Pisces Match Best With

Pisces Match Best With


Pisces Match Best With
by Denise June 20, 2018, 9:14 pm
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As you may know, the Pisces are one of the most sensitive zodiac signs, and that also means that they are fully open to make a lot of sacrifices to keep the loved one next to them for a long amount of time, because they feed off of their partner’s happiness.
In order for a relationship to go as it should, Pisces natives ought to find someone who can fully realize their every wish and desire, while also taking care not to draw them towards dangerous escapades. Therefore, Pisces best matches include Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn.
The relationship between Pisceans and Scorpios is one based on mutual responsibility, something that has to be taken into account, seeing as though these two are nothing else than pure lovers who would do nothing else than stay in each other’s embrace all the time.
As for professional life, both are incredibly ambitious and perseverant to a fault, and won’t admit defeat until either it’s proven to be impossible, or one of them is unfit to continue on.
It’s nothing but a complete and definite partnership that is bound to reach for the heavens if nothing drastic or critical happens. And, anyway, if something were to arise that puts the couple in immediate danger, one of them, or both for that matter, will instantly react and try to solve the problem at once.
The Scorpios are the possessive and the dominative partners , and the Pisces are the sensitive and playful ones, which means that together they form a very weird and adorable cocktail of personalities.
Pisces will respect the tough character of Scorpio , and will try to show them that sometimes it is good to breathe more carefree and intensely without being always focused on fixed things.
The childish Pisces makes the pragmatic Scorpio smile in order to discover their potential to live life at a maximum. And, given how giddy and cute this native is, how could the poor Scorpio resist those sheepish eyes and crystalline smile?
The Pisces-Scorpio bond seems made in heaven, having the gods and planets looming in above them and offering their blessings. Although they might encounter a few problems and issues, the fact that neither one of them is exaggerated or overly-sentimental fixes things rather rapidly.
Furthermore, they both admire and look up to one another, because, let’s be honest, anyone would admit that the way Scorpios do things is innovative and ingenious, while the Pisceans can be quite acceptant and understanding towards the new and unknown.
It is essential though that they find the way to accept and understand each other with all the differences and unique traits, as well as the singular personalities which make it even more possible for the relationship to last for a lifetime.
When these natives meet up, it’s bound to end up in flames, the flames of love, not of conflict and perpetual war, of course.
They seem to be made for each other, if not for the fact that they might have to renounce or alter their attitudes towards each other.
For once, the Pisceans ought to learn how to be more dominative and straightforward with their wishes and desires. The Taurus , in turn, must learn to let go of their great ambitions and stubborn behavior once in a while, because it’s not all about conquering a new territory, or ruling over a bunch of weaklings. It’s romance, and they have to behave as such.
The Pisces are really mysterious, and this gives them an aura full of secrets, which is quite annoying for the Taurus who always wants to know everything about their life partner. The lack of confidence, even an unjustified one, will destroy the foundation of their relationship, and it is very hard for these zodiac signs to be rebuilt in the same harmonious way.
In any case, if the Pisces learns how to give on the plate exactly what the Taurus partner needs, they could live happily for a long amount of time, due to their fidelity and the deep feelings they have for each other.
Now, these aquatic individuals are not in for material security or for any other selfish reasons, and this is obvious from the fact that they could easily help others financially and never expect anything in return.
Moreover, since they are incredibly loving and devoted to the relationship as a whole, the last thing they want is to realize that the partner forces things too much and the only option would be to give up. So, the Taurians should never try to exaggerate and always state that they are wrong. Arguments and conflicts are meant to be resolved both ways, not one way.
These two have a very interesting time together, because their relation is a partnership base on true confidence, respect and, last but not least, love.
When it comes to dependence, the Pisces and the Capricorn want to share space and time together, but also to keep it for them, and in order to have a long-time relationship, they should start to give the other some private space.
Once they will find the path towards a common vision of life, they will open the many ways to discover their souls and minds, and take advantage of their amazing and beautiful way of being.
Furthermore, both of them are evenly influential and beneficial to the other. Thus, while the Piscean manages to ease their partner’s sometimes bleak and overly-realistic views on life, the Capricorn’s carefree and bright perspective instills the swift fish with a sense of security and belonging.
The fact is, each is endowed with a different set of traits and a unique personality, which goes to create an ever-changing and flourishing relationship that could only be destroyed if one of them perished.
Otherwise, the bond will just keep on getting stronger and stronger with time, assimilating every experience and every small fraction of knowledge that comes their way. And the Piscean’s inborn adaptability serves as the main beacon of light in this endeavor.
Because they are very ambitious in their professional life, they certainly want to have a luxurious lifestyle. This lifestyle will be improved with the financial talent and modern perspective of the Capricorn lover , and the romantic and artistic viewpoint of the Pisces.
The Piscean will show their sensible side to the Capricorn who will protect their partner in return, and this will make their relationship even stronger.
Definitely, they have to work a bit to make things go as they should, but there is a lot of potential for a full-term union, if only they find that way to fully utilize their capacities and talents in a constructive and productive manner.
Do not think that you can use the Pisces native, because even if Pisces loves intensely , they always find the power to move forward, and look for what they deserve.
They have an amazing aptitude to transform any kind of union, even if it is not perfect at a first glance, into a bond full of beautiful and interesting moments.
Because the Pisces does have a tendency to go beyond their limits if given the chance, the partner usually has to stop them before things take a wrong turn. In turn, these aquatic natives will reveal the boundless feelings hidden deep inside, loyalty and utmost affection.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

November 22, 2021 January 17, 2022 / By
Raychel Ria Agramon

/ Dating Advice , Zodiac Signs
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If you’re a Pisces , then you may be wondering about which zodiac signs you’re most compatible with.
Who’s your ideal soulmate? Are there any zodiac signs that are poor love matches for you? What are Pisces like as soulmates (good and bad qualities)?
You’ll get the answers to these questions – and more – with this epic Pisces soulmate compatibility guide.
Pisces’ good nature makes it a loving soulmate for the following signs: 
As fellow tender water signs, Cancer is one of the best soulmates for Pisces. In fact, their compatibility rate is almost perfect at 98%. 
For one, both signs are easy to forge an emotional connection with each other. That’s because they’re both compassionate, sensitive, and nurturing. 
Indeed, they’re the embodiment of the saying ‘ love at first sight .’ 
While they’re meant for each other, this partnership is not without drama. 
Pisces tends to be erratic, mainly because they place immense value on their romantic relationship. 
Pisces may end up unsatisfied if they don’t receive compassion from their partner. 
Cancer, on the other hand, may consider the lack of a family life depressing.
That said, they make things work by establishing the common ground between stability and delight.  
Scorpio’s compatibility with Pisces is very impressive at 97%. 
This bond is not surprising, for both are creative artists who love romance and drama. 
They often find themselves deeply in love – as if they have a magnetic connection with each other. 
True to form, they fulfill each other physically and intellectually. Better yet, they’re on the same page when it comes to love and sex. 
Even if Scorpio often gets jealous , they know there’s no need to worry. After all, their Pisces partner is known to be ever-so-loyal. 
Compatibilities aside, the two signs do have different beliefs when it comes to love. 
Pisces takes some relationship elements in high regard, which is not the case for Scorpio. 
As sensitive water signs, they’re prone to withdraw emotionally to protect themselves. 
Despite these differences, they’re bound to have a great soulmate connection. They function well with each other – supporting their partners wholly through every step of the way. 
Pisces and Capricorn prove to be good love mates, as seen in their compatibility rate of 88%.
Surprisingly, these two are widely different from each other. Pisces is artsy, while Capricorn is structured and disciplined .
Pisces is fickle, while Capricorn is careful when it comes to matters of the heart. 
Sex-wise, Capricorn takes Pisces aback with their willingness to try kinky things. In fact, their sex compatibility rate is at a sizzling 99%. 
Physicalities aside, they often find themselves on the same plane. 
They’re almost always agreeable , mainly in part of their similar upbringing. 
That said, they won’t hesitate to take their paths as needed. 
The Pisces and Capricorn relationship often leads to marriage, thanks to the latter’s intelligence and perceptiveness. 
It also helps that they’re very patient with each other. 
They don’t get affected by other people’s opinions easily, which is why their relationship can withstand any storm that comes its way. 
Taurus is one of the best soulmate partners for Pisces due to their unique perspectives. In fact, they have a whopping compatibility rate of 85%. 
“They have enough in common that they gel, but they have enough differences that they don’t step on each other’s toes in a relationship. It’s easygoing and comforting,” explains astrologer Kristina Semos. 
They’re pleasure-driven individuals , which means they dote on culture, wine, and gourmet food. All in all, these signs make for highly-sophisticated partners. 
Both signs revel in intellectual arguments, even though Pisces finds it hard to communicate sometimes.
Sex-wise, Taurus’ lusty ways appeal to Pisces’ creative imagination. The latter will give their 100% attention, which the bull enjoys a lot. 
Even with the signs’ compatibility, they do encounter issues from time to time. 
Taurus, for their part, views this inability as their partner trying to hide something. Sometimes, the bull may end up dominating the kind-hearted Pisces as well. 
With a compatibility rate of 63%, Sagittarius is a good partner for Pisces – although maybe not the most natural of soulmates.
Astrologers chalk this up to the alignment of the planet Venus for both signs. They’re also fellow mutable signs, which makes for a passionate, expressive relationship between the two. 
It helps that their personalities complement each other as well. Pisces is very open-minded , which works well with Sagittarius’ mental faculties. 
The duo loves spending time together, which they do through traveling and other bonding activities. 
As with every other relationship, this partnership is prone to issues of commitment and confidence. Sagittarius is very caring, though they may find it hard to believe their Pisces spouse at times. 
Sagittarius is tactless at times, and as such, can easily offend their sensitive Pisces partner. 
Even with these issues, one thing’s for sure: the bed of a Pisces and Sagittarius is always on fire! 
While Pisces can enjoy a harmonious relationship with the signs above, it’s often a clash with Leo, Aquarius , and Gemini.
As such, soulmate connections are rarer.
Leo has a different kind of love, which makes it a poor soulmate choice for Pisces. Since fire and water don’t mix at all, it’s not surprising that their compatibility rate is at a disappointing 38%. 
Pisces is sensitive, while the confident Leo yearns to rule the relationship . 
“This can lead to soap opera-level drama, something both signs hate but are prone to,” explains astrologer Theresa Reed.
When Pisces gets attracted to Leo, they often end up abandoning their morals. They hardly understand each other, which eventually leads to disdain. 
The former may end up feeling vulnerable whenever the latter chooses to unleash its strength. 
For the few Pisces-Leo partnerships that bloom, they may work out with the help of the former’s imaginative mentality and the latter’s noble nature. 
It helps that they have a colorful sex life as well. 
Both love luxury, though, so they should consider taking money management courses along the way. 
Pisces and Aquarius have a compatibility rate of 45%, which is considered poor when it comes to soulmates.
For one, sparks don’t fly right away when they get with each other. One’s looking for love, while the other doesn’t want to get bogged down by emotions. 
Despite these differences, the two signs can make it work.
It’s just going to take a lot of effort, though. 
For one, Pisces is great at controlling emotions – Aquarius isn’t. 
That said, both are willing to go above and beyond for their partner. It also helps that the two are up for some creative, no-holds-barred sex. 
Tip: While a Pisces-Aquarius relationship can bloom over time, marriage is not recommended for a Manglik partner – one who was born under the influence of the planet Mars. 
As fellow commitment-phobes, it’s not a surprise that the compatibility between the two is only at 53%. 
“Gemini and Pisces will be loving and supportive of each other in all aspects, but they speak a very different language sexually, emotionally, and intellectually, so this union won’t be an easy one,” explains astrologer Jeanine Duval. 
Pisces is emotional, while Gemini is very intellectual . 
Pisces can be needy, manipulative , and emotionally exhausting. Gemini , on the other hand, can be an elusive, double-talking tyrant. 
That said, for Pisces-Gemini partners who do iron things out, they’ll eventually find a safe haven in each other. 
As mutable signs, they can quickly adapt to each other.
For example, it’s a matter of learning how to say ‘Thank you’ or ‘You’re right’ to each other.
At the end of the day, both can be very dependable and hardworking. They’re great parents too, for they’re able to provide their kids with a balanced environment.
Given these qualities, a Pisces-Gemini relationship has a great possibility of thriving. 
With a compatibility rate of 98%, Cancer proves to be the best soulmate matches for Pisces. 
“In many ways, the Cancer-Pisces relationship is a fairytale romance, which can either be their greatest strength,” explains astrologer Dana De Franco.
Both come with refined responsibilities, which means they both enjoy going to concerts, gallery openings, or dance performances.
When the Cancer-governing moon comes in contact with the Piscean-ruler Neptune, the result is a beautiful spiritual connection. 
Both produce tender feminine energy, thus carving a relationship that’s centered on both dreams and illusions. 
That said, another planet that rules Pisces – Jupiter – adds some necessary masculine energy. While it brings some philosophy into the relationship, it ushers in some excesses as well.
All in all, these planets help create an ideal partnership – one that is ripe with emotion, warmth, and depth. 
In the astrology chart, Cancer and Pisces are 120 degrees apart from each other. This distance forms a trine, which alludes to harmonious aspects that occur in same-element signs.
This balance is seen in the good flow in their relationship. 
In other words, Pisces and Cancer can get along without trying a lot. 
“They tend to be pretty in tune to their partner’s emotions as well. So if one partner feels like something is off, they will do whatever they can to turn things around,” adds DeFranco. 
While their trine of harmony is enviable, the sad part is it can eventually lead to complacency in the relationship.
Both are emotional yet tolerant persons, qualities that are pretty obvious in their soulmate relationship. 
“Meeting someone who seems to understand their sensitive and empathic nature is a big turn-on, and Cancer can tune into that Piscerian wavelength very easily,” says astrologer Clarisse Monahan.
Simply put, both signs put a high premium on their relationships. Pisces is a romantic – while Cancer is a nurturer. 
Pisces can give the relationship reassurance that Cancer craves in a partner. The former can easily manage through the latter’s temperamental fits as well.
With their emotional compatibility scoring a whopping 99%, the relationship between Pisces and Cancer is sure to last. 
Being tender individuals, the sex between the two signs is very romantic, sensual, and slow. It often involves a beautiful candlelit dinner, followed by hours of gentle kissing and foreplay. 
This compatibility is due mainly to their yin signs – meaning they’re both relaxed and easygoing. However, some partners may deem this to be ‘missing a spark.’ That’s why of all of the couple’s compatibility scores, sex fares the lowest at 70% (it’s still good, though!)
Although Pisces and Cancer are almost perfect soulmates for each other, there are bound to be hiccups along the way. 
Cancer often guards their feelings – up until they have the level of commitment they desire. 
Pisces, who’s known to fall in love right away, will come in marching into the field with no regard whatsoever.
If flaky Pisces feels like Cancer isn’t ready for the relationship , the latter may end up running away. 
When they do get into a relationship, the two can end up passive-aggressive. In other words, both are willing to play the role of victim whenever they get hurt. 
Sulking, brooding, and slamming doors are just some of the temper flares that occur regularly in the relationship. 
Even so, the key to making things work is for the two to let go of their grudges. Saying sorry and giving a hug can easily make the bad feelings go away. 
Pisces and Cancer’s watery natures make it harder for them to keep their feet on the ground.
Their children, sensing this, will push everything to the limit and act out. 
That said, these parents need to step up and set some ground rules . 
While Cancer is more likely to take the helm, Pisces will lend out a helping hand. 
Sadly, the duo can’t avoid fighting with each other – and sometimes, the children will get dragged right into it. 
Fortunately, a Cancer parent does a great job taking
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