Pleasure in Denial Ch. 03

Pleasure in Denial Ch. 03

I sat down on a long middle-eastern style day-bed in a shady corner of the large private terrace, crossed my legs and instructed Felicity: "Your turn now."

"My turn, huh?"

"Yes, your turn, to earn credits towards the prize you crave. Your turn to undress for Auntie Julia. I want to see your naked body. You've teased me and tempted me, first in your little bikini, then in the outfits we bought yesterday. So now it's time to show me more."

Felicity hesitated for a moment then stood slowly, brushed her strapless little black dress down over her thighs as far as it would go, which wasn't very far, and walked. She walked around the table several times, and wow was she sexy when she did, even in those heels. Her hips were supple and she sashayed seductively. She also did some amazing things with her arms, making me wonder if she'd had lessons in Indian dance. Whatever, it looked beautiful, and my arousal levels were rising fast now.

Next she turned her back to me and stepped purposefully to the farthest corner of the terrace, turned, and walked straight towards me. Immaculately. With her hands on her hips. Sexier than any professional lingerie model, I swear.

Then, looking directly into my eyes, daring me to look down, she reached under her left armpit with her right hand, grasped the little dangly chain attached to the side zipper, and unzipped it all the way down to the hem. The dress fell away from her back but she held it in place over her chest with her free hand.

I was so turned on by her show that feelings of frustration and need were now taking over.

"Drop it, sweetie."

"What if I don't?"

"You will, because everything you need, everything you want, is in my hands," and almost subconsciously, I clutched my breasts.

After what felt like hours, but was probably 5 seconds at the most, Felicity moved her arm to one side and the dress dropped at her feet.

"Oh Flix, you're beautiful!" I exclaimed, and a big smile spread across her face. To me, her little boobs were the most exquisite I'd even had the good fortune to see close up. "Flix, you're such a lovely person and now I can safely announce you have the most beautiful titties on the island! 32A?"

"Julia don't, you're too kind. Good guess - they are so small, they are a joke, they scarcely exist, and compared to your gorgeous tits they are non-starters," at which she put her hands over them and turned away.

"Flix, no, Flix, come over here," I insisted. "Take your hands away. Let me see properly. Listen. Yes, they are small, but personally I think they look amazing. But more to the point, oops, sorry, pun not intended, you have such exquisite nipples. Really you do."

"You're embarrassing me now Julia!"

Felicity's nipples were mid-brown in colour and, well, perfectly formed. Easily a centimetre in diameter. Quite long and straight, longer than their width, and flat-tipped with cute dimples in the ends. And her areole were something else. Noticeably raised, the same mid-brown colour, nicely circular and with very distinct edges.

"They don't always look like this, they're, well ... Julia, I just seem to be constantly horny when I'm with you and that makes them grow longer and harder. See?" and she gave them a little pinch and pull, giggling, watching my reaction.

"Well I'm so sorry you find me so exciting ... come neared, Flix, here, sit on the edge of the couch."

I reached towards her with one hand. "May I?"

"Oh my god Julia I've never had a grown woman touch me sexually before. Be kind, won't you?"

"Of course, my lovely," I reassured her and brushed the backs of my fingers over the tip of one nipple.

Felicity jumped and took in a short gasp of air. I saw her body flinch. "Hey, you're sensitive aren't you!"

"I guess I am, especially the way you're making me feel today. But that felt nice."

I brushed the other one, and got the same reaction. Felicity placed her hands on her ribcage, just under her firm cone-shaped boobs and pushed them upwards, offering them to me. I flicked the tips of her nipples with my long nails and she reacted again; I noticed she'd closed her eyes so I took that as an invitation and flicked them several more times. They appeared to grow even longer, even tighter, more erect.

"Mmmm Julia that feels amazing. Why can't guys make me feel like this? They're so rough and selfish. You're, you're different, Julia."

I said nothing, but took each one between my index fingers and thumbs and pinched. Oh my they were so hard.

"Ohhh Julia, that's amazing. Far better than when I play with them."

I pinched them again, harder this time, and rolled them gently.

"No Julia you're going to have to stop that's too much I'm so horny ..." she trailed off. I kept rolling them. Her breathing was becoming more noticeable, and her delectable little titties rose and fell with each deep intake.

"Horny is good, Flix. Enjoy the ride."

"I am enjoying it, Julia. I'm enjoying it too much. it's like, oh! each time you do that ... yes, like that, it makes me feel so hot and, ow! I'm so turned on Julia I don't know what's happening here, ooooohh, because, like, no woman, no person has ever made me feel like this."

Suddenly she pulled away, stood up saying: "Too much, too much ..." and fanned her face with her hand.

She paced up and down the terrace in just those heels and a skimpy black thong. It had pretty lace edging and details, and it really didn't cover much. As she walked away from me I feasted on the sight of the ludicrously firm, round cheeks of her tight little bum, and when she turned toward me it was obvious that her pussy was blossoming and the thong was already working its way into her slit. She looked stunning. The way she walked. Almost but not completely naked. And perfect in every way.

She turned away again for a moment, stroking her hair back and looking up at the sky. Turning back, she enquired, in a slow sultry voice: "Is there something I can do for you, Auntie Julia?"


I hope you enjoyed. Only another 9 chapters to go! The allure is in the slow burn and the next chapter really hots up.

Please rate and comment, and ladies, do write to me if you have something worth saying and let's start a discussion. I always reply. Kisses, J

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