Pisces Men Characteristics

Pisces Men Characteristics


Pisces Men Characteristics

Pisces Man Traits Positive Negative Trait Intensity

Which trait most represents Pisces men?

Aaron McBride is a Seattle based freelance journalist. He enjoys writing on men's topics, outdoor activities, grooming, and wellness. He's also got a thing for penning pieces on spirituality and astrology. Look for posts that are off the wall and sometimes bizarre.
Hunting for information on the Pisces man? Are you trying to figure out if your sign is compatible? Do you have questions about how Pisces men love and what they’re like in relationships?
If the answer is “yes”, you’ve come to the right place.
In the traditions of horoscopic astrology, all men (and women) born between the dates of February 20 – March 20 fall under the Pisces sign . To be blunt, this is a very mysterious Zodiac.
Moreover, Pisces men are highly misunderstood.
Due to long standing stereotypes, Pisces guys are often tagged as being “too emotional” and “overly sensitive”. While there are shards of truth to these claims, they aren’t pushovers.
In my work as a counselor, I’ve worked with many Piscean men and am here to tell you they are very unique. Gifted with near psychic abilities and a powerful empathy chip, they have the ability to “see” much.
Website visitors to Guy Counseling know that on occasion, I will pen articles about topics that touch upon psycho-spirituality; a term used to describe the blending of psychology and various spiritual teachings.
For reasons that I do not fully understand, I am drawn to writing about the Zodiac signs. I am not an astrologer nor am I a “reader” and probably wouldn’t be a very good one.
I’m mentioning this because I want you to know there is no hidden agenda here. Instead, my goal is to simply share insights about Pisces men using tenants of Jungian psychology, coupled with wisdom from the ancients.
We’ll start off with the positive and negative traits of male Pisces. Their characteristics in the chart listed below also include intensity. Having this knowledge will provide a foundation for all that follows.
Sadly, much of what you will read on the web Pisces men tends to be incorrect. That’s because so much of what’s out there simply repeats astro-babble and doesn’t get to the heart of the man.
As a reader, you have a right to know about the author. It’s pretty simple – I’m a counselor, educator, and writer. I use this blog as an electronic portal for information sharing to anyone who pops by.
As a demonstration of transparency, I will also share with you that my sign is Scorpio ; one of only three water signs of the Zodiac. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio make up this trio, respectively.
Let’s move on now to look at more of the positive and negative traits of Pisces men.
All men born between the dates of February 20 – March 20 are considered Piscean. This is important to know because Pisces itself is the 12 th house of the Zodiac.
You may be wondering what does the term “house” mean?
To keep it simple, a House in horoscopic astrology, which some historians peg starting around the third millennium, is nothing more than a theoretical building that contains traits of a given zodiac sign.
In the case of Pisces, it is the last structure on a 12-house block.
If you were to open the front door of this house, you would find the following spirits floating around, which for the sake of simplicity we will call traits.
It’s important to know this if you hope to better understand the Pisces man.
All that emanates from this house is the essence of Pisces.
Pisces is a water sign, which means the men born under this astrological zodiac are considered deep. In fact, very deep. Pisces, when translated from Latin, means fish .
And if you’ve ever been attached to [or happen to be] a Pisces man, you know these men to be very deep, sometimes prisoners of their own thoughts and fantasies.
As mentioned earlier, Pisces is a water sign. In simple speak, this means people who are of this horoscopic background dive deep. Of the three water signs [Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces] the “fish” sign can dive the deepest; emotionally and spiritually.
The Pisces sign is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter is the largest known planet in our solar system. Neptune is furthest from our sun.
Combined, these two celestial bodies infuse Pisces men with unique powers that manifests in what many believe to be strange, psychic abilities.
Both celestial bodies are gas giants, with Neptune symbolizing an end to reality and the start of a new dimension. Jupiter represents deep thought, reality and is all about the here and now.
Working in tandem, the two planets create a kind of quantum field that transcends space and time. Translation: men born under this sign ride a “Piscean Wave” that causes them to surf between reality and fantasy.
This is why guys who are Pisces will often struggle with staying focused in the moment – they are constantly pulled into the dream world that tugs under their feet from Neptune’s gravitational pull.
There are two traits that stand out for Pisces men.
1) They are highly empathic and able to pick up on the emotions of others. In many ways, this “sixth sense” is a kind of third eye that empowers their psychic abilities.
2) Piscean men are feelers, meaning whatever emotion they are experiencing, it’s always intense.
When you think of Pisces, think of creative types. Here, I’m talking about musicians, artists, writers and story tellers. Much of their creative skill sets come from their ability to feel different emotions, such as sadness and joy.
Many contemporary astrologers consider Pisces born people to be the “old souls” of the universe. That’s because they are extremely intuitive, caring and spiritual.
This makes sense when you consider Pisces is considered a mutable sign . That’s a $10.00 term for the ability to adapt to change.
FYI: mutable signs, including Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, are considered the “wise ones” of the Zodiac.
I’ve yet to meet one Pisces man who is not a lover of the sea. Be it the ocean, a lake or pond, Pisces men (and women) are drawn to bodies of water like moths to a flame.
Moreover, for reasons known only to him, Piscean guys have always been drawn to water – since childhood.
Part of the attraction to the sea directly relates to this sign’s sense of imagination. For example, other signs, like Leo, may look upon the Pacific Ocean and see beautiful shades of blues and greens.
Pisces, however, will look at that same stretch of ocean and wonder what creatures live in the water and begin to fantasize about life as a dolphin. If you like boating, camping by water or canoing , you can count on Pisces men to be down with it.
There is a unique relationship that Pisces men have with animals of all types. For reasons that seem almost supernatural, this sign forms bonds with dogs, cats and even wild creatures of nature in an uncanny way .
Simply put, animals are drawn to Pisces.
Based on personal observation, it is my belief that some of this is due to the Piscean ability to empathically communicate with nature. I don’t understand it and am not even sure Pisces men or women do either.
No, I’m not saying they can read a dog’s mind (for example). But I am saying that Pisces born people can – expertly – feel what they feel.
When an animal is in distress, lost or has been abandoned, there’s a better than good chance a Pisces born person will take them in.
To be blunt, Pisces men are born caretakers. It is their nature to watch after, take care of and be with someone who needs attention.
At first, this trait may seem like a good thing but it can also be a negative.
That’s because in their quest to help others deal with emotional trauma and pain, Pisces men often attract drama. Moreover, there is a tendency to care too much, which in turn leads to an unattractive, clingy codependency.
If Pisces did not have the “chip” to care, it would be like removing their spine. That’s because as a water sign, it must feel to survive.
Pisces born people do possess psychic abilities. While women tend to have these powers more than the guys, Piscean males are plenty empathic.
Like virtual vacuums, they will “pick up” on what others are feeling without them having to say a word. It’s quite extraordinary.
Additionally, Pisces is the sign that can sense a disturbance in the universe in real time. Let me give you an example.
Several years ago, a major aviation incident happened that killed many people. Minutes before the news became public, a friend of mine, who happens to be Pisces (and psychologist), called me on the phone.
Long story short, he asked me if something “bad” happened, such as a terrorist attack or accident. To my knowledge, all was OK.
Sure enough, 30-minutes later, my smart-phone started blowing up from news organizations with word that a plane had crashed with no survivors.
My point is that my Piscean friend felt the mass loss of life as it happened. While he didn’t know exactly what occurred, he could feel, empathically, a deep well of grief.
If you are a Pisces born person or attached to someone who is, you know exactly what I am talking about.
People can call this ability “supernatural” or whatever term they want. All I know is that this sign is particularly gifted in this area.
One of the challenges for Pisces born people, particularly men, is the struggle with horrible indecisiveness, which leads to extreme procrastination.
The reason is simple. Pisces men get caught up in a morass of what if questions. Some believe Neptune is to blame for this trait. Others point to Jupiter.
Regardless, the Pisces man has problems with decision making.
You’ll find most Pisces men to have warm, gentle and caring temperaments. This is in part due to their persona, which is go with the flow.
It’s important to point out, however, that male Pisces can be pessimistic. In turn, this can cause bouts of depression and irritability.
The periodic sadness part is because Pisces dives deep into emotional pain.
Knowing this is important because these men respond differently than other signs.
Let’s say a Taurus man applies for a job and later finds out he didn’t get it. While the Taurus will be disappointed, he’ll quickly move on and forget about it.
That’s not the case for Pisces men. His response will be to engage in a toxic game of self-blame and obsess over the rejection.
Pisces men are also people pleasers. They are most happy when they can bring others joy. This means engaging in caretaking behaviors.
The downside is that Pisces men often struggle with self-care. That’s because they get so caught up in helping others that they neglect their own physical and emotional health.
While not true of all, most Pisces men are introverted. They need to be alone for long stretches of time to process the emotional material they pick up from others.
During time in seclusion, they will often meditate or engage in some other behaviors to recharge their batteries.
When researchers studied the sign that is most prone to alcoholism , Pisces seemed to rank the highest. Considering how consumed this astrological sign is with others, this makes sense.
Because of Piscean men absorb so much emotional pain from others, they sometimes drink themselves into oblivion as a method of escape.
Not to be pejorative but there is a reason this sign is primarily symbolized as a fish.
You’ll find no better friend than a Pisces guy. This goes back to what was mentioned earlier about being natural caretakers.
One aspect that needs pointing out is confusion on the part of some Piscean guys between friendship and romance.
Because this sign often lives in a bifurcated world of fantasy and reality, he has difficulty discerning basic friendships with romantic and sexual relationships.
This is not to knock Pisces men. Instead, it’s simply a statement that that speaks to a deeper truth about a very complicated sign.
Unlike brother water signs Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces will absorb a lot of – perhaps too much – of a friend’s problems.
In fact, it’s fair to say that many Pisces guys stay in toxic relationships because they struggle saying no to people who are unhealthy for them.
Men born under this sign are natural healers and caretakers. That’s why so many of them are employed as doctors, nurses, counselors and massage therapists.
They are also teachers, artists and musicians.
That’s not to say Piscean men don’t assume leadership roles. Our first U.S. President, George Washington, was Pisces.
But if you look at the totality of Washington’s life, including his time as Commander in Chief, you’ll quickly see that care for others and problem solving was a huge part of his persona.
Pisces men are best suited to work in the helping professions as a career. They are particularly suited for this because of their empathic skills.
Example Pisces male careers include:
Pisces men aren’t the best with money. That’s not to say they are horrible at financial management. Some are great at it. But generally speaking, the accumulation of wealth isn’t what motivates this sign.
The exception are Pisces men who manage the money of others, (i.e. family finances). Here, the fish excels. That’s because there’s a caretaking component involved; a Piscean strength.
Men who are Pisces tend to be open minded, non-judgmental and compassionate. They also happen to be highly intelligent, in part because they love to learn all they can about the world they live in.
Humble and “earthy” best describes guys who fall under this sign. They can hold conversations for hours and are excellent listeners.
Topics that grab their attention include conversations about life after death, spirituality, religion, mysticism, personality traits and general gossip.
Finally, Piscean men are very analytical. Unlike Scorpio, which tends to get caught up in a morass of logic, Piscean men can see the “big picture”.
When encountering a Pisces male, think deep . While other signs may have slight empathic abilities, like Capricorn men , Pisces is off the chart.
These men are philosophers, thinkers, educators and healers.
While internally emotional, they are excellent at hiding their feelings from others.
Excellent caretakers both romantically and family-wise.
Tip: If you need TLC in your life, Pisces is going to be your best choice hands down.
My research suggests that dating a Pisces male promises the chance at excitement and romance.
That’s because this sign is all about romantic interludes and making their mates feel special. Chalk it up to their caretaking chip but that’s how Piscean men operate.
However, it’s not all flowers and candy.
Because he experiences emotions deeply, he’s going to be highly sensitive. Moreover, there is a clingy quality to some that can drive potential suitors away.
Because he needs to give and receive love to feel whole, Pisces men often jump into relationships that may not be healthy.
That said, if you date a Pisces man, expect to be romanced and charmed – big time.
 You probably know the answer to this question already, based on the material that’s been shared above.
If you engage in intimate experiences with a Pisces man, expect him to want to please you. This means he’ll be on a mission to discover what turns you on and when he finds it, he won’t stop doing it.
When you think of Pisces in the bedroom, conjure up images of submissiveness. It’s just who these guys are.
If you are connected to a Pisces male, you may need to talk with him if he puts up resistance to your pleasing him. In many ways, the idea of receiving pleasure from others is an anathema to Piscean way of life.
But once you break through and get him to chill, he’ll get into whatever you are doing in a powerful way.
Finally, Piscean men are known to have explosive orgasmic responses.
I have been told by several who are romantically connected to Pisces men that they have three specific zones of vulnerability.
This isn’t to say these are the only areas. Instead, I’m simply pointing out highly erotic zones.
Pisces men are drawn to mysterious people. That may sound odd but here’s why. Because they operate on an intuitive and empathic plain, they strive to understand those who they interact with.
The more mysterious you are, the more likely the Piscean man will be attracted to you.
That’s why Pisces is a natural “best” match for Scorpio. It’s the puzzle of the person that draws them in.
Finally, Piscean guys are drawn to strong, dominant type personas. It’s no coincidence these same personality types also need a high degree of caretaking.
According to legend, Pisces men are particularly vulnerable when in the presence of their aquamarine birthstone .
A Pisces man is compatible with most all zodiac signs. There are three, however, that are considered “best matches.”
Some signs are thought to be terrible matches for Pisces. I’m not saying they are but instead, sharing what conventional wisdom suggests.
Here are the “bad” matches for Pisces men:
Men who are Pisces need to pay attention to their health. That’s because this sign is prone to neglecting self-care. Given there abundance of concern for others, it makes sense.
Common health problems for Piscean men include:
There exist several myths linked to Pisces men. While I can’t list them all, I’ve tried to include the biggies.
Below is a poll concerning Pisces males. If you don’t see it, you can use this link to vote in the Pisces Men poll .
If you want to know more about Pisces men, I recommend getting something that includes other signs so that you can get a holistic view.
As I mentioned above, I am not a psychic nor an astrologer. If you are looking for this type of service, there are plenty on the web.
I am told that Psychic Source offers excellent guidance to others.
Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope what you have reviewed here helps you to better understand the Pisces man.
Quantum Field Theory: Cal Tech. http://theory.caltech.edu/people/jhs/strings/str114.html
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Born under the final sign of the zodiac, the Pisces man is a total dreamboat : a water sign, who’s a mixture of charm, romance, intelligence, and flexibility. He’s also known as the most emotional star sign.
Pisces are born between February 20 and March 20. Not only are the Pisces men a bit mysterious, but they are also largely misunderstood. Due to the stereotypes, he’s seen as overly sensitive and emotional.
Of the three water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces) Pisces (the fish) dive the deepest – both spiritually and emotionally. They are seekers of knowledge, purpose, and beliefs.
The truth is, this star sign is able to see a lot; he’s almost got psychic abilities. Some of their positive traits include being:
Some of their negative characteristics include being:
Pisces is ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our system, while Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. Combined, these two planets manifest themselves in the Pisces man and provide his rather unusual psychic ability.
The celestial bodies cause the Pisces man to fall deep in thought and surf between fantasy
Naked Facesit
Planet Romio
Balls Tied Tight

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