Pisces Man Match

Pisces Man Match


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Sign dates
Jan 1 - Jan 19 = Capricorn
Jan 20 - Feb 18 = Aquarius
Feb 19 - Mar 20 = Pisces
Mar 21 - Apr 19 = Aries
Apr 20 - May 20 = Taurus
May 21 - Jun 21 = Gemini
Jun 22 - Jul 22 = Cancer
Jul 23 - Aug 22 = Leo
Aug 23 - Sep 22 = Virgo
Sep 23 - Oct 22 = Libra
Oct 23 - Nov 21 = Scorpio
Nov 22 - Dec 21 = Sagittarius
Dec 22 - Dec 31 = Capricorn
All these dates can vary slightly by birth year and location
To discuss Pisces compatibility we need to look at Pisces in combination with each of the other sun signs. Each match has different strong and weak areas and its own quirks and unique features.
This shows the typical scores for relationships between Pisces and each of the other sun signs. Click on any combination to explore that match in more detail.
The most compatible signs with Pisces are generally considered to be Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. The least compatible signs with Pisces are generally considered to be Gemini and Sagittarius.
Comparing sun signs can give a good general idea of compatibility. However, this is just a quick and easy way to compare, and it's going to have lots of exceptions on this broad level.
That's because people are more than just their sun sign. There are other planets which also affect someone's personality. This creates billions of permutations making each Pisces slightly different. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.
To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet positions from their date of birth and then compare them to your own. This unlocks the real power of astrology and gives much more useful and specific information, such as how they view you, how to turn them on, how to avoid arguments with them etc. If you would like to explore this further please see the astrology compatibility readings page.
Here you can share experiences and opinions on dating, marriage and affairs, whether you're a Pisces or have experience with one.
You'll find that some of these forums are generally positive in tone, and some are generally negative. That doesn't guarantee that will be your experience, however you are very likely to recognize some common patterns which can be fascinating.
Some relationship combinations are much more common than others. Some sun signs are also much more chatty than others. Some are more likely to compliment (or complain!) about a partner. Each forum therefore tends to have a fairly consistent trend to the comments.
Please keep in mind though that people are much more than just their sun sign. Beyond a point Pisces compatibility varies due to the individuals other planet positions when they were born. You need a real astrology reading to understand a real relationship.
Find out what astrology has to say about your unique partner and relationship beyond just sun signs.
How to know if you're with your soulmate. The most common features of soulmate relationships.
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How does it work? How accurate is it? Why are there 12 signs? An introduction to synastry and compatible astrology.
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He is passionate, emotional and very unstable. He idealizes the people he loves and thinks they can do no wrong. He is a big-time dreamer. And he ain’t real faithful. He just lives by the whim of a moment and so, if someone strikes his fancy, he forgets all else and just goes for it. Usually very creative these guys often become musicians and artists. They give great personal emotional gifts. And he will “talk around” an important matter, never really taking a stance (like a politician!) It’s annoying.
Enlightening and deceptive Neptune rules the last sign of the Zodiac and you will likely wonder which quality is influencing your Pisces guy on more than one occasion. Like Neptune, Pisces can be a challenge to understand.
Neptune is concerned with spiritual awakenings and mystical pursuits. It is a transgenerational planet spending about 14 years in each sign. Like other signs ruled by the outer planets, Pisces identifies with people near their own age and the events of their generation.
In mythology, Neptune was the son of taskmaster Saturn and the brother of expansive Jupiter. You could say that he was the black sheep of the family and you would be right. Neptune goes to great lengths to cloud the issues and rules over covert actions.
Two fish swimming in opposite directions is an apt symbol for Neptune ruled Pisces. The fishes’ river runs deep and Pisces often seems a contradiction in living. Which way is he going? Does he have a direction at all? Can he decide already and get to the point? Yes and no.
Mystical, imaginable and emotional Pisces could be nothing but a Water sign. But unlike moody Cancer, Pisces’ emotions are ones of caring and concern for the whole world. He is often too softhearted for his own good and gets taken advantage of by others.
It is a rare Pisces that does not have psychic abilities, which can make him a wonderfully attentive lover who can anticipate your every desire. He also loves to know all your secrets and you can rest assured that they are safe with him.
Despite your unveiling to your Pisces man, you will never really know the mystery man of the Zodiac. Truth is, he doesn’t really know himself.
Remember his two-fish dilemma and you will understand this man’s confusion. But then Pisces are meant to be enjoy and not so much understood.
But of course Pisces is a Mutable sign. From the Latin root mutabilis meaning change, his guy goes beyond change by simply going with the flow without the need to ever shift gears. You’ve got yourself a regular chameleon, when you have a Pisces man. Just adapt.
Pisces Man – This man possesses real charisma. The secret of his success with women is his ability to always see them at their best; he truly has a sensitive nature which allows him to appreciate their inner qualities. He lives in a world of dreams and romance and thus charms women because of it.
He lives for the moment, and while it lasts, he’ll make it most memorable for his special lady… poetry, passion, moonlight, champagne…the works!
He would like nothing more than to find love in one woman, but change is something which appeals to him constantly, thus making it hard to stick to one person.
He has a very hard time sailing smoothly through the sea of his desires. Secret affairs and clandestine meetings are what mostly turn him on…anything where high risk is involved…and so, he’s totally into married women, for instance.
This is actually a man who will fall in love very easily, but mostly with the wrong woman. It’s quite common that a Pisces loses his heart several times during a lifetime, and always for the wrong woman.
In the bedroom he tends to get into different stuff….just like his female counterpart…but he’s always considerate and won’t insist on having his way if his partner is not comfortable with his fantasies.
To him, sex is much more than a physical release, since it’s more like the culmination of a romantic yearning.
As a husband, he probably won’t be the best provider of the Zodiac but if he’s in love he will give unselfishly of himself… his time, his money, his love, anything he has. He’s the kind of man who will do practically anything for the woman he loves. He’s a dreamer and if you’re his right match, the dreams he’ll be dreaming will be to figure out how to make yours come true!
If you can hold a fish in your hand and make him want to stay you have a friend for life. These men aren’t the easiest, they change their minds at The drop of a hat and beware always the hidden agenda.
Can be very loyal and loving,you need to understand his moods and needs. When He’s off on one of his daydreams there is little thought for anything else,let the line out, he needs to swim just be there when he gets home.
The Pisces man is extremely creative, sensitive and often times very shy around women.  To attract a Pisces man, you will need to be outgoing and even sometimes be the one to make the first move.
This is what makes it hard from Pisces males to meet someone, but their sensitivity and artistic behavior make them desirable to women.
Pisces men like innovation and creation, so when you walk up and strike up a conversation with one of these men, make sure to engage in conversation that is dreamy and innovative.
The Pisces man has interest in art and culture, so ask questions about cultural events, books, and art will keep him engaged in the conversation.
The Pisces man is perfect for women who need a man who listens to her.  He will listen to you, but to attract him, you need to be somewhat dominant in the relationship.
You will need to be sensitive to his feelings and show signs of love and passion.  Pisces men need beautiful women who believe in romance, or they will slowly lose interest in her.
Pisces men sometimes have an irrational, idealistic outlook on women, beauty, and love.  If your relationship falls into a daily grind, then you may lose the interest of your Pisces male.
Keep your Pisces man attracted to you by always finding time for the romantic side of things.  Take him on a picnic, go to an art gallery, or simply spend a romantic evening watching a movie.
Keeping the romance in the relationship will limit the chance of losing interest in your Pisces male.
He may even take control and cook you dinner, because Pisces men are listeners and want to stay happy in their relationships.  If you’re searching for a sensitive man who will stay faithful to you, then a Pisces man is perfect for you.
Click here for more about Pisces In Relationships
This is the type of guy that you can use different techniques to get him. Hitting his senses of smell with a subtle beautiful fragrance, a smile that showing some mystery behind it, or even a meaningful deep look. These are the types of things that could do more work for you then a full day of flirting that he obviously picks up on.
To get this man’s attention in the first place, you should be appealing and as sensual as possible. You can even be a little bit off the wall with this man, as he seems to be interested in women that are a little bit out of the ordinary.
He may show you or he may not show you that he is a true romantic at heart. It is usually rare if he is the opposite. These guys usually aren’t miserable when it comes to romance and life.
The best idea for a first date with this man is something that involves him being able to concentrate solely on you. So with that being said it’s best not to plan anything that is considered a busy evening. This will also keep him pretty calm and centered.
His idea of a perfect date is one that has a natural flow to it. A date where you both don’t have to contend with waiting 30 minutes for a table for dinner, or having to settle with the Late Show at the movies. The mundane things in life really annoy him. The important thing to think about is that Simplicity is the key here
He wants to be in a situation where you are both not going to be interrupted. Somewhere that you can both discuss different topics and even possibly share secrets. Even if this involves the date taking place as your own home, that’s a cool idea to.
Set the mood with some music and even with some Candlelight if it is getting to that point. Break out the red wine if you wish.
Sexually speaking he is not the type of guy that will make a move unless he knows that it’s going to be reciprocated. He needs to know that everything’s a go. It’s important that you verbalize to him ahead of time what your intentions are for the first date.
If intimacy is not something you want to share on the first night, this guy is still capable of being considerate and tender. And can withstand the urge to push himself on you, which really isn’t in his nature.
When the time is right and it’s something that you are interested in, he will gladly go that place with you.
These two work better when it comes to a casual relationship. Their relationship potential in terms of compatibility is usually on the low side. The important thing that should not be overlooked is whether or not this casual relationship can be made into a long-term one. with some effort on both parts things could move into a steady relationship. The key word term though is Effort.
These two are pretty much completely different people, which isn’t a bad thing in this situation. They both will be able to contribute a lot to the relationship. They do have the ability to make a couple that is well-balanced and very happy. Due to the fact that there’s a pretty good chance this relationship could work,  their compatibility is considered medium.
There is a certain attraction between these two at the very beginning of a relationship together. Even though they might fall in love after a little bit, issues can arise that could be quite serious and detrimental to the couple. They both have a tendency to be unpredictable/volatile in situations and this is why they have what’s considered a low compatibility.
This is a woman that he can feel very connected to. She will also bring the understanding that he needs to make this into a very loving stable relationship. This is why they’re considered one of the best combinations.
These two have a 50-50 chance of making it in a relationship. This is due to the fact that even though there will be a lot of happiness and passion between the two of them, situations can arise where there might be arguments that lead to breakups. What they need to do is set boundaries and understand what each other is willing to put up with. If they don’t do this then the future doesn’t look too bright for them.
In astrology these two are considered what would be referred to as opposite signs. In a lot of cases opposite signs seem to attract each other. That’s exactly what happens with these two as they are very highly compatible with each other. Their differences are what attract them to one another.
These two work together really well as friends and that’s pretty much it. When it comes to a relationship there’s a lot of situations that could arise between the two of them that would end in a breakup. They have a lot of differences between each other which is why they have what’s considered low compatibility.
These two have what is considered high compatibility for the fact that they have a lot of chemistry with each other, and have the ability to understand what each other needs in a relationship.  They both have the patience and understanding that is the backbone of this couple.
This is a woman that he is highly attracted to, but the only problem is they don’t really usually hit it off past friends. Their compatibility is considered quite low outside of a friendship. If they do take it in a relationship direction, they will have to prepare themselves for what lies ahead.
This man and woman do have a chance to make things work in their relationship because they do have a lot of compatibility with each other. The only problem is that things are going to start off pretty slow between the two of them. At the very beginning they will both have reservations about the relationship and a little bit of distrust. This is something that they’ll both have to work through.
These two signs together are better as friends than as a romantic couple. The spark between them just doesn’t ignite, even though they have the ability to have a lot of fun with each other. They have what’s considered average compatibility. If they’re able to overcome the friend zone situation there is a chance that they could make it as a couple.
These two as a couple find themselves in what would be considered a make-it-or-break-it situation. On one side of things that could be in a relationship with each other where they understand each other perfectly. On the other side of things they might find themselves in a relationship that’s full of arguments and disagreements. The important thing is that they take the time to communicate with each other  their own personal needs in the relationship.
his zone is his feet. The best bet would not be to tickle them, try some firm massaging and hit them up with a little bit of massage oil.
Pisces is the Don Juan of the Zodiac. This romantic seducer will never tolerate gruff, rude or crude behavior. Enchant him with a single rose, silk sheets and a flowing but slinky dressing gown.
Lovemaking for a Pisces is a legendary fantasy. And boy, can they ever kiss. It helps to absorb romance novels so you “get” a Pisces man. Pisces spend their lives in a dreamworld so leave reality out of the boudoir.
Turn Ons: Mommy like rolemodel. Someone needs to be the practical one in the relationship, and it certainly isn’t you. If a woman can hold your hand and take care of the mundane tasks of living in the real world, you can supply enough tenderness for the two of you.
Turn Offs: Very little turns you off, actually. You can find that glimmer of hope in each new partnership and fall in love, instantly. Each mate is fresh and uncharted territory to you, and you don’t mind having a broken heart — it’s merely proof of having loved someone.
Click here for more about Pisces Sex
let compassion be your Guiding Light
The Pisces is one of the most compassionate signs in the zodiac. So open up your heart and let it guide you the same way Pisces does with his. This man is never unkind or cynical. His compassion for his fellow men and women is one of his best traits.
This is a guy that does not put up with a woman that is demanding and/or pushy. if you possess those traits you probably don’t want to be with this type of man. He will cooperate as much as he possibly can, but he doesn’t put up with too much.
This is a man that uses his imagination and intuition more so than anything else .So sometimes logic goes right out the window. To be able to understand this man you’re going to have to start using your right side of your brain, and put your thoughts in the clouds. If you’re able to connect with him on that level he will love you almost automatically.
This guy likes to live life at a slower pace. He’s not looking to settle down with a woman that is a worrier, or somebody that will push him to hurry up. If you take the time to slow your pace down and join
What is the best match for a Pisces man? - Quora
Pisces compatibility | Relationships with Pisces men
Pisces Man: Love, Personality Traits & More
Pisces Man: Love, Personality Traits & More | Astrology.com
Taurus Woman Pisces Man - A Gentle Peaceful Match | SunSigns.Org
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