Pimp My Wife

Pimp My Wife


Pimp My Wife

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My Wife Wants to Be a Whore … And She Wants Me to Be Her Pimp!

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The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Because if you don’t, 20 other willing participants will.
EUGENE, SIR: My wife has just let me know that she has a whore obsession. We have three kids and have been married since she was 23 and I was 25. She is 45 now and says it had been building for a while but everything about it turns her on. She wanted to tell me because the fantasy was getting overpowering. Not so that I could stop her but because she needed to explain why she had been so bored in bed the last few years. To this end she wants me to be her “pimp.” Find men for her to have sex with. Charge them. She has suggested doing this through Craigslist or Eros Guide. If I say no, I’m afraid she’ll do it anyway. If I say yes I am concerned about the repercussions. Legal and otherwise. What should I do? – Name withheld
Standing between someone and a long-held fantasy is a tough place to be. While on the one hand it’s terrible to think of a fantasy going unrealized, on the other hand your concerns are well placed. Prostitution last year was a $186 billion industry on the backs of about 13,265,900 prostitutes. Women associated with the trade are arrested much more frequently than men, assorted studies show . Which means whether you’re getting busted for pimping or she’s getting busted for whoring, the justice system is, in all likelihood, going to be part of your future. 
But these are legal concerns and don’t get to the root of the emotional/relational aspect of what your wife has told you, something that, to my ears, doesn’t sound like it upsets you much and it probably shouldn’t. I mean the last few years of lackluster sex would be enough to open your mind to much that your mind wouldn’t have been open to before. How to handle it is what you’re asking and my suggestion is this: Go to your local swingers’ group and advertise your kink. Under the purview of play and the money not being the primary motive you might be able to avoid legal backlashes. I mean if you’re not collecting cash you’re not a pimp even if the whoring seems the same. 
Try this along with whatever seems more comfortable: You being present or you not being present. This will either improve your marriage or kill it but if it doesn’t improve it, it was going to die anyway. It’s a bold giant step into doing something different and adventurous — and it’s dangerous from any number of different viewpoints. But it seems like you’ve reached a crisis point anyway and something needs to be done, so why not this? Conceal it from the kids like you do the rest of your sex life, be super circumspect about it and hope for the best.
EUGENE, SIR: I had deep suspicions that my boyfriend (we live together) was cheating. Mostly on account of finding underwear around that wasn’t mine. I’m not proud of this but I set up a camera so I could see what was happening at our place when I’m not there. He teaches and gets home from work first. I discovered that this is his underwear. I mean it’s women’s underwear but that’s what he is wearing. Other things too. Whole outfits. He’s alone when doing this. Not so fun to watch but not something to end the relationship over. I want to know how to get this out in the open so we don’t have to have secrets. – Colleen
I think you mean you want to know how to get this out in the open without revealing the creepy presence of home surveillance, yes? Since if you reveal you’ve been secretly home taping, it opens up a whole can of worms that causes what you found out to be overshadowed by HOW you found out. And how you found out — by hiding teeny tiny cameras all over the house you shared with one other person — no matter what the motivation, is all harm and foul. 
Relationships can be a dirty business and sloppiness regarding the women’s underwear he might be wearing could also be a harbinger of other sloppiness to come. So call what you did dirty due diligence — had he not started it by leaving his flimsy underthings hither and yon, you’d have never gone down the Inspector Gadget road to begin with. 
But how to get this out in the open? Well, there are two paths you can go by: Admit to the hidden camera as how you found out or don’t admit to the camera but do admit to the finding of the panties.
The former could also be divided into telling the truth about the camera or telling a lie connected to needing it for “security” reasons or something else similarly threadbare. I’ll never advise you to lie so if you tell the truth you’ll have a lot of heavy lifting to do since it might be argued that he left the underwear around to spark a discussion, not to incur the creep factor of home surveillance, and you may lose this one.
However, if you go with the technically accurate though parsed truth — you found his underwear — this lets you broach the topic without admitting to malfeasance and the discussions can begin. And I’d guess you know that most studies show that this particular kink is not an automatic indicator of homosexuality, if you were even tempted to think that. Moreover there are great resources out there, like Transformation , where he can go as deep as you and he are interested in going.
In any case, asking about the underwear would be a necessary first step and the least loaded and possibly most successful way to go. 


The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
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I have been tring for a while and I finally got my wife to turn tricks. She has been out of work for quite a long time. And she has been feeling guilty about it. She doesn't know it but I make enough to pay all of the bills. I have been telling her for a while that I don't know how we are going to make it. I also told the building manger that I have been having trouble paying the rent. So after some hinting at he offered to let us not pay if could have s** with my wife. I told him I would talk to her about it. I told her things were really bad and we might be evicted. So she went along with it. But she said that I had to be present in the apartment when it happened. I agreed and told the manager. We set up a time and he came up. They went into the bedroom together. And after a while I could hearilure sound of my wife having a good time. I was very relieved that she enjoyed the f****** . I kept her paying the rent for several months. Then one day the mangaer said that hwe had a friend that had seen my wife and would pay well to be with her. I told her and she admitted that she really didn't want to go back to work. So I told her it would be OK if she please this guy and maybe got two or three more clients. As time past she got several more clients and now makes quite a lot of money only working part of the week. and she doesn't need to return regualar work.

Your wife is a common w**** . We all are, if the situation (or the price) is right. Believe me

That's a good wife. My wife sit on her ass for years and offered no help at all.

That's a good wife, we need more like her.

I encouraged my wife to sleep with other men when I was working in another State. It wasn't long and she was a total s*** ! She f***** dozens of men, spending the night with many! The stories are great turn ons!

I encouraged my wife also to f*** other men especially black men...she did not even hesitate and quickly got a black boyfriend and almost immediately got a queen of spades tattoo on her left t** , she has very large t*** and showed tat off proudly.....we would go into black bars frequently and she got picked up all the time and not come home until the next morning smelling of s** and spend the morning in bed having incredible s** .......she would shower and run out of the house to meet her boyfriend..

My wife played tennis without panties after I f***** her twice and she didn't wipe her c***. She also loves going shopping with short skirts and no panties after I f*** her, she pees, she jerks off, and I f*** her again. She never wipes her p**** and as she walked out to go shopping one time her c*** was making squishing noises and she still just walked out. All her skirts are so short that she leaves wet spots on seats , but others that are a bit longer all have c** stains on them. Even dresses. She wore a black dress to a Christmas party a few times and the entire inside is full of c** stains. Even the inside of her fur coat is full of stains. She loves it all.

How sad. Can't you come up with better Fantasy than that?

After 12 years of marriage, all the excitement seemed to be out of our relationship. I approached my husband about letting me have some much needed freedom to have other men. It took some time but I finally convinced him that it would be a very good thing but I had to promise to tell him everything. The first man was my coworker who was 9 nine years younger. I was so excited when we met at a local motel. That was the best s** I had ever had and still is. That young man had a beautiful lean body and a very large manhood compared to my husband. After that evening, I knew what s** is supposed to be like! It worked wonders for our marriage and my husband was very pleased with my renewed interest in s** . My husband is not interested in being with other women but we agreed that I should continue my therapy with different men to build up my self confidence with s** . When I see a nice looking guy I imagine how he would be and it is time to start flirting. I have already had several men and I love my freedom and am careful to thank him many times for being a perfect husband!! I couldn't go back to my life the way it used to be. Monogamy is not my bag but I love it for my husband and he has met some of my special men. I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!

Every wife out there is a w**** . (even yours Sir) if the price or the situation is right. Believe me

They have carved out a successful and rewarding marriage for themselves. I feel sorry for you virgin Trolls.

Good for you I offered the same thing to my wife. She did go out many times, I stayed home and babysit while she would go parking or meet at motels. I thoroughly enjoyed the s** when she got home, she always told me everything that happened it was a turn-on. Thank you I knew there were more women like my wife out there

Awesome. My wife has had at least 10 men since we’ve been married

There are many more Hot Wives than you can imagine. Mine is one.

My wife didn;t like doing johns on escort dates, but after awhile she began enjoying the dates and having s** with a few of them. It does not bother me and she makes good money. I guess you can say I am her p*** because I set up some of her dates.

I am 23 and Hubby and I often talked about a fantasy of him sharing me. One night it happened we went with a guy to his place, we got naked and got into it, his 2 housemates came home and well joined in, I had the most amazing time and now we do it quite often and I can't wait to see who I am going to be with next.

Thats hot i rent mine also she loves it we been doing it for free for yrs so the guys shes not into for free pay its a win win lol

I was only 18 when I got married and my husband was my first lover. By time I was 23 we were into adult movies, toys, and lots of s** and fantasizing. One fantasy was me f****** a stranger for money, just to try it once. We lined up a guy in a hotel bar. He was about 28 and cute and confided to my husband that he was in town for the weekend and looking for some good strange, even if it cost him. My husband said he had a girl that could take care of him I had a cell phone which I left on when I was in the guys room so my husband could rescue me if something went south. But he was a perfect gentleman and I told him I had lost a good paying job and was just doing a little entertaining to make ends meet. He was very talented with his fingers, tongue and c*** . I was with his two hours, made $400 and had two intense o****** . The rest of our weekend my husband and I were in bed reliving every detail and he got especially excited listening to how intense my o****** were with the client. Although this was supposed to be a one time deal, it was so intense and caused so much excitement between us for weeks afterwards, we now do this about 5 or 6 times a year with 4 or 5 customers a weekend. I am very lucky. I am 27. I love my husband and have enjoyed, with his full blessing, about 75 or 100 intense o****** with strange c*** . It may not be for everyone but it works for us. It is hard to believe that 10 years ago, I hadn't meant my husband, and was still singing in the church choir. How times can change.

Very hot please do a Follow up and keep us all informed on how you're doing

That is extremely hot I always encourage my wife to go out by herself we even had threesomes I think s** can definitely make a great marriage keep it up

What...the.... f*** ....this is a joke Right? Tell me this is a joke

Why can't you Trolls believe this? Think about it. Their are hundreds of thousand s** workers and swingers in the U.S. and most of them have husbands, boyfriends, families. These stories are actually very common.

I talked my wife into working as a window prostitute in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, when we lived there for three years. She kept telling me not to get my hopes up, because she wasn't going to do it. But we weren't making enough money to be really comfortable, and one day she surprised me by announcing she was going to rent a window. She took to it like a duck to water, and was soon working two or three days a week, having s** with 15 to 20 men on a good day. In two years, she'd had intercourse with over 2,000 total strangers. Back in America, she worked in strip clubs, where a "lap dance" often included oral or vaginal s** . Then she worked in a series of brothels operating as "massage parlors". She would bring me home Polaroid photos of herself engaged in s** acts with customers, and sometimes I actually got to watch her with customers. It wasn't unusual for her to have o****** with customers. She worked as a prostitute for ten years, and had s** with nearly 4,000 men, all while working a couple of days a week. I loved every sordid minute of it.

My name is Tom and my wife Margaret started turning tricks in 2012 when our finances were in crisis. She turned tricks before when she was a full nude stripper in Tampa but this was the first time since we had been married. She really enjoys it and honestly I get super turned on by my wife being a w**** . I definitely recommend it to any one!

I would agree with you, it's just s** she's in love with you there's a difference. My wife turn tricks had s** with anybody that had a c*** . Many times we had threesomes. The more s** we had the happier she was, if it makes each other happy what's the problem

So true. S** workers need love too. A supportive husband can enjoy a stable marriage and the best s** ever. When I met my wife in college, she was working as a surrogate s** partner in a S** Clinic. She was a licensed Therapist and it was legal. There is no better cure for low self esteem or depression than s** . After appropriate counseling and medical work-up, male patients could be prescribed s** with a Surrogate. My fiancé was having full s** with up to 6 patients a week to put herself through college. But it was just a job and she needed love and companionship. We fell in love and married. Twelve years later, we have two children and my wife is still a licensed surrogate and on call with several psychiatrists. I make a good living, but she loves her work and still services 6 to 8 clients every month. Many require several sessions. The best part for me is, she supports my kinks too and we have threesome s** with most of my friends and co-workers. It's so much more fun than canasta and I am very popular.

I've helped a number of women live out this fantasy, more than a few with husbands wh
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