Pisces Best Traits

Pisces Best Traits


Pisces Best Traits
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Pisces are extremely social animals that generally define themselves by the people that are closest to them and where they sit within their pack.
Their personality traits make them open and genuine people who wear their hearts on their sleeves and aren’t afraid to take risks as far as their emotions are concerned.
While their trusting nature means that they can often get hurt, they are also very forgiving, as they know that people are complicated beings.
Intuitive and sensitive, people born under Pisces also tend to be highly creative as they are good at manifesting externally what they feel inside of themselves.
They also tend to feel close to the spiritual and the metaphysical, and are interested in what there is to life beyond what we can see and touch.
Pisces are incredibly sociable. They love meeting new people, and whiling away the hours chatting with their nearest and dearest about absolutely nothing.
They are very accepting of other people and accepting of people from every walk of life and genuinely appreciate what makes someone unique and interesting.
Pisces also love to be the center of attention in social situations and will sometimes do quite over the top things to make sure that all eyes are on them.
Pisces tend to define themselves by their pack, the people that they have chosen to be close to them. They know that it is people and relationships that make a life.
They are usually the person at the center of a group that holds everyone together.
It is Pisces that organizes the annual reunion, the regular night out, and the long video chats when people can’t get together physically.
They will always check in with people and see how they are going.
They love to play the host and their doors are always open.
Pisces are very sensitive to what is going on in the world around them and they are good at reading both situations and people.
They can generally sniff out when something is not as it seems, and they are the first person to know when someone needs help.
For this reason, they also tend to be good at solving mysteries, and they do enjoy the process of getting to the bottom of something.
Another prominent Pisces personality trait is that they are genuine.
Most Pisces don’t have a deceitful bone in their body.
They don’t really understand why anyone would feel the need to hide something about themselves.
People born under this sign always say exactly what they think, and don’t tend to have a very good filter.
They also wear their hearts on their sleeves and aren’t afraid to put themselves out there.
For this reason, they can often get hurt despite the power of their intuition. If they are on the fence, they will always choose to trust.
As Pisces genuinely cares about other people, and are empathetic to the needs of others, they are always generous, whether it be with their ear or more concrete help.
They can be generous to a fault, often overstretching themselves in order to give people what they need.
Pisces will often take on too much and stretch themselves too thin, but they hate to say no and never want to let anyone down.
As a result, they can be overcome by stress. But they prefer to suffer in silence rather risk letting anyone down.
Pisces like to see the best in people, so they tend to choose to trust. They can often ignore the signs of their intuition because they don’t want to believe the worst in anyone.
Even though Pisces has had their trust abused in the past, they would never let that influence their future decisions.
They believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and that you should always believe that people are capable of change and bettering themselves.
People born under the sign of Pisces tend to be laid back.
Characteristic of Pisces men , they aren’t easily offended as they know that people are complicated and often do and say things for reasons that we cannot see.
They also don’t let life’s little niggles get to them, as they know that the little things will pass.
Pisces tend to believe that if it won’t matter in five hours, five days, five weeks, or even five years, there is absolutely no point in getting it upset them.
But while Pisces are generally laid back, the one thing they don’t like is to be led. They have a natural aversion to other people trying to tell them what to do.
Pisces don’t crave to be the leaders of others. But if they don’t agree with whoever is in charge, they will rebel.
They would never put themselves out as the leader of a rebellion though.
More likely, they will use their influence to plant ideas in the heads of others and let them lead the revolt for them.
Pisces tend to be innately artistic, especially Pisces women .
They are in touch with their emotions and their intuition, so they are very good at manifesting whatever they have inside themselves.
While their creative talents might be in any field, they do tend to be good when it comes to creating with their hands.
They have the ability to make the vision that they have in their heads real.
Pisces’ highly intuitive nature means that they tend to be a little bit closer to the spiritual than many people. This often manifests in a fascination with the spiritual and metaphysical.
Pisces might manifest this by being active within a religious group, or just intrigued by the supernatural and the hidden.
While they might not be able to put a name on it, they know that there is something more to life than what we can see and touch.
Pisces always likes to surround themselves with positive influences and are often linked with big families, large friendship groups and colleagues, or that one inseparable best friend.
Their creative streaks and the way they can connect with their emotions mean that they often create compelling artworks.
Even when you only know them from a distance, their open and genuine nature can make you feel like you know them intimately.
Here’s a list of some well known Pisces personalities ;
As a Pisces, not all of these describe me. I'm definitely NOT social, and people have to prove themselves trustworthy to me. Though, I am quite creative/artistic. I suppose I might be social, though it's mostly just because I like being nice to rude people to get on their nerves- To nice people, I'm usually more sarcastic and funny than open and positive.
Couldn't be more wrong about most of Pisces traits. Yuk!
My sister w as like yeah all of those are me😂
Some people changed the zodiacs I used to be an ARIES which is my fav sign now im pisces and i'm not like a pisces I'm more an Aries always has been since birth
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The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits
By Micki Spollen — Written on Feb 23, 2021
As the twelfth and final sign of the Zodiac, Pisces is known for being the wisest, most unique Sun sign .
Just when you think you know everything about people born with a Pisces zodiac sign — whose birthdays fall between the dates of February 19 to March 20 — these slippery fish are sure to jump up a notch and surprise you.
Since Pisces is the last zodiac sign in the cycle, it picks up the energies of all of those that precede it, and have an ancient soul .
The Fish is the symbol that represents Pisces , so it should come as no surprise that the Fish is also a Water sign . Water signs are emotional and intuitive and, much like the depths of the ocean, are often quite moody and mysterious.
Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces , adding to the air of mystery these people give off. Neptune governs dreams and illusions, meaning Pisces is a deep thinker who is introverted, craving alone time , which they often spend napping or listening to music.
Pisces are idealists. You can expect them to be the first to offer a helping hand; however, because they’re so emotional, they’re sometimes hard to be around, especially when they aren't in the mood to have fun and take things easy.
Because Pisces are so in tune with their emotions, they tend to be super-romantic. Pisces plans the best dates and really knows how to sweep you off your feet. That and their wisdom make them a great friend; they are always there for those who need them, and are great at offering comforting words and a helping hand.
While they don’t like being criticized, they’re tolerant and forgiving, so though they tend to get taken advantage of due to their kind nature, they make wonderful friends and partners.
Pisces is an incredibly selfless zodiac sign They're so generous that sometimes (well, most of the time), they put the needs of others before their own. They want to make sure the people they love are happy .
Those who are feeling down on themselves should seek out a Pisces for comfort and advice. Pisces have a hard time leaving people who are suffering, and demonstrate concern and sympathy towards those in need.
Pisces are famous for never holding grudges, unlike other Water sign, Scorpio. They're perfectly fine giving people second chances (and third chances, and fourth chances...), letting problems fade away and forgiving quickly to avoid conflict.
Pisces are also incredibly artistic. They enjoy finding a solution that isn't the straight and narrow, preferring to solve problems with answers that are considered out-of-the-box.
A Pisces woman or man enjoys listening to others and learning new ideas. They don't judge others, and listen intently and with an open mind when someone is speaking to them.
Like their fellow Water signs, Pisces feel very deeply about everything; therefore, they're often moody. Because they have all these emotions inside, they have a hard time controlling them.
It's a good thing to trust people, but Pisces takes it a bit too far. Pisces likes to see the best in people, allowing them to trust easily. This usually leads to being disappointed by others or being taken advantage of.
Giving is second nature to Pisces, but when it comes to receiving help, it's futile. They end up being discouraged in themselves when people offer to help, stemming from a need to protect themselves.
Pisceans need constant motivation to get things done. If a task is too big and intimidating, they have no trouble turning away and withdrawing from it. This makes them seem sluggish and indifferent .
Famous for daydreaming, Pisces have a hard time focusing on a single task. You can often find them drifting off into LaLaLand every now and then, causing them to miss out on the reality around them.
Pisces are closed books, and it takes time for them to open up. However, you can take up that time by opening up yourself, since Pisces loves to hear about your woes.
Pisces have a lot of emotions rolling around in them, so they may get overwhelmed. If this happens, stay neutral and don't feel like it's your fault; more often than not, it has nothing to do with you. Hold them as they cry and let them know everything with be okay. Be the voice that grounds them in these moments.
Motivate the Piscean in your life by encouraging them to participate in activities they normally wouldn't do on their own. If they have a big project coming up, hype them up to complete it. When they start daydreaming, attract their attention with something to help them focus on what's in front of them.
With Pisces compatibility , the Fish is attracted to other Water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, as well as Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn.
These signs have quite a lot in common and balance each out rather well. Cancer will likely be the one in control of the relationship, while Pisces will provide the understanding and emotional support each of these signs needs.
Pisces absorbs Cancer's untimely mood swings and makes sure everyone is on the same page. And while both signs will develop a deep emotional connection that could end up isolating themselves from reality, both are driven by romantic love and are affectionate partners.
Scorpio is the best match for Pisces , and this couple has a certain softness to it. Scorpio's strength and protectiveness are a perfect foil to Pisces' selfless and vulnerable nature.
While Pisces will always put Scorpio first, Scorpio will make sure no one is taking advantage of Pisces. They remain interested and intrigued by one another over time, and are inspired by their respective creativity. But one thing Scorpio must be sure to do is not underestimate Pisces' dislike of confrontation.
While many would like to believe that Taurus is too headstrong for watery Pisces, this couple is very much compatible. Taurus not only helps bring Pisces back to reality, but they inspire Pisces to follow their dreams.
Taurus takes on the dominant role in a relationship, which Pisces has no problem with. Both signs also share a love of beauty and art, and would rather spend a night in cuddling together than going out. Taurus is also incredibly romantic, just like Pisces.
A relationship between Pisces and Capricorn is made possible by their differences, which complement one another. Pisces provides emotional support and security in the relationship, making Capricorn more self-confident.
Capricorn feels more inspired to express their feelings thanks to Pisces. And while Pisces is romantic, Capricorn is practical and down to earth, making their lives equally balanced. This pair will learn a lot from compromise and meeting in the middle.
Pisces has a few negative traits to watch out for , just as all the other zodiac signs do. Pisces aren’t too keen on being stuck in reality. They’re big dreamers, which sometimes makes them out of touch with what’s really going on around them.
And because Pisces loves being there for others, they expect others to do the same. They are somewhat gullible in this sense and become susceptible to being played or scammed. They’re also prone to playing the martyr and often fall victim to self-pity.
While Pisces is very much compatible with fellow Water sign Scorpio, the Fish is naturally attracted to its opposite sign, Virgo. Since they are on opposite sides of the astrological chart, also known as sister signs , it causes a magnetic attraction.
Pisces will help Virgo let go and have fun, while Virgo brings Pisces back down to earth.
Scorpio is the zodiac sign Pisces should marry. Their compatibility is nearly perfect! Both signs are exceedingly loyal and highly possessive, and while many see this as negative, in this match it makes each sign feel needed, secure, and safe.
Pisces gives Scorpio trust, never giving them a reason to suspect something is wrong. Pisecs brings out the best in the Scorpio with their gentle nature, and this match connects on a very deep level, bringing satisfaction to both signs.
Micki Spollen is a YourTango editor, writer, and traveler. Follow her on Instagram and keep up with her travels on her website .
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As of Feb. 18, the sun has officially moved into Pisces. It's time to immerse yourself in romance, dreams, and fantasy lands of your own creation. This water sign is symbolized by two fish chasing each other's tails, which signifies many layers of emotional depth, as well as wanting two different things at once. This is the central theme of Pisces: the separation of and union between their desire to escape into a dream world and remain connected to reality. You're blessed if you have a Pisces in your life. They hold your hands while you traverse unknown territories of the heart, reminding you that everything is OK — or better than OK, in fact. Since it’s their birthday season, what better time is there to talk about some great Pisces qualities ?
Legendary Pisces like Rihanna, Kurt Cobain, George Harrison, and Elizabeth Taylor are proof that this sign can take you to beautiful places you never dreamed you'd be able to visit. People of this sign are connected to another universe, one the rest of humanity is only able to catch glimpses of. They, however, visit magical places every day, returning with plenty of stardust to sprinkle on the heads of everyone else. Here are 10 of Pisces’ best traits that make them so irreplaceable:
A Pisces listens to their gut before making most of their decisions and they're usually right. This is because they tend to feel things with their heart before judging things with their head, and their sharpened intuition makes them almost psychic. They pick up even the most subtle emotional vibrations. You really can't tell a Pisces a lie.
They're the last sign to selfishly put their needs above others and will happily sacrifice their comfort if it means they can help someone else. They think of the greater good rather than their own individual gain. To a Pisces, leaving the world behind in better shape than it was before would be their greatest work.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and, therefore, the sign that contains the most wisdom. They are born with an almost innate knowledge of the world around them, seeing everything through the eyes of someone who has lived for hundreds of years. Their perspective is always enlightening to those who know them.
A Pisces sees colors that cannot be seen by the average eye. They're keenly aware of the beauty that surrounds them everywhere, at all times. Their imagination is even more magnificent. They have daydreams so vivid that they conjure alternate universes into reality, straight from their minds. They take any chance they can get to dip into these other worlds.
Their empathy runs deep. It's difficult for a Pisces to ever be truly mad at someone, for they see the pain behind every negative action. Their instinct is to love someone, despite how unlovable they might be to others. They're also able to feel the emotions of others as though it's happening to them, making them beyond understanding of whatever you're going through.
They have in insatiable desire to make everything even more magical, even more romantic. They make for the gushiest, most swoon-worthy partners who always find a moment to leave behind a sweet love note, to bake you a dessert just because. Leave it to them to bring you to tears just with a few simple words. A Pisces loves like the object of their affection is the sun.
Being one of the three mutable signs in the zodiac, a Pisces is able to move through new environments like they've been there many times before. This is due to their sensitivity and receptiveness. They can relate to anyone, to any situation, and they can also find something to love about anything. This is why they tend to have so many friends from different walks of life.
You'd be hard-pressed to find an uncompromising Pisces. They never let their perspectives harden into something that cannot be changed. Always seeking to find a greater truth, their outlook on life is constantly on edit mode. They rarely ever let preconceived notions dictate the opinions they form.
Pisces is one of the most artistically gifted signs in all the zodiac. Even if they aren't artists by trade, they execute every detail in their life with creative flare. Whenever you notice something innovative or intricatel
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