Plaisir français

Plaisir français


Plaisir français

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A lot of my students make this common mistake. When being thanked for something nice they’ve done, they want to say “my pleasure” and translate it into “mon plaisir” in French. This does not sound too good in France.
The word “le plaisir” refers to both physical pleasure and mental pleasure in French. Just like in English.
We use pleasure in French pretty much the same way you do in English, except for the expression “my pleasure”.
When you help out someone, like if you help them move in, and they thank you, it’s common in English to say “my pleasure.” So a lot of students just translate “my pleasure” into “mon plaisir”.
I’ve been told that “mon plaisir” was used in Canada, and that is was common there.
However, in France, I wouldn’t use it: it just doesn’t sound good.
We have a very formal expression which is:
but if a man was to say this to a woman, it could be seen as a bit flirtatious (see my article on the French dating system) .
To express that idea, we would say either:
Watch out with the expression “de rien” which is very used in French, but is frowned upon on higher social classes.
Sorry to sound snobbish, but social class does matter in France , so you may as well use an expression that pleases any crowd.
In-depth audiobook covering the foundations as well as the difficulties of today’s French pronunciation
In French, a common expression with “pleasure” is “avec plaisir” = with pleasure.
Another common expression is “au plaisir”. It’s used when you leave, and the full expression is “au plaisir de vous/te revoir” which translate into “I’m looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you again”. It’s common, but frowned upon in higher social classes, just like “de rien” is.
The best way to memorize all these subtle expressions is to learn them in context: I suggest you check out French Today’s downloadable French audiobooks : French Today’s bilingual novels are recorded at different speeds and enunciation, and focus on today’s modern glided pronunciation. 
Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 23+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Most of my audiobooks are recorded at several speeds to help you conquer the modern French language.
Good luck with your studies and remember, repetition is the key!
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Recorded at 3 different speeds + Study Guide + Q&A + Full Transcript
Can You Understand Today’s Spoken French?
It’s not just slang. The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners.






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(ancien français plaisir, plaire, du latin placere, plaire)
État de contentement que crée chez quelqu'un la satisfaction d'une...
Commentaire Cette formule terminait tous les édits royaux depuis une ordonnance de Louis XI du 31 octobre 1472. Quant au terme bon plaisir, qui servit sous la Révolution pour caractériser le régime monarchique, il n'apparaît dans les actes qu'à la fin du règne de Louis XVI .
Quel accent différencie l'habitant d'une colonie d'une partie de l'intestin ?

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Wee Robbie was literally stuck to Sam last year on set. IDK why but he was always looking to play with him. There are several pictures of Sam playing with the boy so the one that Outlander had posted hanging on Sam's leg or both with hands open. Even when Sam was talking to someone or resting the boy would go with him. He would say he had a sword and act like he was attacking Sam Caitriona thought it was very cute and it was💙 she was pregnant at the time my father worked on set (not now
Little Robbie does seem to be quite fond of Sam. It’s very sweet and I’m sure his daddy instincts help. And Caitriona seems to be a hit with all the little bubba’s on set. Thanks for sharing Anon.
besides this complicity, I also find that Robbie physically resembles sam and cait a lot. moreover, the age of this little boy could correspond to the age of Cait’s eldest.
very very curious… am I the only one to think that?
Baby cries during a videocam interview with SAM HEUGHAN
Sam are you hiding some things from us?
I vote for the BABY! and more precisely the baby of 🍼✨SAM and CAIT ✨🍼!
Seeing the reaction of the TV presenter👀 , but also the face of sam😬 . I immediately understood that I was not the only one to have heard his surprising sound😅 there is no doubt
The glance of the presenter which means: did I hear what I heard? :
Sam’s gaze in the direction of the sound (so maybe the baby ((with cait ??)) we can also note the big catch of breath of Sam :
I now let you put on the headphones, play the video (below at 6:20) or the video of the presenter’s reaction) and you will be able to hear the sweet sound of a newborn baby.🥲
For me the baby we hear is the last baby we had cait and sam the one that was announced in August 2021 on instagrame of cait. this will make sense in view of the date of this interview: May 2021
I can’t wait to hear from you and get your feedback!
ps: I am French and I don’t speak English very well. by chance I came across this video while I was watching interviews with cait and sam. being surprised, I wanted to share it so that I could discuss it with you☺️

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| pleasure
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UK: * UK and possibly other pronunciations UK and possibly other pronunciations /ˈplɛʒə r / US: USA pronunciation: IPA and respelling USA pronunciation: IPA /ˈplɛʒɚ/ , USA pronunciation: respelling (plezh ′ ər)

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Inflections of ' pleasure ' ( v ): ( ⇒ conjugate ) pleasures v 3rd person singular pleasuring v pres p pleasured v past pleasured v past p



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Collocations : sexually explicit: pleasure your [lover, boyfriend, wife], a [great, enormous, real, genuine, immense] pleasure, a pleasure [boat, ride, ground, port], Suite...
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Voir également :

pleased to meet you
pleasure boat
pleasure craft
pleasure cruise

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Eating chocolate brings Sally great pleasure.
Manger du chocolat procure beaucoup de plaisir à Sally.
C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer.
Are you travelling for business or pleasure?
Voyagez-vous pour affaires ou pour le plaisir ?
Voyagez-vous pour affaires ou pour vos loisirs ?
Le jardinage était son seul plaisir.
A considerate man will find new ways of pleasuring his lover.
Un homme attentionné trouvera de nouvelles façons de donner du plaisir à sa partenaire.
Un homme attentionné trouvera de nouvelles façons de satisfaire sa partenaire.
take pleasure in [sth] vtr phrasal insep
They seemed to take pleasure in my obvious discomfort.
Ils semblaient se réjouir de mon embarras évident.
Ils semblaient prendre plaisir à mon embarras.
A beautiful sunset always gives me pleasure.
Un beau coucher de soleil me procure toujours beaucoup de plaisir.
She took intense pleasure from sipping such a fine wine.
A: Thanks for all your help. B: My pleasure.
– Merci pour votre aide. – Tout le plaisir est pour moi.
Les hommes ont toujours peur que leur partenaire simule son plaisir.
I've been overseas a few times this year but my trip to Hawaii was the only pleasure trip.
Je me suis rendu à l'étranger plusieurs fois cette année, mais le voyage à Hawaï a été mon seul voyage d'agrément.
amateur de plaisir, amatrice de plaisir nm, nf
pleasure-seeker, pleasure seeker n
Some people experience sensual pleasure when a partner massages their scalp.
He often experienced a sensual pleasure when eating a chocolate cake.
She received little sexual pleasure from the relationship.
"Thank you for cooking us such a wonderful dinner." "The pleasure is all mine."
- Merci de nous avoir cuisiné un si bon repas. - Tout le plaisir est pour moi.
Thank you. I accept your invitation with pleasure.
Merci. J'accepte votre invitation avec plaisir.
Merci. J'accepte votre invitation bien volontiers.
(polite reply to request or thanks)

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Une énorme bite qui la fait loucher
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