Pipes et ballons

Pipes et ballons


Pipes et ballons
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Merritt, D. R. ; Weinhaus, F. (October 1978), "The Pressure Curve for a Rubber Balloon" , American Journal of Physics , 46 (10): 976–978, Bibcode : 1978AmJPh..46..976M , doi : 10.1119/1.11486

^ James, H. M.; Guth, E. (April 1949), "Simple presentation of network theory of rubber, with a discussion of other theories" , Journal of Polymer Science , 4 (2): 153–182, Bibcode : 1949JPoSc...4..153J , doi : 10.1002/pol.1949.120040206 , archived from the original on 2013-01-05

^ Bower, Allan F. (2009). Applied Mechanics of Solids . Taylor & Francis . ISBN 978-1-4398-0247-2 .

^ Jump up to: a b Weinhaus, F.; Barker, W. (October 1978), "On the Equilibrium States of Interconnected Bubbles or Balloons" (PDF) , American Journal of Physics , 46 (10): 978–982, Bibcode : 1978AmJPh..46..978W , doi : 10.1119/1.11487 , archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-09-13

^ Houwink, R.; de Decker, H. K. (1971). Elasticity, Plasticity and Structure of Matter . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 052107875X .

^ Dreyer, W.; MĂŒller, I.; Strehlow, P. (1982), "A Study of Equilibria of Interconnected Balloons", Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics , 35 (3): 419–440, doi : 10.1093/qjmam/35.3.419

^ Verron, E.; Marckmann, G. (2003), "Numerical analysis of rubber balloons" (PDF) , Thin-Walled Structures , 41 (8): 731–746, doi : 10.1016/S0263-8231(03)00023-5 , archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-02

^ Levin, Y.; de Silveira, F. L. (2003), "Two rubber balloons: Phase diagram of air transfer", Physical Review E , 69 (5): 051108, Bibcode : 2004PhRvE..69e1108L , doi : 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.051108 , hdl : 10183/101610 , PMID 15244809

^ Gabrielson, R.; Edwards, K. (May 26, 2020), "Desperate Hospitals May Put Two Patients on One Ventilator. That's Risky." , Propublica

^ Tronstad, C.; Martinsen, T.; Olsen, M. (2020), "Splitting one ventilator for multiple patients -- a technical assessment", arXiv : 2003.12349 [ physics.med-ph ]

The two-balloon experiment is an experiment involving interconnected balloons . It is used in physics classes as a demonstration of elasticity .

Two identical balloons are inflated to different diameters and connected by means of a tube. The flow of air through the tube is controlled by a valve or clamp. The clamp is then released, allowing air to flow between the balloons. For many starting conditions, the smaller balloon then gets smaller and the balloon with the larger diameter inflates even more. This result is surprising, since most people assume that the two balloons will have equal sizes after exchanging air.

The behavior of the balloons in the two-balloon experiment was first explained theoretically by David Merritt and Fred Weinhaus in 1978. [1]

The key to understanding the behavior of the balloons is understanding how the pressure inside a balloon varies with the balloon's diameter. The simplest way to do this is to imagine that the balloon is made up of a large number of small rubber patches, and to analyze how the size of a patch is affected by the force acting on it. [1]

The Karan- Guth stress-strain relation [2] for a parallelepiped of ideal rubber can be written

Here, f i is the externally applied force in the i' th direction, L i is a linear dimension, k is Boltzmann's constant ,
K is a constant related to the number of possible network configurations of the sample, T is the absolute temperature ,
L i 0 is an unstretched dimension, p is the internal ( hydrostatic ) pressure , and V is the volume of the sample. Thus, the force consists of two parts: the first one (caused by the polymer network ) gives a tendency to contract, while the second gives a tendency to expand.

Suppose that the balloon is composed of many such interconnected patches, which deform in a similar way as the balloon expands. [1] Because rubber strongly resists volume changes, [3] the volume V can be considered constant. This allows the stress-strain relation to be written

where λ i =L i /L i 0 is the relative extension. In the case of a thin-walled spherical shell, all the force which acts to stretch the rubber is directed tangentially to the surface. The radial force (i.e., the force acting to compress the shell wall) can therefore be set equal to zero, so that

where t 0 and t refer to the initial and final thicknesses, respectively. For a balloon of radius


{\displaystyle r}

, a fixed volume of rubber means that r 2 t is constant, or equivalently

and the radial force equation becomes

The equation for the tangential force f t (where L t


{\displaystyle \propto }

r ) then becomes

Integrating the internal air pressure over one hemisphere of the balloon then gives

where r 0 is the balloon's uninflated radius.

This equation is plotted in the figure at left. The internal pressure P reaches a maximum for

and drops to zero as r increases. This behavior is well known to anyone who has blown up a balloon: a large force is required at the start, but after the balloon expands (to a radius larger than r p ), less force is needed for continued inflation.

When both balloons are initially inflated to the peak pressure, spontaneous symmetry breaking will occur, since the pressure in both balloons will drop when some air flows from one balloon into the other.

When the valve is released, air will flow from the balloon at higher pressure to the balloon at lower pressure. The lower pressure balloon will expand. Figure 2 (above left) shows a typical initial configuration: the smaller balloon has the higher pressure. So, when the valve is opened, the smaller balloon pushes air into the larger balloon. It becomes smaller, and the larger balloon becomes larger. The air flow ceases when the two balloons have equal pressure, with one on the left branch of the pressure curve ( r < r p ) and one on the right branch ( r > r p ).

Equilibria are also possible in which both balloons have the same size. If the total quantity of air in both balloons is less than N p , defined as the number of molecules in both balloons if they both sit at the peak of the pressure curve, then both balloons settle down to the left of the pressure peak with the same radius, r < r p . On the other hand, if the total number of molecules exceeds N p , the only possible equilibrium state is the one described above, with one balloon on the left of the peak and one on the right. Equilibria in which both balloons are on the right of the pressure peak also exist but are unstable. [4] This is easy to verify by squeezing the air back and forth between two interconnected balloons.

At large extensions, the pressure inside a natural rubber balloon once again goes up. This is due to a number of physical effects that were ignored in the James/Guth theory: crystallization , imperfect flexibility of the molecular chains, steric hindrances and the like. [5] As a result, if the two balloons are initially very extended, other outcomes of the two-balloon experiment are possible, [1] and this makes the behavior of rubber balloons more complex than, say, interconnected soap bubbles . [4] In addition, natural rubber exhibits hysteresis : the pressure depends not just on the balloon diameter, but also on the manner in which inflation took place and on the initial direction of change. For instance, the pressure during inflation is always greater than the pressure during subsequent deflation at a given radius. One consequence is that equilibrium will generally be obtained with a lesser change in diameter than would have occurred in the ideal case. [1] The system has been modeled by a number of authors, [6] [7] for example to produce phase diagrams [8] specifying under what conditions the small balloon can inflate the larger, or the other way round.

Due to a shortage of ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic , it has been proposed that one ventilator could be shared between two patients. [9]
However Tronstad et al. [10] found that when the two sets of lungs had very different elasticities or airway resistance, there could be large discrepancies in the amount of air delivered. They argued that this might be seen as an example of the two-balloon experiment, with the two sets of lungs playing the role of the two balloons: "The 'two-balloon effect' (Merritt and Weinhaus 1978) could possibly have contributed to this volume discrepancy, and the inclusion of one-way valves could possibly help."

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Articles de fĂȘte : qualitĂ©, originalitĂ©, inventivitĂ©
Vous souhaitez fĂȘter un anniversaire , cĂ©lĂ©brer un mariage , offrir un rĂ©veillon du Jour de l'An original Ă  vos proches et Ă  vos amis ? Vous trouverez sur ballons-a-gogo.com un large choix d' articles de fĂȘte de grande qualitĂ© qui vous permettront de crĂ©er des animations originales et des dĂ©cors surprenants Ă  moindre frais. Notre site vous propose des guirlandes , des fanions , des lanternes chinoises ou des lampions colorĂ©s pour orner vos salles lors de fĂȘtes thĂ©matiques, mais aussi de trĂšs originales figurines gonflables. Vous trouverez aussi des assortiments de feux d'artifice pour illuminer vos ciels d'Ă©tĂ© ou encore des machines Ă  fumĂ©e ou Ă  bulles de savon pour produire de trĂšs beaux effets spĂ©ciaux. Et Ă  cĂŽtĂ© des nombreux cotillons , les farces et attrapes suffiront Ă  crĂ©er l'ambiance un soir de rĂ©veillon ou pour une soirĂ©e d' Halloween . 
LĂ©gers, colorĂ©s, pas chers et ayant tout le charme des dĂ©corations Ă  l'ancienne, les lampions ballons ou les lampions cylindriques dĂ©corent joliment une grande salle de fĂȘtes comme un petit salon. Ballons-a-gogo vous propose un large Ă©ventail de lampions en papier aux coloris inĂ©dits ou dĂ©clinĂ©s dans des ors et des teintes mĂ©tallisĂ©es pour NoĂ«l ou le Jour de l'An . Pour Halloween , optez donc pour des lampions citrouilles, pour le 14 juillet , arborez des lampons tricolores, que vous illuminerez de bougies spĂ©ciales ou de porte-lampions Ă©lectriques Ă  piles, sĂ»rs et innovants. Pour le Nouvel An ou pour un mariage , Ballons-a-gogo vous propose un large choix de lanternes japonaises, raffinĂ©es et harmonieuses, ainsi que des lanternes volante s rĂ©alisĂ©es en papier ininflammable et biodĂ©gradable. Connaissez-vous cette tradition millĂ©naire des lanternes volantes ? Dans les pays asiatiques, l'on envoie haut dans le ciel une lanterne volante en faisant un vƓu : plus la lanterne s'envole haut, plus le vƓu a de chance d'ĂȘtre exaucĂ©. Une autre idĂ©e simple et originale pour vos fĂȘtes Ă  thĂšmes , les fanions en papier ou en plastique avec leurs nombreuses thĂ©matiques : anniversaire , ballons de football, disco, rentrĂ©e des classes, fĂȘte de la musique ou fĂȘte du vin , casino ou VIP. Vous trouverez Ă©galement des guirlandes aux couleurs de nombreux pays et des drapeaux pour fĂȘter une Coupe du monde ou un grand Ă©vĂ©nement sportif : cocardes en crĂ©pon, petits drapeaux en plastique, drapeaux en tissu ou grands drapeaux de façade. Pour des rires partagĂ©s, Ă  vous les cotillons , serpentins , confettis , trompettes et sans-gĂȘne, mais aussi les farces et attrapes, faux sang en spray, dĂ©s pipĂ©s, encre infernale, dentiers sauteurs ou faux doigts bandĂ©s, tandis que les piñatas en paille et papier mĂąchĂ© colorĂ©s rĂ©jouiront les petits lors des fĂȘtes d'anniversaire . Si vous dĂ©sirez distinguer vos Ă©vĂ©nements de tous les autres, dĂ©couvrez, enfin, les animations haut de gamme proposĂ©es par notre site. Osez donc les effets spĂ©ciaux dans votre jardin avec nos machines Ă  bulle, nos machines Ă  fumĂ©e ou encore nos stroboscopes Ă  led qui vous permettront de crĂ©er des effets spĂ©ciaux de grand charme, fĂ©eriques et optiques. Quant aux feux d'artifice , ils susciteront l'Ă©merveillement dans les ciels de vos jardins, avec leurs couleurs flamboyantes et la forme graphique de leurs comĂštes, retombant en paillettes, en pivoines, en saules pleureurs ou en boules de neige !
Petits goĂ»ters d'anniversaire ou grandes cĂ©rĂ©monies de mariage seront les plus rĂ©ussis grĂące Ă  ces articles de fĂȘte originaux et tendance qui crĂ©eront le rire, la surprise ou l'Ă©merveillement. Commandez vite sur ballons-a-gogo.com ces accessoires haut de gamme proposĂ©s au meilleur rapport qualitĂ©/prix !


Depuis plus de 25 ans, Ballons-a-gogo est l'entreprise leader dans la décoration de ballons. Concepteurs et décorateurs, nous réalisons des décorations éphémÚres d'une grande originalité. Car le ballon, léger, coloré et multiforme, permet de créer de trÚs nombreux décors et d'habiller à peu de frais de grands volumes. Grandes entreprises, collectivités et particuliers nous font confiance depuis des années pour décorer des centres commerciaux, habiller des salles de réception, réaliser des décors à thÚmes, Colorer des vitrines et des boutiques.

Retrouvez sur notre site nos ballons en latex 100% biodégradable ou en aluminium premium, d'origine américaine, modÚles haut de gamme, ballons holographiques à la haute brillance, modÚles en plastique bubble qui offrent de trÚs beaux jeux de transparence. Notre palette est trÚs étendue et c'est en décorateurs confirmés que nous vous offrons des coloris tendance et des effets de matiÚre que vous ne trouverez pas ailleurs, teintes perlées pastel, couleurs néon, effets cristal ou pierre d'agate. 

En quelques clics, dĂ©couvrez un choix inĂ©galĂ© de ballons Ă  thĂšme pour Halloween, NoĂ«l, le Jour de l'An, PĂąques, la Saint-Valentin ou la Saint-Patrick. Des modĂšles aux mille et une formes vous permettront de crĂ©er des ambiances Disco, Casino, Hollywood, HawaĂŻ, de fĂȘter le printemps ou de cĂ©lĂ©brer l'arrivĂ©e de l'Ă©tĂ© !

Pour fĂȘter vos proches ou cĂ©lĂ©brer des Ă©vĂ©nements heureux, ballons-a-gogo.com vous propose Ă©galement des ballons personnalisables sur lesquels vous pourrez Ă©crire des messages d'amour, Ă  l'occasion d'un mariage ou d'une naissance. Les enfants ne sont pas oubliĂ©s et les ballons d'anniversaire offrent un large choix de formes et de matiĂšres, des princesses aux pirates. Ils retrouveront Ă©galement leurs hĂ©ros Disney ou Marvel prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s. 

Vous recherchez une décoration facile à mettre en place et pas chÚre, mais qui se distingue par son originalité ? Commandez en toute confiance sur ballons-a-gogo.com et bénéficiez d'une qualité irréprochable, de prix réduits et d'un savoir-faire d'experts en matiÚre de décoration.

GrĂące Ă  Ballons Ă  gogo, mettez de couleur dans vos espaces.

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