Pisces And Pisces Sex

Pisces And Pisces Sex


Pisces And Pisces Sex

Published: January 30, 2017 | Last Updated: May 28, 2022 by AstroTwins
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.
Where you click:
Poetic and passionate, the depths of intimacy can be reached in a Pisces and Pisces relationship. Some days, you’ll plunge to the bottom of the emotion ocean, others’ you’ll float on a gentle current. With your shared creative genius, you’ll have found an ever-inspiring muse in one another, and your home could quickly turn into an artist’s studio space. The unspoken connection you two psychic soulmates share can be deeply healing or deeply destructive. If you’re both drowning in sorrow (which happens often for your sensitive sign) who’s gonna throw you a life raft?
Where you clash:
Commitment is a slippery subject as neither one of you likes to be caught in another person’s net. Since Pisces can be prone to addiction—it’s easy to lose sight of limits when it comes to indulging in rich food, popping open bottles of red wine, and spending on whatever seems impulsive and romantic in the moment. Save some money for hiring help. You’ll need outside sources to provide structure—accountants, housekeepers, nannies, life coaches. Indeed it may take a village to keep your relationship thriving. Good thing Fish like to swim in schools!

Into the depths you go! Pisces and Pisces are two highly sensitive and perceptive water signs can get VERY comfortable with each other—and fast. You could go from dating to renting a U-Haul in short order, especially if you meet each others’ parents and families and earn the seal of approval. Home is everything to the water sign. Your solitude-seeking souls need to retreat to a private and intimate hub after being out in the wider world. You could host the holidays, rent the beach house where everyone communes, have kids crawling out of every nook. A water sign home is likely to feature cozily-appointed guest bedrooms and lots of spare pillows and blankets. Your nostalgic signs both cherish family and tradition. Since you don’t trust easily, you may have a small, tight-knit circle of friends that you keep for life. If you open a business together, you’ll create a “family” vibe at the office. (And yes, they’ll be secretly subject to loyalty tests.)
While it’s nice to feel so safe together, comfort has its limits.
While it’s nice to feel so safe together, comfort has its limits. If you wrap yourselves too tightly in this security blanket, it can smother you. A water sign relationship can devolve into a parent-child dynamic (complete with baby talk and cloyingly cutesy nicknames) and self-destructive indulgence in food, drink and self-soothing activities like shopping. You can get TOO deep “in your feelings,” stirring up a tsunami of emotions that can spiral into rage and even abuse if you aren’t careful. Your powerful moods may overlap or spiral out of control if not managed. Although water can be placid and beautiful, it can actually do great damage. To avoid creating a hurricane, you’ll both need to talk to a therapist or a grounded friend before unleashing your anger, resentment or jealousy on each other. Water that doesn’t move can become stagnant and toxic—and a water-sign couple may become possessive and fearful of change to their own detriment.
There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. Mating with someone from the same element offers the comfort of familiarity. At last, you don’t have to explain yourself all the time! You both operate at similar speeds to a certain degree. As lovely as that is, it can also be “too much of a good thing,” causing your relationship to feel like a single track on continuous replay. After all, differences can be challenging in a good way because they push you both to grow. As a same-element couple, you may need to make a conscious effort to not get stuck in a rut or even a competitive dynamic. Spending time with friends, coworkers or relatives of another element can introduce a more balancing energy. For example, a lighthearted air sign can get you to laugh at yourselves and an adventurous fire sign will encourage you to take more risks.
In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow? In the case of two mutable signs, it’s non-stop variety and spontaneity. This can make life a grand adventure—one week you’re in Bali, the next you’re in Berlin—but you can also get totally un-grounded as a duo. Who’s gonna create the structure in this relationship? (Zero hands raised.) Making a decision (or even committing!) can also be difficult, since neither of you likes to be locked into anything permanent. This is the couple that’s together for decades, but never “gets around” to marrying. The idea of freedom actually serves as a binding agent between the two of you. (Case study: the mutable match of Sagittarius Brad Pitt and Gemini Angelina Jolie was a global-citizen love story until they relented to tradition and tied the knot.) Sure it’s a bit of a paradox, but that’s the way your signs like it. Mutable signs specialize in communication and discovery. Together, you can be lifelong learners who never run out of topics to talk about. On a bad day, you can be argumentative, flaky and overbooked—your own separate lives may be stuffed to the gills with too many projects, plans and friends, making it hard to find enough quality time together. Be careful not to scatter your energy and spread yourselves too thin in this love match.
In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine). Pisces and Pisces are both yin signs: receptive, sensitive and intuitive. When all is good, you are deeply simpatico, nurturing one another and sharing romantic, thoughtful gestures. The downside? Your fluctuating moods may collide, causing dramatic fights that can escalate into an unnecessary cold war. You can also get SO tuned into each others’ emotions that your bond turns codependent. While it’s lovely to build a cozy cocoon, make sure you don’t get stuck in that bubble and stunt each others’ personal growth.

In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect , or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are conjunct , or the same sign (zero signs apart). As they say, how can you love somebody else unless you love yourself? If you date or get into a relationship with someone of the same sign, congratulations. You’ve probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity. Now, you can celebrate that with a kindred spirit! If you haven’t learned to love yourself, warts and all, this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. Remember, though: #twinning might be comfortable, but autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction. Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it’s easy to hang out together. Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe.

Zodiac sign illustrations by Bodil Jane , The Grande Dame and Yoko Furusho




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When two Pisces natives first meet to form a romantic alliance, the first question that arises is that of mutual trust. The foremost problem in this two Pisces compatibility is that they understand each other very well. It is like a mirror for them. They can both see their own unstable and unreliable portrait in their counter-part, so instead of trying to build mutual trust and changing themselves, they get caught in the attempt to be honest sometimes and dishonest sometimes, without attempting to see the fault in their own natures. What they need is more heart-to-heart chats to sort out this crippling issue of mutual mis-trust.
The Fish are very friendly, have all kinds of friends and do not discriminate between caste, creed or economic status. The 12th zodiac sign natives are selfless and are always ready to help others without any ulterior motives. They do not even expect a favour to be returned. The Fish are very emotional, intuitive, have large reserves of empathy and possess great artistic talents. These natives are also generous, very faithful and caring. They usually have the best emotional rapport with other people.
The Pisces Pisces love match is very high because this romance is like a fairytale, and their perfect emotional and intellectual connect is something that no other sign can achieve with them. The way they care for each other is an example for people around them to follow. Their changeable quality will manifest through emotional changes and inconsistent behaviour. But in a Pisces-Pisces Love relationship, their rapport is so good that they will naturally know when to come closer and when to maintain a distance to prevent the equation from getting boring.
The Pisces-Pisces sexual compatibility, when it does happen, works like magic. The problem is it takes a lot of time and trouble to happen, if it does happen at all. Mostly it just remains in the platonic realms. The difficulty is that though they are such a perfectly matched couple , and can converse quite easily, they have trouble making the first move when it comes to matters of sex. Besides, being so emotionally close, they tend to feel that having sex may spoil their relationship and emotional rapport, so they just let things drift. However, in the cases where sex does happen, they will understand each others' needs perfectly even without being told, thus making the Pisces compatibility in bed truly beautiful.
The positive points in a Pisces-Pisces relationship are that they are both dreamy people and when in love will share all their dreams with each other. This can be very inspiring for the other partner. They will not only encourage each other tacitly, but also verbally. And they will not only encourage each other but also push each other actively to achieve their respective goals.
The minus point in a Pisces and Pisces compatibility is that they can get stuck in a rut, performing the same things day in and day out. It can make them lazy, bored and thus their inborn creativity goes for a toss. This can easily lead them into a situation where there is nothing to share or talk about, unless they have a good group of friends with whom they can interact everyday, or unless they have shared hobbies about which they can talk everyday.
Both Pisces man and woman partners in a Pisces-Pisces relationship can never get bored of each other. Once certain barriers are broken this relationship will provide satisfaction to all their senses. They will spend lots of romantic days and nights together. Physical contact is very important for this Pisces-Pisces relationship, because many of their shared activities depend on it.
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The Fire Signs consists of the trio – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. As the core element that represents this group is fire, the people belonging to this group are spontaneous, carefree, fun-loving, warm and enterprising. These people generally do not hold grudges against anyone for
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the Water Signs. They happen to be the most intense amongst the Zodiac Signs and are the ones that are highly driven by emotions. They can be extremely warm and affectionate towards their loved ones and can literally pour their hearts out.
The Earth Sign natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach. These people generally give great importance to aesthetics and refinement. Though, they may not be very expressive, the Earth Signs can be really warm beings from within, but it may take long.
The Air Signs, namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are very chilled out and light-hearted folks, and do not like getting worked up about things. Highly imaginative and creative, these people like variety and keep exploring various options. When with them, you should be prepared for.
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The Pisces and Pisces relationship is one which is a wee bit difficult to get off the ground. Still, some of the Pisceans are lucky enough to find that long-awaited second half. Even if they make the discovery of that someone while they are lingering at the local library. If it’s a spot where you’re bound to find the shy wallflower hiding, there you’ll see a Pisces. Otherwise, fate, stars and a good friend or two can help the Pisces pair meet!
Bear in mind the Pisces zodiac sign is the idyllic symbol for the Pisces and Pisces love affair. The symbol consists of two fish. Some images depict Koi fish tied with a string or thread. The thread hooks through the mouth, or they have a string tying their tails together.
Either way, the two fish are bound together, and so it is in friendship and love. This is the nature of the Pisces to Pisces connection. These same fish swim in opposite directions. What does it all mean? It suggests this pair can go with the flow or oppose one another when it comes to love, friendship, and sex!
Pisces and Pisces love affairs have a basis in empathy. Both partners understand the idiosyncrasies and eccentricities. This unconventional pair gets along well in a friendship because they know each all too well. In the beginning, love comes easy. It’s as if they are embracing a half of themselves when they meet. Each partner goes into the relationship with similar needs and desires. Since this is the case, they start right out knowing how to fulfill each other on an emotional level. It is when sex comes into the picture that things get a bit complex. It’s hard to get the bedsheets heated up when both people are shy.
They get along well because both go with the flow that’s to the adaptability water bestows. Once Pisces partners meet one another, it’s as if they share the same vibration or share a similar frequency. Despite their natural introversion, the Pisces love affair takes off fast. This pairing can move from dating to living together in rapid order.
Let’s look at it this way. Fish swimming in unison without entangling signify the harmony in a Pisces relationship. Now imagine these four Koi fish swimming about in opposite directions and to and fro! Those strings are going to tangle up quick! The Pisces and Pisces love match needs the pair to be in alignment to succeed. If they defy each other and do not agree on a direction for the relationship, havoc ensues.
Such is the nature when the Pisces partners are out of balance or cannot meet eye-to-eye. It’s easy to see the Pisces persona can live in bliss or hell. It all depends on how many knots they create in the ties that bind them!
One thing is almost guaranteed. The duality of Pisces is a clear symbol with the fish swimming in opposing directions! The Pisces relationship, while nearly inseparable, can become a problem. Troubles occur when defying their nature. Problems also develop when this dynamic duo do not have similar intentions.
Despite the awkward lovemaking sessions, the Pisces pairing is a terrific match. When making a love connection, we can say that the no other relationship compares. Trus
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