Play Sex Doll

Play Sex Doll


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She lay quietly on a narrow bed, greeting potential customers with an impassive stare and a disproportionately buxom form: meet "156", a stand-in companion for Chinese men with empty beds. Named for her height, she is a high-quality sex doll made of thermoplastic elastomer, a rubbery material softer than silicone, with adjustable hands, a removable head, hair and genitals, and available from specialist stores in Beijing for around $2,500. Liu, a local car designer, bought one for his dimly lit studio apartment, deep in an industrial suburb of the capital. Like millions in China who leave their hometowns to work in the cities, the 29-year-old automobile designer leads a bachelor's life during the week, returning to his wife and toddler in neighbouring Hebei province every weekend. He has already been married for more than a decade, and says he simply wants to satisfy his sexual appetites without being unfaithful to his wife.
Micdolls salesman Yi Jiange explains that most of his customers are professionals like Liu, and that even women come in sometimes and buy dolls for their husbands. And it's not necessarily about the sex, he adds, sometimes it's more about the companion. But of course he admits that even such real-feeling doll can never replace the real thing.


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Hyper-realistic rubber technology for the modern era
A sex doll, sometimes called a love doll, is a life-size humanoid doll made of either TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) or silicone. The doll is anatomically correct for a reason, of course. Its orifices are made to look and feel hyper-realistic for men to enjoy.
Naturally, the male dolls feature hyper-realistic penises for the pleasure of women. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, manufacturers can create an accurate and lifelike imitation of a female or male body, and to the most ideal proportions.
TPE or Silicone: Completely Safe, affordable and realistic
A sex doll generally refers to a full-size sex doll, but they can also consist of just a head with a torso and hips, or of just the legs and hips. The best sex dolls are made with medical-grade TPE or silicone so that the dolls are completely safe and highly durable for long-lasting use. They’re also easy materials to clean and keep sanitary.
Dolls brought to life through mechanical enhancements
Many sex dolls on the market come with reinforced metal skeletons, allowing for more movement. The landscape is ever changing, with new add-ons available every month. Some dolls have mechanical features that bring them to life with eye movements, blinking, jaw movements and more.
TPE – feels better | Silicone – looks better
A TPE sex doll is typically more affordable than a silicone sex doll, and is more flexible, squeezable and soft, allowing the doll to achieve wild sex positions. However, TPE sex dolls rarely offer a good heating feature, since the material doesn’t retain much heat. The flexibility of the TPE material depends on the polymer blend the manufacturer uses, so the texture and feel of the doll can vary so that’s why we always advise to go with the known authentic sex doll brands that we supply.
Silicone Dolls – Expensive but with refined detail
Silicone dolls have a highly detailed face and bone structure for a realistic sex doll experience. They cost a little more and are generally more rigid, but their sexual parts such as breasts and vagina are often made with softer material and their facial features tend to look more beautiful as the is silicone material can be moulded and sculptured finer.
Not just rubber. Sex dolls have come a long way
Sex dolls aren’t just an enhanced silicone sex toy. Some of today’s new sex dolls on the market actually went into development over 5 years ago because of the technology and precision that goes into creating something that recreates the sexual experience with a human. The mouth, vagina, and anus are made according to real women, and sex dolls have add-on features, movement, moaning and chatting features that make it life-like
Help You Explore a Fetish or Fantasy
Fantasy dolls, chick-with-dicks, threesomes, custom orders.
If your husband or wife isn’t interested in helping you explore a fetish or fantasy you have, a sex doll is the perfect solution. Your sex doll will be 100% obedient and you’re free to explore your fantasies without needing to account for anyone else’s limitations or feelings. Plus, you can find sex dolls geared toward virtually any fantasy or fetish, from vampires to big-titted
Hear, listen & talk to your doll. she'll understand you!
With the latest in AI technology, your sex doll can offer the companionship you need after a divorce or if you live alone. You can have a say in the doll’s personality and customize a personality that best suits you. This can even add to its kink factor. If jealousy turns you on, or if shyness spices it up for you, you can choose those as programmable personality traits.
A deep learning-enabled sex doll like Harmony from Realbotix can offer an emotional connection by laughing at your jokes, remembering your likes and dislikes, and even know when you’re touching or holding its hand. With a built-in microphone that listens to what you say, it will learn who you are without ever judging you.
AI dolls can now interact using deep learning
AI-enabled dolls, also called sex robots , help better take on the role of a sexual partner. Through deep-learning technology, they can get to know you and make good conversation. Plus, they have touch sensors on their erogenous zones that trigger moaning and dirty talk when touched.
Social phobia, sexual inexperience and physical disabilities. 
There’s no one subset of people who buy sex doll companions. Anyone from an average, everyday person to someone with a silicone doll fetish can benefit from connecting with a sex doll. It allows people with social phobias, disabilities and trouble connecting with other people explore a sexual relationship they may not otherwise have. Sex dolls are open to doing whatever pleases you, and they’re ready when you are. If you have reservations to ask your partner to engage in a sexual act or kinky fantasy you desire, you don’t have to worry about a sex doll judging you or having restrictions.
Long distance relationship or just extra spice in the bedroom?
Regular married people who aren’t getting the sex they want at home can also enjoy a sex doll and avoid cheating on their partner. For someone in a long-distance relationship, a sex doll can actually help them stay committed to their partner. For those who aren’t in a relationship, using a sex doll as a sexual partner can be cheaper and less time-consuming than dating.
Ever wanted a threesome, but scared of another human?
For couples, buying a sex doll can be a great way to fulfil fantasies involving twosomes or orgies, without any emotional complications. Whether it’s a relationship substitute that offers companionship, or it’s an exciting way to explore your most wild sexual fantasies, sex dolls are for anyone looking to have a better sex-life. Because sex dolls can be made with huge breasts, bubble butts and skinny waists, you can even enjoy fantasies you may not be able to have with a woman in real life
Sex dolls were different, but the purpose was the same
While its history extends back further, the realistic sex doll industry as we know it today started in the 1990s. Historically, various cultures have had their own version of sex dolls since ancient times. These low-tech dolls weren’t realistic like the modern hyper realistic sex dolls, but their intended purpose was the same. There are several accounts in ancient Greek literature of men getting it on with statues they created representing their ideal woman. European sailors of the 17th century, who were far from home on sea voyages for months at a time, had an early version of a sex doll made of leather. Dutch sailors traded with the Japanese, who called them “Dutch wives.” Still today, many Japanese people still call modern sex dolls “Dutch wives.”
1968 saw inflatables, 2012 saw the rise of TPE
Plastic inflatable sex dolls came about in 1968, when it became legal to sell sex toys via mail. By the 1980s, they were in sex shops. While they make for funny gag gifts, these blow up sex dolls don’t feel anything like sex, and the material just isn’t durable enough. Modern technology has (thankfully) made them obsolete. Fucking a sex doll now feels like the real thing, thanks to premium TPE and silicone, which have just the right balance of softness and firmness, as well as self-recovering elasticity, to feel like human skin.
From mannequin productions, demand skyrockets.
It all started in the late 1990s, when artist Matt McMullen created a female mannequin that was highly lifelike. When asked if it was anatomically correct, he realized there was a demand for a female sex doll that served a real function. McMullen went on to grow his company and sells high-end sex dolls to this day. With the continual development of AI, the features that sex dolls can offer continue to expand.
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