Pokemon Dawn Anime

Pokemon Dawn Anime


Black and White
Diamond and Pearl
Dawn in Pokémon Journeys: The Series, Pokémon the Series: Black & White and Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.
ヒカリ Hikari
Voice actor(s)
Megumi Toyoguchi
Voice actor(s)
Emily Jenness
For the variant appearing in the games, see Dawn (game).
Dawn is a character appearing in the anime series. She is a young Pokémon Coordinator, who traveled through the Sinnoh region, along with Ash Ketchum and Brock.
While traveling with the two boys, she honed her skills as a Pokémon Trainer and focused on becoming a Top Coordinator like her mother. While Dawn learned a lot through her travels, she also developed rivalries with many coordinators such as Zoey (her main rival, albeit a friendly one), Nando, Jessie, Kenny, and Ursula.
First concept artwork of Dawn.
Third concept artwork of Dawn.
Second concept artwork of Dawn's expressions.
Second concept artwork of Dawn.
First concept artwork of Dawn's expressions.
Concept artwork of Dawn's backpack.
Concept artwork of Dawn's Pokétch.
Dawn has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and long navy blue hair. Her usual outfit is a mini dress consisting of a black V-neck tank top with a white shirt under it, a very short pink mini skirt, and a red scarf. On her head, she wears a white beanie with a pink Poké Ball print on it. She also wears gold hair clips that hold up her hair in front. She wears a bracelet on her right wrist and a Pokétch on her left. On her feet, she wears a pair of knee-length pink boots and black mid-knee socks above them. Her boots have a pink and white strap on the edge. The rims of her boots are white, while the soles of her boots are greyish-white. She also has a small yellow backpack with all of her personal belongings.
Dawn's contest outfit is a pink dress with dark pink horizontal and vertical accents, a pink sash, and a necklace with a small red ribbon on it. She also keeps her hair in a ponytail. However, her outfit varies from contest to contest. In the Grand Festival, she wore a cream-yellow mini dress with an orange sash, long white gloves, a white petticoat, and low heel fashion pumps. She also kept a pinkish-red ribbon in her hair, along with an identical one on her chest.
For her swimwear, Dawn wears a peachy-orange and yellow bikini in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. In Pokémon the Series: Black & White, this is switched to a green bikini with a sarong bottom. At night, she wears pink pajama bottoms and a matching shirt with a yellow line going down them.
When Dawn returned, her Pokétch was replaced with a Xtransceiver.
In her upcoming appearance in Pokemon: Master Journeys, Dawn's appearance remains largely the same and her highlights from her navy blue hair becomes darker. Dawn also returns to wearing her Pokétch.
Dawn is carefree, upbeat, and cheerful. Whenever she makes a mistake, she often quickly recovers and strives to do better. She's also confident- even from the beginning of her journey, Dawn is very confident in her abilities (sometimes even a little overconfident, as shown when she ordered her newly evolved Ambipom to use Swift), though not to the same extent as Ash. While she's kind and supportive, she is sometimes quick-tempered and often gets emotional when she loses, so Ash and Brock often have to help her cope. She also became very depressed when she lost two contests in a row, not even managing to get through the first round of appeals. However, she regained her confidence after she won the Wallace Cup, along with a new found sense of maturity. She is also very sensitive and supportive of her friends—a clear example occurred when she worked on a cheerleading recital to help Ash feel better after he fell into depression following his humiliating defeat at the hands of his bitter rival. The same is shown when she tried to cheer up Maylene when she wasn't having much confidence. Dawn is always good at cheering other people. She also seems to be more fixated on her appearance than the other two main female characters- in one episode, Dawn refused to show herself to Ash and Brock until she straightened out her bed hair.
Dawn's Japanese and English names (Hikari and Dawn) both refer to the type of light.
Though Dawn likes to design clothes and admires fashion, she also knows how to make Pokémon a star. This is clearly shown in the episode Arriving in style when Dawn becomes the grand winner of Hearthiome collection fashion show. She became the winner as she chose to show her Buneary rather than showing the accessories.

Dawn made her debut when she picked Piplup as her starter Pokémon. In the next episode, she met Ash's Pikachu after it had temporarily escaped from Team Rocket. Returning Pikachu to Ash was how she met him and Brock. Dawn traveled with Ash and Brock through Sinnoh until Ash and Brock left for home back in the Kanto region after the Sinnoh League.[1]
Dawn's mother gave her daughter her very first ribbon in the first episode, and she kept it with her as a good luck charm. In her first contest, Dawn became friends with a talented Coordinator named Zoey. However, Dawn lost her accessory just before the contest and thus lost the contest itself. Zoey talked to Dawn about how losing was just a lesson that you should learn from. Dawn promised that she would become just as good as Zoey one day. Ironically, Dawn seemed to be on a losing streak for a while, losing in the appeal round of her competitions two times in a row. However, her goal proceeded when she participated in her fourth Pokémon Contest where she faced a rather mean and arrogant girl named Ursula.[2] After insulting her, the two coordinators developed a fierce rivalry. Soon enough, the two girls faced each other at the finals, where Dawn's Pachirisu barely managed to beat Ursula's Gabite, winning the battle. After she learned about the double appeals in the upcoming contest, Dawn was determined to create a new combination. At first, she lacked ideas but soon developed an Ice-Fire combination idea consisting of Mamoswine and Cyndaquil.
For some mysterious reason that Dawn kept trying to hide, her old friends Kenny and Leona called her "Dee Dee" (Diamond Dandruff). It was eventually revealed that the reason for the name "Dee Dee" was due to Dawn's hair glittering after being shocked by the class pets in kindergarten, Plusle and Minun. With her hair ruined, Kenny spread the word, and soon Dawn was embarrassed and teased by the nickname.[3]
Ever since Dawn's last win in Daybreak Town, she trained hard for the upcoming Grand Festival and came up with many new combinations such as the Pachirisu/Mamoswine combo and the Buneary/Cyndaquil combo. Except for Kenny, all of Dawn's rivals and Dawn herself make it to the Battle Round of the Grand Festival.[4] Dawn battled Ursula once again, and after five minutes of intense battling, Dawn defeated Ursula. After Ursula's defeat, she admitted that she was weaker than Dawn. Dawn managed to reach the semi-finals of the Grand Festival. There, she found herself against none other than Jessilina. In the end, Dawn won and advanced to the finals to face Zoey, who had beaten Nando in the semi-finals. Zoey and Dawn both showcased their skills as Top Coordinator, but as time ran out, Zoey won the title of Top Coordinator and the Sinnoh Ribbon Cup with only a few points' difference, leaving Dawn in second place. Dawn promised her Pokémon that they would not stop trying until they reach the top.[5]
Upon returning to Twinleaf Town, Johanna informed Dawn that Paris from Hearthome City wanted Dawn to model Buneary and the outfits she designed. Although Dawn was originally going to leave with Ash and Brock to go to Kanto, she decided that she would remain in Sinnoh.[6]
When Ash, Iris, and Cilan arrived at Cynthia's villa, waiting to see who was waiting for Ash, Dawn snuck in and poked him once they came in, making him think someone was behind him when he turned around he was so suprised it was Dawn . She was then introduced to Iris and Cilan, and Ash told Dawn about his new friend Meloetta. Dawn misunderstood what he was talking about, so he decided to show her his new Pokémon (along with the ones that belonged to Iris and Cilan). She introduced herself to them and brought out her own Pokémon, revealing that her Cyndaquil had evolved into a Quilava, impressing Ash. Cilan decided to battle Dawn, since she was a coordinator and Cilan was a connoisseur. During the battle, Dawn showed everyone her contest moves and Cilan gave his evaluation, which confused Dawn and embarrassed Iris. After the battle, they decided to relax for a while, hearing Meloetta sing its song while they did so. Unbeknownst to them, Team Rocket recorded the song and reported it to Prof. Zager as they made preparations for the future.[7]
After traveling with Ash and his new companions for some time, Dawn journeyed to the Johto region.[8]
While Chloe Cerise and her Eevee are vacationing in the Sinnoh region, a Piplup suddenly emerged from the bushes with Dawn following behind. The two bond quickly and walk together to Eterna City, though Chloe grows annoyed at Dawn becoming distracted by her surroundings. The two get into an argument, though their feud is quickly resolved when the two are able to successfully defeat a rabid Rhydon together. As the two continue through the woods, they also find the mysterious Legendary Pokémon Cresselia, injured and asleep.[9]
Having run off from the lab in a dispute with a Chimchar, Dawn found Piplup trapped in a web and helped it out. Piplup and Dawn formed a close bond very quickly. While Piplup can be described as a brat, it truly tries its best in battles, despite the fact that it's not the most powerful Pokémon. Piplup usually tries to show off his pride by taking the lead. Dawn tends to let Piplup stay out of its Poké Ball but, she does keep it in there sometimes. In the final episode, Piplup was very upset when Ash, Brock, and Pikachu returned to Kanto, and cried while waving goodbye to them.

Piplup ♂
After having various Buneary attack her during her travels, Dawn came across another Buneary. Eager to add it to her team, she attempted to battle it, eventually succeeding and capturing it. Buneary is female and appears to have a crush on Ash's Pikachu, much to his discomfort. She also knows many powerful attacks, including Ice Beam. In the final episode, Buneary was chosen to model for a Pokémon Magazine, resulting in Dawn staying behind in Sinnoh while Ash and Brock returned to Kanto.

Buneary ♀
During her travels, Dawn met up with a hyper Pachirisu. After several problems between Pachirisu and the group, Dawn eventually befriended it. It is a loving Pokémon that is known to shock Dawn whenever it is happy, giving her a bad hair day. However, it has some powerful attacks (including Spark), so it is able to hold its own in battle.

Pachirisu ♂
After evolving from Piloswine, Mamoswine seemed to be even more hot-headed and immediately charged at Ash his friends. With its powerful attacks such as Ancient Power and Ice Shard, Mamoswine is the massive powerhouse of Dawn's team. After it evolved, it had trouble obeying Dawn until she managed to convince it when she took care of it when it was injured. When it's not in battle, it has a habit of sleeping.

Swinub → Piloswine → Mamoswine ♂
While Dawn was helping Professor Rowan get some runaway Pokémon back, Dawn and her Pokémon got captured by a swarm of Ariados. In order to help, Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava. It managed to use massively powerful attacks such as Eruption to defeat the Ariados and protect its trainer.

Egg → Cyndaquil → Quilava
After allowing a princess called Salvia to take her place in a Pokémon Contest, Salvia was kind enough to allow Dawn to have her Togekiss so that it could partake in Pokémon Contests (which Salvia herself was unable to do). Togekiss has many powerful attacks (such as Aura Sphere) that allow it to be able to be able to hold its own in battles and create dazzling appeals. In normal situations, it acts like a big sister to all of Dawn's other Pokémon.

Togekiss ♀
Before evolving, Ambipom was originally Ash's Pokémon. However, ever since Ash met it, it had loved the idea of contests more than battling. It was eventually traded to Dawn and evolved soon afterward. Because of the training it received from Ash when it was an Aipom, it is one of the major powerhouses of Dawn's team. With this and its love for Contests, it was used many times in Dawn's campaign. After partaking in a Pokémon ping pong tournament, it learned its true calling and decided to leave Dawn and Ash to stay and train after much consideration.

Aipom → Ambipom ♀
After being hooked while Dawn was fishing, a strong Buizel managed to take out Pikachu, Piplup, and Zoey's Glameow. This made all three want to get it. After rescuing it from Team Rocket, Buizel allowed Dawn to battle it in order to capture it. Buizel is a rather strong and arrogant Pokémon. However, due to its arrogance, it is not above disobeying orders. In another conflict with Dawn, Buizel was more into battling than contests. This led Zoey to ask Dawn if it was right to be in her team. After a trial, Dawn decided to trade Buizel for Ash's Aipom.

Buizel ♂
Dawn befriended Shaymin when it was trying to return to Gracidea. It also assisted her in stopping Zero from taking over the Reverse World.

Dawn first encountered Mesprit in its spirit form at Lake Verity. When Mesprit was captured by Team Galactic, Dawn and Piplup came and freed it from the Red Chain's power. Together with their hearts connected along with Ash, Azelf, Brock, and Uxie, Dawn and Mesprit worked together to calm Dialga and Palkia and save the Sinnoh region from destruction.

When Pikachu got lost, Dawn encountered it and tried to catch it. When the Poké Ball failed to, she realized he belonged to someone. She searched for his trainer and succeeded, and also tried to protect Pikachu from Team Rocket.

Pikachu ♂
After the heroes split up at the labyrinth, Dawn teamed up with Croagunk to come out of the maze.

Croagunk ♂
Dawn borrowed Ash's Staravia to train.

Staravia ♂
Like with his Staravia, Dawn borrowed Ash's Chimchar to train.

During the first two days of the Pokémon Summer Academy, Dawn took care of Grimer.

Dawn rode a Dodrio for the Pokémon Triathlon.

Dawn crossed a lake with a Sharpedo for the Pokémon Triathlon.

In Settling A Not-So-Old Score!, Dawn's Piplup beat Kenny's Prinplup and won her first ribbon.
From Staging a Heroes' Welcome! to Strategy with a Smile!, the Wallace Cup took place. In Strategy with a Smile!, Dawn with her Piplup beat May's Glaceon in the final and finally broke her losing streak.
In Battling The Generation Gap!, Dawn won her third Contest Ribbon by defeating Lila (Johanna's childhood friend) in the Celestic Pokémon Contest.
In Another One Gabites the Dust!, Dawn beat her new rival Ursula and won her fourth Ribbon.
In Playing the Performance Encore!, Dawn beat Ursula after defeating the latter's Ursula's Minun and Plusle and won her fifth and final Ribbon, thus becoming eligible to participate in the Sinnoh Grand Festival.
Dawn placed in the following Grand Festival competitions:
Dawn also earned the following achievements:
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When Dawn was younger, she attended a kindergarten, where she met her friends Kenny and Leona. She also knew Barry and Noelle from before leaving Twinleaf Town, but it is unclear how and when Dawn first met them.
In Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn!, Dawn revealed the story behind her nickname, Dee Dee (Japanese: ピカリ Pikari). She explained that she, Kenny, and Leona had been selected as the week's Pokémon caretakers at their kindergarten, and were responsible for looking after the school's pets, Plusle and Minun. While Kenny and Leona cleaned down the pen, Dawn hugged the two Electric-type Pokémon tightly and received an electric shock as a result. This caused Dawn's hair to fizz out and sparkle, earning her the nickname "Diamond Dandruff" or "Dee Dee" for short. From then on, many of her classmates called Dawn by this embarrassing nickname. This led to Dawn developing a fear of Plusle and Minun.
Dawn began her Pokémon journey with an overconfident Piplup. She wasn't able to gain his trust at first, but after rescuing him from a swarm of Ariados, the two became friends. Unlike May, she knew from the beginning that she wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps and be a Coordinator. After meeting Ash and Brock, she decided to travel with them, as their experience would likely be helpful to her. Like Ash, she saw a Legendary Pokémon at the start of her journey, the projected soul of Mesprit in Following A Maiden's Voyage!.
When Dawn began her journey she took a bicycle, but like Misty's and May's bikes, Ash's Pikachu destroyed it with his Thunderbolt. However, she did not mention this to Ash until more than thirty episodes after it happened, yet only to acknowledge it as an honest accident due to a desperate situation, and didn't hold it against either Ash or Pikachu. Dawn had also planned to take a large suitcase full of clothing with her, but her mother made her leave it at home due to its impracticality. Instead, Dawn took a backpack her mother had prepared for her. Johanna also gave Dawn the first Ribbon she earned as a Coordinator as a good luck charm, an item that would recur throughout the series as a symbol of Dawn's determination.
Upon arriving in Jubilife City, Dawn registered for a Contest Pass for the Sinnoh region. She also obtained a Ball Capsule and some Seals and introduced her Contest cry, which is "Spotlight!" in the English dub and "Charm up!" in the original Japanese version. Dawn lost her first Pokémon Contest in Arrival of a Rival! to Zoey, who became one of her closest friends and greatest rivals. After her loss, an upset Dawn called her mother, but Johanna told Dawn not to rely on her and instead rely on friends and Pokémon. Eventually, in Dawn's second official Contest, she was able to narrowly beat her childhood friend Kenny to win her first Ribbon.
Dawn regularly trained her Pokémon and took the opportunity to practice her skills with Zoey whenever the two met, such as in A Stand-Up Sit-Down!. Zoey was always helpful to Dawn during their meetings and helped inspire her to come up with new combinations. However, even with Zoey's help Dawn was not able to perfect Buizel's Ice Aqua Jet despite coming up with the idea. Ash later accomplished Ice Aqua Jet in the Wallace Cup, after Buizel had been traded to him.
In Dawn's Early Night!, Dawn felt confident but lost in the Performance Stage of the Hearthome Contest. In the Solaceon Contest, which took place in Team Shocke
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