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The author is Byron R. He is a British publicist, the senior managing director at Blackstone Advisory Partners. Автор статьи — Byron R. Это британский публицист и старший управляющий директор компании Blackstone Advisory Partners. The main problem of the article is whether the current recovery in the US economy is a secular change or not. Основная проблема статьи состоит в том, является ли настоящее оздоровление экономики США долговременным или нет. Эта часть должна быть небольшой предложений и передавать общее содержание основного текста статьи. The objective of the paper is … Основная задача статьи — …. The author concludes that… Автор приходит к выводу, что…. In conclusion the author says that… В заключение автор говорит о том, что…. The article suggested to your attention is taken from… — Статья,. The article deals with the problem of… —В статье рассматривается проблема…. The author shares his opinion on… — Автор делится своим мнением относительно…. The author reviews his observations of… — Автор обобщает свои наблюдения относительно…. The article begins with the general statement … — Статья начинается с. The author goes on to say that… — Далее автор говорит, что…. It seems significant for me that… — Мне кажется важным, что…. In conclusion, the author suggests that… — В заключение автор делает предположение, что…. The author comes to the conclusion that… — Автор приходит к выводу,. I find the article worthwhile because… — Я нахожу статью полезной,. The problem raised in the article is urgent because… — Затрагиваемая в статье проблема является актуальной, потому что…. The information given in the article is valuable because… — Содержащаяся в статье информация представляется полезной, потому что…. The author comments on the major news of the story… — Автор комментирует основные события…. The author gives a full coverage of… — Автор полностью раскрывает проблему…. The author gives much space to… — Автор уделяет много внимания…. The author brings out the problem of… — Автор выдвигает проблему…. The author summarizes his observations of… — Автор обобщает свои наблюдения относительно…. The author gives prominence to… — Автор выдвигает на первый план…. The debate about the current recovery centres on whether a secular change is taking place in the United States economy. If it is not, then we should all be optimistic because peak-to-trough declines in real GDP of 4 per cent are usually followed by gains of per cent. But the consensus view is that growth will be sluggish per cent and few jobs will be created. There will be revenue growth to be sure. The weak dollar has clearly helped exports and the 90 per cent of the working population with jobs are spending again, now that their house prices have stabilised and the stock market has come back from its lows of last March. To get the goods out the door and provide the services demanded by customers, companies are hiring temporary workers in record numbers to maintain maximum flexibility. The result of this is that productivity is soaring. The reading of better than 8 per cent growth is the highest in decades. Rather than applaud the efficiency of the American worker one should wonder if the numbers are too good. Are workers being driven to the point of exhaustion? Wage rates are barely increasing. How much longer can this go on? Not much longer in my opinion. The unemployment rate usually starts moving lower about nine months after the economy troughs and that happened in the second quarter of , so we could see jobs created as soon as the February report, which will come out on March 5. Longer term I doubt that the United States or Europe will grow faster than 3 per cent anytime in the next five years, while the developing world will grow in excess of 5 per cent. The result of this is that the mature industrial economies are losing about a percentage point a year in share of world GDP to the emerging markets and they are losing a similar amount in share of world stock market capitalisation. The biggest problem the United States is facing is the productivity of capital. After the end of the second world war it took less than two dollars of investment by government, corporations and individuals to produce one dollar of GDP growth. The productivity of capital continued to be impressive until , when Europe had recovered and Japan was producing automobiles and consumer electronics products that found wide acceptance in world markets. In the single decade of the s, the productivity of capital declined from less than two dollars of investment to produce a dollar of growth to about three. If you assign a 30 per cent gross margin to that revenue growth, the return on investment declined from 15 per cent to 10 per cent. That level of return proved to be satisfactory, but in the first decade of this century capital productivity declined seriously in the United States. Because of profligate spending on over-priced housing and other assets that declined seriously and deficit spending by the government, by the end of the decade it took six dollars of capital to produce a dollar of growth. The return on that would only be 5 per cent and few would put money at risk for that reward. When you look abroad to assess our competitive position, the results are not encouraging. It is hard to put together comparable information, but, based on the data I could gather, Europe was still getting a dollar of growth for two dollars of investment and China was getting at least a dollar of growth for each dollar of investment. If the US is to stop losing ground against other mature and developing economies, it is going to have to put money to work more effectively. We are still the leaders in technology and scientific research and we must continue to take advantage of the commercial possibilities of innovation. Copyright The Financial Times Limited Print a single copy of this article for personal use. Contact us if you wish to print more to distribute to others. FT' and 'Financial Times' are trademarks of the Financial Times. He is an American publicist, the senior managing director at Blackstone Advisory Partners. The author believes that in spite of the fact that the latter alternative is more optimistic because peak-to-trough declines in real GDP of 4 per cent are usually followed by gains of per cent , the consensus view is that growth will be sluggish per cent and few jobs will be created. The author gives an account of the indications of the revenue growth in the near future but fears that this cannot go on much longer. He suggests that the mature industrial economies are losing about a percentage point a year in share of world GDP to the emerging markets and they are losing a similar amount in share of world stock market capitalisation. The author pinpoints the fact that the biggest problem the United States is facing is the productivity of capital. He goes on to a detailed account of the trends in the productivity of capital in the USA and its competitors. The author comes to the conclusion that if the USA do not reverse the current trends, their growth beyond this year will be disappointing and the standard of living will decline. I find the problem touched upon in the article urgent, especially under the present conditions of the global economic crisis. The information given in the article is valuable because it shows us that recovery from the economic recession is a very complex process which involves many different factors. FAQ Обратная связь Вопросы и предложения. Upload Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? Самарский Государственный Аэрокосмический Университет им. Р е фе р и р о ва н и е Rendering Что такое реферат? Автор The Author The author is Byron R. Основная проблема The Problem The main problem of the article is whether the current recovery in the US economy is a secular change or not. Краткое содержание The course. The author concludes that… Автор приходит к выводу, что… In conclusion the author says that… В заключение автор говорит о том, что… VII. Собственное отношение Personal attitude: The Financial Times http: The US will continue to lose market share By Byron R. February 16 Wien is senior managing director at Blackstone Advisory Partners Copyright The Financial Times Limited

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