Point Of Betrayal — Don Pendleton, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

Point Of Betrayal — Don Pendleton, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

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Описание книги:
IMMEDIATE THREATThe former director of the CIA is assassinated in broad daylight on the streets of Pakistan, the opening act of a disaster show for America and the world. It's the kind of conspiracy that can only happen when madmen and conspirators get the money and power to play their hand with millions of innocent lives.A soldier from Iraq's toppled regime is back for blood and glory, ready to light the fuse that will deliver a killing blow to the Middle East–but it's the United States that will take the ultimate fall. Up against traitors, terrorists and impossible odds, Mack Bolan races to pull America's future out of the crosshairs of a violent enemy.

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