Pisces Male In Bed

Pisces Male In Bed


Pisces Male In Bed
Today we discover what sex with the Pisces man is like, what he likes, what he hates and his personality in bed according to sexual Astrology.
The Pisces man likes to take the lead in bed and gets upset if his partner doesn't value him as he thinks she should. He's impatient when he likes a woman. He has no boundaries, neither legal nor moral, and he likes to make love to the most experienced women in the field.
Since he is a dual sign, the Pisces man is in constant contradiction. He seeks mysterious relationships with women he barely knows and with whom he can fulfill his secret fantasies, and at the same time he wants a deep spiritual and emotional connection.
If one of his previous partners has hurt him, he'll look for another person with whom he - and his thoughts - can connect. He can seldom have relationships that don't make sense, that is, he needs to fall in love or at least feel something to make things work sexually.
Pisces like women who are intuitive and discover for themselves what he likes and what his deepest desires are. His partners need to read his mind and read his body language to find out what turns him on in bed.
He is disappointed if his partner doesn't see or ignores his subtle signs. He won't talk about it, but he'll always try to express it with his body language.
The Pisces man wants to and does everything possible to satisfy his partner. He's never selfish during intercourse. If his lover is not satisfied with his performance, it could affect him, and he may get depressed. When he's with someone he can satisfy, he becomes the happiest man in the world. He has no limits with sexual experimentation, so you can talk about or try anything with him. He has a very imaginative mind, so he'll have new ideas and fantasies to fulfill.
Although the Pisces man can have sex with strangers, he will only give his heart to someone special. He loves with passion and will be faithful if he finds the right partner.
Fragile on the inside, the Pisces man is sometimes a person who behaves unexpectedly. For the same situation, he may have two different responses. In fact, Pisces is depicted in the zodiac as two fish swimming in different directions.
He is empathetic and understands people not by how they are, but by how he perceives them to be. He likes women who are sexy and who don't mind being dominated by their partner.
He idealizes the person he falls in love with, and he doesn't see her flaws. He's forgiving and believes that the woman he loves can do nothing wrong.
This man needs emotional stability - it's the most important thing for him. He's very imaginative and lives in a world of dreams. That's why he needs a love that is romantic and stable. However, you have to be careful, because Pisces tend to deceive their partners easily, at times when there are problems in the relationship and they don't feel safe. Since Pisces is easily influenced and fragile, this is normal.
He needs someone as easygoing as he is, because he's attracted to people who are interesting and magnetic. If you can understand his mind and not underestimate him, you can get him to be loyal and committed.
Being with a Pisces man means living the moment, adapting to changes and confused feelings, and especially, assuring him of your love. He needs stability and will respond with devotion if offered security and love.
It's hard for him to create his own stability, so you probably need to do so for him. He's not your typical husband who'll be home early and will see no one but you. He will like other women and will always consider divorce to be an option in his married life.
Many may say that he simply doesn't know how to respect his partners. Romantic, intelligent, and creative, The Pisces man is an amazing companion. He likes high quality things and spends money without thinking about tomorrow. He'll buy you expensive gifts even if he doesn't have a lot of money.
As he can be easily influenced, he will normally do what others do to fit in.
A man with this Sun sign will show his most sensitive side. This makes him charming, overoptimistic, and even self-sacrificing. He's not the most skilled businessman, but he's a good artist.
He doesn't like working hard and enjoys doing things on his own. He's not pragmatic nor a person who stands out. He prefers to leave things as they are and avoids difficulty at all costs. His creative talents are everything he has for his career.
He needs to be the one who brings the ideas to the table, since he likes to reflect on things, and he's the master of procrastination and leaving things until last minute. He is not the most eloquent sign of the zodiac.
He'll always use metaphors to express things. He's inoffensive and it's hard to understand him from what he says.
He needs to express himself through emotions and actions for people to understand him. A Pisces man has no principles that define or guide his life. He borrows his beliefs from other people. Sometimes, when you talk to him, you'll realize that he's daydreaming and not listening. He can make it look like he's all ears, and only a person who knows him very well will realize that he's thinking about something else.
He likes women who know what they want and who want to be romantic in bed. In fact, Pisces is one of the most romantic zodiac signs. He falls in love easily. He has a weakness for women who are powerful and down-to-earth.
For this man, the constellations show that he can fall into addiction easily. Drugs, alcohol, sex - he may pick up any vice. He does not have much self-confidence and always needs others to encourage him.

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The Pisces man in bed – what are they really like? Do they vibe well with certain signs or can they match with anyone? Are the guys assertive under the sheets or are they laid back?
The answers to these questions and many more are about to be revealed. While there’s lots of pages on the web that profess to know about the Piscean male, most are written by females.
Wouldn’t it be great to know what a man has to say about this topic? Well, listen up because this is your chance. Yep, that’s right – I am a Pisces man .
Before we dive too deep, it’s important that I say straight out that I’m not an astrologer or some new age guru. Nope, I’m just your typical male who happens to have been born under the sign of a fish. Not only is my sun sign Piscean, it’s also my moon sign (see this post on Pisces Moon sign personalities ).
The inspiration for this post came to me after asking several female friends about their first impressions of Piscean men in bed.
Almost all of them used words like “submissive”, “sensitive” and “moody” when responding, particularly in the context of romantic relationships. One girl even said, “Oh, wow – are they a handful!”.
At any rate, if you are a woman who has your eyes on one of us, I’ve written this piece just for you. My hope is to set the record straight and give you the truth about what to expect under the sheets, devoid of the stereotypes.
Many people confuse our desire to please with being submissive. It’s simply untrue. The reality is many of us can be super aggressive. Much depends on who we are with and then mirroring that person’s needs.
The fact of the matter is we’re able to tune into your fantasies and work hard to make them come true. Part of this has to do with being a water sign and part of it relates to our psychic abilities .
While we are more than capable of getting it on through a hook up, we much prefer doing it while in a relationship. For reasons that are beyond my understanding, Piscean men are wired for romance.
I think a lot of this is because we are born under the twelfth house of the zodiac; the metaphorical structure that is charged with intense feelings and love. See Linda Goodman’s Love Signs to learn more ( Amazon ).
Revealing that we are “clingy” is embarrassing but if I am to write this piece in an honest way, I just need to be straight with you. Piscean born people (men and women really) struggle with codependency issues.
In point two, I mentioned that it’s all about the emotional connection for us. That can be a good or a bad thing. The “good” is we can be extremely intense. The “bad” is that when we develop feelings for you, things tend to go from zero to sixty fast.
In the bedroom, we can become addicted to your bod.
There is no delicate way to say this so, I am just going to blurt it out. Piscean men like to party, and we enjoy doing it with things that help to expand the mind (read between the lines).
I’m not saying this is a requirement because it’s totally not. But I am saying a lot of us are down with new experiences.
As an aside, did you know that Pisces is the most likely sign to have an addiction (particularly to alcohol)? Yep, it’s true. There is a reason our sign is symbolized by the fish.
Some signs are into doing things in public and showing off. I can tell you this is not the case for Piscean men. The reality is we are fiercely private .
When you blueprint what I am saying to the bedroom, this means the environment matters. Sure, we can do it in a tent or in the car but the optimal location is your place or ours.
Earlier, I mentioned that we have psychic abilities. That may sound odd but it’s true. Some folks swap out the word “psychic” with “empathic”. That’s completely fine but it doesn’t change the outcome under the sheets.
Translation: Once we’ve been with you a couple of times, we’re able to tune into you on a very deep level – more so if you happen to be another water sign like Scorpio or Cancer.
Without you having to say a word, we’re going to know exactly what you want. Ask any person who has been with one of us and they will tell you this to be true.
A universal truth for all water signs is that we’re energized by h20. This is why so many of us prefer living by a lake, river or ocean. There’s something healing about the experience.
Bedroom-wise (if that is even a word), we feel right at home getting with you in the shower or in the tub. Waterbeds are fun too. You’ll find in any of these environments, h20 supercharges our libidos.
Have you ever noticed that fish open and close their mouths to breath? I won’t get too far into this point except to encourage you to think of the fish as a metaphor (like a blow fish).
You get my drift. We get into anything having to do with your mouth. Use your imagination here and remember, this post is about the guys. Piscean women have different preferences.
In many ways, my sign struggles (at times) with depression. I am not saying this is true for all of us but for many, it’s true. This is why being involved with people who have a sense of humor matters over the long term.
We’re great at intuiting your needs but not always good and attending to our own. When you ask us what we want, it will probably take us a minute to give you an answer. But once you show an ability to comfort, we become closer to you.
To cut to the chase, we are best matched with Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn. Yes, there are exceptions but, in my experience, these are the most compatible signs for Pisces men.
You may be wondering about the worst matches? Think Gemini, Sagittarius, and (to a lesser degree) Aquarius .
If you are interested in getting with a Pisces man, know that we are fun and engaging. That said, we truly are the sensitive types and require a deep emotional connection for the long term.
As a tribe we tend to be semi-assertive. But because we are a mutable sign, we are also highly adaptable. Much depends on chemistry and the level of trust that is shared.
What has your experience been with Pisces? 
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The Pisces man is passionate, sensitive and precarious. When dealing with him, you´ll have to expect the unexpected. He is torn by contradicting impulses – like the symbol of this zodiac, two fish, swimming in opposite directions. An antithetic being, who will choose the one thing, and then do the opposite.
He has an unusual understanding for his fellows, and that gives him an aura of attraction. His soul is warm and receptive, and he sees other people not as they are, but as he wants to see them. For him, sensual women are most attractive, especially if they are a bit dominating. He idealizes the one person he loves, and even if that person does not treat him right, he turns a blind eye on that. He might forgive the worst behavior, so be gentle. In his mind, the woman he loves cannot do anything wrong.
Constantly drawn by alteration and excitement, he is in a state of everchanging emotion and longing for emotional stability. He is a dreamer, a man who has impossible visions, but is very creative. Love does not only have to be romantic for him – like moonlight, roses and poems – love means having a home, being content and feeling protection.
Though, you cannot expect him to be too faithful. That’s not his style. He is far too sensitive and too easily influenced. For a while, he will tell himself that his partner knows what is right for him, and align his course thereafter. But then, his emotional compas will suddenly swing in the direction of another magnetic pole – unless he experiances you as equally forgiving as he is. With understanding and the right balance between giving him love but not patronizing him and letting him the space he needs, you will have him commit to you, and only you. If that is save, he will not let you go easily.
But how can a woman live with a man, that is only concerned with the present moment? One must be particularly sensitive to his rapidly changing, volatile game of feelings – and especially willing to let him feel the firming effect of unconditional love. For him, love is the vast, endless firmament… You must make this the sheltering roof upon his head. If he is offered stability, he will certainly give it back. He needs stability in his life, and may not always be able to provide it on his own.
However, he is not your average marriage candidate. If a woman manages to drag him to the altar, his roving eye will sooner or later fall on another woman. For him, romantic love is a revolving door that leads to the registry office on one side, and on the other to a divorce court. Some say that he won´t respect any vows, neither his own, nor from other women he finds attractive.
He is sensual, intelligent and unusually creative. A wonderful traveling companion, for him everything has to have the best quality. He wastes money, does not think about tomorrow and never ever will count the cost. He is going to shower his lover with expensive gifts, even if lacking the ressources. Because he is very easy to influence, he readily takes other people’s attitudes and habits. If they are nice people, he is nice too. If they drink, he´ll also become a drinker.
If his Sun in the Pisces has good aspects, he´ll show all the advantages this sensitive sign of the zodiac has to offer. He may be idealistic, self-sacrificing and enchanting. Gifted with creative talent, he can be a highly skilled artist or writer, but unfortunately not a very capable businessman. That is because he prefers working alone, and does not like hard work after all. If you want to get him to do something, you´ll have to make it difficult for him. He will follow the easiest path instinctively. He lacks practical thinking, organizational skills and the dynamics of overachievers.
The best job for him is a job in which he can be creative, such as being an advertising executive, where ideas are more important than execution. He would rather get lost in his own mental reflections than being active. He is a dilatory procrastinator who just cannot bring himself to getting stuff done. Although he is articulate, he does not know how to call a spade a spade. He uses his eloquence to avoid clear and unambiguous statements. He is rarely offensive, but his environment seldom knows what he is up to. It is hard to get hold of him, like a slippery fish.
At some point you will finally realize the reason why he does this – it is because he does not own personal beliefs or firm convictions. Apparently he listens with genuine interest and great attention, but in reality he stays with his thoughts somewhere else, or simply is daydreaming and thinking about something completely different. Nobody will notice, because he understands pretending to be listening perfectly. He can pretend he was listening far better than others, who happen to really listen.
Are the constellations of his character bad, he easily falls to the deepest levels of drug abuse or alcohol addiction and can be seduced by any vices. Basically, he lacks self-confidence, and he needs support from others like the waters from a spring.
He takes the lead and gets angry when he does not see an immediate response. He is resented when his desires are questioned and is offended when delays occur. If he wants a woman, he wants her now – immediately! He tends to have secretive meetings and affairs, often with married women. Since he respects neither moral nor legal barriers, and he prefers experienced partners.
The Pisces man is, as usual, in conflict with himself. On the one hand, he is very fond of anonymous encounters. He seeks the mysterious stranger whom he barely knows and on which he can project his secret desires. He must just not get to know her too well, because that would destroy his idealized image of her completely. On the other hand, he longs for spiritual union and emotional connection.
This desire is particularly high when he was repeatedly disappointed by a casual acquaintance – the problems of interpersonal everyday life can overshadow the thrill of prior sexual encounters. In general, it is difficult for him to establish
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