Pisces Sexual Traits

Pisces Sexual Traits


Pisces Sexual Traits
Are you interested in Pisces Woman Sexuality? Then this guide is for you!
The Pisces woman places much premium on lovemaking. It comes to them naturally. This means that they are more than willing to take their experiences to the next level.
The Pisces girl considers foreplay as a critical step in good lovemaking. She prefers a man who’s good at this.
She knows she’s good in bed, though she wants to hear it from her man as well. He should be observant enough to compliment her regularly.
Women born under the Pisces zodiac sign are tender and sensitive. She cares for her partner’s sexual needs.
She prefers to alternate between being wild with tender. You can expect sex with her to be a slow, sensual, and tender affair.
Love is an important aspect of her sex life. This means that she’s unlikely to have sex with a man she has little feelings for.
To arouse this girl’s interest in sex, look for ways to create an intimate environment. She likes it when you act spontaneously with her. Be romantic.
For example, grab her ass and pull her towards you as you make out. Gently bite her ear. Play with her hair as you hug her tightly.
Being romantic with this girl is guaranteed to make her fall head over heels with you. She will constantly think of you, and you can be sure that some good things are in the offing.
Use your tricks to make her blush. For example, you can declare your love for her in front of her friends.
Ask her out for a special dinner. If you do this in front of your friends, you make her feel special. At the same, it’s a clear indicator that you are courageous.
Girls love men who display a certain level of confidence. The Pisces girl is particularly turned on by a man that displays a courageous attitude.
Tantalize her senses by playing some sexual mental games with her. Heighten the sexual tension between the two of you.
Let your hand accidentally touch her ass. Build this tension by accidentally brushing your body against hers.
If you consider yourself plain or boring, then it’s time to up your game. Only a passionate and purposeful man will stand a good chance with this girl.
Women born under the Pisces zodiac sign are some of the most understanding and mature females in the zodiac.
This Piscean girl will take care of their lover in many ways. For example, she gives him pleasant surprises when he least expects it.
Pisces women are attractive and charming. This is the kind of girl who turns heads wherever she goes. She does this without exerting herself in any way.
You will laugh and feel excited by just being with her.
Men are attracted to these girls because of their social nature. She easily attracts the man of her choice because of her friendliness.
Indeed, before she settles down, this girl is likely to have many friends with benefits.
She appreciates anything romantic that originates from her lover. That small gesture you make towards making her happy matters.
She gets aroused by being kissed in front of her friends. If you whisper something cheeky when she’s with friends, it’s enough to get her all wet and ready for action.
These small gestures may look insignificant to other women. However, they mean a lot to her. They create the right foundation for intimate lovemaking later on.
So, go ahead and indulge your girl in kissing, foreplay, hugging, and oral sex. You will be surprised at the pleasant responses you’ll get from her.
Additionally; remember that this girl likes being complimented. Tell her, as often as you can, that she’s gorgeous.
Of course, you need to be creative as you go about this. Take care not to sound monotonous or insincere.
The Pisces girl is sensitive. Also, she’s humble, practical, and down to earth. She expresses her sexuality passionately and elegantly.
Love and sex are part and parcel of her physical intimacy. This means that it is indispensable.
To seduce this girl, you must look for ways to make her feel special. She doesn’t fall for a man for the mere reason that he is available.
You need to treat her like she’s the only girl in the world. Well, if you can’t manage this, then at least you should prove to her that she’s the only girl in your life.
Be confident as you handle her. She finds this as a must-have, sexy quality in a guy. Her heart will melt when she sees how courageous you are.
You will woo her with ease if you can prove that you are not scared of failure. You can do this by seducing her in front of her friends.
Ask her out, and she glows with pride. Better still; kiss her in front of her friends. If she responds positively, you can be sure that you have won this girl over.
You’ll seduce this girl effortlessly if you are generous with your compliments. Let her know that she’s sexy. Talk about how well she dresses.
Tell her how well her body complements her clothes.
It won’t be long before this girl is completely smitten with love for you.
The Pisces girl is very observant, and she anticipates the next move her man will make. So, you need to be really good if you hope to surprise her.
Considering how much she likes surprises, doing the unexpected can score you some good marks. Buy her a new sex toy or some sexy lingerie.
This girl has a high libido. She will appreciate you more of you can do things that will make her have powerful orgasms.
If you know just the right kind of gifts for her, you will win her heart with ease.
Once the Pisces woman has set her eyes on a man, she will do everything in her power to satisfy him. She is a good seductress, and she knows the tricks to use on him.
At the same time, she plays hard-to-get. This is because she doesn’t want just about anyone to crawl into her bed.
She’s choosy, and she wants a man who has met certain standards before he can sleep with her. For example, this man must be good enough to please her senses.
He should be wild and sensitive at the same time. He should be passionate and tender. Not many men meet this criterion.
So, if she had already taken you as a partner, consider yourself lucky.
To the Pisces woman, affection, love, and sex are one and the same thing. These are the means through which she expresses her feelings.
If she withdraws sex from her partner, it means that she’s feeling down. It could be that you have wronged her or that she’s dealing with an issue she considers particularly tough.
Don’t push her when she doesn’t feel like doing anything. Rather; find out what could be wrong and try to resolve it.
Otherwise, your attempts will not only flop, but they will hinder any other attempts you make in the future.
The Piscean girl is looking for a man that will satisfy her in bed. If you are into her, be sure not to approach this relationship with ulterior motives.
Be honest and genuine as you deal with her. She will respond by giving you wonderful experiences in and out of bed.
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So Here’s the Deal With Dating a Pisces
Laura Leclercq
Laura Leclerq is an astrologer and writer.

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Thoughts and prayers to the Capricorn lying next to you as you read this.
No offense to anyone else, it’s just a fact: Pisces deliver more heat between the sheets than any Scorpio and Leo combined, multiplied by every Gemini you’ve ever met.
And I have proof (besides, like, every Pisces you’ve slept with). Pisces is a water sign —they are easygoing and nonjudgmental and will almost never call the police when you want to try something a little freaky in bed (consensually freaky stuff only, pls).
Whether you’re in an LTR with a Pisces or you’ve hooked one (did you really think I wouldn’t do a fish pun?) in your DMs, they’re gonna listen to your fantasies and *get* why you want what you want . Count on them to act understanding. Emphasis on the word “act.”
The head-in-the-clouds dreaminess that annoys you IRL makes Pisces extra creative at sex and able to commit fully, Anne-Hathaway-in- Les - Mis style, to role-play, dirty talk, dressing up like Beanie Babies, old-fashioned network-TV-style lovemaking...where was I?
Oh, yeah: Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination , so if you don’t feel like supplying the fantasies, they’ve gotchu. They have ~ideas~.
But wait! That’s not all. If you order now, you’ll also get a free supply of high emotional intelligence. So if you, say, need endless attention (hi again, Leo) or lots of postcoital cuddling (ILY, Cancer), a Pisces is exactly who you want spooning you .

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You might not know what to expect from a Pisces man sexually because of his shy nature. Not all Pisces men are comfortable talking about sex.
Pisces man might be nervous with you at first. As you get to know, though, you’ll discover he’s an exciting lover.
Pisces men aren’t always the type to have one-night stands. Sex is often more than just sex for a Pisces man . He is a sensitive lover who craves emotional intimacy.
Pisces men have big imaginations! Your Pisces man likely has all kinds of sexual fantasies. The key is getting him to trust you enough to reveal those fantasies to you.
Many Pisces men are considerate lovers. They tend to be people-pleasers and want to ensure their partner is satisfied. Pisces men aren’t selfish in bed. They sometimes put their partner’s needs before their own.
What is a Pisces man like in bed? Some can be shy and nervous at first. Once they are comfortable, though, they can be very carefree and even a little impulsive.
Pisces men like to live in the moment when they can. When a Pisces man is in bed with someone he is truly comfortable with, he will allow himself to let go of all his cares and worries.
Sex is an intimate, emotional experience for a Pisces man. He wants to be guided by his whims and feelings, not his thoughts and anxieties.
A Pisces man won’t always think before he does something. If it feels good and he gets the urge to do it, he’ll go with it.
Having sex with a Pisces man can be a very freeing experience when you both trust one another.
How is a Pisces man in bed? If it’s the first time you two are having sex, your Pisces man might be nervous at first.
A Pisces man can’t always live in the moment when having sex with someone he’s not comfortable with yet. He will take some time to build up his level of comfort and trust with you.
If a Pisces man seems nervous, reassure him. Let him know that you’re willing to wait if he’s not actually ready. Take things slow and check in with him often.
A Pisces man might be nervous if he’s inexperienced. Make sure he knows that you care about him and won’t judge him for his inexperience.
You Pisces man might need a lot of reassurance the first few times you have sex. Give him that reassurance, and he’ll stop being so nervous.
Is a Pisces man affectionate in bed? Yes! Pisces men are some of the most loving people during sex.
Pisces men don’t just have sex. They make love. Some Pisces men can be highly romantic and even cliche while having sex with someone they love.
Again, sex with Pisces men is an emotional experience. Pisces men do not emotionally detach when having sex. They are often even more emotional than they usually are.
You will feel cared for when your Pisces man is making love to you. He’ll focus on you and your needs. He will make sure that you know he loves you.
A Pisces male’s sexuality involves a lot of fantasies. Many Pisces men have some wild and intense fantasies that you’ll only hear if a Pisces man fully trusts you.
You might be surprised by some of the fantasies your Pisces man has. A Pisces man is creative and imaginative, so he might come up with some things you’ve never considered before.
Don’t be surprised if a Pisces man doesn’t want to test these fantasies out, though. Pisces men often have some fantasies they just like to talk about.
When a Pisces man does want to try one of his fantasies, he’ll let you know. Otherwise, he may simply want to talk about fantasies with you. A Pisces man will be happy when you tell him your fantasies as well.
A Pisces man in bed is highly considerate. He cares about his partner’s needs and wants to ensure they are met.
A Pisces man will respect any boundaries you put in place during sex. He will do his best to make sure that you are comfortable.
If you ever seem like you’re not having a good time, he will check in with you and ask what he can do better. Your Pisces man never wants you to feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied during sex.
Some Pisces men are considerate to a fault. They can become so intensely caught up in their partner’s needs that they ignore their own. It’s a good idea to make sure that you’re checking in with your Pisces man during sex too.
Is Pisces man good in bed? He often is! One of the reasons Pisces men are excellent lovers is that they focus on their partners.
Some Pisces men get too focused on their lovers during sex. A Pisces man who isn’t good at asking for what he wants may just do whatever his partner wants during sex, regardless of what he wants.
Being focused on feels good, of course. Your Pisces man will often do whatever you want him to do. He will make sure that you have an excellent sexual experience. Pisces men are caring, attentive lovers.
If you want to know how to please a Pisces man in bed, you’ll need to ask him. He will focus on you and do what you want unless you take the time to ensure his needs are being met.
For a Pisces man to be sexually compatible with someone, that person needs to be okay with a high level of intimacy during sex. Pisces men are emotional and need intimacy from their partners.
A Pisces man wants to feel cared for during sex. Sex is one of the ways he connects with another person and shows his love for them. He wants to feel loved too.
Sex is not just a physical act for a Pisces man. If he’s not good with words, he will use sex to show you how deeply he cares about you.
A Pisces man will be miserable in a relationship if sex is never an intimate, loving experience. He cannot have sex that is devoid of intimacy.
You can make sex a more intimate experience for your Pisces man by asking him what he needs, telling him you love him, and being emotionally open. He’ll be much happier if you can do that.
Sex is rarely “just sex” for a Pisces man. Even if a Pisces man has casual sex or a one-night stand, it is often because he’s looking for intimacy.
Pisces men are capable of having a fun time during sex. You’ll see his wild side if you are in a committed relationship. He doesn’t have sex for the sake of having sex, though.
Sex is a way of connecting for a Pisces man. It is one way he bonds with a person that he cares about. Even if he is “just having sex” with someone, he will likely feel an emotional connection with them while they are having sex.
A Pisces man won’t insist on having sex if you’re not in the mood. He only wants to have sex if you two are both into it.
Some Pisces men don’t have very high libidos. They might enjoy sex, but they are willing to wait to have sex with the right person.
Passion is one of a Pisces man’s sexual traits. Once he is comfortable with you, you will start to see a passionate, intense side of him that few people see.
Pisces is a water sign. Water signs are all capable of having intense, passionate emotions. When a Pisces man loves you, you will see just how passionate he is capable of being.
A Pisces man will not hold back when having sex with someone he’s comfortable with. He will reveal all his deepest sexual fantasies to you and give you his entire heart.
You will likely have a great time when you’re having sex with a passionate Pisces man. He will ensure that all your needs are met, and he won’t stop until you are completely satisfied.
Is a Pisces man sensitive? Pisces men are. Pisces is known for being one of the most sensitive signs in the zodiac.
Pisces men are the type of people who might cry or get emotional during sex. This is especially true when they have sex with someone they love deeply.
Never judge a Pisces man for showing his sensitive side during sex. It means he loves and trusts you!
Pisces men are often incapable of turning off their emotions during sex, even if they have “casual” sex. This is just the way they are. Sensitivity is an integral part of their personality, in and out of the bedroom.
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Home / Astrology / Pisces Man In Bed – 9 Things To Know About His Sexual Side

Pisces Man In Bed – 9 Things To Know About His Sexual Side

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A Pisces man is generally recognized as having the characteristics of the placid laid-back guy, who goes with the flow, as depicted by his zodiac sign of fishes swimming in different directions.
However, when it comes to the sexual side of a Pisces man in bed, it is a whole different ball game.
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