



The Cryptocurrency space is hamstrung with severe problems

The acceptance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment is gradually taking hold. Interestingly, the cryptocurrency market has hit a market capitalization of over 200 billion USD as of August, 2018. But with such electrifying news come global challenges and pertinent concerns that fall under the compliance umbrella. One of the biggest challenges that is making cryptocurrency industry unpopular is extreme volatility. Unlike its mainstream currency counterpart, the cryptocurrency market is more or less a social construct. The prices of cryptocurrencies on exchange platforms rise and fall within a short period of time and without notice. This sudden and unpredictable fluctuation is a huge concern that frightens many to their bone marrow thereby preventing the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency.

There is also the problem of multiple logins which makes the cryptocurrency market unappealing to less-knowledgeable investors. Asset management requires multiple logins for crypto wallets, banking and brokerage accounts. One can lose all of his assets in the event of the loss of private key. This acces-related risk is a turn off.


Recall, too, that crypto currency transactions are irreversible. Once made, there is no ‘oops’ or ‘control Z’. Based on the principle that ‘anything electronic can be reversible’, the irreversibility of crypto payment exposes the transaction to potential fraud – another major drawback against the universal adoption of cryptocurrency. After all, credit cards, bank account transfers, and all other electronic transactions involving traditional banks all have an "undo" button. And banks largely depend on this reversibility functionality to outwit fraudulent activities.


The above problems are further compounded by the ‘frightening’ fact that traditional banks are working against the global adoption of cryptocurrency. They do not accept cryptocurrency and they may even deny accounts to crypto users! In the light of all the above, it is little wonder, then, that global frontline businesses are dubious of accepting cryptocurrency as payment option. Now that is the bad news.

The good news is that team Platio strongly believes that digital currency can become mainstream sooner than later. And how is this possible? Team Platio strongly believes that this is absolutely possible by the establishment of links between the cryptocurrency and traditional banking sectors.

Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem – a solution at the right time

Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem is a one stop solution to all the problems highlighted above. The ecosystem is poised to establish cryptocurrency as a trusted and global means of payment. The technology is designed to enable users to switch, without any hitches whatsoever – between crypto and fiat financials systems.

How will Platio achieve the above mandate and reposition cryptocurrency as an asset and establish its global adoption? Platio is providing a banking app that will enable one single login access to crypto, fiat and stocks. This puts an end to the multiple login challenge enumerated at the outset.

And what about the crypto volatility risk that bedevils the crypto market?  Well, Platio has put in place an auto exchange that hedges that concern to a standstill.  This auto exchange can automatically trigger the transfer of funds from one asset type to another if some pre-arranged conditions are triggered. This functionality will insulate customers from market fluctuations. This is a most brilliant way to resolve the volatility setback. 

And how can one be protected from losing his assets in the event that he loses his access keys? Platio, is eliminating this flaw with a Standby Transfer feature. How does this work? Well, if an account remains inactive for a specified period of time, Platio will automatically transfer assets to a pre-selected crypto wallet or fiat account.

With Platio, the problem of the irreversiblenature of crypto payments will become a thing of the past. With this feature, Platio holds funds in Escrow and will only release them when a deal has been completed to the satisfaction of both parties. This will definitely boost the confidence level of crypto users and restore protection against possible fraud.


With Platio, crypto users will no longer be at the mercy of traditional banks as the ecosystem will provide banking services to the crypto community.

Platio Payment Cards – critical to the success of the crypto community

Platio is partnering with international payment companies to provide users with a unique plastic and virtual card. With this card, assets held on the Platio Ecosystem can be seamlessly converted into fiat currencies for transaction.

Platio – pioneering invincible innovation among competitors

Platio is towering above all its competitors. Granted, there are some key players distinguished for useful services in the crypto community, but they sure lack the uniqueness consistent with Platio. Only Platio offers a combination of products offered by Asset Guard and Smart Escrow and this positions Platio at the forefront of this ‘giant leap’ for the crypto community.


Team Platio is issuing an ERC20 PGAS token which will be used for all transactions and payments within the ecosystem.

Token Details

·       Hard cap: 34,500,000 EUR.

·       Soft cap: 5,000,000 EUR.

·       Max Token: 397,500,000 PGAS.

·       Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, BCH.

·       Token Price: 0,20 EUR.


Token Distribution


Platio is an international fintech initiative headquartered in London and authorized in over 30 countries.  Platio has what it takes to solve the major challenges facing the crypto world. The Platio ecosystem is powered by EOS blockchain technology and is designed with the functionality to offer all-in-one secure banking for crypto and fiat, and for stocks. With Platio, we are all assured of security and global adoption of crypto into the mainstream.


The team behind this project has members that are passionate and they have track records of success and experience. I think they have what it takes to pull this through. I think it is will be smart for anyone to invest on this project. For further information, please visit:               website one pager white paper

Written by Othuke O.

Bitcointalk name: othuke.

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2157491;sa





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