Pisces Male Sexuality

Pisces Male Sexuality


Pisces Male Sexuality
Are you interested in Pisces Man Sexuality? Then this guide is for you!
When dealing with this man, you need to be in touch with his precarious, sensitive, and passionate nature.
He’s likely to do the unexpected. This arises from his contradicting impulses. His symbol is an indicator of two fish, swimming in opposite directions.
He may choose one thing at one time, and change his mind when you least expect it.
The Pisces man understands you and your needs. This is why you are attracted to him in the first place.
With time, you’ll discover that he has a receptive, warm soul. He will easily overlook your shortcomings and concentrate more on your strengths.
Men born under the Pisces zodiac sign are most attracted to sensual women. Your man will love you more if you are sensual as well as dominating.
The Pisces man is gentle and forgiving. If he loves you, he believes that you are incapable of doing something that can’t be forgiven.
He will work with you to create emotional stability. This is a sure sign that he has decided to form a lasting relationship with you.
If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
You will soon discover that the Pisces man is a dreamer. He has a high level of imagination that helps him to fulfill his fantasies in bed.
He often looks for a girl that reflects his opposite personality. You complement him is this aspect. He is quite receptive to your ideas.
Being a dreamer, he’s sensitive to your needs.
With this man, you’ll find that you are taking control more and more in bed. The Pisces man will want you to make the first move.
He has a soft spot for girls that have a streak of dominance. If you are one such girl, he finds you very attractive.
He will only ask you out when he’s sure that you’ll oblige him. You need to boost his self-confidence. Ensure that you don’t do things that could make him feel uncomfortable when he’s with you.
If he loves you, he may not tell you. Rather, you have to look for the cues that indicate this. He will wait for you to show him that it’s okay for him to ask you out.
This means that you must never play hard-to-get with the Piscean man. Otherwise, he won’t even attempt to get cozy with you.
He enjoys sexual play that revolves around the themes of dominance and submissiveness. In creating this kind of fun, he’s okay playing the submissive role.
He enjoys making love to a dominant woman. He is most comfortable when he and this partner have a mutual trust and faith in each other.
The Pisces man wants immediate results. He gets agitated when delays occur. He doesn’t want to be questioned, especially when he’s certain of his decisions.
If he wants you, he wants you immediately. Otherwise, if he can’t get you, he’ll be tempted to have secret liaisons with other girls.
He respects neither legal nor moral barriers. He prefers to have sex with married women because he considers them more experienced.
But, if you can help him to resolve the conflicts within himself, he will respond more appropriately to your advances.
He will desire to establish a stronger emotional and physical connection with you. He longs to create a spiritual union with the girl that he truly loves.
He needs a lot of encouragement, especially if he has encountered disappointment from acquaintances in the past.
If you desire to enjoy the thrill of sexual encounters with him, help him to overcome the problems of interpersonal life.
This means that you enable him to create trust and faith in your relationship. It’s easy for this man to create a sexual relationship if he believes in you and your intentions.
To seduce this man, you need to get in touch with his personality. This man is gentle as well as affectionate.
If he realizes that your intentions are good, he will give you the time of your life in the bedroom.
Be his best friend before you attempt anything else. This means that you should first create an emotional connection, as this leads to an improvement in all the other aspects of your relationship.
It is easier for both of you to engage in lovemaking when you have a clear understanding of each other’s needs.
If you are a dominant lover, you will make much headway with this man. Your dominance appeals to his sentimental nature. He is likely to sing a love song or write a romantic poem for you.
Also, you can appeal to his sense of generosity. He has an inherent need to shower his lover with flowers and gifts.
If you show him that you appreciate this side of his personality, he will share himself with you unreservedly in the bedroom.
Pay close attention to this man’s feet. Most men born under the Pisces zodiac sign have a foot fetish. Touch his feet whenever you can. Caress them lovingly.
This is bound to capture his attention.
The Piscean man is a good match for a girl that’s opposite to him in nature. He seeks the kind of girl that complements him.
If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
The Pisces man will do his best to please – but he has to trust you first. If you want this guy for yourself, you need to know what he likes in bed.
He likes it when you are intuitive and dominant.
If you can guess his desires, you’ll score very well with him. He likes it even more if you can read his subtle signals.
He may not tell you exactly how he feels about you. He may not tell you directly what he wants. But, by looking at his body language you will receive the hints that he wants you to get.
The Piscean man does everything in his power to satisfy his lover. He is generous with love and sexual pleasure.
In this aspect, this is one of the most fulfilling partners you can find yourself with.
He likes experimenting. In this, he knows no limits. He will break barriers to ensure that both of you have the time of your lives.
Also, he has a wealth of imagination. He’s constantly coming up with new ideas. You need to be open-minded and receptive to these ideas.
If the Pisces man finds the right girl, he gets fully committed to her. He may be fragile inside, but he will do just fine if he gets the right support.
He will empathize with you. He understands what you are going through, and he’s willing to help you overcome the predicaments in your life.
His main goal is to ensure that you both have the best time possible.
If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
The Pisces man likes it when you provide him with feedback. He desires to know how you find his lovemaking.
He’s explorative, and he’s willing to take up new ideas from you. He is a bit impatient when he wants to be with you.
If he desires you, you don’t need to start playing hard to get. Otherwise, he may lose interest and opt to look for love elsewhere.
The symbol of the Pisces man is two fish, swimming in opposite directions. This is an indicator that he has a dual personality.
He often contradicts many of his beliefs and principles.
But, when he gets a girl that fully understands him, he creates a relationship that’s full of fantasies and mysteries.
This is just what both parties could be looking for to create a lasting relationship.
PSSST…If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice.

The Pisces Man in Bed: 11 Things to Know About His Sexual Side
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Pisces is an elusive sign that’s slippery and hard to grasp.
Pisces guys tend to be total enigmas. These men are sensitive, creative, sensual, expressive, and often kinky in bed—emotionality, romanticism, and passion flow through him. 
They’re choosey lovers who carefully select their sexual mates. If someone doesn’t pass his subtle vibe check, they won’t end up in bed with him. 
We’ll be diving deep into how the Pisces man operates in bed in this post. By the end, you’ll have the tools to navigate a sexual relationship with these men expertly.
If you’re looking to better attract a Pisces man, also consider reading how to tell if a Pisces man likes you and how to get a Pisces man to chase you .
As a water sign, Pisces men are highly sexual and sensual. They’re usually hopelessly romantic, and sex is like glue for their desire for romantic bonding. 
Because of this, they’re often preoccupied with sex for the closeness and bonding it brings to a relationship. While not the most sexed sign, these guys still usually think about sex daily.
While their sexuality is highly developed, Pisces men don’t always need actual sex to satisfy their urges.
Intimacy is their ultimate goal, and deep conversing, cuddling, and kissing can be all they need at times.
These guys aren’t usually in a hurry between the sheets. They’re after quality and intimacy, not quantity or expediency. 
They appreciate that the type of bonding their after requires time. Sure, he could be open to quickies on occasion. Still, he understands that the deeper emotional and spiritual merging that he’s after really doesn’t start to set in until an hour or more of sexual intimacy. 
Foreplay is a crucial feature of the Piscean man’s sexual process, and they’re very skilled at it. It wouldn’t be a surprise for you to still be in its throes when you would have already finished sex with another lover. Overall, these men typically have good endurance and staying power in bed. 
Pisces men usually have a wide range of sexual expressions. They love the intimacy that straightforward, vanilla sex provides and are also turned on by more experimental play like S&M.
Most Pisces guys will be open to trying anything and everything that a partner was into. Dominance & submission, voyeurism, exhibitionism, fetishism, age play, and a wide-spanning use of toys can all appeal to his adventurous side.
While often drawn to the taboo, some Pisces men can repress their urges hard. These men are sensitive and can repress themselves quite easily. To these Pisces men, the kinkier stuff is best left to the safety of their fantasy realm. Even if they indulge their darker side for a while, they’re often too sensitive to stay in an excessively hardcore or fetish phase for long. 
When experimenting with kink, the most important thing for the Pisces man is emotional intimacy. Intensity without connection doesn’t appeal to him. He wants maximum skin contact, eye contact, and soul contact. Wild sex is great, but ultimately, it’s that innocent, first-time sort of intimacy they’re after.
A woman that’s organized, dominant, yet maternal and nurturing. Pisces guys don’t mind being with a partner who takes control and is a bit particular. Many Pisces men get extra turned on if their lover is even a bit intimidating.
Health & physical fitness. Pisces guys can be particular about the physical attributes that initially spur their arousal. They typically focus a lot on legs and breasts. Fit, feminine legs, well-formed breasts, and bright, healthy eyes get him going. 
Enthusiasm. While physique is the first turn-on, excitement and eagerness are a close second. He’s particularly aroused by how his partner speaks and her overall energetic engagement. 
Tranquil settings. A romantic by nature, the Pisces guy gets aroused by the atmosphere of moonlight walks, canoeing on a tranquil lake, or pacing along a calm ocean shore. These atmospheres emphasize his sensitive nature and encourage heartfelt conversation.
Closeness and physical touch. Often, being close and sharing intimate space is enough to get a Pisces man sexually engaged. He’s in his happy place when eaning into you, conversing, taking in the smell of your skin, hair, and perfume, all the while peppering you with light touches and caresses. His senses keep turning him on further as the physical intimacy heats up. He loves the smell and taste of her sweat and aroused secretions.
Indulging in romantic fantasy. Pisces men see sex as an opportunity to immerse themselves in the “art form” of love and romance. If he senses a partner’s willingness to indulge in a mental, physical, and emotional sex “vacation” with him, he’ll want to dive right into bed together.
Feeling rushed. The Pisces guy doesn’t want to rush to the finish or dive straight into sex. He’s all about the process of slow, mutual seduction. He’s inflamed by the teasing and titillation that leads to sex and feels a bit empty if that phase is glossed over.
Crude, unromantic manners. These lovey-dovey guys want a picturesque love affair. They want to idealize their partner, and it becomes a tall order to place them on a pedestal when they’re gruff, unkempt, or use foul language. If he can’t get on a cozy romantic level with a lover, he’ll lose interest. If they outright shoot down his romantic gestures, it’s likely game over.
Too much emotionality and emotional availability. The Pisces man might love intimacy and be quite emotional himself, but he doesn’t want you to be too similar to him. He likes a partner who’s a bit mysterious, exotic, and hard to figure out. It breaks the spell for him if a partner becomes clingy and overbearing, 
Poor aesthetic taste. Art, clothes, and music tend to be very important to the Pisces guy. This aesthete of a man will likely turn sour on any potential lover that doesn’t have a sense of style or artistic appreciation. 
Pressuring him to commit. The symbol for Pisces is a fish, and these guys will slip right out of your hands if you try to grasp them too tightly. If your relationship with him turns to commitment before he’s ready, his sexual interest can drain right out of him. 
Foreplay. These guys are masters of the art form. They’re tuned in, well-paced, and give their everything while worshipping their partner’s every inch. They’re highly tactile and oral and know precisely how to touch in a profoundly intuitive manner that fully satisfies. It’s hard not to lose yourself in the experience when they’re savoring every touch and state of your body.
Making their partner feel appreciated. Pisces men make their partners feel extremely loved and cared for, even during rough bouts of play. They always make sure that their lover feels valued, important, and entirely desirable. 
Making a romantic connection. There’s no disconnect with the Pisces man in bed. He won’t make his partner feel taken for granted like a pleasure item. Even if he comes across as distant or far away, that’s probably him tuning in to his lover’s subtle energies and desires. 
Younger, inexperienced Pisces men are often timid and overly gentle, making them struggle to initiate sex.
But the older Pisces guys tend to be at ease with kicking things off between the sheets. And they’re usually pretty good at timing their advances.
This is because they’re highly intuitive. They pick up on a woman’s cues quite easily, so they don’t have to second guess her interest. They simply know when a forward move is welcomed or expected.
He leads gently, rarely aggressively. His subtle approach can be thrown off by a woman who’s curt and requires a lot of explicit instructions or discussion. 
For the Pisces guy, sex with someone they’ve already built a strong emotional attachment with is the pinnacle experience, and anything less falls short of his lofty romantic ideals.
So the short answer is yes, but he’s well aware that casual sex is a poor substitute for his deeper love-making desires.
So long as there’s some amount of emotional connection and mutually expressed care, he can totally indulge in one-night stands or friends with benefits arrangements. 
But when he does have a lover of his own, he tends to be faithful to them wholeheartedly. These men will rarely risk sacrificing a solid bond for fleeting pleasures.
Pisces guys typically prefer privacy and cleanliness in their immediate sexual environment. 
If they’re in the comfort of a private setting, they can enjoy sex just about anywhere and at any time of day. Intimacy is essential to him, and an environment that nurtures that quality is necessary for putting him into the mood.
Pisces men love fantasy and a bit of magic in their life, so the more majestic and awe-inspiring the moment, the better. Sex with the morning sun streaming in through the bedroom windows can feel divine for him, as can a private, moonlit romp on the beach or out in the forest. And sex in the warm spring rain can be a thrilling experience that he’ll never forget. 
If he can feel like he’s in the setting of a romantic movie, he’ll be enthralled by the experience. 
Pisces men usually like to express their sexuality through movement and sound. They prefer to gesture and insinuate with their body language and energy. They’re often a bit shy to ask directly for what they want.
If you find that your Pisces male lover is struggling to sync up with you in bed, try to better tune into his non-verbal signaling rather than pressing him with words. 
Pisces men savor connection and bonding and usually want to leverage that post-coitus afterglow period to further solidify their relationship. They’ll usually want to spend time cuddling, talking, eating, or relaxing and listening to music.
So expect to cuddle, kiss, caress, massage, and embrace after a sexual bout with your Piscean guy.
Hopefully, this post has helped you better understand the wants and needs of the Pisces man in bed.
If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations of your own, please share with us in the comments!
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Pisces Man In Bed – 9 Things To Know About His Sexual Side

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A Pisces man is generally recognized as having the characteristics of the placid laid-back guy, who goes with the flow, as depicted by his zodiac sign of fishes swimming in different directions.
However, when it comes to the sexual side of a Pisces man in bed, it is a whole different ball game.
The saying goes, “Still waters run deep”, but can turn into a torrent when a woman understands how to press the buttons that will release the pent-up passions of desire for her. Find out in this short video here .
The romantic Pisces male is driven by emotion when connecting intimately. Because of this, his partner needs to know how to awaken the passion that is created by true love.
Are you dating a Pisces man who seems reserved when it comes to sex?
Or are you wanting to re-light the passions in a faltering relationship?
Whatever the reason, this article will explain the things you must know to create an emotional connection with a Pisces man that will last.
That vital emotional sexual bond will generate his undying love and devotion.
When it comes to water signs, emotions are an important part of intimacy.
In astrology, water represents emotions, and the zodiac sign of Pisces is depicted as two fish that swim in opposite directions. This aspect is key to understanding Pisces’ man’s sexuality.
The Pisces man needs to sense an emotional draw to his lover, which will give the experience meaning rather than just providing carnal satisfaction.
For him, he mostly expresses this through his sexuality.
While he is kn
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