Platinum Ore

Platinum Ore

Platinum Ore

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Platinum Ore

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Technologies for processing of platinum ore concentrates, now existing all over the world, include the following main processes:. It requires high capital costs and environmental costs. Besides, some part of platinum ore cannot be practically processed independently with that technology be practically processed indepently with that technology. These are ores, containing appreciable quantities of chromium oxide that are widely spread in the world. Therefore chromium-containing concentrates are processed in very little quantities and are blended with the concentrates from Merensky reef. The objective of this Project is to create a complex of hydrometallurgical processes for recovery and refining of ore platinum. The complex includes new approaches to successive leaching it from non-ferrous metals concentrates with mineral acids and oxidativeleaching from PM residues with hydrochloric acid. The active use of new ion-exchange materials to extract PM from hydrochloric acid solutions and non-ferrous metals from mineral acids solutions is a distinctive feature of processes under development. In particular, after 2. In production were used resin and solvent extraction. In production of platinum on factory PFNM has exceeded 5 tons. Value of production of platinum less than on Krasnojarsk factory of non-ferrous metals. At a same time in the course of realization of ISTC Project N , ion-exchange materials were tested, synthesized from chemical agents, intermediate products of their synthesis and detoxification. They allow to extract platinum and palladium from solutions with complex salt composition together with their separate desorption nitrogen and sulphur containing materials ; to separate effectively platinum from palladium and other PM by liquid extraction oxyamines, oxysulfides ; to extract effectively cobalt and copper from chloride solutions separating them from nickel and non-ferrous metals oxyamines. Besides, it was shown, that with use of chemical agents as raw materials, analogues of practically all ion-exchange materials, applied in hydrometallurgy of PM at present, can be obtained 9 amines, sulfides, phosphates and phospine oxides. Using of these ion-exchange materials side by side with the known ones or their analogues will allow to solve a task of PM extraction from leaching solutions of concentrates and separation of platinum, palladium and other PM as well as purification of associated non-ferrous metals. Platinum and palladium are disorbed from saturated ion exchanger with mineral reagents. After single recrystallization or liquid extraction, refined platinum and palladium salts are obtained, that are calcinated to form sponge, the sponge is smelted to indots. Other PM if any are sorbed with other ion exchanger. All the technology, from concentrates up to platinum and palladium indots, can be performed at one plant. Only concentrate of other PM rhodium, iridium, ruthenium , containing no non-ferrous metals, will be directed to a refinery. Economic efficiency of the latter can sparsely be exaggerated. After elimination of pyrometallugical operations, environmental loading and correspondingly environmental control costs will be considerably reduced. In this case, solutions of non-ferrous metals in addition should be purified from metal impurities. It is necessary to provide PM extraction to the same solution i. Realization if this task, taking into account works already done, will require about 2 years and a team of workers, 37 in number, including technologists, specialists in synthesis of ion-exchange materials, analysts, laboratory assistants. Taking into consideration complexity and specificity of this task, the Project seems to be realized by cooperation of three institutions: ARRICT, institute that has a great experience in the field of synthesis and application of ion-exchange materials in PM technologies; JSC 'Institute Gipronickel' that is a leading scientific institution of Russian Joint Stock Company 'Norilsky Nickel'; and SRIOChT, that is a leading institute in the field of warfare chemical agents. Finally, treatment and generalization of the Project results will result in selection of the most efficient method of processing platinum ore concentrates to obtain refined platinum and palladium salts as well as concentrate of associated metals. Before the completion of this Project, we want to carry out marketing investigations to find a customer, who can finance research and development works on the processes. The permanent increase of platinum consumption all over the world for the latest years from 3, thousands ounces in 1S87 up to 4, thousands ounces in , and sharp increase of palladium consumption from 3, thousands ounces up to thousands ounces for the same time , actual prohibition of construction of new pyrometallurgical productions for processing of PM concentrates in most countries because of their environmental hazard , as well as replacement of ion-exchange materials, whose synthesis is problematic or very expensive because of deficiency of raw materials, by those synthesized from chemical agents, precursors and destruction products, all this makes the Project actual. The result of the Project realization will be development of low-waste-level, ecologically safe processes of hydrometallurgica, processing of platinum ore concentrates, including those from chromium containing ore deposit UG-2 This development will use ion-exchange materials, including those synthesized from chemical agents and their semi-products. МНТЦ способствует реализации международных научных проектов, а также помогает глобальному научному и деловому сообществу найти и задействовать институты Грузии и стран СНГ, обладающих уникальными научными ноу-хау, для совместных разработок и ведения бизнеса. Электронная версия Годовой Отчет Аудиторский финансовый отчет посмотреть. Контактная информация. Ограничение ответственности. Полезные ссылки. Карта сайта. Чтобы оптимизировать ваш пользовательский опыт, МНТЦ собирает информацию о том, как вы используете этот веб-сайт. Настройки файлов cookie дают вам обзор соответствующей информации и позволяют контролировать способ их использования. 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Technologies for processing of platinum ore concentrates, now existing all over the world, include the following main processes: 1. Oxidative smelting of the matte converting to obtain converter matte free of iron. Leaching of non-ferrous metals from the converter matte followed by their electrorefining. Leaching of PM from residues after the first leaching or isolation of PM as slurries while electrorefining non-ferrous metals. Separation and purification of PM from non-ferrous metals, partition of PM that takes place at refineries. To obtain PM, they apply hydrochlorination of the concentrate, precipitation of complex PM salts, ion-exchange processes. Results to be expected The result of the Project realization will be development of low-waste-level, ecologically safe processes of hydrometallurgica, processing of platinum ore concentrates, including those from chromium containing ore deposit UG-2 This development will use ion-exchange materials, including those synthesized from chemical agents and their semi-products. Годовые отчеты Годовые отчеты. Подписаться на новости. Международный научно-технический центр. Контактная информация Ограничение ответственности Полезные ссылки Карта сайта. Tel: 7 E-mail: istcinfo istc. Обычная версия. Настройки cookie Чтобы оптимизировать ваш пользовательский опыт, МНТЦ собирает информацию о том, как вы используете этот веб-сайт. 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Hydrometallurgy of Platinum Ore

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