Pisces Man Match

Pisces Man Match


Pisces Man Match
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If you want to find a partner for a Pisces guy, then you need to know the typical Pisces man’s compatibility with each zodiac sign.
Which sign is the ideal match for a sweet, sensitive Pisces?
The most compatible signs with a Pisces man are generally considered to be Scorpio , Cancer , Pisces , and Leo . The least compatible signs with a Pisces man are generally considered to be Aquarius and Gemini .
Every zodiac sign looks for different qualities in a lover. Some men want a romantic, dreamy woman while others prefer someone practical and independent.
So, how can you tell what type of person a Pisces man is attracted to, and who makes the best match for him?
By comparing his zodiac sign’s quintessential traits with the characteristics of the other signs, you will be able to determine a Pisces man’s compatibility with all 12 signs.
A Scorpio woman makes the best match for a Pisces man because she is similar and dissimilar to him in all the right ways.
Every zodiac sign belongs to one of four natural elements: fair, air, earth, or water. A sign’s element reveals the disposition and strengths of that sign.
Pisces and Scorpio are both water signs, and water signs are known for being emotional, sensitive, and intuitive.
No one understands the sensitivity and creativity of a vulnerable Pisces man like a Scorpio woman .
Just as every sign has a natural element, each sign is also guided by a particular heavenly body that tells us something about that sign’s personality.
Scorpio is guided by Mars, the planet of war and aggression, telling us that, unlike the other water signs, Scorpio is combative and tough.
Thanks to Mars’ influence, a Scorpio woman can fulfill a Pisces man emotionally and be sensitive to his feelings while still motivating and energizing him to be his very best.
A woman born under the Cancer zodiac sign is one of the best possible matches for a Pisces man because she, like a Scorpio woman, is a fellow water sign.
A Cancer woman is as sensitive and emotional as a Pisces guy, so they understand each other’s temperaments and needs.
Every zodiac sign has a spiritual “age” determined by the order in which that sign appears in the zodiac.
Pisces is the very last sign of the zodiac, making it the “oldest” or more spiritually mature of all the signs. This is why a Pisces man is often referred to as an old soul.
Cancer is one of the youngest zodiac signs , giving a Cancer woman a childlike sense of wonder and excitement.
A Pisces man delights in the fresh, playful attitude of a Cancer woman, and she enjoys being cared for by a Pisces man.
It’s easy to assume that two people born under the same sign should be a perfect match because they have so much in common, but that isn’t necessarily always the case.
Some signs are more compatible with a different sign because they need to be balanced out.
But a Pisces man and woman work well together because they can fulfill one another’s spiritual and emotional needs.
When it comes to the typical Pisces traits, a male born under this sign is usually more passive and submissive than men born under other signs.
The Pisces woman will appreciate that a Pisces man isn’t rough or aggressive, giving her space to open up to him physically and emotionally.
There may be a lack of balance in this relationship because they can both be moody, dreamy, and indecisive. If they can find a grounding force, be realistic, and help each other make decisions, this couple can thrive.
A Pisces horoscope sign man with a Leo woman is a match that proves opposites can attract.
Leo is a fire sign, and fire signs are known for being energetic, enthusiastic, and vibrant. You might think that water and fire signs don’t mix, but they can actually complement each other well.
A Leo woman loves nothing more than getting lots of attention, especially from her lover, and a romantic Pisces guy is happy to fulfill her needs.
In exchange, he gets a feisty, fun lover who motivates him and keeps him on his toes. Their relationship will never be boring, and they can learn a lot from one another.
One of the typical Taurus traits is sensuality. Taurus is perhaps the most affectionate and touchy-feely sign of the entire zodiac.
A Pisces man is naturally passionate and yearns for love. He needs physical displays of affection to feel secure and cherished.
A sensual Taurus lady provides all the affection and adoration a Pisces man could ever want. After all, her zodiac sign is guided by Venus, the planet of love and beauty.
In exchange, the Pisces man sparks a Taurus woman ’s creativity and encourages her to dream big. Together, these two signs make a formidable power couple.
Aries is the youngest of all the zodiac signs, meaning that an Aries woman has a childlike soul . She is trusting, naive, and curious.
Pairing the oldest and youngest astrological signs together creates a unique dynamic. A Pisces man loves an Aries woman ’s childlike fascination with the world around her, while the Aries lady enjoys all the lessons a Pisces guy can teach her.
A Pisces man is endlessly patient, which a mercurial Aries woman needs in a partner. He can tolerate her temper tantrums and impulsivity better than many other zodiac signs.
She adores his idealistic, passive nature and the way he lets her take the lead, while still managing to take care of her and make her feel safe.
These two signs, although very different, balance each other and work surprisingly well together in a romantic relationship.
This zodiac sign’s personality is grounded and stable, providing the perfect balance for a dreamy, flaky Pisces guy.
But a Capricorn woman can be cold and aloof , and she has a hard time being vulnerable and opening up to others.
She also needs a reliable partner to make her feel secure, and a fickle Pisces man can’t give her that.
The Pisces man will grow tired of having to squeeze every emotion out of a Capricorn woman , and he may get bored of her routines and realism.
These two signs may be attracted to one another at first, but they usually don’t make sense as long-term partners.
A Sagittarius woman is cheerful and enthusiastic. She enjoys her independence and hates being tied down.
A Pisces guy needs a committed lover who he doesn’t have to worry about leaving him behind or flirting with anyone else, and a Sagittarius woman does not fit that description.
Pisces men are prone to depression and they can be quite negative, despite their idealist nature. A Sagittarius woman will get tired of always having to cheer up a morose Pisces partner.
One of the most notable Pisces traits is sensitivity, and a delicate Pisces man doesn’t pair well with a brutally honest Virgo woman .
Virgos are perfectionists, and they are always looking for flaws to fix in people and situations. They are also highly critical and extremely honest.
A Virgo woman may not know how to veil her critiques with language gentle enough for her Pisces man to understand.
To him, she comes off as harsh and cruel, when all she’s trying to do is help him. The Virgo woman won’t be able to understand why a Pisces guy gets his feelings hurt so easily.
These two signs have very different expectations for a relationship and are better off as coworkers or friends rather than lovers.
When a Pisces dates a Libra , he will be captivated by her beauty and charm. But once they get to know each other, these two signs will see how very little they have in common.
A Libra zodiac sign woman is flirtatious and outgoing, so she won’t be afraid to approach a shy Pisces guy.
But when he sees what a social butterfly she is and that she talks to every man the way she talks to him, he will be turned off.
The Libra woman won’t understand why a Pisces guy can’t just be practical and compartmentalize his feelings the way she does.
This pair has little in common and is unlikely to have a successful long-term relationship.
The Aquarius zodiac sign’s compatibility with Pisces is weak because an Aquarius woman desires independence and freedom more than anything else.
A Pisces guy wants a woman who loves to stay home with him and do everything together, which makes an Aquarius lady feel suffocated and unfulfilled.
She also struggles to share her feelings, while a Pisces guy loves to discuss and analyze every emotion.
These two have nothing in common and don’t make any sense as a romantic couple, but they can get along and learn a lot from each other as friends.
A Pisces and Gemini relationship will never last because trust is a huge barrier for this couple.
Both signs are flaky and unreliable, so neither partner will ever be able to depend on or trust the other fully.
Gemini women are gregarious and outgoing, while Pisces men are introverted and private. They have few common interests since they don’t like the same people or activities.
A Pisces man will only end up with a broken heart if he commits to a relationship with a Gemini woman , so it’s best for these two zodiac signs to avoid each other.

January 22, 2021 September 1, 2021 |
Lekha Menon

Lekha Menon is a journalist who thought she had made a difference but was practical enough to realise she hadn't. A closet romantic, she is accused of being a cynic but she believes she is a realist.
all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love.
If your ideal man is the dreamy, mature, romantic and sensitive kind, we suggest you first ask your date his birthday. If he is born between February 12 and March 20, then you have hit the jackpot. Simply because it means he is a Piscean and the best match for the Pisces man, is a woman who brings out these very qualities in him. Are you the one?
A Piscean man loves from the core of his heart, is rather pure and simple and his behaviour does not change over time. (Think Fred Rogers, Trevor Noah, Daniel Craig and Chris Martin to name just a few famous Pisces celebs)! They all make fantastic lovers, especially if the partner accepts and matches their empathetic personality.
Pisces is the most flexible sign of the zodiac and this mutable personality makes him get into an all-consuming love. If you are the woman who keeps him happy, you will be charmed by his generosity, elegance and strength.
But on the flip side, he is the kind who gets easily offended and tends to clam up. So what sign is Pisces attracted to the most and what signs can never work for him? Read on and decide who the best match for a Pisces man is.
A case of opposites attract? Maybe! But it’s an attraction that won’t last long. The energetic, ambitious, go-getter Aries woman is no match for simple Simon Piscean. She will tend to dominate and control him and while he may not mind it in the beginning, it might all soon come apart.
The fiery Aries woman with her straight-forward talk won’t probably be the best match for Pisces man. They may certainly date and enjoy a cup of coffee or a movie but the stars don’t see a very bright and long future for them together.
Water and earth mix well in this case. A relationship between a Piscean man and a Taurus woman will be marked by fun and great chemistry . They have a lot in common and his refined, charming nature will ensure she doesn’t leave his side.
She loves to spend time home, just like him. The emotional, sentimental core that he brings to the table will elevate her too making her quite the perfect woman for Pisces man. The only disadvantage is that she is more practical than him while he likes to be let loose with his dreams.
On the face of it, these two signs (water and Air) look good together but take a closer look and you will find that a Gemini is not the perfect woman for a Pisces man. The Pisces man loves to listen, the Gemini woman loves to talk. While he is emotional, she may be adventurous and may encourage him to open up a little.
But the problem arises because Geminis can tend to get emotionally distant while Pisceans tend to cling. They will have to be very honest with each other and will need a lot of work to keep them together despite the swings of a Gemini.
A Cancer woman is almost the best match for Pisces man. For one, both are known to be compassionate and have a nurturing side to them. They will thus be emotionally compatible, willing to take on each other’s burdens.
So if a Pisces man gets too sentimental or behaves like he is carrying the weight of the world on his fragile shoulders, a Cancer woman can help him shoulder it. The only problem is that the Cancer woman, when hurt, can retreat into a shell. Nevertheless, for a Pisces it’s a great match. Go for it!
These two zodiac signs can make for a good pair despite being opposites of each other. The strong decisive Leo woman can be a good match for the wishy washy, indecisive, dreamy Pisces man. It is good if the woman takes the lead because this will help the Piscean follow his heart and dreams.
However, the thing to be wary about is each other’s tempers and insecurity. The Leo woman will have a tough time reining in the Pisces man and keep him under control and be practical. Can this lead to a clash though? It’s quite possible to have arguments depending on how sensitive both are to criticism.
For the Virgo woman, a Pisces man can be some sort of a mystery that she is keen to unravel. The relationship has to start more out of curiosity more than anything else because they have little in common ruling out Virgo as the best match for Pisces man.
The Virgo woman loves life at the fast pace, is realistic and analytical and loves her outdoors while the Pisces man has all the opposite qualities. As lovers, they will have an interesting initial period but might run out of steam soon.
Pisces and Libra can make for an interesting combination but it will require a lot of will power, determination and very strong attraction to keep them together. Frankly, they are better off as friends than lovers.
They share a common love for dreaming, music, food and arts which will make their relationship full of great conversations and a lot of fun. The only care they need to take is to not drift too much into dreamland together as this can spell disaster. The Libra woman needs to secure her sense of balance to be the best match for Pisces man.
Compatibility meter: Not bad at all
When these two water signs come together, there is no stopping them. Of all the zodiac signs, a Scorpio woman is undoubtedly the best match for Pisces man. Be it communication, trust and dependability, intimacy or common values, they share an ace.
Both are deep, emotional and protective about each other. They will also remain committed to each other. The only thing a Pisces man needs to be a bit wary of is the Scorpio woman’s tendency to be a bit jealous and possessive . Otherwise it’s a match made in zodiac heaven.
Don’t even try. The Pisces man would be better off staying away from the Sagittarius woman. They live in two different worlds, seeking two different things. The energetic, adventurous and intelligent Sagittarius woman might get bored by the dreamy Pisces man should they try dating each other.
The result is that she might prove to be someone who is way too much for him to handle. Moreover it is hard to keep a Sagi woman down for too long. She likes to be on the move while Pisces man loves stability. In most cases, their match is going to be an absolute no-show.
The possibilities are immense in the match between Pisces man and Capricorn woman. Her energy and zest for life can inspire the rather cool Piscean. They may not have very similar qualities but will bond over the needs to experience something new in terms of places, culture and ideas.
Also a Pisces man can bring some spontaneity and creativity to a Capricorn’s otherwise staid and structured regimen. Definitely this is a case of two different signs bringing out the best in each other. They will go a long way if they do get married.
Once again it is one of the low compatibility pairs. Sorry Aquarius woman, you can’t be the best match for Pisces man no matter how hard you try! Aside from a few common elements, there is little that will keep them together.
An Aquarius woman is intelligent, analytical, imaginative and creative. A relationship with the Pisces man will definitely work, however he will have to do a lot of work. The Aquarius woman will not quite relate to his spiritual and emotional side so he will have to watch out.
A dream pairing for a pair that loves dreaming! A Pisces woman will be the best match for a Pisces man and the reason is not hard to guess. They will both understand each other perfectly, motivated as they are by the same things. The harmony is just ideal as both are healers in their own way and there will be a lot of concern and care for each other.
The communication generally would be good but at some point, they will have to be a bit wary simply because Pisceans generally tend to struggle to be upfront and straightforward which can cause misunderstanding. If they are honest and candid, then it is a perfect dream relationship. Their relationship would be strong and healthy .
The Pisces man should look for a woman who brings out the best in him. He has some special qualities which should not be subsumed so he should look for a partner who complements his sensitivity and emotional side.
Scorpio and Pisces are both perfect matches for the Pisces man. As water signs, there is greater compatibility and understanding for the Pisces man who is dreamy and sensitive.
A Pisces man should marry a Pisces woman or a Scorpio woman for the best marriage. He will also get along well with a Cancer woman who is as empathetic and sensitive as he would be.
Pisces soul mate would be Scorpio as they are perfectly matched physically and emotionally. Both are water signs and there will be greater understanding than with any other sign.
Pisces will be sexually compatible with Scorpio because the latter is known to be very passionate and intense. Scorpio brings out the best in a Pisces man in every which way emotionally as well as sexually.
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January 22, 2021 September 1, 2021 |
Lekha Menon

Lekha Menon is a journalist who thought she had made a difference but was practical enough to realise she hadn't. A closet romantic, she is accused of being a cynic but she believes she is a realist.
all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love.
If your ideal man is the dreamy, mature, romantic and sensitive kind, we suggest you first ask your date his birthday. If he is born between February 12 and March 20, then you have hit the jackpot. Simply because it means he is a Piscean and the best match for the Pisces man, is a woman who brings out these very qualities in him. Are you the one?
A Piscean man loves from the core of his heart, is rather pure and simple and his behaviour does not change over time. (Think F
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