Pipers Domain Erotica

Pipers Domain Erotica


Pipers Domain Erotica

Wintermute X Stories


My Stories

Monstrum Factorum
My Baby Girl
Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors 2
A New Purpose in Life
Sex Ed for Little Girls
Depraved Mom
Alien: Insemination
Club Lolipops
Bug Breeding School
Loli Island
Barn Bitches
Beth's Journey


Monstrum Tribute


Stories by Xpanther

Child Sex Stories

Nifty Erotic Archive

Tempest Erotica

ASSTR Authors

Tod Naturlich

Forced Nudity

Georgie Porgie

Kristen Archive

Loliwood Studios

Nepi Stories

Piper's Domain

Playful Girls

Renpet's Erotic

Daddy's Girl




All of the images are from other sources. If credit wasn't given or you're the author and want them removed, please let me know .
The themes in these stories are hardcore, and range from romance to rape
to pedophilia and bestiality. Some feature violence and gruesome death,
and do not have happy endings. This material is not suitable for
everyone. Each story has tags and content lists so you will not be

If you want to contact me to tell me that you like the stories, or
that you think I'm a horrible human being, please feel free. I love hearing from people. Feedback and coherent criticism of writing style is very welcome.

Stories of fantasy and imagination! Nothing presented in these stories are remotely true or based in fact. All characters are figments of the imagination of the author. Inspiration for writing is surrounds us all.

During the summer of Mike's senior year in high school, he and his fourteen year old sister, Dena, stay home alone for a week while the rest of the family travels. One evening Dena brings her friend Kim over and life changes for the siblings!

Story Codes: incest, m/f 1st, m/f 1st, m solo

Dena arranges an interesting welcome for Micky as he comes home for Christmas during his first year away at college.

The Home Page for the four part story of Greg Fletcher, a freind who tells the tale of the summer his life changed.
The Home Page for the 4 Part Tale of Amaya Rodriguez and Ed York who, by fate becomes Amaya's Patron , a tale told to Micky by his friend, Ed York.

One night Micky overhears Bob talking about a special girl named Emma. Memories are rekindled and inspiration strikes! So here, in no particular order, the stories of three girls named Emma, all related by and featuring, my pal, Bob. As a special "treat," I have added a little story about "Twix."

Pretty Tilly is an average eleven year-old when her life is changed one day, through no choice of her own.

Story Codes: Rape, M/g, g solo, g 1st, oral

Eleven year-old Tilly has a problem. A few weeks prior, she had been abducted, taken to an isolated beach house, sexually assaulted, and raped by a rather nefarious character. He threatened to harm her family if she told anybody about what had happened and made her promise to engage in oral sex with different men of her choosing. Tilly now had a problem. She is a very good girl, and would never go back on a promise! Please enjoy, Tilly's Promise!

Story Codes: M/g, M/g att rape, b/g, oral

Coach Wilkinson relates a tale to Uncle Micky regarding the best fucking year of his life ... so far! Coach is enchanted by a lovely first-year teacher, allured by young Shanna, and taken by ninth grader Liz.
Coach W, who we have met before, had promised to tell me a story about the good cheerleader and the fallen cheerleader. It took five nights for him to relate the tale. As you will find out, the story has five chapters! We drank and ate our way through the story; and one night was cut short when we decided to pay a visit to Rick's Custom Service Center. I'll tell y'all a bit about that later. This story takes place a few years back and involves two lovely girls from the town of Mayfield, not too far away. We first meet Kendal and Brit'ney during the summer before the eight grade.
A story told to me by a good friend, Paul Ridley. Paul's two nieces, Kathleen (the Kitty, eleven-years-old,) and Nora (the Mouse, thirteen-years-old) come to spend two weeks with him as their parents, his sister and brother-in-law, leave for a second honeymoon. Their antics bring back memories from Paul's youth as well as setting the three of them on a path few would condone.

In the year prior to leaving for Florida, Micky has some farewells to make. One is with Dawn, a student in his fifth period class. Enjoy a "Day Off With Dawn."
This thirty chapter collaboration can be accessed here: TETMD Page

This story picks up from the end of "My Princess" and is set back in Ohio. All of Micky's time in Florida has passed and he now lives in Columbus, while attending "Thee" university, and persuing his Masters Degree. IMHO, if you haven't read " My Princess ," it would be a good idea to do so prior to reading this story.

The relationship between Micky and Melissa instensifies. Melissa has a chance encounter with an interesting sales girl.

The relationship between Micky and Melissa grows as more quality time is spent together. Micky meets with Kaeli Anderson and her cousin Mackenzie. Micky may have some doubts about Melissa.

Upon hearing the news of his father's death, Micky raced to Cleveland, leaving Melissa behind. The Dolan clan gathered and Lily had some questions that only Micky could answer. In the heat of passion, Micky slipped up and said Anna's name. The Dolan's buried their father in grand style, in the manner he would be proud of. Meanwhile, Melissa turned to Sofia for the comfort she needed.

It finally happens, Micky, Dena, and Lily come together for the ultimate incestuous tryst. Melissa's friend, Sofia, finally meets Randy and they hit it off. We take a little time to delve into Randy's past and the introduction of his "monster" to female of the species! Micky finally makes a decision which alters an important part of his life.

The inevitable was happening. Anna Maria and her family were moving back to Ohio, Cincinnatti specifically. The entire family gathered for a Welcome Home party. As luck would have it, Melissa stayed back in Columbus and Micky went solo to Cincinnatti. Early on the day of the party Micky ran into his "niece" Paula (who we met in an earlier story!) and they had their own little homecumming. Later that night at the party, Micky was finally reunited with Anna. The next day was a day of reckoning for for our boy Micky!

Time passes and Micky splits his time between Columbus and Cincinatti, between Melissa and Anna. The time arrives for the confrontation between Micky and Marianna, Anna's mother. Anna emerges as the adult in the room.

Micky and Melissa spend the Holidays with Micky's family. Melissa meets the Dolans. Lily isn't through with Micky just yet.

Anna has a tough time by herself at Christmas with her side of the family. Thankfully, Paula arrives and everything is more than fine.

Micky faces, and almost accepts, his feelings for Melissa. He and Anna go on a Valentine's Days date! Does Anna have a wandering eye?

Anna meets Melissa. Everything gets settled.
All contents are Copyright 2016 to the author. Any resemblence of characters described here is in no way based on any person living or dead. Any semblence to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.

Wintermute X Stories


My Stories

Monstrum Factorum
My Baby Girl
Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors 2
A New Purpose in Life
Sex Ed for Little Girls
Depraved Mom
Alien: Insemination
Club Lolipops
Bug Breeding School
Loli Island
Barn Bitches
Beth's Journey


Monstrum Tribute


Stories by Xpanther

Child Sex Stories

Nifty Erotic Archive

Tempest Erotica

ASSTR Authors

Tod Naturlich

Forced Nudity

Georgie Porgie

Kristen Archive

Loliwood Studios

Nepi Stories

Piper's Domain

Playful Girls

Renpet's Erotic

Daddy's Girl




Liked it? Hated it?
Let me know

By WintermuteX

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Student/Teacher, Public Sex, Daughter Swapping

"What are you drawing there sweetie?" I asked, crouching down next to the girl.
"It's an elfunt!" Sally held up the paper to show me the indistinguishable grey blob with a train of smaller blobs following behind it.
"See? She has lots of baby elfunts too."
The gray crayon marks could indeed have been a train of stately pachyderms, but they might as well have passed for a series of rain clouds, or puddles. The little 6-year-old was creative, but she wasn't quite a Picasso yet.
"It's great honey." I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a squeeze. "You're so talented." Sally gave me her most heart-melting smile. She was such a sweetheart, all happy grins and sunshine and a passionate enthusiasm for everything she did. My favorite student.
"Hey Mr. Renner. Is it playtime yet?" Sally looked up at me hopefully, restlessness evident in the nervous tick of her thighs.
"Almost, sweetie. A few more minutes."
She flounced and huffed in my arms. "Okaaaaaay." I let her get back to her coloring. She bent over on the bench to rest her arms on the low table, and I took a moment to admire the cute pink skirt draped over the perky curve of her bottom. The little blonde 6-year-old was such a treat. Her father was a lucky man.
I stood up and surveyed the classroom. Jim was helping Meredith on the far side, resting a hand comfortably on the 7-year-old's shoulder as she scribbled madly on her paper, and the other girls were working quietly on their own projects. Lisa and Beth had cut out little figures from red construction paper and were gluing them onto a drawn background on a poster. The twin sisters were inseparable in everything they did. Emily, the new girl, was drawing quietly, and Amber, my oldest girl at 9, had drawn out a story about princesses and dragons on her big sheet of paper and was writing between the illustrations.
"Does he kidnap the princess?" I asked her, pointing at the leering wyrm.
"No," she laughed. "They run away together. They're in love. Some knight comes to save her but he's dumb and he gets eaten. Then they have little dragon babies and live happily ever after." She pointed at the tale scrawled between the figures, and I saw how the story ended with a picture of the princess and the dragon locked in an intimate embrace. I had to hand it to her, Amber could really draw. The dragon was anatomically accurate in every way. I made a note to get her some better art supplies for next week. She had long outgrown the markers she was using.
"Good job Amber." I swept my hand over the paper. "This is really great. I'll bet your Dad will love it."
"Yeah. He'll want to put it on the fridge." She made a slight face. "There's already too much on the fridge."
"That just shows how much he loves what you do," I laughed, tousling her blonde hair. "Can't blame a dad for being proud of his baby girl. He'll love this. Let's clean up now. It's playtime."
"Yay!" She hugged me and started packing the markers back into the box, arranging them fastidiously by color. I stood up.
"Ok kids!" I clapped my hands twice to get their attention. "Go ahead and put your stuff away and get your mats. It's playtime." Girlish squeals of delight filled the classroom as they bustled to put their things away. Jim and I stood resting back against the big table in the center of the room as one-by-one the girls picked their favorite mats and dragged them over to the cleared area in front of us. Amber picked the purple frilly bedroll that she liked, and Lisa and Beth shared the big red cushion with the knitted edges. Emily lingered at the pile of mats by the cabinets, looking hesitant.
"Pick the blue one!" Sally called. "Mr. Renner loves the blue one." The girls all tittered together, but it was true. The thick blue blanket with the sewn-in cushion was what I liked to use. The girls always looked so good on it, and its many stains barely showed.
Emily blushed briefly, but grabbed the blanket and hauled it over, joining the half-circle of little girls arranged in front of us. They each kneeled on their chosen mats and blankets, looking up at us with wide eyes and eager expressions.
"Ok girls. Remember where we left off last time?"
Sally threw her hand in the air and waved it hysterically. "I know! I know!" the 6-year-old bellowed. "You were explaining how it gets hard."
"That's right." I heard the zipping sound next to me and joined Jim in undoing my belt and pulling down my pants in front of the class of girls. The hungry bulges strained obscenely against our underwear as the girls looked on, fascinated.
"Do you remember how it gets hard Sally?" I asked.
"You said it was blood Mr. Renner." The little girl's eyes were locked on the swelling fabric of my underwear. "Which seems so weird. How does more blood make something hard?"
"Let's find out." I motioned to myself and Jim with a hand. "Who wants to volunteer today?"
Almost as one, Lisa and Beth scrambled forward and kneeled on the carpet in front of me and Jim. Two pairs of tiny hands reached up to grasp our underwear, and the girls pulled the fabric down, causing a pair of fat cocks to spring out and slap them in the face. They giggled and nuzzled the firm flesh, then wrapped their fingers around the meaty pricks of their teachers.
"That's good sweetie." I rested my hand on Lisa's head, fingers curling in her dark hair. She looked up at me with almond eyes shining with desire, the heritage of her Asian family.
"Better than good," I sighed, shifting my weight and leaning back against the table. Christ, nothing could beat the feeling of a little girl's tiny fingers on your cock. I needed to give some of the other girls a chance during playtime besides Beth and Lisa, but they were just so good. Jim leaned back in the same way next to me as Beth pattered her fingers up and down his stiff rod of firm velvet, feeling the taut flesh, rimming the purpling glans at the end and peering at the first drip of precum on his cock with fascination.
"Can I try again today Mr. Renner?" The shining hope in Lisa's eyes as she looked up at me was adorable. My prick bulged expectantly an inch from her lips.
"Of course sweetie." I gestured, and the little girl opened her mouth tentatively and wrapped her lips around my prick like it was delicate candy. The twins had had more practice, but it was important that all the girls had a chance to practice cocksucking. The gripping warmth of Lisa's mouth sent a shiver racing up from my crotch, but I tried to file away a note to myself to let Meredith go first next time. She had seemed upset at only getting a B at blowjobs on her report card. More practice would do her good.
"Like Mr. Renner said, blood is what causes a man's penis to get erect," Jim said, taking over the lesson as the suction on my prick began to vacuum up all the thoughts from my head. "This usually means a man is aroused, though there could be other reasons. Now, who here has seen their Daddy's prick hard like this before?"
The girls all raised their hands. Good fathers, the lot of them. None of them had neglected their daughter's needs.
"Dad's pretty much hard all the time. He never even wears pants around the house anymore. Says it's too uncomfortable." Beth giggled as she used Jim's precum to moisten the head of his cock and began a slow slide of her fist along the tip.
"Then you're doing a good job at home honey," Jim encouraged her. "Now, last week we talked about sex again. Who can tell me what we talked about?"
The hands all shot up, but Jim pointed at Sally.
"Sex is when Daddy's hard cock goes in your pussy," the 6-year-old said proudly. "Semen with millions of little babies in it comes out of the cock and that's how you get pregnant. It feels really good."
"Dad only puts it in my pussy sometimes," Amber said. "He uses my mouth or my butt the other times, but it still feels good."
"But doesn't he have to cum in your pussy to get you pregnant?" Meredith asked. "Or can it be anywhere?"
Jim shook his head and readied a reply, but shuddered as Beth's hands on his penis sent a ripple of pleasure up from his groin.
"No," he panted, swallowing after the tremor subsided. "Your daddies can put semen anywhere in you, but you'd only get pregnant if it's in your vagina. Don't worry though. Remember that your daddies love you no matter where it ends up."
"Dad likes to put it on our faces before we get on the school bus", Beth said, nuzzling the prick in her face as she teased it with her fingers. "Lisa's always trying to butt in and take more of it though." She feigned an angry look at her sister.
"Mmmph. Mmph mmph mmmmphmmmph." Lisa couldn't protest her sister's accusation past the rod of engorged flesh in her mouth. The gripping tunnel had sucked me in until I had 3 inches of raging fuckmeat buried between her lips and was butting up against her throat in the back. She had taken the cue from the dripping precum on her tongue and my tightening fist in her hair, and pumped her cheeks before treating me to a light bobbing motion, tiny lips gliding over engorged flesh and leaving trails of gooey saliva behind. I bucked my hips to meet her motion, relishing the feel of my manhood flattening the girl's tiny squirming tongue underneath it.
The other girls looked on in fascination, pants and shirts down or up as they liked, fingers seeking the glorious buds of pleasure at their cunts and pinching the hardening nipples on their flat chests, watching the dark-haired twins on their knees at the front of the class eagerly sucking their teacher's pricks. Sally's pink skirt was around her ankles and her Hello Kitty t-shirt was pushed up to her chest as she reclined on her bla
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