Plugged And Diapered

Plugged And Diapered


Plugged And Diapered

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  Lucas sat in the back seat, complaining the whole way.  “But mom, I don’t need a babysitter!”  “I can’t leave you alone for that long,” she chided him.  “But he makes me wear--”  “Diapers, yes, but is it really such a big deal?”  “But I don’t need--”  “If that’s the case, then you have nothing to worry about. It’s only for a day.”  “But--”  “No more buts! It’s Dusty’s house, his rules. It’s not so bad, it’s not like your friends will see.”  Lucas sat, sulking the rest of the way. It just wasn’t fair! Why did his babysitter make him wear diapers? He’s thirteen years old! He wets the bed, but he only has to wear pull-ups with plastic pants at night, and he’s never once had an accident during the day. This was nothing but cruelty and bullying towards him.  His mom pulled into Dusty’s driveway, and knocked on the door. He quickly let them in, and escorted the two into his living room, with two couches, and a large crib by the window, with a mobile over it.  He immediately laid out a changing mat and arranged his supplies on the floor. “C’mon, take those off,” he ordered, and Lucas hesitantly removed his shirt and pants. He lay down so Dusty could pull off his briefs while his mother, paying no special attention to the scenario, said she’ll be back in the morning to pick up her son. Dusty then lay out a diaper, and dampened it with a low level of bleach, before fastening the diaper over Lucas’ slim frame, and promptly tying blue baby mittens and booties around his hands and feet.  Lucas was in immediate discomfort after being changed into the bleached diaper, and began crying. His mother came over to calm him down, and patted his padding, saying “aw, it’s not so bad, see? Dusty’s going to take good care of you. You’ll be out of that diaper and into a soft, comfortable one in no time.” Dusty lifted Lucas up and added, “that’s right, I’m here to take care of you,” as he popped a pacifier into Lucas’ mouth. “Wave goodbye to mommy!”  Lucas waved through the tears, as his mother left him alone with the sitter. “Alright, time for your nap,” Dusty told the newly fashioned baby. He set the boy in the crib, and raised the bars, securing him inside. Lucas turned over, watching his mother drive off until she was out of sight. He looked down at his padding, and winced at the burning sensation inside. He rubbed his diaper with his hands encased in their mittens, trying to soothe the pain, but shied away upon hearing the loud crinkling, causing a laugh to rise from Dusty. Finally resigned to his position, he closed his eyes, and cried himself to sleep.  After a restless nap, Lucas woke up needing to use the bathroom. Dusty, who was sitting nearby, noticed the boy turn over, and came over to check his diaper. “Hmm, dry!” he said with a bit of surprise. “I’m guessing you’re hungry, little guy?”  Dusty picked Lucas up, carrying him to a high chair in the dining room. “I finally found one in your size! No more babies climbing on my furniture,” he teased. He left for the kitchen, and returned with a bottle of formula and a laxative, a daily drill when staying at Dusty’s. The sitter finally removed Lucas’ pacifier and put his bib on, granting him permission to finally satisfy his hunger.  After Dusty fed him the laxative and Lucas began working on his bottle, the caretaker asked him, “why are you so sad? Is the baby about to cry?” He smirked upon seeing Lucas’ legs subtly squirm beneath the high chair’s tray, “does someone need to go potty?”  Lucas considered his response, and settled with a nervous nod.  Dusty picked Lucas up from the high chair, and stood him on the floor. “Is the baby ready to use the toilet? Does someone wanna spend the rest of the day in big boy undies? Show me, baby girl!” he taunted, gesturing to the restroom.  Lucas, growing more desperate to relieve himself, and even more so to get out of his diaper, ran--in a babyish sort of waddle--to the bathroom, fighting through his mittens for the door to open. Dusty began laughing, and Lucas fell to his knees, finally wetting himself.  “Aw, you couldn’t make it,” Dusty mocked the young boy, “that’s okay, this is why babies wear diapers. We wouldn’t want you getting my floors all messy.” He pulled Lucas back to the living room, where he set down the changing mat, and got to work on clothing the boy in an unbleached diaper. “That won’t last long,” he chuckled. “What do you think, maybe an hour until the laxative kicks in?”  Dusty left the room, and Lucas lay still on the changing mat, thinking to himself. What did he do to deserve this? Do other kids ever get forced into these situations? Why does Dusty even make him wear diapers, anyway? If it weren’t for the laxatives and mittens, he wouldn’t have a single accident!  Dusty, interrupting his thoughts, returned with Lucas’ unfinished bottle, and handed it to the boy, who awkwardly held it between his confined hands. As soon as he was finished, Dusty removed Lucas’ bib, and popped his pacifier back in. “There’s a good baby,” he said to the kid. “Come on, let’s read a story.”  As per Dusty’s prediction, it was only an hour before Lucas’ stomach began churning. He squatted down, arms wrapped around his abdomen, and soon lost control.  “Aren’t you glad you have that diaper now?” the sitter asked, lifting Lucas by the arm. “Don’t worry, this is what I’m here for.” As per usual, the supplies and mat were laid out, and once again, Lucas was wearing a fresh, clean diaper. “And just in time! It’s five o’clock, time for someone to go to bed.”  He left to find a pair of pajamas, and returned with a beige onesie. Lucas allowed himself to get dressed, seeing the covering of his diaper as a positive, and lifted his arms for Dusty to pick him up like a baby once more, placing him in his crib. Before raising the bars on the side, he left to make another bottle of formula. When he returned, he instructed Lucas, “since you won’t have your pacifier, you are to keep this in your mouth at all times, got it?” The bottle was then thrust in the timid boy’s mouth, and he was sealed in his infantile prison of a bed. Dusty activated a baby monitor by the crib, and turned off the living room lights before heading upstairs.  Lucas was once again trapped in his thoughts. There was little else to do, what with his hands made immobile, and the bars securing him in a baby’s crib. He set his mind on the one glimmer of hope; come morning, his mother would finally pick him up, and he’d be free of these baby diapers, pacifiers, and he’d even be able to use his hands. Feeling daring, he decided the first thing he’d do when he got home would be to use the toilet, almost considering it a privilege at this point in his humiliation. He closed his eyes, as the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner it would all be over.  Lucas woke up the next morning, and tried to check if he was wet, but was unable to do so through his mittens. One problem he had with these diapers was that they were too absorbent; he would wet himself and never realize, his legs felt no tinge of dampness whatsoever. The bottle had slipped from his lips, and he replaced it, fearing how Dusty might punish him if he saw.  Dusty heard the rustling over the monitor, and came downstairs to check on the baby. He stuck his finger through one of the legs of the diaper, and confirmed that Lucas had wet overnight. “One last change, then?” he asked the boy, setting up his changing arrangement for the final time. The onesie was removed, and his diaper changed, when unexpectedly, Dusty pulled a short dress over Lucas’ head.  “Wait, what?!” Lucas cried, for once nothing obstructing his mouth.  “Your mom should be here any minute, and I’d like to surprise her,” he explained. “But before you go, you’re having breakfast. I don’t want your mother thinking I’m not feeding you.”  He left, and soon returned with a fresh bottle of formula and another laxative, much to Lucas’ surprise. “Wait, but I was just changed! Do I have to?” he whined, hoping to go the rest of the day without an accident.  “You know the rules, one laxative every day. Just take it, it’ll be quick.” He held his hand to Lucas’ mouth, and made the teary-eyed boy swallow. “Good girl. Drink up now,” and he allowed Lucas to grasp the bottle between his restricted hands.  It wasn’t but ten minutes until Lucas’ mom arrived. As soon as she was let in, she gave a shout of joy upon seeing her son, and rushed over to hug him. “Oh, he’s so cute! Was he alright? He didn’t put up too much of a fuss about the diapers, did he?”  “It all went over smoothly, but you’ll want to keep him in that diaper, he just had his laxative,” he said, and handed her two additional diaper slips. “Keep him in the mittens as well, so he doesn’t try to take the diaper off.” Lucas’ mother agreed, and the two departed.  When they returned home, Lucas desperately needed to relieve himself. He fumbled with his seat-belt, unable to free himself with the mittens on. “Mom, I really need to go!” he shouted, and she opened his door to unbuckle him. He climbed out, but unable to hold it in any longer, he messed himself right outside his driveway. He looked around, desperate that nobody saw, and met his friend Elly’s gaping jaw. He flushed red, and waddled his way inside, trying not to cry in front of his friend.  “Don’t worry, we can get you all cleaned up now,” his mother comforted him. She walked him up to his room, and pulled out one of the slips Dusty gave her.  “You’re putting me in another diaper?!” he shouted in horror, considering running back downstairs.  “The laxative may not have worn off yet, you’re going to want to be wearing one of these if you have another accident.”  Lucas considered his options, but realizing that his mittens prevented any form of resistance, he lay himself on his bed, and allowed his mother to re-diaper him. As his padding was taped on, he was startled by a familiar stinging sensation.  “Don’t freak out, I bleached the diaper so you wouldn’t try to hold it in,” she explained. Before she could continue her reasoning, there was a knock at the door. Lucas, left alone, began crying to himself, trying to force the diaper off, but unable to do anything. In the middle of his struggle, Elly, and his best friend Trevor, stepped into his room.  Lucas gave a shout of panic, realizing his social life was over. They would tell everyone, and he’d be an outcast, a social pariah. Instead, the two attempted to comfort him.  “Nobody else saw, don’t worry!” Elly assured him, “and we won’t tell a soul, promise!”  “Why are you dressed like that, anyway?” Trevor asked, “I know you wet the bed, but don’t you wear pull-ups at night?”  Lucas explained his situation with his babysitter, from the diapers, to the bleach and laxatives. In describing his circumstance, he became overwhelmed with how completely unfortunate his position was, and began sobbing again.  “If it makes you feel any better, I wet the bed too,” Elly said, trying to cheer him up. “Trevor told me already, so you deserve to know, anyway.”  Lucas wiped away his tears, and asked his friends if they could remove his mittens. “We’d better ask your mom first,” Trevor replied. “Come on, let’s head down together.”  The group headed downstairs, but his mother’s answer wasn’t the one he was looking for. However, Elly joined in with a follow-up question, “is it okay if Lucas sleeps over at my house?”  Lucas’ mother seemed almost ecstatic at seeing that his friends were so well acquainted with his condition. She agreed, and allowed Lucas to change out of his dress, pulling a pink sweater over his head, and pulling up his usual nighttime plastic pants.  “Don’t I get to wear any pants?” Lucas asked, but Trevor responded “you never wear pants over your plastics during our sleepovers. Besides, we’re only heading across the street.”  Lucas’ mom gave Elly the last diaper slip, explaining that he had taken a laxative earlier in the day, and might need to be changed later on. She also explained that a small level of bleach had been applied to his most recent diaper, so he wouldn’t try to hold in his accidents, and would instead want to be changed as soon as possible. Elly nodded with understanding, and the trio headed out.  At Elly’s house, the three sat late into the night, two of them playing video games. Lucas even forgot that he was supposed to be embarrassed, and was able to enjoy himself, even though his mittens meant he could only watch. His fun was cut short, though, when Trevor asked him why his babysitter made him wear diapers.  Lucas was still completely baffled as to why, and expressed these feelings, but Elly questioned “well, you use the diapers, right? Maybe he’s just worried about what might happen if you aren’t wearing a diaper.”  Stunned by her suggestion, Lucas pointed out, “then why does he keep me from even trying to use a restroom? Why would he give me laxatives and baby bottles, and make me wear diapers with bleach in them?”  “Well, since you do use the diapers, maybe the laxatives and bleach are to prevent you from holding it in. The bottle and crib might be to stop you from trying to play the ‘big boy’ when you really need a bit of help,” Trevor suggested. Elly nodded in agreement, even proposing that maybe Lucas should be wearing diapers at home, too.  Lucas’ mouth fell agape, and Elly tried to soothe him, “I know how you feel, remember,” as she pulled at the waistband of her pajama pants, showing her pink pull-ups, “we’re both bedwetters.”  “It’s not quite the same,” Lucas sulked. “Whatever, I’m tired now.”  “Do you need to be changed yet?” Elly asked him. Lucas was about to reach down, but remembered his mittens.  “I… I don’t know,” he told her. “They’re really absorbent, I never know until Dusty checks me.” Elly pulled down his plastic pants, and held her palm against the bottom of his diaper, and, not yet satisfied, stuck a finger up one of the legs.  “You’re a bit wet, but we’ve only got one spare diaper. If it’s not bothering you, then you can soak it a bit more overnight before we change you,” Elly told him. Lucas was fine with this, knowing that he had to have something to wear tomorrow morning, and Elly pulled his plastic pants back over his diaper, making sure it was properly tucked in.  Trevor gave an exaggerated yawn, “it is rather late, maybe we should head to bed,” he offered. “I’ll hit the lights, let’s get some rest.”  The next morning, Lucas woke up to Elly changing his diaper.  “Woops, sorry! I thought I might spare you some embarrassment, and change you before you were awake,” she explained. She pulled up his plastic pants, “all set now!”  Lucas mumbled his thanks, and stood himself up. As soon as he reached home, he’d be out of diapers for good! Well, until he was babysat again.  Trevor entered the room carrying a plastic bag, “hey, I’m back. Good morning, Lucas! Ready to head home?”  “Yeah, hoping to finally wear real underwear again!” Lucas happily expressed.  The group headed to Lucas’ home across the street, and knocked at the door. His mother promptly answered the door, “hey kids, how was the sleepover?”  “Great, thank you,” Elly replied, “but, um,” she hesitated, glancing at both of her friends, “Trevor and I think it’s best if Lucas is kept in diapers from now on.” The guilt was plain in her face, she knew it would break Lucas’ heart.  “What?! Why?! The laxatives have all worn off, I’m not going to have any more accidents!” Lucas protested  “You need to stop blaming everything else, they’re just there to help you,” Trevor joined in, “besides, you were wet before you went to bed. Laxatives don’t do that, Lucas.”  It was true! He had wet himself, but how? The diapers were so absorbent, he couldn’t even notice if he leaked… it was the bleach, the pain made him wet! “No, wait, you can’t--”  “Is this true, Elly?” his mother asked the girl, and she nodded in confirmation.  “He doesn’t think so, but Lucas really does need to be wearing diapers. His accidents go beyond bedwetting.”  Lucas kept trying to interrupt, but everyone was ignoring him. Trevor handed his mother the plastic bag, and she pulled out and inspected a package of diapers, a pacifier, formula, a bottle, a onesie, even a harness, and worst of all, what Lucas most dreaded, a pack of laxatives.  “He needs to learn to stop playing the big boy, and accept that he has a problem,” Trevor explained.  “We recommend buying a crib, a high chair, and a car-seat. Lucas needs help to cope with his problem,” Elly persuaded Lucas’ mother. She agreed with Lucas’ friends, and bade them farewell.  “I’m sorry I didn’t know sooner,” she apologized to her son. “If I had, I would’ve done something. You should be very grateful to Dusty.”  “But mom, I really don’t--” he was forced to pause, as his mother stuck the new pacifier in his mouth.  “You wait here, I’ll fetch that cute dress!” she cheered. Lucas looked down at himself; a baby all around. Booties, ball mittens, a diaper, plastic pants, and even made to suck on a pacifier. There was nothing he could do to stop this from happening, he was utterly helpless. His tears were all wasted, all he felt was submission.  His mother returned, and dressed him in the outfit he wore from Dusty’s. “You make such an adorable baby girl, Lucas!” she exclaimed. “We’ve got the whole day ahead of us, why don’t we pick out your new bed? I think we have a booster seat somewhere, that’ll be a temporary solution until we find a proper car-seat!” She rushed to the garage to set up Lucas’ short-term seating arrangement.  She appeared almost giddy when she returned. She took out the harness Trevor donated to her, fastening it around Lucas’ torso as if he couldn’t find the car on his own, and lifted his dress to check on his diaper. Lucas had completely surrendered; what could he do? No matter what he could say or do, he was going to be sleeping in a crib tonight. He let himself be led into the garage, hoping that someday this might all be over.

  “Stop, I’m not wearing those to school!”
  Will kicked at his dad, squirming to get away from the diaper in his hands. “Clyde, get your brother’s paddle,” he instructed, and Will’s older brother left in a hurry.
  “Please, Dad, I’ll wear the pajamas, but I can’t go to school in diapers...” Will sniffed as his ankles were held tight in his dad’s grip.
  “You’re celebra
Sloppy Throatzzz
Ssbbw Pooping

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