Plasticineography - A Creative Way to Get Your Kids' Attention

Plasticineography - A Creative Way to Get Your Kids' Attention

Нами собраны советы по материалам, применяемым в различных направлениях, авторские мастер-классы, приемы работ и много других материалов, помогающих всем желающим развиваться самим и развивать свое хобби.

Using plasticine in a creative way is just one way to get your kids' attention and to hone their skills. It is also a good way to keep them from becoming too interested in the television. After all, a plethora of educational programs, games, and activities exist to keep your kids busy all day, every day. This is the perfect time to turn them on to the art of sculpting and molding plasticine into a wide variety of shapes and forms.

The name of the game here is not just to make your kids more productive, but to give them a taste of the culinary arts as well. To illustrate this point, we put the kids in charge of spicing up a platter of cheese with a little plasticine magic. In no time they will have produced a masterpiece of the highest order. The ensuing competition is sure to be a delight for all involved.

It's no wonder we have a growing number of plasticine wizards in our midst. After all, it is not hard to find a home for all that glitters. Fortunately, a little bit of imagination and a lot of patience go a long way. The best part is, when the dust settles, you'll be the proud stewards of a gilded pig. It's also the best way to hone your kids' creative juices.

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