Playa Del Carmen Girls

Playa Del Carmen Girls


…Your source for EVERYTHING Playa Del Carmen…
…expect a broad variety (of broads)…
I’ve been slapped by them, laughed at by them, admired them, and generally spent my whole life dreaming of them.
When I lived in America I started to get quite tired of them.
They were all the same – demanding drinks, talking nonsense, and leading me on…
Then I came to Playa Del Carmen and realized that this can be true of all women in the world!
However, Playa Del Carmen women are usually a lot more open than those at home. This is why:
After three years of living in Playa Del Carmen, I’ve come to learn the subtleties of the different women you can find here.
That doesn’t mean I’ve had loads of success.
But, then again, I’ve got a Benjamin Franklin-style beer belly and often get drunk to the point of speaking in tongues (Pentecostal preachers beware).
However, I’ve written this mini-guide on Playa Del Carmen women just to make your life a bit easier.
Hopefully you can use it to get excited about what might be in store, and what strategies you might want to employ during your vacation.
I’m going to bet that you are visiting this page because you are looking to see what kind of women hang out in Playa Del Carmen.
To be sure, there are beautiful women from all over the world.
However, even the most experienced of you will not always have success. Sometimes things just don’t work out.
Here are a few examples of emails/comments my visitors have sent:
It happens. Don’t expend a lot of energy over-thinking it. Just accept the fact that women are difficult and sometimes fickle.
And guess what? They think the same of us guys, as well!
Moreover, you are only going to be on vacation for a few days – so vacation time is precious!
Instead of wasting the moment boo hoo hooing about your female problems, there is still an opportunity to hang out with a great woman (or several of them, if you prefer).
If you’ve got lady problems, Maddison is just what the doctor ordered. Here is some information about her and how you can contact her.
I originally met Maddison when I was doing some research about getting a massage in Playa Del Carmen.
However, I quickly figured out that there was more to her than I anticipated.There were several things that first drew me to her:
I was lucky when I met her, so I thought I should pass the luck on to you.
If you’re interested in meeting some beautiful women without all the hassles that come with “gaming” the opposite sex, you need to get hold of Maddison.
She knows a lot of the cuties in town, so she can set you up with whatever you like.
She works with all types, so let her know what you want:
It always helps if you are as explicit and straight-forward as possible in your requests because it helps Maddison find the right person for you AND give you accurate information.
And, reservations are necessary because many of the women she works with also have day jobs and need to get dolled up for YOUR arrival!
Fill out the form below and let Maddison know your fantasy!!!
Type of Question (choose one)

General Question
WHAT Do You Need Maddison's Help With? (Please describe what service you want)

WHEN Are You Coming To Playa Del Carmen / Riviera Maya? (What days do you need Maddison's services?)

Fat ones, thin ones, sunburned ones, local ones, and absolutely everything in between.
Check out the photos to see what I mean.
They’ve got great tans, cute smiles, and if they’re not married they’ve got a great body.
How do you know if a Mexican woman is not married?
If they’re hot, they’re usually single or high-class.
If they look like they generally don’t care about their appearance, then they’re married (or single, but you probably don’t like those kind of girls anyways).
Don’t ask me to explain this logic, it’s just how it is over here.
Although some are cute, they might look great, but you should try to stay well-clear of the locals.
They’re used to tourists and see them as opportunities to put money in their pockets.
This is especially true of the local women who speak good English.
Some will use tourists for a free night out.
Others will demand money when you wake up next to them.
And worse still, some will go back to your hotel room and rob you.
Perhaps the very worst are the pretending to fall in love types who throw a curveball of a story about needing $$$ to support a dying family.
However, if you do sympathize with them and buy their lie, then the locals in Playa Del Carmen can be quite easy to tempt into bed.
Just remember that you won’t be the first tourist to go there, so double up on the protection…
If you’re reading this page, then it’s likely you can communicate with the North American women on vacation in Playa Del Carmen.
Some come with boyfriends or husbands or restrictive families.
But don’t worry, there are more than enough single ones to go around.
American and Canadian tourists are in Playa Del Carmen to have a good time.
They want to party, and they’re much more open to some hanky panky than when they’re at home.
Don’t go trying to impress them with your long-term job prospects.
They usually aren’t looking for the ‘suit and tie‘ types.
They want fun guys who get them drunk, make them laugh, and keep them entertained.
Also remember that while there are a lot of women, there is also a lot of competition.
While there could be a language barrier with European women in Playa Del Carmen, I’ve found it never really poses a problem.
This might even help you if you always get nervous talking to women.
European women are also in Playa Del Carmen to have a good time.
They’re sometimes hot, and pose a good opportunity for you to discover the first hand differences between different nationalities in the bedroom.
One thing I’ve noticed about European women is that they listen to their friends more than American chicks.
So you don’t just need to impress one woman, you’ve got to convince their entire cohort that you’re worthy of taking their friend home.
Mexico is a very conservative country.
While you might meet Mexican women from elsewhere in the country, I wouldn’t expect anything too wild to happen very quickly.
There’s a misconception that, because there are massive parties and beach parties in various parts of Mexico, the Mexican people like to party.
Sure, parties are always happening in Mexico.
However, the big parties in Mexico are almost always – and usually exclusively – foreign visitors.
Generally speaking, Mexican people party quite differently than their North American counterparts.
To be completely frank, organization, reliability, and following through with promises are characteristics that do not run strong in Mexican culture.
I know mentioning this is not politically correct and not zealously “open-minded,” but as soon as you put PC aside, you realize that it is unequivocally true.
You can call it what you want, but until you have lived here for several years, it would be wise to reserve your judgment of the statement above.
5th Ave is sometimes more for couples and going out for a meal.
For women, you want unbridled drinking, cheap shots, and little bars where it’s easy to start a conversation.
Try Mezcalinna as it’s got the cheapest drinks on Calle 12.
Therefore it’s got the most drunk women looking to share a good time.
For really beautiful women, try Mandela on the corner of Calle 12 and 1st Ave.
Soon you’ll both be returning home with a half-broken hearts.
So if you want an awesome vacation romance, forget about the standard going-on-a-date activities like watching a shit movie.
How much they charge will depend on your bargaining skills (or the policy of the hotel/resort), but expect to pay $25 – $120 extra.
NOTE: Hotels are also a bit wary about local women (Mexicans don’t really trust each other), so they’ll expect you to pay even more as they might suspect she is a hooker.
I hope all this helps you on your quest for Playa Del Carmen women.
I just hope you have more success than I do….
It’s your turn. Do you have any suggestions or comments about the women in Playa Del Carmen? Please leave them in the comments section below!
Thanks for the details Rufus. I really like the tip on which bars to go to meet the ladies that wanna drink and have fun. I come from Canada and this city I am coming from in Alberta, the women at the bars are so few so they are very stuck-up. Playa should be a great balance in numbers, equal quantity of guys and girls. Thanks for the article bud.
Do it right! Move here and come raise some hell with me (once this Chinese virus crap disappears). Damn dogeaters had to “F” it up for everybody.
Love the site Rufus I’m coming in town Friday. I’ll buy you a beer and we can collect a few flags maybe grab a bag if we have one too many or goto on of those dive bar strip clubs.
That would be great!!! Free drinks are always welcome by me! I’m not sure any of them are open at this time, but if anything is open I’m game. In any case, hope you have a great time here!
Think in bout a visit to see if I can meet up with a few women I have met on Latin dating sites but gotta wait for this bat-shit-virus to run its coarse
Everyone is waiting for this crap to blow over (or a safe vaccine to be released).
Come visit as soon as you feel safe. Paradise awaits!!!
thanks for the article. gives a little insight into a “direction of travel” around town… how are things with bars being open now that we’re in late august going into september? looking at maybe october to shoot down. i’m a mexico frequent but further north so thought i’d try something down south. te veo pronto
Thanks for the comment. So far, so good. Bars are reopening. Still slow here. Mostly locals. But things are opening up for better or worse!
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Call me Rufus. It’s simple and easy to remember.

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