PixifyX Technical Support Document

PixifyX Technical Support Document

Welcome to PixifyX! This comprehensive guide will help you maximise the potential of our photo editing application. If you enco…


About PixifyX:

PixifyX is a powerful photo editing application designed to enhance your images with advanced effects and styles.

Features Overview

Background Removal

Clarity Enhancement


Style Generation from Prompts

Image Style Selection

Installation Guide

Download and install "PixifyX" from the Apple App Store by searching for it.

Creating an Account

After two introductory pages, directly input your username and password on the login page and follow the prompts to register.

Photo Effects

  1. Remove backgrounds from images.
  2. Make ID photo
  3. Photos become clearer
  4. Old photo coloring

Style Generation

  1. Using Prompts
  2. Generate unique styles based on prompts and preferences.

Uploading Images

Upload existing photos for style generation.

Selecting Artistic Styles

Choose and apply various artistic styles.

  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Common Questions
  3. Frequently asked questions about PixifyX.

If you have any questions, please contact: pixifyx_service@hotmail.com

Report Page