Planning Poker Online

Planning Poker Online

Planning poker online can be a tricky task if you are not well-versed with the process. However, it is not impossible. If you take the right steps, you can get the job done in no time. Luckily, there are many tools and tips that will help you get the job done.

Limitations of planning poker sessions for remote teams

Planning Poker is an estimation technique that's easy to learn and use. It's especially effective for smaller teams that want to get accurate estimates quickly and easily. However, there are some limitations that a remote team might face.

First, it's important to make sure that the session is well organized. Having a moderator to run the meeting is essential. This ensures that all participants are comfortable and have access to the information at hand. Also, it gives everyone an equal amount of time to speak.

The main goal of a planning poker session is to get a group of team members to break a project down into smaller segments. Each team member can then come up with realistic assessment of the tasks and estimate the time required to finish them.

Planning Poker sessions can last several days. They can be conducted either synchronously or asynchronously. For teams that are remote, this can be an especially challenging task.

The process involves team members using a card deck to weigh the effort needed to finish a particular user story. The values on the cards range from 0 to 100. If the cards aren't used, team members can make their own scales. Getting an accurate estimation saves time and prevents surprises.

Typically, an Agile team will hold estimating sessions once per iteration. These sessions are a great way to get a sense of the overall product backlog before the end of an iteration.


Planning poker is a consensus-based estimation technique for Agile development teams. It enables team members to estimate their work on individual tasks, as well as on the whole project.

The goal of planning poker is to develop a common understanding of a user story's scope and impact. Estimates can be as high or as low as the team decides. This method can also help team members estimate the number of people they will need to complete a task.

The first step is to establish a baseline for the estimation. Then, the estimation team can create a set of custom scales. For example, a team could use a Fibonacci scale, with values for small animals, large animals, T-shirt sizes, and priorities. They can also add notes to their scores.

After the team has established its baseline, they can use planning poker to systematically build up a set of tasks. Using these tasks as a guide, they can determine the effort required for each part of a project.

Once the tasks are estimated, they are placed in a deck of cards. Each card has a different value. As the cards are revealed, the team can see how these estimates compare to previous work. If there are large discrepancies, the team might have missed a simple synergy.

In addition, a Planning Poker session can help reduce team bias, since all participants are given an equal voice. By encouraging diverse opinions, the process can help avoid overconfidence.

Scrum team reviews acceptance criteria

Using acceptance criteria to describe the functionality of a new feature or task is a good way to make sure that the team has clarity about the development. Acceptance criteria are a key part of the Scrum process. They provide a high-level overview of what needs to be done, which should be documented beforehand.

The product owner will usually be the one who writes the acceptance criteria. However, a development team or project manager may be tasked with developing these documents.

An effective set of acceptance criteria is a combination of a clear definition, a few simple guidelines, and a bit of testing. Acceptance criteria should be written in plain English to help everyone understand them.

A good set of acceptance criteria will be a result of an ongoing discussion between the Product Owner and the team. Acceptance criteria are important because they allow the team to determine whether a new Story is completed. These documents can also help the team avoid releasing a substandard product to the customer.

Acceptance criteria can be tricky to write. This is because the specifications should be simple, but not too simple. Ideally, they should be written by both the Product Owner and the development team. It's also a good idea to get input from stakeholders and other customer success managers to make sure that the acceptance criteria accurately represent the end-user's expectations.

Scrum team determines whether to add or remove any or explain aspects that are obviously out of scope

A Scrum team is a cross-functional group of professionals that uses a framework for managing product development. Its members are experts in their fields. Each member of the team has the courage to tackle difficult tasks. The team shares a common vision and values.

This framework helps the team adapt and implement new practices and processes. Initially, a scrum team may include 10 or fewer people. To stay nimble, smaller teams have more autonomy and communication.

During a sprint, the Development Team is responsible for delivering done increments. They are accountable for ensuring that their work is of high quality. However, if the scope of the project changes, it is important to make process adjustments as soon as possible.

In addition, the Development Team is expected to be self-sufficient. Therefore, it is not required to receive external help.

Another role of a scrum team is the Product Owner. This person is the voice of the customer. He or she represents the needs of stakeholders and decides what needs to be added or removed from the Product Backlog.

Moreover, the Development Team has the responsibility for delivering shippable product increments. As a result, it has a very crucial role in a Scrum Team.

Using Scrum, you can expect the development team to be more productive and efficient. You can also increase the value of your results. For instance, when you use agile development, you can release working models faster.

Research suggests a group estimate tends to be more optimistic than the forecast

One of the most important decisions you make as a software development manager is determining how much work to assign to each team member. Planning Poker is a consensus based Agile planning technique to help teams ensure they get their digits down the pipe in a timely fashion. The aforementioned procedure is not for the faint of heart. Using Planning Poker is a great way to identify potential bottlenecks early on in the process and ensure you don't have a slapdash product launch. Besides, it's a fun way to do business and a good time to chat with colleagues. Ultimately, it's an effective method of avoiding missteps and blunders, as well as a way to nudge the team into the right direction.

Among the many advantages of Planning Poker are its transparency and the ability to measure the quality of work derived from it. It also helps teams to better gauge the amount of work they'll need for their next iteration. Hence, it's a great tool for a scrum team to use as part of their product development pipeline. As a result, Planning Poker has become an essential tool in agile teams' arsenals. Regardless of the aforementioned benefits, it's not without its own drawbacks.

For instance, the aforementioned process may lead to aforementioned overconfidence in the team's estimation capabilities. Likewise, the group's proclivity to overestimate may be stifling. To avoid such detriments, it's wise to conduct a frank discussion about the team's needs prior to its first meeting. dewapoker


Planning poker is a consensus-based, game-like estimation technique used by Agile teams. The aim is to estimate the size of a task or feature. It's a fun way to build a shared context around a team's work.

There are a number of tools available to help teams estimate online. Some apps are built with particular functionality in mind, while others are self-contained and offer a lot of flexibility. Depending on the kind of team you're working with, choose an app that fits your needs.

If you're looking for a tool to help you with planning poker, you'll have to consider the following factors: your team's needs, your budget, and the level of flexibility you're willing to devote to the process. For instance, an ad-hoc meeting with a remote team will be a different experience than a scheduled one. However, a tool like Zenhub can be an excellent choice for teams that prefer asynchronous communication.

A good app for planning poker should be lightweight and adaptable. Some tools are a bit heavyweight, while others offer full customization and support for a range of project management tools.

An Observer role is another useful feature for planning poker. This allows a team member to watch and ask questions during a session. Ideally, an Observer would be a product owner or developer.

Planning Poker is ideal for teams that want to speed up sprint planning. Teams can customize their estimation methods, scorecards, and even export data to Jira.

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