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Video games and sex are two highly addictive activities, so what would be the result if we combined the two? Well… a fascinating combination – that’s for sure! There are many porn video games on the market, but very few of them are able to make the virtual feel like reality. I mean, we understand, it’s very complicated to achieve. However, the video game we’re going to present to you today achieved this beautifully: read on to discover all the information and our full review on Real Adult Sex Game.
From the name of the game itself, although it’s pretty vague, you get a clear idea of what you’re in for. You know right from the start that it’s not a game for kids, and that there’s pretty much loads of sex from the beginning. In the game, you will be accompanied by a bunch of girls who will really give you their best, and are ready for anything when it comes to sexual practices.
Real Adult Sex Game is especially aimed at adults who want a much more realistic virtual experience. Obviously, more realistic images usually generate more stimulation, more excitement and more pleasure. On top of that, you can customise all the characters from the very beginning of the game, a feature that really promotes interaction.
For those of you who may be wondering, Real Adult Sex Game is an online game. This means that it can be played through a browser, without the need to download or install any software. Before starting the adventure as such, the player must create a scenario: notably, you must choose the location and the girl. Once you have determined these details, you’ll be able to enjoy (in our opinion) one of the best video game for adults. I’m telling you, the graphics are awesome considering it’s an online game! I’m not going to lie to you, it pretty much blew my mind when I noticed how well crafted the game was and how smoothly it runs on my old PC.
As we mentioned before, before starting the game, there are 6 steps that must be taken:
The first step is to pick a location in which the events will take place. The available options are: a high school, the beach, or a club. Each of the locations is fantastically modelled and quickly awakens the thirst for sex.
Next, you must pick your babe: there are three protagonists in Real Adult Sex Game, three beautiful girls willing to fulfil every fantasy that crosses your mind. They are: Ralli, with a slightly darker skin tone; Akame, sporting a body with wider hips and seemingly the most rebellious; and finally Sakura, with slightly Asian features, a slimmer build and a thinner face. It doesn’t matter all that much who you pick, since you’ll be able to adjust her next!
The third step is to choose between 3 hair colours: red, blonde and dark brown. In this section, the girl’s face appears close to the screen, and you’re really able to appreciate in detail the graphics and the beauty with which each one of them has been created.
Probably most peoples favourite part comes next: small, medium or big tits? You decide! Whatever you pick, they look spectacular. It’s almost time to finally get laid! Hang in there, it’ll come soon enough (as will you!).
The last two steps are small details to finish the customisation: you can pick her tattoos and her piercings. For the tattoos, again there are 3 options: hardcore (covering a large percentage of her body), discreet (which is a small drawing in the belly or boob area), or none. The options are the same for piercings, and you can choose for her to have many, a couple, or none.
Real Adult Sex Game gives you, as the player, the power to have sex the way you want it. There are not only loads of hardcore sexual practices with the girls, but also options for you if you would like to enjoy a gentler, more erotic and perhaps more romantic experience. To suit your style or mood, you can indulge yourself and your virtual partner as you wish!
After playing it for about half an hour, I can tell you that it’s a pretty addictive video game. Intense pleasure is guaranteed, just listening to the screams and orgasms of the 3D girls is enough to ensure a great time!
We really must also applaud the work of the developers, not only for the quality of the graphics, but also for the camera layout. The angles, shots, and focus give spectacular views to appreciate details. The user is drawn into the game, and it’s hard to get out of it once you’re in!
In general terms, Real Adult Sex Game meets the conditions that you can expect from a pornographic video game of a good level. Eagle eyes players will even see, in the bottom right corner, the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) logo, which means that it has been rated and classified by this system. If you like good graphics, the advantages of 3D and fun sex games, this is a great option. It’s not just about the image quality and realism of the game, it’s also about customisation and gameplay itself. While it doesn’t offer a plethora of features to modify, (unlike VR Fuck Dolls) it’s however true that there are very few games with the visual quality of Real Adult Sex Game.
Those of you who have played other porn games will know that there’s almost always some hardcore action! Real Adult Sex Game has that too, however, the user can opt for more conventional practices if you prefer. Perhaps for a change between the personalities of Sakura, Akame and Ralli.
Who would have thought that a video game could be so fucking erotic? Just take a look at Real Adult Sex Game and you’ll see what I mean. For a bit of intense pleasure and some new sensations, explore the world of Real Adult Sex Game.
If you want to play for free, just click on the button below!

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Playing adult games with a partner can be just as fun as playing them solo.
Credit: bob al-greene / mashable

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Credit: Ghosthug Games

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Credit: achat

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Credit: fek / rack 2

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Welcome to Porn Week , Mashable's annual close up on the business and pleasure of porn.
Porn video games come with a lot of stigma, and understandably so . But if you push through all that, you'll find there actually are some really good, very NSFW adult games out there.
It won't surprise you that many of the most popular adult games share similar issues to regular mainstream Tube porn - aggressive heternormativity and a near-exclusive catering to a cis, male gaze. Still, the world of adult sex games is far more expansive, diverse, and varied than people think. And, finding the right erotic game for you can help open you up to new aspects of your sexuality you'd never thought about before.
We've put together a list of all the best porn games. But before we get into recommendations, here are a few important things to know about the sex game landscape as you dive in.
"Video games are one of the most powerful mediums for active fantasy fulfillment as well as learning about one's own desires without any of the shame, rejection, fear, and sometimes simple unavailability of real-life sexual encounters," according to Zsuzsa James, a co-vice chair of the Romance and Sexuality in Games group of IGDA . "Compared to porn, games provide the possibility for player agency that can feel very empowering, not to mention the sheer amount of potential variety for lovers and erotic situations that wouldn't be practical with real actors."
And unlike the fugue state many of us enter while passively consuming videos on a tube site, the interactivity and fantasy scenarios in an adult video game can allow for more active exploration of your sexuality. That's especially important for folks who don't see their desires reflected in regular mainstream porn.
There's even an indie adult game renaissance of sorts in the making. On platforms like Patreon , top adult games have thousands of fans paying monthly subscriptions to support their favorite creators.
There are hundreds of thousands of porn games on the internet, with dozens of new ones cropping up every day. But there isn't a good all-encompassing central place to discover all their varieties. Censorship also holds adult games back in terms of their ability to reach a large audience, which continues to be an issue on major platforms like Steam to this day.
Aside from Steam, Nutaku is the other biggest porn gaming hub. It's a site exclusively for adult games and best known for hentai-style free-to-play browser games. Both platforms are dominated by the heteronormative, cis male fan service-y gaze. While those games aren't inherently bad and appeal to a variety of people for different reasons, the overwhelming ubiquity of it does make it harder for sex games to rise above the widespread stigma.
A representative at Nutaku said the company has been working to diversify its online porn game library, though. The site now has a dedicated LGBTQ section and an upcoming redesign with sexual orientation and identity filters. It's also set aside a $5 million fund to support more inclusive adult sex games, leading to titles like Crush Crush and Blush Blush .
However, there are other ethical concerns related to Nutaku's parent company, Mindgeek. (Mindgeek owns some of the biggest Tube porn sites, like Pornhub, which has faced numerous accusations of highly unethical behaviors .) While it's a separate division of the company, Nutaku itself came under fire in 2016 for games that pirated others' artwork .
There are other complex ethical concerns to consider when it comes to adult gaming content, like representations of underage sex. But at the very least, porn games avoid the worst real-life harm of tube sites, like revenge porn and mistreatment of sex workers.
In our roundup of the best porn games, we wanted to represent the full, diverse spectrum and variety of options. Of course, it's impossible to review everything. We're defining porn games here as those made predominantly to titillate. For sex games more geared toward explorations of intimacy, check out the work of Nina Freeman , Robert Yang , and Knife Sisters ' creator Bobbi A Sand. We also did not include VR porn games (which we've covered elsewhere ) and were limited to the games we had access to through free demos or review codes provided by designers.
While we've played each game on our main list, we can't vouch for the entirety of their contents - so always proceed with caution and at your own discretion.
We chose games to review through lists of the top NSFW games on (opens in a new tab) , Patreon , and Steam (opens in a new tab) . We also asked for recommendations from experts in the field, like Daily Dot reporter Ana Valens , former Kotaku sex games columnist Kate Gray , sex tech software engineer Kyle Machulis , Robert Yang , and Zsuzsa James .
Our list is in no way definitive or complete. But we hope everyone can find something to get off to here. At the very least, we can promise you'll experience something beyond your boring old porn routine.
What it is: Ghosthug Games’ beloved Hardcoded is not only the height of queer visual novel erotica, but also showcases the power of adult games as more intimate and exploratory porn. Valens described the game as being centered around “an android trans girl who runs away from her oppressive life serving human needs and becomes friends with a group of queers living in a cyberpunk dystopian city. There's some sort of virus going around making everyone really, really horny. The game is part cyberpunk adventure, part trans girl story, and part queer porn game. It's really kinky and hot and fun and there's a little bit for every girl in it, although it's best enjoyed by queer trans women I think.”
Smut meter: Erotica with in-depth plot and intimate narrative
Gender, orientation, pairings, kinks, fetishes: Primarily trans women lesbian sex scenes with a bend toward sci-fi kinks.
What it is: In a lot of ways, Monster Girl Island is the quintessential male gaze-y porn game where you do a bunch of menial tasks to receive sex as a reward. At the same time, it also boasts a beautiful world, engaging characters, an undeniable charm, and hot sex scenes that render the game pretty irresistible. You're a human boy who washes up on the shore of an island populated by various species of fantasy creature/robot babes. They hilariously treat you with disdain, disregarding you as subhuman. So while you run around doing mindless errands for them, the girls are all having their own fascinating storylines you’re only tangential to. In summary, this game makes you a simp and — coupled with the self-aware humor — that’s what makes it so winning.
Smut meter: Porn with minimal plot and gameplay
Gender, orientation, inclusivity, pairings, kinks, fetishes: The game is catered to the cis heterosexual male gaze with no options for customization. It’s plenty kinky, with some light BDSM and fetishes for fantasy/sci-fi human hybrid creatures.
Price: The prologue demo is free (opens in a new tab) , and the full build is available to Patreon supporters at the $5 tier.
What it is: We’re putting AChat here as a representative of the online multiplayer genre of porn games, with open world hubs for cybersex interactions that range from the flirty to the hardcore. While AChat was all we had immediate access to, other games of this variety came more highly recommended by our expert. Machulis suggested the more expansive, customizable, and graphically advanced 3DXChat (opens in a new tab) (which requires a monthly subscription). James recommended Red Light Center (opens in a new tab) , which appears more inclusive by offering transgender customization options. In AChat, you can initiate sex scenes with a partner and, if they consent, create a scene by choosing environments, positions, speed, arousal, etc. All in all, despite the inherent awkwardness of virtual sex with strangers through glitchy dolls, there’s an excitement and aliveness to role-playing with IRL people. It can be especially useful during the pandemic, when many folks are abstaining from real-life sexual encounters for public safety.
Smut meter: Porn without plot but fascinating multiplayer mode social interaction
Gender, orientation, inclusivity, pairings, kinks, fetishes: These types of games are usually great because of the freedom to customize your body and experiences to fit your identity and desires. Unfortunately, AChat limits you to a binary sex, though you can choose between a straight, lesbian/gay, or bisexual orientation. You can also select your favorite sexual acts, ranging from the vanilla to more fetish and kink stuff.
Price: The initial download is free (opens in a new tab) but only offers limited customization options that you unlock with in-game currency.
What it is: The cream of the cock of male gay dating sims, if you will, Coming Out On Top is bursting with personality and really, really hot dudes. Playing as a good-looking senior undergrad at Orlin University, this choose-your-own-sexcapade lets you have a variety of relationships with a spectrum of “types” of men. Robert Yang equates it to an NC-17 version of another popular gay dating sim, Dream Daddy (opens in a new tab) , which he views as important but critiques for how, “there’s barely any sex in it, which is weird when basically all the gay daddies I know consider sex and physical intimacy to be a very important part of their lives. Coming Out On Top follows a similar silly wholesome romantic comedy approach, but invests more deeply in varied and complicated sexual scenarios.”
For those interested in a more gay male-focused adult game, you should also definitely check out Strange Flesh , which has Robert Yang’s seal of approval as an “elegant unification of BDSM themes, gay guilt, and the beat 'em up genre, with gorgeous pixel art sex animations.”
Smut meter: Porn with some fun and wholesome plot and intimacy
Gender, orientation, inclusivity, pairings, kinks, fetishes: ~ Gay all the way ~ with narrative choices in terms of sexual positions, partners, and kinks.
What it is: While we only had access to Operation Lovecraft free demo , Fallen Doll: Origin is a series of poke-the-doll porn games by Project Helius. These types of games give you female body models to play with by customizing their clothing, bodies, and environments along with sexual interactions you can script and let play out however you want. The Lovecraftian demo is definitely the kinkier side of this type of sex simulator, though the original build has more vanilla options. You can try even more vanilla poke-the-doll games like Girlvania as well if this one’s too extreme. Machulis also suggested the much more polished poke-the-doll games offered by Thrixxx (opens in a new tab) .
Smut meter : Niche fetish porn with literally zero plot
Gender, orientation, inclusivity, pairings, kinks, fetishes: Caters to the heterosexual cis male gaze, but has customization for pairings of various sexual orientations. Very kink heavy, including BDSM and sci-fi monster-bestiality fetishes.
Price: Free demo , with a Patreon donation of $24 providing access to the full early-access build as well as Origins .
What it is: Of all the titles on our list , Cloud Meadow is the most full-fledged video game with lots of porn thrown into the mix. You play as either Evan or Eve after arriving in the magical town of Cloverton, where humans and monsterfolk live, work, and fuck alongside each other. Your main role is farmer, but to help the town thrive you must also explore unknown lands, engage in turn-based battle combat, and can even breed with the monsterfolk to create
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