Playing Doctor Wife Tumblr

Playing Doctor Wife Tumblr


See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
Medical Student's Journal
Hi! I'm a second year medical student. This is a personal blog that I use to write down thoughts on medicine and life as a medical student.
White coat, ID badge, and stethoscope. They were enough to make me feel like a doctor. Writing medical notes (SOAP and H&P), preparing presentations, seeing patients, taking history, and doing physical examinations prepared me for what is to come. Yet, I still think that I am merely playing doctor. 
Basic sciences are supposed to equip us with knowledge for clinical findings. But what do you do when patient starts crying in front of you? What do you say when they lose a loved one? How do you explain what is happening to their bodies without sounding as if you memorized the information from a textbook? 
Sometimes, you get nervous. Sometimes, you don’t know what you’re doing. Patients may request you to step out of the room. Nurses might get agitated with you for getting in their way. Residents and attending physicians can ignore you. Regardless of the situation, you have to smile, be polite, and appear confident. And you will be surprise at what other people will do to help you learn.
There are patients who welcome your presence. Nurses will show you the “right” way to do things. Doctors will invite you to join their group. Other medical students will always give you advice and lend a hand to get you through the day. You may end up aiding in a child birth delivery. You might be able to diagnose a patient correctly. You can even observe a surgical operation or two. By then, maybe you will realize that you’re not just playing doctor. 
And there are people who are willing to help you along the way. So, do not believe if someone says clinical rotations are tedious or vain. Opportunities are there if you seek them. So why not give it your all?
Do you have a tip or two to share about on-calls/overnight shifts?
“A Jersey City student at a medical school in Curacao was stabbed to death in the school’s dormitory on Friday, July 22, by another student, school officials said today.”
My condolences go to the family and friends of the victim. I have heard the news more than one week ago. I did not know what to think so I ignored it for a while. But now, I have the courage to talk about it. I do not think we can disregard the fact that the assault was done by another medical student. 
If you get the chance to read the entire story, you will realize that it started with the suspect having an argument with a professor. The victim actually came to help the professor, and was killed instead. 
I have felt fear, sadness and anger. I was scared to hear that such homicide would be committed by another medical student. I was sad that a great life was lost. I was angry that the life was actually stolen by an act of violence. 
After rereading the news, I had many questions running through my head. How would the school even begin to address this event to the rest of the students and faculty? How do they deal with it? Was there something that could have been done to prevent this? What will be done to mend the spirits of other students?
There should be a dialogue. The art of dialogues has been lost in medical school. The power of conversations has been reduced by those who refuse to listen. Many medical students often forget about their colleagues and strive to make it by themselves. Not only the students, but professors and the schools have to realize this too. “It is not my responsibility” is easy to say. It is scary to be responsible for other people’s behaviors, right?
For me, it is scarier to think that there is nothing I can do. 
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to get every question right on the boards to score in the 95th percentile.”
Thanks gunner friend, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.
What’s the best piece of “advice” a gunner has given you?

BUFFY REWATCH - S02E18 - Killed By Death
Willow: "Oh, yeah, I'm good at medical stuff since Xander and I used to play doctor all the time."
Xander: "No, she's being literal. She used to have all these medical volumes, uh, and diagnosed me with stuff. I didn't have the heart to tell her she was playing it wrong."
Willow: "Wrong? Why? How did *you* play doctor?"
What was this all about? Someone's gonna have to enlighten me on the clear sexual innuendo here. What is 'playing doctor'? Is it some type of kinky roleplay? I want to get the joke.
Summary: When Eri asks Deku to play doctor with her, things get a little out of hand when he pretends he hurt his ribs.
A/N: I've had this idea for a loooong time. I thought it was so cute, and I think it turned out well. Enjoy!
Deku was in the nurse’s office again.
Well, kind of. He was sitting on the couch in Eri’s room, dutifully allowing her to pretend to check up on him per her request. He’d finally found time to break away from his studies and training to visit, and she’d been so delighted by his presence that she immediately asked if he wanted to play doctor with her, and how could he refuse? Plus, he made a good patient. He had been to the doctor quite a lot since inheriting One For All.
Mirio sat on the arm of the couch, momentarily forgotten by the little girl but smiling at the cute scene before him all the same. Eri used her play stethoscope to check Deku’s heartbeat, took his temperature, checked his blood pressure, and even told him to “open wide” so she could blind him with a flashlight as she tried to look into his mouth and throat.
Finally, Eri got to the “doctor” part of the exam. She grabbed a clipboard and hummed at it thoughtfully. It took everything in Deku’s power to stay in character as the hurt patient.
“Why are you in here today?” Eri asked seriously, looking at him.
He grabbed his right arm and winced. “I think I hurt my arm, doctor. Could you take a look?”
Eri nodded, climbing onto the couch cushion next to him and taking his arm gingerly, inspecting it closely. “Hmm…does it hurt when I do this?” She squeezed his upper arm, which didn’t really hurt, but he pretended that it did by yelping and doubling over.
“Oww,” he whined. “Yes, that hurts.”
“You may have broken a bone. Let me bandage it for you,” Eri said, sliding off the couch to get her first aid kit. Beside him, Mirio stifled a laugh. Deku bit his lip to keep from grinning. This little girl had no idea how accurate she was. After haphazardly wrapping his arm in a string of gauze, Eri looked at him closely. “Does your other arm hurt?”
“No,” Deku said, thinking quickly to keep the game going, “but…but my ribs hurt, too. I may have bruised them.”
What would it be like if Arthur and Francis adopted a toddler that’s a girl and one day she comes in with her toy doctor kit and gives her daddies and big brothers Matthew and Alfred medicine? (Btw the medicine is M&Ms)
Bahaha, I can picture that as a FACES headcanon with Michelle (Seychelles) being the little girl. 
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An archive for the wonderful fan fiction written about Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Because we all need more science bros feels in our lives. If you have any recs/anything you've written please submit them! Submission guidelines are here. sidebar gif run by
Title: Sunlight Through Seaweed lj | Ao3 Fandom: The Avengers (Whedon) Pairing/characters: Bruce/Tony Rating: M Words: 1,467 Summary: It’s strange being inside his head, all noise and anger and red. Warnings: Violence, canon attempted suicide Disclaimer: Characters are not mine
I wanna stay right here in this passenger’s seat; you put your eyes on me in this moment now capture it, remember it.
Tony always had had this penchant for expensive cars. Well…expensive things, he amended. Bruce thought maybe he was the only thing Tony couldn’t buy, not that it stopped Tony from trying.
Bruce smiled. The need for driving on back roads and an escape was something he understood. It made him feel closer to Tony too, like there was something that Bruce had been hiding from that suddenly made sense.
Tony laughed over the sound of AC/DC and took his eyes off of the road briefly to smile at Bruce.
Oh, Bruce thought. So this is what falling headfirst felt like.
20 something. Female. Med school overseas.
"I don't believe in pressure, fear or failure. Only smiles, monsters and magic" AIM; InstantGubler Roleplayer, not really MGG
People are prettiest when they talk about something they really love with passion in their eyes.
You've heard of demons before, haven't you? Always told not to make a deal with them. That all of them are just going to screw you over, that they're no good. Now it's not a complete lie but there are exceptions and you know it as well. I'm Eurynome. A demon. The prince of death. Now I can be good and I can be bad, and you know damn well I'm good at being bad, but it's really your choice. Remember, first impressions are important.
Mana || Multi-Fandom || Corporate Drone
Hover your mouse over Magenta's come hither and you'll get extra links up top!
I am a crazy cat-lady with the internet. I have blankets and cookies for all those with feels. I have extra supplies for Bruce Banner and/or Sam Winchester feels (you'll need them).
My blog is a bit of a grab bag. Here you have fandoms like Avengers, Supernatural, Doctor Who, BtVS, Firefly, etc, and then you have some social justice, feminism, SCIENCE, physics, cats, sewing/drawing references, and other completely random things.
I'm a multi-shipper as well, but there's not a huge amount of ship things on this blog.
I have a regular 6am-6pm work shift, so I queue things up for the daytime. If you have any asks, I'll catch them in the evenings.
My Supernatural themed blog is HERE.
what you think your theme says: minimalist. aesthetic. simplistic small font. 
what your theme actually says: this is a blog for ants. no humans can read this. zoom is impossible because only ants are supposed to read this blog. i like giving people headaches
A Doctor Who role play blog. Please apply! Administrators: Kelly.
I am soo sorry for being gone so long guys. I didn't think I would be gone this long and oh my gosh this has been as stressful couple of weeks. Anyways I'm back. I'm going to go update the blog. 
oh good to know the tumblr staff team has gone completely insane
why do people just assume that aliens dont wear clothes 
okay tumblr its time for a guessing game
Fallon Frazier || 34 || Nurse || Pansexual || Single
Emily was squinting down at the sketchpad on the table in front of her. She couldn’t tell if what she was currently working on was any good or not, she was doubting quite a lot today. Looking up, she noticed them and offered a smile. “Hey – what do you think about this?” She asked, turning the book around so they could see the dress designs she was currently working on.
Visionary Opportunist Creator Lover.
Dr. Frankie Bouvier, MD. Professor in the Medical Department, Doctor on the island, Dominant, Queer as fuck, lover of the ladies.
♚ - Pushing them into a wall and kissing them with passion.
“Hey…Frankie, wait,” Sera had no idea where they were going, rounding the corner before they came to an abrupt stop. She opened her mouth to speak again, as usual, before they surprised her. Their lips were on hers, her body hitting the wall making a dull thud as a warm heat poured over her, a satisfied hum escaping her lips as she kissed them back, her eyes fluttering closed. 
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Noah James Gubler @ GUBLERNATION · 7m 7 minutes ago
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let me seduce you with my knowledge of serial killers
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var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<\/script>'); •
I fucking LOVE people who hold multiple threads with me. To me, it means you enjoy role playing with me and actually like me so, thank you to those who do that like..
Daily Smillan pictures. Got any pictures? Message us!
This card is just so damn beautiful! 😍😍😍
There was really only 2 cures in the olden times: cocaine or leeches
Things get a little boring at the bungalow when Harry comes down with a cold, so Louis decided to spice things up.
Or baby boyfriends get kinky playing Doctor
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via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson'
Jim: The problem when Bones and I play doctor is that he always knocks me out with a hypo before anything fun happens
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“I can hear your heartbeat,” Morgan informs, pressing the bell of her pink plastic stethoscope to the middle of Peter’s chest.
“Oh yeah?” Peter grins at the five-year-old, who is currently wearing one of Tony’s white button-downs as a lab coat. “What’s it sound like, doc?”
“Like”—Morgan rapidly taps her hand over his heart, adding a sound effect between each pat for emphasis—“badumbadumbadumbadumbadum!”
Peter laughs lightly. “That’s pretty fast. Might have a problem there.”
“Nope,” Morgan says knowingly. “It’s perfect.” She pulls the stethoscope out from her ears and shoves it back into the purple Doc McStuffins bag, exchanging it for a thermometer. “Here,” she says, thrusting it at Peter’s closed mouth, causing him to flinch backwards in surprise. “We gotta take your temperature now.”
Peter takes the device from her and holds it as close to his lips as he can without actually touching them. Prior to Tony and Pepper leaving for their date night earlier that evening, both had warned him of their daughter’s newfound medical obsession. Apparently, she’s been giving out check-ups to every toy, doll, and family member who’s crossed her path the past week.
(Gerald the alpaca was less than pleased about this.)

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