'Poison Ivy' Woman Is Back Online After Twitter Closed Her Account

'Poison Ivy' Woman Is Back Online After Twitter Closed Her Account

The woman known as 'Poison Ivy' who is accused of humiliating men on the internet is back online despite her Twitter account being suspended.

Hanna, who is believed to be from New Zealand, ran an account with the handle @poisonivylul, where she asked men to 'Dm [direct message] me pictures of Hanna written on your forehead <3'.

The account was suspended on Wednesday after news reports revealed her online activities and as men came forward to claim they'd been sexually humiliated by her, and messages that appeared to encourage suicide were uncovered.

Poison Ivy - also known as Hanna - has returned to Twitter after having her account suspended and now appears to be using one belonging to a man who claims to be her boyfriend. Here, an image shows her previous Twitter profile

Hanna is back online asking for pictures of men who have written her name on their forehead

A screen shot showing the previous Twitter account for Hanna - @PoisonIvyLul

Daily Mail Australia can reveal the bizarre situation has taken another turn - and that she was back on the internet on Thursday after apparently taking over the account of a man who has said he is in a relationship with her.

The profile image was replaced by one previously used by Hanna and the tweet 'Hey guys! Dm me pictures of Hanna written on your forehead <3' was pinned at the top of the feed.

Sickening moment admirer of 'Poison Ivy' livestreams himself... 'I would consider suicide if she would take herself with...

Earlier this week, Daily Mail Australia revealed that a man had come forward claiming Hanna was grooming unstable men into sexually degrading themselves online before enticing them to commit suicide.

Hanna was previously said to be 17, however, Daily Mail Australia has been told she may be 22.

Hanna - or Poison Ivy - was previously said to be 17, however, Daily Mail has been told she may be 22. This image is allegedly of Poison Ivy

Tweets made by Poison Ivy on her Twitter account before it was suspended

The man who says he is Hanna's boyfriend showed off a tattoo he appeared to have received of a love heart inscribed with her name

YouTuber MarsRPG claimed Hanna sought vulnerable men in online gaming communities such as those from the game 'Runescape' before 'bullying' them into sexually humiliating themselves in the public eye.

He produced a chilling video which claimed to shed light on Hanna's sinister antics and called for victims to put an end to the abuse.

Her suspended Twitter account had been flooded with images of men professing their love for her or performing bizarre acts as a show of commitment to her.

Others also complied with her request for images with her name written on them.

Poison Ivy's previous Twitter account was flooded with images of men professing their love for her

Many had complied and written her name on their forehead in some way

Others took it a step further and wrote her name across their bodies

Some images included messages of affection sent to Hanna by the men

This man covered himself in Poison Ivy's name, Hanna

Video has also emerged of an admirer of 'Poison Ivy' livestreaming himself carving his own flesh with a kitchen knife - after she logged into the same webchat session.

Earlier in the footage Poison Ivy appeared to log in, whereupon the man screamed the her name in excitement.

'Poison Ivy is in the chat. Its Poison Ivy in the chat, holy s*** it's Hanna,' the man could be heard saying, to which a woman replied 'yeah.'

The man in the vision has released several other videos declaring his love for Hanna.

It is not not suggested Poison Ivy was directly urging the man to self-harm. APISA

Poison Ivy has denied accusations she has bullied anyone and claims the accusations have been blown out of proportion.

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Another image from the Poison Ivy Twitter account before it was suspended

Poison Ivy - or Hanna - is believed to be from New Zealand

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