Playing the Part Ch. 07

Playing the Part Ch. 07

1. All characters are 18+

2. No characters represent real people

3. Enjoy the fiction




The curtains opened at 7:02, after a short message to the audience to silence their electronic devices. Serena strutted on-stage, looking fabulous in her 1890's dress. I watched her the whole time from off-stage. She sang in the opening number, and I'm sure she was amazing the audience.

After she was done, I came on with my character's buddy. We joked about life and women, and sang a quick duet, before Serena's Eloise returned to meet my Kenneth for the first time. In the story, Eloise and Kenneth clash at first, bantering back and forth with witty verbal jabs, which evokes laughter from the audience. It takes the entire first act for Kenneth to realize Eloise is his match.

I sang my solo, 'Her Eyes', at the end of that act, and I knew Serena was watching from the side. I didn't have to look; I just knew she was there. When I finished, the curtains were closed quickly, and I heard my dad yell "BRAVO!" loudly from the front row.

I turned just in time for Serena to run up and catch me into a hug. "That was so great!" she told me. We held each other for just a minute before Chuck rushed us away to change for the next act.

The second act starts with Eloise arguing with her wealthy father. He wanted her to marry the son of his also-wealthy friend, but she was having none of it, and alluded to her meeting the middle-class Kenneth. The father forbade her to see more of Kenneth, which of course made her want to see him more. Watching the scene, I wondered what Serena's father Frank thought of me. I imagined it wasn't good, if he thought I was keeping her from fame and fortune in the city.

Finally, Kenneth and Eloise reunited, resolved their issues, sang a duet, and kissed. I didn't have to fake the love I felt for Serena, and I liked to think she felt the same. There came a scene later where Kenneth persuades Eloise's father for his blessing, which, after much argument, between the three characters, he finally and reluctantly gives. The wedding isn't shown in the play, but there's a final song that reprises the love song duet from earlier.

As the show ended, the audience burst into cheers. At the curtain call, Serena and I came from opposite sides of the stage, meeting in the middle to join hands, and the crowd rose to their feet to applaud us. Eric jumped up from his seat to give us matching flower bouquets.

All told, the show went perfectly. No one dropped a line, at least from what I could tell. Chuck was beaming. Backstage, he brought Serena and I both in for a big hug. "Brava and bravo, my stars!" he exclaimed, before letting us go back to the dressing rooms to change back to our street clothes.

After changing, we went to find my parents and Eric. To find them, we had to wade through a packed lobby of the theater's patrons. We spent almost ten minutes shaking hands with people, thanking them for coming, thanking them for supporting the theater, before we finally got over there. My mom hugged me close, then immediately grabbed Serena into a hug. Eric grinned at the whole scene.

As my dad pulled me in for a hug, I spotted something unusual over his shoulder. Betsy was leaving the building, but I could swear she was looking straight at me. And she was smiling. It gave me the willies. What was she up to?


Serena and I held hands walking out to our cars. "So, what now?" I asked. "Do you have any post-opening night rituals?"

"Just one I can think of," she said, lust in her eyes. I got the idea of what she meant.

"My place or yours?"

"Mine," she told me, "and I'll cook you breakfast tomorrow."

I grinned. "It's a deal if you promise to let me help."

We raced back to her house. She pulled in just before I did, but I ran across the yard to beat her to the porch. "Any day now," I teased as she jogged up after me.

"Hardy har," she said, grabbing her keys to unlock the door. While she fiddled with her key in the doorknob, I started grabbing at her cute behind. "That's really distracting, you know?" she said, laughing while trying to stay serious.

Once the door was opened, we were in the bedroom in a flash. Both shirts had been thrown off in the hallway. I dropped my pants while she did hers, and I came close to her as she quickly undid her bra, letting it fall to the floor. I kissed her with a passion, and lifted her into my arms. Her panties today had been black boyshorts, which I guessed were a choice for the theater; none of us had our own private dressing rooms in the small building, there was only one for men and one for women, so Serena probably didn't want to show off her perfect ass to the other women in the show. As soon as I laid her on the bed, I stripped them from her and tossed them aside.

I laid next to her, intent on continuing the kissing, but she turned the tables on me by climbing on top of me right away. She dragged my boxers to my knees and rubbed her already-dripping pussy across my already-hard dick.

"I want you inside me, my Kenneth," she said to me.

"I want you to ride me, my darling Eloise," I replied. "Condom, right?"

She shook her head, "No time." She lifted herself up just enough, and used her hand to point me in the direction, then slid back down on my dick. "Ohhh, I wanted this so much," she said. "Your singing turns me on."

"Everything about you turns me on," I answered. "Especially that last dress, it makes your boobs pop out."

She laughed and continued to ride up and down. "I'm glad you like that dress. It's tight, but I'll wear it for you."

She got into a rhythm, and I matched it with my thrusts into her. I also let my hands slide from her waist to her breasts, and she obliged by leaning into me more so I could cup them better. Her nipples were erect between my fingers, and I squeezed them both, making Serena moan. "Oh yes, keep doing that baby."

Up and down, she rode my dick, making both of us moan. My hands pressed on her soft boob flesh, and I watched her throw her head backwards, her eyes closed. "Serena," I gasped, "I'm getting close."

"I know, me too." Her eyes stayed shut, and her rhythm only sped up.

"I'm gonna cum in you."

"Cum in me," she said, now opening her eyes. "I want you to cum in me. I want you to be my first."

The thought of it drove me over the edge, and I exploded. The sensation of man-cum inside her must have triggered her own climax. I watched her eyes get wide and she released a loud moan as she slowed her riding. "AHHHH! Ohhhhhh, oh, oh my god, Patrick. It feels so good in me."

"Oh Serena, you're amazing," I said, still coming down from my euphoria.

She climbed off, and I saw my jizz drip from her freshly-fucked pussy. "I think we're amazing," she told me, "And I think I'm full of your cum. Oh, there's so much." She poked at herself down there, and more dripped out. She escaped to the bathroom, and when she returned, she was fairly cleaned up. She also brought a wet cloth and she tenderly wiped my softening member.

I laughed a bit. "You're so good to me," I told her.

"You're good to me too," she answered. "That's why I wanted you to be the first to cum in me. I trust you."

Then she turned out the light and laid next to me, and I wrapped my arms around her naked body. "Patrick?" she whispered into the darkness.


"I... I'm glad I found you here." To me, it sounded like she wanted to say that she loved me, but was still too afraid to say it.

"I'm glad you came," I answered. A minute of silence happened, during which I could tell she had fallen asleep. I whispered, even too quietly for her hear if she was a wake, "I wish you weren't leaving."


Around 9:30 the next morning, I awoke in an empty bed, but I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I donned my boxers and went to investigate. Serena was wearing a robe, and was mixing ingredients into a bowl. "I'm making banana bread," she said. I watched her intently as she carefully poured the batter into a bread tin and then put it into the pre-heated oven. I wrapped her in my arms, realizing she was still nude under her robe. I started kissing her neck, intending to carry on further, but she stopped me. "You said you'd help with breakfast," she pointed out.

"I did say that," I agreed. I pulled eggs and some vegetables from her fridge. She helped me chop some peppers and onions, and I gave her tips on how to make proper omelets. When we finished, so was the banana bread, and together it was a delicious and filling breakfast.

"Will there be food at the Gala?" Serena asked.

"Some. Like finger foods."

"Like hors oeuvres?"

I smirked. "Yes, but don't expect us small-town folk to speak French. There will also be a cash bar, but as performers, we each get one free drink."

"Only one?" She gave a mock pout.

"Well, we are expected to perform shortly after, you know." I pointed at her with my fork. "Especially you, you're the star."

"Well I wouldn't be as good without my handsome co-star." She smiled, and so did I.

I helped her with the dishes, after which I resumed kissing her neck. She pushed me away again. "Tonight, I promise. Today, I'm going to nap, then get dolled up for the Gala."

"Okay," I agreed. "Should I pick you up?"

"Such a gentleman," she remarked. "Yes, 5:00. Don't be late."

"The Gala starts at 5:00."

She kissed me and pinched my face. "So cute. Silly boy, stars don't arrive to parties on time. Stars are allowed to be fashionably late."


I arrived at the Serena's house at 4:58, and went the door so I could walk her to the car like a true gentleman. I wore my best suit, which I only wore for the Gala, or the occasional wedding or funeral. I idly thought it would be nice to have more occasions to wear it. I thought back to when I'd first got it, and remembered I'd worn the same suit when I proposed to my now-ex-wife Kelly. I hoped Serena wouldn't mind.

My jaw dropped when she opened the door. Serena wore a tight, strapless, black dress, cut down to expose a beautiful amount of cleavage. Any more exposure would go over the line from classy to scandalous. It ran down past her knees, but it was cut along one side to show her sexy left leg. Over her shoulders was a lacy wrap, made to be more decorative than warm, which was good on a July evening like this.

Serena's blonde hair was done up, exposing her luscious neck, which was adorned with a gold necklace, where a jeweled pendant hung. I was sure it was a diamond, perhaps the biggest diamond I'd ever seen. Her black high-heels were open at the toe, showing off her dainty feet. Overall, she was the hottest woman I'd ever seen, and I told her so.

She laughed. "Well thank you, you clean up pretty nice yourself. Let's get going, studmuffin."

We drove to the theater. The lobby had been decked out for the occasion, and the food and drinks were being catered. The Gala was the biggest event of the year for Pendleton's arts community. It was aimed at the bigwigs of the town, and people were expected to make sizeable donations to keep the theater and other fine arts thriving.

I dropped Serena off at the entrance, then went to park. I had to park fairly far back, since we were 'fashionably late' as Serena said, and the lot was fairly full. By the time I walked back to the entrance, Serena had gone inside.

I entered the lobby and was immediately spotted by several community leaders who shook my hand and wanted to have small talk with me. I wanted to look for Serena, but I felt the need to be polite and converse with these high-paying donors. After a few minutes of glad-handing, I excused myself to get a drink.

I scanned the room quickly. Most of the patrons tonight were grey-haired. They were wealthy, or influential, or both. Very few people were younger. That made it easy to spot Jen and Heather right away. Jen waved at me from across the room. I smiled and waved back. It looked like they were wearing prom dresses. Despite being the youngest people here, and limited to drinking non-alcoholic soda, they looked like they were enjoying being here.

I continued looking, and spotted a blonde head amongst the grey and white, facing away from me, so I headed in that direction. As I got closer, I thought maybe her hairdo looked different than it had fifteen minutes ago, but maybe it was just me being a man, not really paying attention to women's hairstyles.

I should have paid attention to that hairdo. I also should have noticed that her black dress was different than it was before.

As I got close, the blonde woman turned. It was not Serena. Not at all.

"Hi, Pat."


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