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12 Apr 2015 As defined by Wikipedia, “pocho” is used by native born Mexicans to describe Chicanos, or all those who were born in Mexico but immigrated to the United States at an early age. The typical pocho speaks English and lacks fluency in Spanish. 14 Jul 2011 Pocho used to be defined by what it wasn't. But that was a long time ago. I bring it up as an answer to a question posed by one of our readers, Pocho means americanized Mexican, or Mexican who has lost their culture. (Which largely refers to losing the Spanish.)It is a derogatory term can be someone 6 Mar 1999 Pocho.For generations it was an insult, if not a fighting word, aimed at Mexican Americans aloof from their ancestry and awkward with Spanish. Inflexiones de 'pocho' (adj): f: pocha, mpl: pochos, fpl: pochas. Inflexiones de 'pocho' (nm, nf): f: pocha, mpl: pochos, fpl: pochas. WordReference; Collins; WR 3 Mar 2015 Madrigal, best known for his skits on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, delves into what it means to be pocho, a.k.a. a Mexican who looks Definition of pocho - a US citizen of Mexican origin; a culturally Americanized Mexican. The noun pocho is like several other Spanish nouns with a human referent. The masculine forms are used when the referent is known to be male, a group of Pocho (feminine: pocha) is a term used by Mexicans (frequently pejoratively) to describe Chicanos and those who have left Mexico. Stereotypically, pochos speak English and lack fluency in Spanish.

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