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At Prayer Force One, we're turning The White House into a prayer chapel! Join us now as we meet in a different room of The White House each day to pray for our nation.
America’s Christmas Legacy As Expressed By Our Presidents
    With all the hubbub about Christmas, would you like to know what our presidents have really said about Christmas? What is the truth about White House Christmas Cards? Well, look no further. Click here or on the photo above to find the documented truth!
Special Prayer Force One Photo Report
   Greetings to all American prayer warriors. We are so thankful for each of you who worked so hard and /or participated in making The National Day of Prayer so special in your community! As for us, we have just returned from Washington DC and our nation’s capitol observance of The National Day of Prayer . Three “firsts” made this year’s capitol event extra special.
   After much prayer and a great deal of hard work, our Prayer Force One - White House Prayer Team is ready for you!... And its like no other prayer guide or prayer site that you’ve ever seen before!
   As Sandy and I have traveled around the country, the one thing that people keep asking for is a prayer guide to use each day as they pray for America. This is also the number one request that we get through our incoming e-mails.
   During his entire presidential campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly promised to restore ‘Merry Christmas’ to its historic prominence and pre-eminence in America if he were elected president. In the past two weeks, the President-elect made good on this promise as he criss-crossed America in his ground-breaking, "Thank You America Tour". (Click to read more)
    In obedience to God, we have sent out a call for a special prayer force to cover our nation with sackcloth and prayer.
    Because YOU responded, America is quite literally and spiritually covered
with sackcloth. From Alaska to Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont; from
Washington state to Washington DC; from California to Florida; from the
mountains, to the prairies, & from sea to shining sea, YOU have
answered the call in covering America with sackcloth... and prayer! Take
hope, for the LORD our God is watching and... He is listening!!
 Does God Really Want To Save America?
   Last January at a meeting of national prayer leaders, a prominent, best-selling Christian author stood up and emphatically declared that it was too late for America to be saved. Let there be no mistake, I for one completely and utterly reject this view! In this e-mail, I will prove from the Bible that there is genuine hope for our nation and furthermore that God still wants to save America! (Click to read more)
   Today, if you were to be elected to either the United States House of Representatives or the United States Senate, you would find that inside the U.S. Capitol, is a little prayer chapel . This room, maintained by the Capitol Architect, is not open to the general public, and is much too small for any kind of gathering. This room, by an act of Congress, is a small chamber dedicated to the exclusive use by members of the House and Senate who need a place to pray.
   The center pieces of this Congressional Prayer Chapel are an open Bible, turned to the 23rd Psalm, and a stained glass window with the image of General George Washington in prayer at Valley Forge. It is fitting that the Prayer Chapel within our nation's Capitol should depict the "Father of our Country" at prayer, for Washington's veneration for faith and prayer are both accurate and legendary
   Throughout this presidential campaign it has become embarrassingly clear to most Americans that the choice for president has come down to two very flawed candidates. This has undoubtedly concerned many Christians as they consider who to vote for on November 8th, or whether to even vote at all. To complicate matters even worse, many respected Christian leaders are divided on what to do.
   We offer the following collection of expressed sentiments by many such Christian leaders in the hope that their comments will help guide believers as we each make our own prayerful decision of who to vote for in just three short weeks.
    Humanly speaking, is it possible that Donald Trump, ‘The Man Who Would Be King’ , might instead, and/or also be remembered in history as ‘The Kingmaker’ ?
I am now talking about the events that have catapulted Governor Mike
Pence of Indiana from political uncertainty to national prominence.
An Open Letter To America’s Prayer Warriors
By Senator Ed Moore, (OK-Ret.)

    We believe this is the most important letter we have written since founding Prayer Force One. (Please read all of this so as to understand the urgent challenge of the last part.)

    At this writing, we will elect our next president in just seven short weeks. While the Bible explicitly instructs us NOT to put our trust in man, (Psalm 118:9 & 146:3) we are also told that a nation has cause to rejoice when godly people are in authority. (Proverb 29:2)
    The question I put to you is this: Do you believe that prayer can effect the outcome of the upcoming presidential election, and if so, how many praying believers will it take to turn the tide in this election ?
   On behalf of America’s entire prayer movement and grateful Christians everywhere, Prayer Force One is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2016 Prayer Force One Medal of Honor is Mrs. Shirley Dobson, who has tirelessly and selflessly served as Chair of the National Day of Prayer Task Force for 25 years.
Today we are pleased to announce the 2015 recipients of The Prayer Force One - Medal of Honor . This award has been established "To recognize those individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the promotion and defense of America’s spiritual heritage and culture." This award is to be publicly announced annually in conjunction with America’s National Day of Prayer . Three individuals have been selected to be so honored on this, the inaugural year of this award. They are as follows:
2015 Posthumous Medal of Honor Recipient
    Prayer Force One’s new twelve-page, full-color booklet, " "Hail To Heaven’s Chief: Presidential Tributes To God, The Bible & The Christian Faith" is waiting to ship to you just in time for The National Day of Prayer!!!
The Bible says, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" If America is to be saved, we must pray for and work hard to restore our nation’s Christian foundations!
   As Sandy and I have traveled all across America aboard Prayer Force One, we have seen a great hunger on the part of God’s people to save our nation. To help meet this challenge, we are pleased today to announce the birth of Prayer Force One University. Let me tell you what this is and why we are doing this.
   Fifty years ago today, (October 27) Ronald Reagan gave a nationally televised speech to the America people. Today, it has become known as "The Speech." Reagan simply called it, "A Time For Choosing." Others have called it his "Rendezvous With Destiny" speech.
   Hello Everyone! We trust that God is blessing each of you since we last wrote. As for us, Prayer Force One has been very busy in the first half of 2014! Please allow us to bring you up to date.
   We began our travels this year with a trip to Charlotte, NC and the Billy Graham Library & Museum for the annual meeting of the National Prayer Committee. This was a delightful and inspirational meeting of prayer leaders from all over America. I must say that the Billy Graham Library trumps every presidential library that we have been to (and we have been to twelve of them). It even rivals the Ronald Reagan Library, which can boast the presence of Air Force One! The Billy Graham Library is itself an amazing evangelistic tool and a working center for ongoing evangelistic endeavors. Do go by and visit the library if you can.
    That's right. Our brand-new, full-color, 20 page, God & Country, Prayer Force One magazine is now ready for personal and public use to help celebrate this year’s National Day of Prayer observance! Here are just a few of the features that will enhance NDP events all across the nation .
    In the past, whenever Prayer Force One entered a city, we put out a news release designed to get the attention of the press. These news releases almost always began with the words, “Is it the presidents bus? No, the president doesn’t even have a bus. Nevertheless, a bus looking very much like Air Force One, and painted with the exact same paint as Air Force One, will be making a tour stop in town today. The bus, called Prayer Force One....”
    This is a personal story of gratitude and praise for the demonstrated goodness and power of God in the life of our family. Several years ago, I wrote a story of God’s miraculous healing of my daughter, Randi, from cancer in a story entitled " Why I Believe America Can Be Saved." You can read this account by clicking on that title. However, today I want to share a further experience as we celebrated our grandbaby Lyric’s birthday.
     Early April week we sent out a letter entitled "The National Day Of Prayer In The Lions’ Den." In it we said, "Let us not forget that God blessed Daniel for his courageous stand by shutting the mouths of the lions; AND HE CAN DO IT AGAIN!"
To God alone be the glory, He has done it again!
   Greetings from Ronald Reagan’s mountain top ranch, known as Rancho del Cielo . By clicking on the photo above, you can take a short “prayer walk” around the ranch in a special slide presentation which we have prepared just for you .
Harry S. Truman was one tough, plain-spoken president. While he was humble enough...
    Five years ago God placed a classic old bus into our hands. We had no idea why. As we prayed and sought the will of God it soon became clear. We were to call the bus "Prayer Force One" and call America back to God. Within six weeks, we had the exact same paint that is on Air Force One in our hands - all four colors! (white, gold and two shades of blue) It took two years to convert and refurbish the bus, write the book and prepare our web site. The rest is history.
     The United States Capitol Park contains 68 acres. By our calculations, it would take 1,776 women holding hands (one every 45”) to encircle the entire Congressional Park in prayer. Do you think that we could reach that number of Prayer Force One Women by National Prayer Force One Sunday ? Do you believe that such a praying remnant could turn the tide in the spiritual battle for America?
    Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of Prayer Force One Women! What will make Prayer Force One Women so strikingly different from the way we have used the internet before is that we are now linking up with Facebook and Twitter to reach out and stay in touch !
In order to give you a visual report of our recent Deep South Tour , we've just completed a slide show of the entire trip. By clicking on the photo below, you can join us on the trip that took us all the way to Miami, Florida.
Click on the photo above to see slide show of our Deep South Tour
    Prayer Force One’s - White House Prayer Team - Internet Prayer Guide has been wonderfully received and warmly embraced by prayer warriors all across America! To each of you we say THANK YOU!!!
as promised, we are making this internet prayer guide even more
dimensional by adding six new interactive functions to aid you in your
daily prayer for America.
   With grateful hearts Prayer Force One presents this pictorial report after representing many of YOU and America’s prayer movement at the inauguration of President Donald J Trump. We awoke to the beautiful sunrise pictured above in Staunton, Virginia as we headed into Washington DC to attend the inaugural ceremonies. May God grant America a new dawn of hope as believers continue to pray for God’s blessings upon our nation.
Air Force One is the name given to the plane that is used by the President of the United States. It serves as a flying White House, representing the power and prestige of the United States of America. Prayer Force One is. . .
When God Removed A Prime Minister In Answer To Prayer!
    The things contained in this personal testimony are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. May American Christians be encouraged by this story; and may God alone receive the glory due His name!
Prayers And Their Influence On
The Spiritual Warfare Now Taking Place On Earth
    In the 1986 best selling novel by Frank Peretti, This Present Darkness , the author’s captivating theme explores the spiritual warfare in the heavenlies which parallels the seemingly disconnected events of earth. The underlying focus of the book zeros in on the effects that of our prayers have on the outcome of these earthly battles.
    He was a man of such international stature that everyone in the world knew who was being referred to when someone simply said “IKE.” He had been the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II and served two terms as President and Commander-In-Chief of the United States of America.
A Warning & An Appeal To America’s Two Political Parties
     After the death of King Solomon, Israel split into two separate kingdoms. The repeated path to decadency and destruction which these two kingdoms followed stand as a clear warning to our nation’s two major political parties. Since the direction of our government largely depends on the moral character of the Democrat and Republican parties, it naturally follows that the fate of our nation also largely depends on the moral leadership that these two parties provide.
Does God send Divine reminders to nations? Does He do things to get the attention of the people of the earth? Does He tenderly warn nations before He sends judgement? And if so, is it possible that Americans are overlooking this kindness today?
    It is a few hours before midnight in the garden of good and evil. The hoards of darkness are gathered at the very gates of our nation. America's hour of decision is fast approaching...
President Woodrow Wilson said, "America was born a Christian nation." We are indeed "One nation under God". One need only look at the preamble to any of the fifty states constitutions to see just how true this is.
    This book is your invitation to join former Oklahoma State Senator Ed Moore and his wife, Sandy, aboard their ministry flagship, Prayer Force One . Join them as they embark on a cross-country crusade to...
"America was born a Christian nation."
President Woodrow Wilson
    By now, everybody is well aware of the emerging controversy that has developed over President Barack Obama's declaration that our country "Is no longer a Christian nation." While none of us can possibly know what motivated ...
   This is little Isabelle. Isabelle is our eleventh granddaughter. By all expert medical accounts, Isabelle should never have been born. But God . . .
   As a courtesy service from Prayer Force One , you can now enhance your own web site by downloading either or both of the the beautiful button links shown below. . .
    During the recent holidays, we have had time to reflect on the miraculous time that marked the beginning of Prayer Force One. Since many of our newer friends have not been able to follow the growth and hear the testimonies of how God has blessed ...
    Sandy and I send greetings from Dallas and The National Pro-Family Legislators Conference hosted by David Barton's Wallbuilders.
    Do you believe the above words spoken by President Ronald Reagan? Did you know that President Reagan . . .
Our Washington DC /Ohio Valley Tour was a tremendous success. Please click on the photo of Sandy and I at the White House (below) to view a really nice slide show of the tour. I think you'll enjoy the music too!
   The purpose of Prayer Force One is to encourage and promote a national prayer meeting to be held on the Sunday before the next Presidential election. Some may be asking, "Why that day?"
John Winfield's portrait of Prayer Force One in the nation's capitol has been completed and received. This portrait will be a wonderful tool in the promotion of prayer for our beloved nation!]...
    We send this month's report out on the heals of a very busy month. In October, Sandy and I, were guests on TBN's live "Praise The Lord" television show. Kevin and Cherie Clarkson were very gracious . . .
Click on the photo of Sandy below to view a slide show that takes you on our recent Heartland Tour. Welcome Aboard!

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