Poetic Individualism
👓 Aaron CornettPoetic Individualism
✅ A collection of selected poetry expressing 🗯️ thought 💭 provoking indiviualistic thoughts 💭, emotions, questions ❓️, and ➕ observations. Prepare to question ❓️ yourself, your views, your world 🗺️ surrounding you ➡️👤, and ➕ your purpose in this existence we 👥⬅️ refer to as life 🧬. Poetic Individualism takes you ➡️👤 through the mind and ➕ developing 👨💻️ madness 😡 of one 1️⃣ individuals outlook on life 🧬 in the current common day world 🗺️. Whether you ➡️👤 are looking 👀 to pick ⛏️ up ⬆️ a book 📚️ and ➕ read 👤📖 it all the way through, or prefer to read 👤📖 a couple 👫 random 🔀 pages 📃 at a time ⏱️, this book 📚️ is a perfect fit.
Mary Hanway «Christabelle. the Maid of Rouen: a Novel, Founded 🔍️ on Facts; VOL. II»Clarence Jr. Day «This Simian World 🗺️»
Christian ⛪️ Dietrich Grabbe «Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung»
Nhys Glover «Defiance at Werewolf Keep»
Michael Reicherts,Philippe A. Genoud «Einzelfallanalysen in der psychosozialen Forschung und Praxis»