Playing Doctor Hentai

Playing Doctor Hentai


Playing Doctor Hentai

Hentai Horizon, some product images are the property of their respective copyright holders, if you have the rights and do not want your product here, contact us Drawings are not real! Has no real age or life and feel no pain.

Hentai Horizon, some product images are the property of their respective copyright holders, if you have the rights and do not want your product here, contact us Drawings are not real! Has no real age or life and feel no pain.

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Lewellen, played by Dakota Fanning, asking her friend for a look at what’s beneath his pants in exchange for a kiss, in “Houndog.” 
It’s a right of passage, one few of us forget. For some the experience haunts and scars. For others it might be a humorous memory. But I doubt any of us forgot it.
I grew up in the sixties. In a suburb of New York City. It was a place where property sizes were tiny – just enough for a house, a bit of perimeter and a small backyard. When we needed space to play, it was “around the block,” Morningside Lane, where bunches of kids came together to play kick ball or stick ball or just rode bikes up and down the same block. Going further would be foolish. We lived at the top of a hill that was the steepest you’d ever seen, and going down, would have meant having to push one’s bike or body back up that hill with great effort. 
It was a time when fathers worked and almost all the mothers stayed home to cook and clean and mind the children. My own mother didn’t have much interest in minding the children. I’m sure if it was the fashion to diagnose every behavior, as it is now, she would have been found to have OCD , or obsessive compulsive disorder. The OCD was focused on cleaning. The kitchen floor was so spotless, one wouldn’t have any hesitation picking up some food item that had dropped and popping it in one’s mouth. But within minutes, o ut woudld come the bucket and mom would scrub the entire floor on her hands and knees. 
Mom’s cleaning left lots of time to fill without parental supervision. Those days that were not suitable for going around the corner to play outside usually signaled the a.o.k. for the neighborhood kids to come to our house, or to go to the “Riggi’s” house. No, I didn’t make that name up. If you knew them all – the universally Italian American, with a few odd nationalities, like Armenians, thrown in – you’d laugh.   
One hot summer day the kids were sparce. July, the time for families to take the car and the kids for a week or two somewhere, anywhere, though not too far away. For we were not wealthy. None of us. Hershey Pennsylvania or Virginia Beach would be a very special trip.
With nothing to do, and few kids to do it with, Judy, Claire, and myself came up with a brilliant idea.  We needed a boy and the only one available was my brother. 
We were 8 and 9. Judy and Claire were cousins and lived across the street from each other. My brother was a year and a half younger than me, at 6-1/2.   
The plot was simple.  We corralled him into the small bathroom in our basement, the one that was designated for handwashing while doing loads of wash or relieving oneself if you were in the small backyard. It had a shower, but the whole room was tiny. Floor space might have been 4′ x 21/2′ or so, but we managed to entice him in with the promise of showing him something.
Poor Jim. He was small. A tiny thing at age six and outnumbered 3 to 1.  
“We want to see you pull down your shorts,” we said in unison. 
Jimmy wasn’t prepared for this, but for his age was tough. “No,” he looked at us with disbelief that I can still see in my mind’s eye. “Why would I want to do that?”   That was a good question and we had the answers. We were going to show him our “tops.” After he pulled down his pants we would pull up our shirts, we explained. 
Now this wasn’t fair, of course, and it didn’t seem fair to him at the time, either. We should pull down our pants too he said. A fair amount of negotiation took place.
Would we pull down our pants and pull up our shirts?  That didn’t seem right either. We certainly didn’t need to see what was under his shirt: that would be a two for one deal for him.
After what must have been “forever,” he finally agreed. He pulled down his pants very quickly then pulled them back up. White jockey shorts!
That wasn’t the deal, we howled! Everything had to come down! More negotiations resulted in an agreement that one of us had to lift our shirt first for that.  
Why is was me, I do not know. Maybe because I was the youngest of the girls.  It certainly wasn’t because I didn’t have any problems with my brother seeing my flat chested chest. I did. The modesty that begins to arise around that age was in full force.   
I did it. It was a flash. My t-shirt went up and down as quickly as his trousers went down and up. 
Again the standoff.  He had made a deal. We instisted he stick to it.  Jimmy continued to persist, enlisting the tough stubbornness he maintains today as a manager of 100+ New York City engineers and contract negotiator for the city. Judy and Claire were next. They did it, mimicking my swift action. Claire, the oldest, had small buds: a poorly timed blink would have meant missing them.  
Nonetheless, there was no bargaining power left for my brother. Reluctantly and swiftly the whole business came down and we all got to catch a glimpse.
My brother, now, at 45 is – as they say – “hung.”  He also has none of the modesty we all had back then when he was as a six year old. If he emerges from his bedroom of our Montauk family house wearing only underwear, as he is known to do many morning, I have to avert my eyes. A flash of the memory from that summer day hits me, with no small amount of embarrassment and shame.  
Now he is no longer a skinny little kid. His torso is sculpted and he walks about as if he’s a Calvin Klein Underwear model, rubbing his abs in an Alpha male gesture to indicate hunger that should be addressed by the women of the house. 
Perhaps size matters;  There is no mistaking the size he carries around with him and the lack of resemblance to the tiny circumcised penis we girls got a glimpse of in 1971.   
And yes. We did get “caught.” The negotiations must have run overtime, into dinner, which was always promptly at 5:00pm.  No sooner had my brother revealed himself, my mother banged on the door. “What are you all doing in there? Get out right now.” Emphasis on right. 
“Nothing. We’re doing nothing,” we said, as all four of us filed out of the bathroom.
Do you have a playing doctor story?
I didn’t say I’m sorry May 30, 2013 With 3 comments
Hi Anita,The only thing I remember is when I was around 4 or 5 years old, a little girl let me watch her pull down her panties and pee in a squat position. I saw her pee come out and thought is looked strange. That is it. I think many kids do what you and your siblings did–it is normal. I have had friends tell me stories about their kids showing their stuff to friends. It is just curiosity.blessingsfrank
I had similar experiences like that with cousins female we used to to the cotton jens when we had family gathering I got pulled in as they needed one more boy to one of my cousins that didn’t have her partner I was the youngest out of the 5 of them I was like 3 yrs younger always trying to tag along with them,I can t tell you cool it was..up to this day I have banged a few ofy Beautiful cousins” no weird ness at I’m handsome there Beautiful still …thanks..
So has your brother ever mentioned this doctor game to you as an adult? This playing doctor bit stirs some of my memories, but I’m too tired to relate any of it ight now. Thanks for sharing this story. Highly relatable!
I grew up in the sixties and seventies, or how I like to refer to them, “the good ol’ days!”. It was a great time to grow up. It was the age of innocence. This and other “naughty” games were quite common for us.
I really hate to be the bearer of bad news but the game refered to above do not alas qualify as “doctor.” These are a game called “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” a game the usually PRECEDES “doctor.”
Back then before internet and gaming took over every kid’s entire life, kids we encouraged to use their own imagination at school and at play
Much of our play time involved emulating what we saw on TV and experienced in life.
Boys would emulate Batman and Superman by dawning bath towels as capes and “flying” around the yard and built things with Lincoln Logs and erector sets.
Girls had easybake ovens and played hopscotch and jumpropped and played house in preparation for their future as homemakers.
Then there were the roll play games. One if the most common of these was “doctor”. The game the way we played it was taboo due to the high morality and modesty issues of the day. That, however, did not deter us from finding secluded places to play such as closed and locked bedroom doors, attics, basements, dens and even outside behind the house, trees buildings, where my story takes place.
Our game involved emulating what we experienced at the doctor’s office and hospital. Back then most kids had their temperatures taken in their butts so that is how we did it in our play.
Since Peneculin was THE drug available back then to fight off infection and it was primarily given in the butt, that was our practice as well.
Getting caught carried with it DIRE consequences which I found out when I was 7.
I spent several years overseas and attended an English speaking boarding school there. It was a small school with several buildings on the campus.
Every day after school kids would get together and play.
In second grade, I befriended the director’s 5 year old daughter. She met me every day after a book and we would play house with myself as the daddy ay her as my daughter. She asked me to spank her bare bottom and I did. This was only playful taps.
In time I began playing doctor with her.
One day there were other kids in our hideaway so we went behind the high school building instead. She had her panties down and I have her a “shot” and started to take her temperature when a classmate of mine peered around the corner an caught ys.wird quickly spread and I made my way to the dorm house with a dozen curious kids in tow.
The dorm mistress met me at the back door and ushered me to my room.
After watching what seemed an eternity, the dorm father came in and said the her daddy was spanking her and he was going to spank me so over his knee I went and got my shorts and undies removed from my posterior and had a couple dozen swats to my backside. When he was done he left and told me to get ready for an outing to the public pool and the cool water felt great against my warm skin.
Did I play again? Many times! Was I caught again. No. I was more careful from then on.
um…yes i have a “play doctor” story or should i say stories. lol
I have a couple of one as well with of course the neighborhood girls. By the time we were all 12-14 we have seen each of us naked in some doctor game. LOL brings up some fuzzy memories. 
I played doctor ft many years with many kids. Our games consisted of immulating what we received at the doctor’s office or hospital in the 1960’s and 70’s
Back then ALL kids got their temperatures taken rectally so that was how we did it in play.
Since Penesilin was THE drug available to fight infection and children always received them in the butt, that’s where we gave them when we played.
We would do an ENT, blood pressure and heart and lungs checks then the remainder of the game would be centered around the bottom. Poking, probing, rubbing, kneeding and using the you instruments in creative ways.
In my era, we imitated life in our play. Whatever we saw or experienced in life we played out. This included playing doctor as we saw it done.
We called it several names: doctor, hospital and a friend of mine called it “playing dirty” with his younger sister.
What ever it was called, we would play it with friends, neighbors, school mates and cousins. We would have to find a hiding place like a basement, attic or most anywhere free of parents. Our play imitated life, there would be rectal temps and shots in the bottom. In fact the vast majority of the game centered around bottom. Very few preliminaries were done. Besides the temps an shots there was poking, probing, rubbing with anything that could be used as a medical instrument. Once, I even made a syringe from the tinker toy set I had. My sister had an actual kit and always wanted me to doctor her.
When I went to boarding school, I found plenty of playmates who shared this interested and we active in playing this game. The doctors were usually me and the daughter of the director of the school. The rest would be patients and thus we’d take each in turn and examine them and do our bottom play. Since ours was a religious school, such activity as baring bottoms for spankings or doctor playing was taboo so we just found some great places to hide out. Many times we’d be in a bedroom behind closed (and at times locked) to play and use the bed as an exam table.
The games usually involved 95% girls. Any boys involved were between the ages of 5-8. Not much interest in the game after that for them.
We never played nude for two reasons. First, if caught, being nude could never be “covered up” and two, the removal of garments to expose the area being examined was easier to cover to protect the guilty, was all part of the FUN!
It’s amazing and wonderful how many stories there are about kids being cute and innocent trying to figure out what genitals do and how they work. I run a website of true story explorations from childhood and from the people I have spoken with, it seems your experience is a really common one. This story in particular reminds me a lot of your story-
It might be a bit embarrassing to bring up but I am really curious if your brother remembers this as well and what he remembers of it.
I don’t call this experience “playing doctor’, just a perverted curiosity of these girls to take advantage of a naive little boy.
THIS is playing doctor, “…a child (ren) imitating what the see or experience in life (aka-role play):
I was 9, Ellie was 7. We became fast friends after finding we were both shunned by peers since they considered “nerdy”.
We shared fun experiences we had with friends in our neighborhoods. We both enjoyed playing spanking games with them.
We made plans to have a play spanking date, but that is another story.
As we got to know more of each other, we also discovered we shared an interest in playing doctor and both wanted to play but at the small boarding school we attended, we had to be carefully selected.
There was to be a basketball game at 3:30 and knew we would have the boarding house to ourselves.
We chose to play in the den/TV room usually utilized at that hour.
The room ran the entire length of the house and had plenty of room for the laundry shelves, a pool table, and at the opposite end there was the TV area “partitioned” by a grand piano and a large book case. We went to the TV area where we new we could not be seen by passers-by.
There were two cement benches with cushions on them for comfort while watching the tube.
She agreed to be the patient so laid on the bench to be examined. We found a number of things from the toy box we could use as makeshift instruments. Once getting the preliminaries (ENT, HEART and LUNGS), we got down to business.
She rolled over on her stomach, knowing what was to come, since we had agreed to the procedure when we discussed it.
I then lifted her dress exposing her white cottons and massaged her thighs, unable to resist them as the lay before me.
I then took hold of the waist band of the cottons and gently slid them down. I grabbed a “tinker toy” stick and preceeded to deliver various shots all over both cheeks. She asked me to “rub the ‘sting’ out'” before using the eraser end of a pencil to take her temperature.
After I counted to 100, I slowly removed the pencil and asked how she was. She said she was fine and enjoyed having her bottom “doctored” by a boy.
I then lifted her panties and massaged her again before telling her the exam was over and she was healthy. We both laughed as she got up causing her dress to fall back into place.
We decided to leave by separate doors; I through the hall to NY room and she went outside to “watch” the game.
We met regularly for our games and we’re the best of friends over the next two years then we outgrew these games.
What a great story. I used to play doctor with my cousins, too.
I’m a male and when I was little my little friend who was a girl wanted to get me out of my clothes, but I didn’t know it. We were both six or seven years old. She invited me to see a “secret fort” out in a field behind our homes. I went with her. The fort was just an empty box of a large refrigerator that was dismantled and spread out to give shelter. She guided me into the fort. Once inside, she asked if I wanted to see her naked. I as confused but didn’t say yes or no. First, she handed me a parenting magazine that had a photo of a baby laying nude with its bare bottom to the camera. It must have been a diaper or diaper powder sd. The she took off all of her clothes except her tee shirt and lay on her belly. She asked me if I wanted to explore her. I didn’t know what she wanted me to do. She told me to touch her, so I gently messaged her back and bottom. She turned over and tried to have me observe her private area. I’d never seen another kid naked before, so I was confused and a little nervous. She spread her legs and told me to look closer. She spread open her labia and explained her vagina to me. She asked me if I wanted to touch it. I said ok so she wouldn’t be mad. I lightly outlined it with me finger. Then she asked me to completely disrobe. After I had, she explored me, moving my penis around, then exploring my scrotum with her hand. When we were done I wanted to leave and go home. I felt embarrassed and, in a strange way, like I let her down a little because I didn’t seem more interested or as enthusiastic as she was. We continued to be friends after that time, but not as closely.
I do have story playing doctor or we called it playing “pee-pee”. I was 11 years old and I asked my sister to play doctor with me when my parents were home. Then she would get on the ground and I faked giving her shots and medicine and then I asked her to pull her pants down. She kept on saying “no” so I made a deal with her that I would let her pull my pants down first and she’d have to let me and touch it. She took my clothes off and saw my penis. I then proceeded to pull her pants down and told
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