the Team Rocket history books.”

“Ahh…,” mutters Jessica at the taste in her mouth.

Namba signals his grunts to let go of Jessica. She grabs hold of her stomach as pain sets in.

“It hurts!” yells Jessica.

“Yes, it will for a moment,” says Namba. “This is no normal pregnancy. You’re carrying a Pokémon egg in you. You’ll instantly look nine months, although you’ll still have to sit through the normal pregnancy length.”

“Oh!” yells Jessica.

A small bump grows out on Jessica abdomen. She rubs it in fear. Finally the bump grows to its full size. Jessica looks nine months pregnant and with such a short top her bare belly shows.

“Oh my god,” mutters Jessica.

“Congratulations, you’re gonna be a mother,” says Dr. Namba. “Now pick her up! We have to get a reading on the development within her midsection.”
“Whoa, she’s a lot heavier now,” says one of the Rocket Grunts.

“Obviously, each pill makes the surrogate gain forty pounds,” says Dr. Namba. “Now let’s go!”

“Hold it right there!” yells another voice of a female.

“What’s this?” asks Dr. Namba.

“Growlithe, take them down!” yells the woman in a blue uniform with holds a police badge over her left breast, and her hair is a bright blue.

“No we can’t let the police interfere with our plans,” says Dr. Namba. “Stop them!”

“Go Zubat!” yells one Rocket Grunt.

“Go Rattata!” yells the other.

“Growlithe, use flame thrower now!” yells the woman.

“Grow-lithe!” says Growlithe as it launches its flame attack from its mouth.

Growlithe’s flame thrower hits its mark knocking Zubat and Rattata unconscious.

“You fools!” yells Namba. “We have to get out of here!”

“Return!” call both Rocket Grunts.

The three run and get away from the police.

“Oh, darn,” says the woman. “They got away.”

She walks over to Jessica and a shocked look grows on her face.

“They said you were thin…,” mutters the woman.

Tears run down Jessica’s face.

“They impregnated me,” says Jessica.

“Oh, you poor thing… My name is Officer Jenny,” she says.

Jenny takes her to her squad car and puts a blanket over Jessica’s shoulders. Another officer drives as Jenny sits in the back with Jessica. The officer rubs Jess’s belly to comfort her.

Jessica’s House in Pallet Town—The Next Day

There’s a knocking at the door. Jessica’s mother opens the door. Outside stands two young women the same age as Jessica.

“Lizette, Janelle,” says Jessica’s mother.

“Hi, Mrs. Garcia,” says Lizette. “We heard about Jessica. We came by to see if she’s okay.”

“That’s so sweet of you,” says Mrs. Garcia*.

*Writer’s Note: Okay I’m not gonna explain why there’s a lot of Puerto Ricans in Japan. But of course some of the people reading this won’t really care…

“Jessica is resting upstairs,” says Mrs. Garcia. “Go on up, maybe you can convince her to wear something bigger to cover her belly.”

“We’ll try,” says Janelle following Lizette up the stairs.

Jessica sits in her bed rubbing her stomach. She sighs. She then turns to the sounds of knocking at the door.

“Come in,” says Jessica.

Lizette and Janelle enter.

“Jeez, Jess,” says Janelle looking upon Jess’s belly. “You’re so…huge.”

“I know,” says Jessica.

Lizette sits down at Jessica’s side and begins to rub her belly.

“Wow, this is really unbelievable,” says Lizette.

“You’re telling me,” says Jessica. “I was taken to get an ultrasound today and they say there’s a giant egg inside of me. The thing I’m gonna give birth to, isn’t even human…”

“I’m so sorry this happened,” says Lizette.

“Yeah, now I can’t go on our journey,” says Jessica. “I hope you guys have fun.”

“No,” says Janelle. “We all agreed we wouldn’t go without each other. We’ll wait till next year.”

“No you two have been dying for this,” says Jessica. “I can’t do this to you.”
“It wouldn’t be the same without you,” says Lizette.

“Then I’ll still go with you, I may have gained forty pounds, but I can still walk around with this bulge,” says Jessica.

“That wouldn’t be right,” says Janelle.

“There’s no talking me out of it,” says Jessica jumping up. “I’m gonna go on our Pokémon journey! Ah…”

“What is it?” asks Lizette.

“My panties just snapped,” replies Jessica.

“Since we can’t talk you out of this, we’ll just have to stop at a store and get you some maternity clothes,” says Janelle.

“Well I can get some new underwear, but I am not wearing some big dress!” yells Jessica. “I didn’t ask for this pregnant gut and I didn’t even get sex out of this! I’ll wear what I want and everyone is gonna see my belly!”

“Well glad you can still be cheerful about this,” says Janelle. “But can you at least wear pants?”

“Fine,” says Jessica.


The girls walk out of a store. Jessica now wears blue jeans that fit around her new shape. She still insists on showing her belly by wearing another shirt similar to the one before which is blue and she still has the backwards white cap. Janelle wears a green tank-top, and like her friends it shows her cleavage, around the chest on her shirt is a black picture of a Pokéball. She also wear black jeans and a green bandana over her head. Lizette wears white jeans and a long black tank-top, which over that is a red shirt that’s unbuttoned. On her head is a red beanie.

*Writer’s Note: Yeah they’re all eighteen, they like showing there breasts (which I seem to believe is common amongst most teenage girls, but then again that’s just me) and they like wearing things on their heads (After seeing the female characters in the games with different hats I figured I might as well). Did I mention they have big breasts? Sorry for going crazy about this, but it’s been building up and I haven’t been able to discuss this in my non-preggy stuff.

“So how do you feel?” asks Lizette.

“Huge,” says Jessica. “But I’ll live. My mom gave me these new running shoes, but I think they’re point less in my condition, especially with my ankles swollen.”

“That must be bad,” says Janelle.

“Yeah,” says Jessica. “You know if Lucas was still in Kanto I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“You can’t always count on your brother for help,” says Lizette. “I mean how can you be sure this still wouldn’t have happened?”

“I don’t know, but I wish he never went to Johto,” says Jessica. “He should be going on our journey with us.”

“Well it wouldn’t have worked out in the long run,” says Janelle. “Professor Oak only has three Pokémon to give to new trainers.”

Professor Oak’s Lab

Professor Samuel Oak stands behind a table in which holds three Pokéballs.

“Well, girls I’m glad you’re here,” says Oak. “And I’m surprised that you would be here after yesterday’s problem, Jessica.”

“Nothing would stop me from doing this!” says Jessica.

“So what do we do?” asks Janelle.

“Well each of you pick one of these three Pokémon,” says Oak. “Hope you’re ready to make your choices*.”

*Writer’s Note: Seriously if you can’t figure out who they’re gonna start out with, just look at their attire description.

“Jess, you should go first,” says Lizette. “You’ve had rough time with this.”

“If you’re okay with it,” says Jessica. “I think I’m gonna go with Squirtle.”

“Jen, you go next,” says Lizette.

“Sure,” says Janelle. “I’ll go with Bulbasaur.”

“And I guess that leaves Charmander to me,” replies Lizette.

“I’m glad you came to this easily,” says Oak. “You’ll be needing these Pokéballs for catching other Pokémon during your adventures. You can always buy more at Pokémarts across Kanto. Also these are called Pokédexes, they hold information on all the Pokémon in this region. It will come in handy when you need help.”

“Let’s see,” says Jessica opening the Pokédex with one hand while her other one is on her belly.

Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon. Squirtle’s shell is not merely used for protection. The shell’s rounded shape and the grooves on its surface help minimize resistance in water, enabling this Pokémon to swim at high speeds.

“Oh, cool,” says Jessica rubbing her belly some more.

“My turn,” says Janelle.

Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon. Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun’s rays, the seed grows progressively larger.

“Cool,” says Lizette.

Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is enjoying itself. If the Pokémon becomes enraged, the flame burns fiercely.

“You have everything you need to become trainers,” says Oak. “You’ll want to begin on Route 1 and head to Viridian City which has the first gym to the Kanto League, along you trip you’ll want to pick up more Pokémon to help ensure your victories.”

“Will do,” says the girls together. “Thanks Professor!”

Route 1

The girls wants through the forest together. Janelle makes an observation.

“Jess, you’re starting to waddle,” says Janelle.

“Well I am pregnant after all…,” sighs Jessica. “Okay let’s get to finding Pokémon.”

Jessica quickly moves over to a bush as fast as she can and starts to look in it.

“Hmm,” says Jessica.

“Maybe you should take it slow,” says Lizette. “You don’t want to harm yourself.”

“I’ll be fine,” replies Jessica before something jumps out at her. “Ahh!”

Jessica falls backwards and lands on her butt.

“Oww,” mutters Jessica.

She looks before the creature that jumped at her.

“Okay, I’m gonna get you for that,” says Jessica. “But first…”

Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it’s evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge.

“Okay, a Pikachu!” yells Jessica. “It’s so mine now! Squirtle go!”

Jessica throws the Pokéball in which her Squirtle resides. It pops open and Squirtle comes out.

“Squirtle!” says the Pokémon.

“Jess,” says Lizette. “I think you made a mistake.”

“What are talking about?” asks Jessica. “I’ll catch it no problem! Now Squirtle use tackle!”

Squirtle obeys her command and goes after Pikachu with a tackle attack. Pikachu prepares itself. Sparks can be seen coming from its cheeks.

“Pika-chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” yells Pikachu unleashing an electric attack.

Squirtle is hit and falls back.

“Squirtle no!” yells Jessica.

“It fainted,” says Janelle.

“Oh, no,” replies Jessica. “Return.”

“Pika!” yells Pikachu.

“It sounds mad,” says Janelle.

Pikachu begins to charge at Jessica.

“No,” says Jessica. “You wouldn’t hit someone who’s pregnant would you?”

Jessica closes her eyes in fear with her arms over her belly.

“Hoooowwwrrooo!” yells another voice as it tackles into Pikachu.

“Huh?” says Jessica slowly opening her eyes. “Lucas?”

Her brother stands a distance away, but she can make him out.

“Houndour!” yells Lucas. “Use flame thrower on Pikachu now!”

“Rooo,” says Houndour obeying the command. “Hooowwwrrooooo!”

Houndour unleashes a blast from its mouth striking Pikachu.

“Pika…,” mutters Pikachu as it staggers.

“Wow, that was a powerful flame thrower,” says Janelle.

“Now use your tackle!” commands Lucas.

Houndour finds an opening and hits its mark. Pikachu falls over and faints.

“Here’s a lesson for you Jess,” says Lucas. “Pokéball go!”

Lucas throws a Pokéball at Pikachu and it is pulled in the ball. It shakes a bit with a red light flashing in the center button. Once the light goes out the ball stops shaking.

“Nice capture, Lucas,” says Janelle.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” says Jessica.

“I heard what happened,” says Lucas. “I couldn’t just stay in Johto. What are you doing out here? In your condition you should be staying at home.”

“No way!” yells Jessica. “This thing will not keep me from having the time of my life!”

“I figured…,” says Lucas. “The speech was worth a shot. I came to make sure you’ll be okay through your journey and so far it’s not looking to good.”

“It’s not?” asks Jessica.

“Come on everyone knows water-types are weak against electric-types,” says Lucas. “I thought you knew that… Or is that thing in you getting the best of you?”

“Stop criticizing me!” says Jessica. “It was a mistake. I’m entitled to them.”

Lucas walks up to them and picks up the Pokéball with his new Pokémon.

“Lucas, go easy on her,” says Lizette. “She’ll get her head back in the game soon, it’s just been a bad few days for her.”

“Okay I’m sorry, sis,” says Lucas. “I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you and little mistake like this could be a problem.”

“Okay,” says Jessica. “I’ll think before I act next time.”

“Good,” says Lucas.

“Hey, what’s this Pokémon?” asks Janelle as she pop open her Pokédex.

No entry recorded.

“What?” ask the three girls together.

“You’re Pokédex is out of date,” says Lucas. “I suspected Oak wouldn’t give you one of these yet.”

Lucas pulls out his Pokédex, which looks more advanced then theirs.

Houndour, the Dark Pokémon. Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey. This Pokémon’s remarkable teamwork is unparalleled.

“It’s from Johto,” says Lucas. “They have discovered a lot of new creatures, and Houndour is one of them. We met up after I left New Bark Town to explore the next town and been buddies ever since. Right Houndour?”

“Hoowwrrooo,” replies Houndour.

“It’s so cute,” says Janelle pinching Houndour’s cheek.

“Well now that we’ve gotten together what should we do? I mean it’s getting pretty late,” says Lizette.

“We’ll make camp and I’ll help each of you catch your first Pokémon tomorrow,” says Lucas. “Then we’ll all go to Viridian City.”

“Cool,” says Lizette.

“Now this is what I wanted to do,” says Jessica. “Camp out under the stars. This pregnancy won’t stop this.”

“That good to know, but one question,” says Lucas. “Do we have to see your belly all of the time?”
“You’ll have to deal with it!” says Jessica. “Now can we go to sleep? I’m pretty tired.”

“I bet,” says Janelle. “I’ll help you open your tent.”

They go about their plans looking for a good night sleep, but little do they know that they’re being watched.

“Sir, the girl is down there,” says a Rocket Grunt.

“Good,” says Dr. Namba. “We’ll let her have her fun. We won’t need her for nine months anyway, but in the mean time I think we found two more candidates for our last two pills.”

“What about the guy with the Houndour?” asks the Grunt.

“He’s a new trainer, like the girls,” says Namba. “He shouldn’t be a problem at all. When it is light we’ll single them out and make these girls parents to be.”

To Be Contined…

Next: Another of the girls fall victim to Team Rocket’s plans, but what is that grows within Jessica and the next girl to get pregnant? With Lucas now with the group will he be able to keep them safe? Only time will tell.

Next Episode:
First Pokémon and Lizette’s Pregnancy!
Well, here's the first installment I said I'd do along time ago. It is different from the original version, one being my writing style. But originally Lucas was me (different name) and he went on his journey with Janelle who got pregnant some time after catching her first Pokemon, which was Team Rocket's doing. Well here's the revamped story, and yeah another thing I actually have a plan for their pregnancies in this unlike the other story in which they were pregnant just because I wanted them to be. Here's the first episode.
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I feel like when i read this getting pregnant just made me not have a kid :I and i felt awkward XD

Buttt it was nice :3
this is just like a dream i had one night but only i was with gold red and silver and i had to have it injected in me to keep it safe from team rocket
You think you could ask someone to do a comic about this? I'd love tosee it
If someone wanted to do it I'd be all for it, but I have no plans of asking anyone right now.
"The officer rubs Jess’s belly to comfort her."
good but 1 mistake

of core in the conue bar your trying to keep it a secret of whos gonna get pre
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