Pissed In My Mouth

Pissed In My Mouth


Pissed In My Mouth
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β†’ Fetishes
β†’ Toilet slaves

M y husband wants to pee on me and in my mouth. I told him how unsanitary I thought that was but it turns him on so much. Can anyone tell me if it is unhealthy. I really want to please him because he pleases me in so many ways.

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by islander1204 3 hours ago



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O f all the things men PEE ON!... I don't think the wife should be one of them!...
People have been known to drink urine, though its suggested in an emergency, sexual pleasure for another doesn't fall into that category.

mike mcenroe just cannot be serious maa

e ach to their own but there is no unhealthy issues with this as far as i know,after all it is only salted water & if you can get past your inhibitions everything will be fine,but beware you cant swallow as fast as he pees
T he publicly acceptable name for this is urolagnia. You can find information about it on the internet, starting here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urolagnia

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T here are people who enjoy erotic humiliation and dehumanization such as this. It's a form of sado-masochism. Personally, I think that anyone who agrees to be the "victim" in this situation needs professional help. By objectifying you to this extent (he's symbolically making you his toilet) danger signs should be going off in your head.
y eah to each his own I guess,Pee is supposed to be sterile so I don't see a problem as far as health,why don't you tell him to pee on the back of your head,it has to be better than in your mouth.
D on't think it will hurt you physically, but mentally it makes me ill to even think about it.
P ee is actually sterile and safe but whether you want to do it or not is up to you.
I might be good if you swallow it. I think you have to swallow a lot, but I'm pretty sure it can be bad for you eventually. Just peeing in your mouth won't hurt though, if you don't swallow it. It might make you sick if you're not prepared for it though.
i f your husband is in good health it's not unhealthy (and i think that's hot too...lol)
A ctually, urine is sterile, so technically it is NOT unsanitary. As long as you don't swallow the urine (or if you only accidently swallow a small amount), then there is no unsanitary risk involved.

Have fun!
i ts up to you, but that to me is disgusting
F or ISLANDER--- Although my experience is limited I enjoy watching women pee and poop. I have drunk pee and fed pee to a willing partner on occasion. No ill effects to either party. I would suggest you set up your parameters and take it slow. Maybe he drinks from you first?
F rom everything I've read on the subject, it's a fairly safe thing to do. As long as he doesn't have a urinary tract or bladder infection, the urine is sterile when it leave the bladder. If you're willing to give him a blow job then you won't pick up anything that you wouldn't already be getting. You may get an upset stomach or throw up from drinking a lot of it all at once.

For your first time, I suggest kneeling in the bathtub or shower. Open your mouth and swallow a little bit. Then keep your mouth open and let him fill your mouth and let it run down your body. Your husband will find it very erotic and you can then take a quick shower afterwards if you want.
i ts ok taken in moderation - try it the other way around too
F resh pee is sterile. Ghandi drank a cup of his own daily. You might find it a turn-on to have his warm fluid flowing down your body. Make him a deal. Tell him he can pee in your mouth and on your body if you can do the same to him. You may both find giving and receiving gets you hot.
Y ou can swallow urine with relatively little adverse effects, assuming you keep a few things in mind.

Urine is sterile, but it is also full of things the body doesn't need, mainly minerals; if you ingest this, it forces your kidneys to work twice as hard to filter both the ingested minerals as well as what it already has to filter naturally from other consumption.

Ideally for each ounce of piss you drink you should drink the same amount of water, if not twice as much. In terms of the person doing the peeing, it's also good for them to drink a lot of water. The more water, the more diluted the urine - for the drinker it's nice because it's less minerals and less strong of a taste. In fact, urine (like other excreted substances) can take on the very taste and smell of whatever the other person drinks. If they drink a lot of tea, for example, the urine will have a tea-like flavor.

Stay hydrated and it doesn't matter at all.
s wallowing doesn't sound healthy at all
i f your husband wants to pee in your mouth
he must be feeling a erection in his penis
you maybe should enjoy him peeing in your mouth
but keep in mind it is a federal crime to do this in public so beware
I saw a "Couples instructional video" aka porn with one of those weird old women giving advice mixed in. A quote from that old woman (maybe the talk sex one), "Ya know, normal, fresh urine is normally much more sterile than anything we exchange with our mouths!"

You be the judge
d o a search about pee it filtered by the kindneys and is not bad for you taste like coffee etc or drugs you take could effect it if your taking more than your body needs it will come out in your gold
scat is the unclean and where care must be taken
I would dont let pee in your mouth. Just let pee on you. Me and boyfriend practice watersports sometimes I let him pee on ( my favorites for to pee on are breasts and vagina) He nevers pees in mouth. I think peeing in mouth and faceis gross. But other body parts such breast and vagina are fine! Actually I love it when he pees on my breast and my vagina.
P rovided he is not sick then there is no issue with hygiene, in fact, urine is very clean and sterile. In the army men regularly piss on their own feet as a way of ensuring various foot diseases (even athletes foot) stays away. Hence, from a purely hygiene point of view, there is no issue.

What may be an issue is the mental side of it for you. I would suggest you start slow and see at what level you get completely turned off (or if maybe you get turned on!). Allow him to join you in the shower and to pee on your leg, and then slowly over a few times allow him to pee on your pussy. If you are moving along and all goes well with that, perhaps kneel in front of him and instuct him to pee on your tits only. Move on slowly and stop when you feel like your limit has been reached. If you reach that limit with him pissing on your foot, then so be it and he must just accept that. Move slowly for both of you. It makes it a much nicer process than suddenly trying to have him piss all over your face and mouth. Explain to him that maybe, if you go slow, you will go much further than starting with the extreme acts first. See how it goes and feedback!
U rine is sterile so long as your husband does not have an std or any kind of infection.
D o not let him pee in your mouth. Trust your instincts. Your heart is telling you "no..oh no..OH HELL NO!!!!" listen to that voice. There is no elevation in your relationship achieved by him pissing on you, in your mouth or around you. Ask a child if he or she would like to be pissed on, what do you think they would say? Tell him to drink his own piss, and if he does..run like hell.

This is a dehumanizing act and its another way guys try to get women to do base acts.

Think to yourself...do you really want to get to be an old lady who loves drinking a warm cup of piss in the morning? NO. NO. NO. and HELL NO, and DAMN WOMAN...what in creation's name...???!!!
N o it is not unsanitary. Urine is sterile. If you don't want to. Just tell him no.
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Home Articles & Editorials Love and Relationship My BF urinates in my mouth every morning and when I refuse, he beats me up – Pls Help!

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How do I stop him from this act? Am Juliet 24, I stay with my boyfriend off campus, every morning my boyfriend likes to take his morning pee in my mouth.
This started way back in my year 1 when we just decided to get freaky,he then suggested that he pee in my mouth which I agreed and since then he will wake me up and tell me he has to pee so i will get on my knees open my mouth real wide and wait for him to fill my mouth with his hot morning pee and after his done peeing in my mouth i suck his dick until he comes this is how i start my morning.
He has gotten use to it that whenever I refuse doing it,he will beat me up so bad, I really love him so much I don’t want to get him hurt,now am scared of drinking his pee because people say it contains harmful substance please is it true,and if yes how do I stop my boyfriend from this act without him beating me up,he enjoys it,is it that he’s abusing me indirectly am just confused, please help!
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You better continue with it that way, na poopoo remain make e add? So, if you weren’t told that it contains impurities and can be harmful, you would have allowed him continue with such develish act on U! I really pity you. Better get delivered!
He has no future plans 4 you, he won't let that happen to his sister. It could even be demonic, probably he has been using your destiny. You better run 4 ur life. That's not love, it is satanic. Visit any MFM church in your vicinity and participate in a deliverance program. You need help, God will help you out.
well it is nt good. d guy is killing u little by little but my advice is to break d relationship. and get a God fearing person
you are actually a mad girl if you say that is live.
WTF at first i wanna blv dis story is made up giving a second thought
girl i say you r in lost and not love, you better get ur stuffs and lv him now dat u can or else soon ur head will be needed to complete the juju his cooking up on u
U need deliverance OMG while will a grown up girl like u allow such demonic act to befall u in this Morden age.
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β†’ Fetishes
β†’ Toilet slaves

I like a girl pee in my mouth, and lick her ass after she was on toilet and shit. But she have problem to pee while she sitting on me. Do most girls having problem with that?

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by Swede 3 hours ago



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y ep, My GF is not into peeing, but she does it for me... only problem is she finds it difficult to go when not on the toilet but over my face.

Hey at least she's prepared to try for me ! :o)
n o i don't think so there is any problem in sitting in your mouth just the discomfort, but tell me onw thing is it safe to do so, because i wanna try it with my wife?how does it feel?
M y boyfriend is really into that sort of thing. i would sit on his face and let him suck it right out of me. actually he got me to make him a video of me peeing, and even though i was alone in my bathroom i got nervous on video, so i would probably be pretty nervous about peeing in front of him. but im sure as hell going to try for him. anything to make him happy.
y es i prefer shitting mouth, my s in law is very cute. i had a dream to teste her shit from her ass. after 6 moth try i could get her agreed to shit on my face . it was amazing to lick her assole while shitting
I t took my wife many years of practice to pee while I was licking her or she was squatted over me. I found that if I quit licking her pussy, she could relax and start to pee. After the Golden Necter began to flow I can start licking again. Nothing like feeling the pee flowing out of her pee hole and into my mouth.

y eah i say thats hot an sexy at the sametime if your really obbsessed with a girl and licking her ass is ultimately sexy aswell...the sensation of a girl peeing on your is soo sexy too so i say its hot only if you love off the girl in all those ways an she thinks its hot that you want that from her
T aste great and its less filling. What more do you want.
W ell I am not into the shit thing but yeah I drink golden wine from my wife.
I love teh tatste direct from the source.
initially start with a glass and let her fill it in front of you... slowly come to the 69 type of position where she is not facing you to give her "her space" to do teh naughty thing.. an dslowly she will have no problem in squating on your face and bestowing you with her precious golden wine and sexy juices....
I t's just a matter of a relaxing sit.
If the girl or lady sits quite relaxed on your mouth it should be quite easy.
But some women or girls have to train a few times before they can sit completely relaxed and let their pee go.
Most enjoy it very much after they have tried a few times and got used to it.
S in law shitting in mouth! Lucky pal. But did u only tasted her shit? Real experience is 2 lubricate asshole of the cuttie, penetrate tongue deep within until its tip touches something edgy. Thats the shit. Take it all into ur mouth. Eat the hot cake
N ot necessarily. May this is a mental block. She can come out if u pals take an intermediate step. 4 sometime let her pee in an empty glass u watching her, and then u can drink it hot. Eventually she ll sit on u 2 pee
m y wife quite often used to call me into the toilet and ask me if i wanted to lick her clean after she had pissed and shit it was yummy
I f a girl/lady is sitting correctly on your mouth and you swallow as needed, normally there would not get lost a single drop of her pee.
It is only a matter of good training and good swallowing.
But the lady/girl should take some little care by waiting a little bit with her pee until you have swallowed and then continue again.
Mostly it is enough if she only is reducing the speed of her peeing so that you have enough time to swallow down any single drop of her.
Usually it is extremely erotic and stimulating if a lady/girl is sitting relaxed on your mouth.
Most can pee with a real stimulating pleasure and have their real fun when they do.
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