Pisces Manipulative

Pisces Manipulative


Pisces Manipulative
November 20, 2019 December 29, 2021 |
Team Bonobology

The gorgeous Ryan Reynolds is born under the most manipulative zodiac
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Getting someone to willfully agree to something they wouldn’t typically do is an art, so to say. It is also the textbook definition of manipulation. And certain people are born with this inherent knack of getting others to toe the line they desire and make it seem like that person is acting out of free will. These people often belong to the most manipulative zodiac signs in the astrological chart.
These master manipulators have a way of stringing people along in a direction of their choosing, and the person at the receiving end wouldn’t even realize they’re being subjected to classic manipulation for a long time. Naturally, being around such people can be quite an emotionally draining experience if you don’t learn how to spot and maneuver around their manipulative ways.
To be able to do that, you need to know the most manipulative zodiac signs. We’re here to help you with just that. Find out people born under which signs are more inclined to play mind games and also the techniques they use to get inside your head.
Curiously, we all tend to manipulate others, consciously or unconsciously, in social situations because it’s a survival skill that we have developed over time to cover up our flaws and mold things and situations to our benefit. It doesn’t mean that we are all a bunch of pathological liars. It just means that we are all flawed in the same way, but our willingness to manipulate people and situations varies from one person to another.
For some of us, it’s a subtle tact that we use only when we need to, while for others it comes naturally and more vividly. More often than not, those others are born under the most manipulative zodiac signs. They don’t just stop at being sneaky and manipulative in social or professional settings but may even go to the extent of full-blown romantic manipulation to keep the reins of a relationship in their control.
This tendency can be particularly hard to spot and navigate in intimate connections and also extremely damaging to the psyche of the person at the receiving end. Whether you’re dealing with a manipulative friend, coworker or partner, handling their covert technique to exert control over your thoughts, behavior and actions can become easier when you know that the person belongs to the most manipulative zodiac.
So, what is the most manipulative astrological sign? Before we answer that question, we’d like to put it out there that just because someone is born under a manipulative zodiac sign, doesn’t mean that they cannot be trusted at all. But it helps to keep your eyes and gut feeling on alert mode when you do. With that, let’s delve into the most manipulative zodiac signs, ranked as per astrology:
Scorpions have outstanding leadership qualities, a persuasive personality and a knack for paying close attention to details. But they also tend to be secretive, tend to find reasons to not trust you and get jealous very easily. This combination of their strong personality traits makes them one of the most manipulative zodiac signs.
If they find a reason to blame you, they do it with astute persuasion and by the end of it, you will keep wondering what you did wrong in the first place. When the zodiac signs are ranked as per astrology for their manipulative tendencies, the Scorpio makes it to the top of the stack for their ability to turn the table and make the person at the receiving end question their own reality. When they find themselves pushed to a corner, Scorpios can resort to gaslighting in relationships .
On the plus side, Cancerians are deeply intuitive and empathetic. However, when their intuitions are channelized in the wrong direction, it becomes a work of their imagination. When they have a negative or threatening intuition regarding you, a Cancerian brings out their manipulative side as a way of safeguarding themselves or their loved ones.
They also qualify as one of the most manipulative moon signs and can be masters of emotional manipulation . It’s no secret that people born under this sign are extremely sentimental and sensitive, and stand out for their high emotional quotient. These very traits also make it hard to suspect that they are capable of manipulating others. However, when their own emotions are threatened, they can use the soft traits of their personality as a weapon of manipulation.
What is the most manipulative astrological sign? The question cannot be answered in entirety without the mention of the two-faced Gemini. People born under this zodiac sign are known to be extremely thoughtful, intelligent and witty. These three qualities make a deadly combination, making them one of the most manipulative zodiac signs.
Geminis are the life of parties and are known for their sense of humor but they are also extremely indecisive, restless and fickle-minded. To keep up their reputation as a person who has it all together, they tend to cover up their indecisiveness by pretending that they are confident about their decisions. The bubble bursts sooner or later as they are also thoughtful people and when they ponder over their decisions they find faults in it. This pushes them to turn their manipulative side on by shifting the blame on others in reaction to their regrets.
Pisces are generally extremely selfless people. This makes you wonder how they can rank among the most manipulative zodiac, right? Well, it’s because even though they are willing to help people selflessly most of the time, they are also human, and no human being can be 100% selfless all the time. So sometimes they end up playing the ‘good person’ card to manipulate you to their benefit.
Their manipulative techniques are not very different from that of Cancer. Both being water signs, display similar traits of high emotional intelligence, empathy and sensitivity. Since this makes them come across as harmless souls who always put others’ interests above their own, their manipulative ways often go undetected.
Which zodiac sign is the most manipulative? Well, Leo definitely ranks among the top. Leos are passionate and love to take charge of situations concerning them. Nobody can be in control of all social situations without being manipulative, right? But the good thing about a Leo is they are also upfront when it comes to owning up to what they did.
For example, they will tell you on your face that they want the same thing that you do and they want to get it themselves instead of giving you a chance. Leos being highly intelligent can use the veil of honesty to their benefit by manipulating you and since they are clear about their desire you can’t even know how and when you are getting played. They are the most intelligently manipulative zodiac signs.
Seriously, are Leos manipulative? If you’re asking this question, there is a good chance that you’ve never had to interact with one closely. Because if you had, you’d know that people born under this zodiac sign are master manipulators who use their intelligence to prevail over others.
The Libra is curiously never as in control of their life, thoughts and decisions as you’d expect of a zodiac sign represented by balance scales. In their bid to always strike that right balance and aim for perfection, people born under this sign tend to be extremely indecisive. They are also disarmingly charming.
If you’re in love with a Libra woman or man, this is a trait you need to be wary of. When the need arises, they can channelize their charm to manipulate people and situations. Indeed, the Libra is among the most manipulative zodiac signs and a tactful one at that.
When a situation seems to spiral out of their control, a Libra will act like they don’t know what to do and ask someone else to take charge. They may also throw in some flirtation or flattery (depending on who they’re dealing with) to get their way. If you call them out on their manipulative behavior, they will feign ignorance and act as if they have no clue what you’re alluding to.
The Virgo is never upfront and direct about their needs, wants, desires and expectations. But they still have them and find it just as crushing as the next person when their needs or expectations are unmet. So, how do they ensure that doesn’t happen? By resorting to the classic passive-aggressive manipulation technique.
They drop hints, make veiled references to what they want, making the other person think that it was them who came up with the idea and the Virgo has nothing to do with it. They also have a way of sulking if they can’t have their way, of course, without spelling out clearly what their way is. This makes them feature among the most manipulative zodiac, ranked as per astrology.
Like the rest of the zodiac signs, these seven too have their flaws. It doesn’t make them nasty but you should watch out before you buy their stories. They are after all the master manipulators and can quickly rob you of your agency to make decisions for yourself.
I hate to admit it but I have to agree with this list, especially as it applies to Scorpio & Pisces. Scorpios can be great friends, roommates, and colleagues, as long as you remember that Scorpios, males especially, are basically pricks. They love nothing more than to get one up on someone they suddenly deem objectionable. Pisces are slimy fish. Just TRY to get a handle or a grip on one; you will end up frustrated and probably covered in slime & scales. NOT sorry! We do not mind constantly giving until we are broke or ALWAYS yielding the right of away. Basically, to us, the rest of the Zodiac characters are like our children. They cannot be controlled or always made to behave, just like all children. You have a family of little bratnicks running around all over the place, and learn to deal with them as best you caN. So’ you have to lie sometimes. They will get over it. Trust me. We cannot fault those born under all of the lesser signs.
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The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked
By Christine Schoenwald — Written on Sep 03, 2021
Everybody has the ability to manipulate others to get the things they want. You may not be aware that you’re manipulating someone, or you may know exactly what you’re doing.
Some people are easily manipulated, while others have more resistance. Narcissists are major manipulators and only have their own interests at heart, though they will definitely pretend they’re being selfless.
According to astrology, the most manipulative zodiac signs can be just about anyone. And depending on specific personality traits, the manipulative things each sign does vary greatly from one person to the next.
If your partner is prone to laziness and the only way you can get them active is to manipulate them, is it wrong? It’s in their best interests, after all.
The problem is that if you coerce them and they haven’t shown any initiative, they may fall back into previous behaviors. It’s best if you can encourage someone or support them so their good behavior comes naturally.
The most manipulative thing Gemini does is to stretch the truth; in other words, they lie.
They can rationalize their lying, saying it's for the greater good and there are no other options, but they use lying as a way to manipulate others.
The most manipulative thing Scorpio does is make it seem like a major mistake to go against them and demand loyalty no matter what.
You could lose them from your life if you don't go along with them. It's not unlike emotional abuse and bullying.
All the secrets you've confided in Scorpio in the past may not be considered confidential any longer , and they could make them public knowledge if you're on the outs.
The most manipulative thing Capricorn does is make people feel stupid.
By making someone feel dumb and needing guidance, Capricorn can make them follow their plan.
When someone feels capable and strong, they're better able to stand up to Capricorn and say no, so this zodiac sign weakens their confidence and manipulates them.
The most manipulative thing Leo does is minimize their behavior by acting innocent.
If Leo does something that's a win for them and a loss for someone else, they will spin it so it sounds beneficial for both.
The most manipulative thing Pisces does is not taking responsibility for their actions .
It's not their fault that something happened or that someone got upset. Pisces was just doing their thing and was lost in their head.
Sometimes it can feel as if Pisces doesn't think they need to be accountable for anything because they're so creative and special.
The most manipulative thing Libra does is feign innocence.
When Libras manipulate, they act like they don't know how to do something or don't have the skills necessary so someone else will do it for them.
Sometimes Libra will throw charm and flirtation into the mix so they get even better results.
The most manipulative thing Aquarius does is ghost people.
One minute they're present, answering your texts and messages in a timely manner; the next, it's total silence.
This may go on for a while, and then when you're feeling desperate and offering anything you can think of to bring them back, Aquarius has you where they want you . You may not even be aware you're being manipulated.
The most manipulative thing Virgo does is be passive-aggressive.
Virgo is indirect when it comes to their wants and desires. They don't always come out and say what they want , but they drop hints and make vague, passive-aggressive suggestions so other people think they came up with the idea all on their own and had nothing to do with Virgo.
The most manipulative thing Sagittarius does is being too nice.
You may wonder how being too nice is manipulative, but it's the fact that they're being extra nice to get a result .
If they have to bombard you with thoughtfulness to get you to do something for them, Sagittarius will do it. True kindness is something that's done without wanting anything in return, but niceness can require payment.
The most manipulative things Cancer does is catastrophize things.
It's not lying nor is it playing the victim; it's simply making things seem worse than they are.
They aren't just sad when their partner breaks up with them; they're devastated and convinced they'll never find love again. Anyone witnessing Cancer's heartbreak will do anything to make them feel better.
The most manipulative thing Taurus does is induce guilt.
They may play the victim, give you a sob story, or won't even say anything, but look as if they've been beaten up by the world .
They are some of the strongest people around and know how to land on their feet. If they're playing the victim card, it's probably for manipulating others.
The most manipulative thing Aries does is keeping at you if they want you to do something.
They're manipulative in the sense that they are relentless and they don't give up. They're stubborn and confrontational, so they're not worried about being thought of as pushy.
They don't care as long as it gets them what they want. They may hide their pushiness behind smiles and fun times, but don't be fooled — they're not going to stop until you do what they want.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram .
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Oct 1, 2017

Feb 29, 2016








Okay, so I see a lot of people saying that Pisces are manipulators in the forums and I don't feel like that is true. I'm a Pisces and I don't manipulate people; shit I feel bad if I feel like I'm taking advantage of someone. Can someone give me an example/ story of Pisces manipulation? I'm the only Pisces I know so I need examples.

Aug 23, 2017








Okay, so I see a lot of people saying that Pisces are manipulators in the forums and I don't feel like that is true. I'm a Pisces and I don't manipulate people; shit I feel bad if I feel like I'm taking advantage of someone. Can someone give me an example/ story of Pisces manipulation? I'm the only Pisces I know so I need examples.

Nov 28, 2015








Team Pisces and yes we know how to manipulate the situation in our favor.

Jan 14, 2015








Pisces here and somewhat guilty of this. I would make someone feel sorry for me by, you know, reminding them that I am a real person who exists and has feelings and bad days like they do. Most people don't need to be reminded of this, but when you're dealing with raging egoists like Leo and Scorpio, they needed to be told. So I guess the way we manipulate a situation is by appealing to the emotional, rather than the rational side, especially when things are not going in our favor.

Okay, so this totally wasn't intended to be firing off shots at other signs, but...gosh. Thinking back on the times in which I have had to wield that particular power for evil, Leos and Scorpios were involved somehow. My BFF, a Sagittarius, knows how to cut right through the "poor me" act and doesn't let me get away with this and I love her dearly for it.

Sep 24, 2011








Yes we are. We are professional victims.

Mar 25, 2015








I think every zodiac sign can have manipulating ways.. I think it’s a human characteristic.. Like who doesn’t use tactics to get their way??

Jul 14, 2017








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