Pillow Humping Stories

Pillow Humping Stories


What's the best way to hump a pillow and get an awesome orgasm?
I learned from my friend, and she showed me how to hump, naked, because she wanted me to watch how her butt moved up and down and squeezed together. Usually it can be any stuffed toy or soft thing between the legs, and moved so it rubs against you exactly the way you want it to. When I get a stuffed toy I like between my legs, that is not too large, I press it against my crotch and grind on it, and move my butt up and down. When my butt goes up I relax it and when I push in I squeeze my butt together. When my friend showed me and she cummed, I could see her pussy squeezing and goo come out. It
I learned from my friend, and she showed me how to hump, naked, because she wanted me to watch how her butt moved up and down and squeezed together. Usually it can be any stuffed toy or soft thing between the legs, and moved so it rubs against you exactly the way you want it to. When I get a stuffed toy I like between my legs, that is not too large, I press it against my crotch and grind on it, and move my butt up and down. When my butt goes up I relax it and when I push in I squeeze my butt together. When my friend showed me and she cummed, I could see her pussy squeezing and goo come out. It was really swollen and red. If you don’t have privacy you have to be careful not to hump too much, but just use your hands between your legs and finger and wrist, not your butt. My mom caught me humping because I thought she was asleep and I let myself hump and moan, and she pulled the covers off me and made me get up cumming, then I couldn’t stop making humping movements. Grinding in circles is fun if you do it right.
How can a man hump/have sex with a pillow by himself?
I’m a 12-year-old girl who masturbates and I really want a sex toy, but my parents don’t know I masturbate. What should I do?
How do I masturbate with a pillow as a male?
What is the best way to hump a pillow and masturbate in general (I am a girl)?
How do I pillow hump with a lot of pleasure as a 12-year-old?
Well it has been a long long time since I did that but to the best of my recollection there are a few things you have to consider.
Well it has been a long long time since I did that but to the best of my recollection there are a few things you have to consider.
Drawing out the pleasure and making it last longer by stopping before you hit orgasm and waiting a few moments before starting again, or Edging as it is referred to, will likely give you the most awesome orgasm. If you produce precum this might be difficult for you though.
at this time of my life, i don’t usually use a pillow to masturbate prone, I may use a towel or washcloth, but that is because of long term use and probable loss of sensitivity of my penis head. a pillow can be used to sandwich your penis (assuming you are male) between to pillow and the matress, and slide it in and out as if it were a vagina. I like the towel because i can make a little vagina-like tunnel for the penis to go. you can also practice techniques such as shallow and deep, going in circles, and prolonging your stamina so you can last longer. you may want to keep that pillow separat
at this time of my life, i don’t usually use a pillow to masturbate prone, I may use a towel or washcloth, but that is because of long term use and probable loss of sensitivity of my penis head. a pillow can be used to sandwich your penis (assuming you are male) between to pillow and the matress, and slide it in and out as if it were a vagina. I like the towel because i can make a little vagina-like tunnel for the penis to go. you can also practice techniques such as shallow and deep, going in circles, and prolonging your stamina so you can last longer. you may want to keep that pillow separate from your bedding. females can hump pillows too, and usually they clamp it between their thighs or sometimes fold it in a way that rubs their clitoris the way they want it rubbed. stuffed animals are a favorite for some teenage girls and some boys, as i got my first orgasm with one after watching with intense interest a girl do it.
Now you’re asking the important questions of life. No more of these stupid mysteries-of-the-universe questions. Who cares about them, this is IMPORTANT. You may need to get four pillows, and adjust them to your size. What you want is two stacks of two pillows, unless you find ones that are big enough to simulate an actual person you lie on top of. You would sandwich your penis between the two pillows. You may have to experiment with pillowcases to find the texture you like, and set those pillows aside for masturbation purposes, specifically. I would further suggest that you might try a plastic
Now you’re asking the important questions of life. No more of these stupid mysteries-of-the-universe questions. Who cares about them, this is IMPORTANT. You may need to get four pillows, and adjust them to your size. What you want is two stacks of two pillows, unless you find ones that are big enough to simulate an actual person you lie on top of. You would sandwich your penis between the two pillows. You may have to experiment with pillowcases to find the texture you like, and set those pillows aside for masturbation purposes, specifically. I would further suggest that you might try a plastic bag or rubber glove called a “fifi” in prisons, with two sponges (moistened and wrung out) and coated with lubrication of your choice. That may or not work for you. Go in circles, short and long alternating strokes, and orgasm delays to build stamina all could help.
I'm a teen girl who wants to masturbate. What is the most pleasureable way to do this?
How do you masturbate with a pillow as a teen girl?
Is it normal for a 13-year-old girl to hump a pillow and orgasm?
How can I pillow hump for the first time?
I’m a 13-year-old boy, and I masturbate by humping a pillow. Is this bad?
okay so, i would reccomend the side ways position for starters cause it makes the clit more easy to hit. when you start humping do it slowly and then build up(I would reccomed watching porn so you can see the build up:masturbation)then when you’re ready make a big thrust and see if you can hit your clit and if you don’t get it then its completely normal and try again.
I lie on my bed on my stomach, and fold a pillow vertically and hump it, while using a hand to squeeze and caress one of my boobs. It makes me moan a lot and it’s a slow way to reach orgasm but a good way.
the best way for me personally is so put a small pillow on the ground or my bed and start going up and down on the pillow. Just make sure your doing it in private!
What are unusual things women use when masturbating?
I started humping my pillow when I was 6.
Then whenever I was alone in the house I would hump the couch's arm or other furniture.
The corner of the living room coffee table (don't worry, it had big rounded corners) was also one of my favorites.
When I was 12 or 13, we had a big old fridge in the kitchen. That thing yoused to vibrate, shake and make a lot of noise.
I found out that if I lean back on the kitchen table, I could press my crotch against the corner of the fridge.
I used to do that all the time when I was alone in the house.
After I started penetrative masturbation, one of my favorites was
I started humping my pillow when I was 6.
Then whenever I was alone in the house I would hump the couch's arm or other furniture.
The corner of the living room coffee table (don't worry, it had big rounded corners) was also one of my favorites.
When I was 12 or 13, we had a big old fridge in the kitchen. That thing yoused to vibrate, shake and make a lot of noise.
I found out that if I lean back on the kitchen table, I could press my crotch against the corner of the fridge.
I used to do that all the time when I was alone in the house.
After I started penetrative masturbation, one of my favorites was my hairbrush. As Dolly said, no, not that end. Mine had a kind of ergonomic handle which means it had some curves for your fingers to rest on and offer a better grip. Those bumps were veeeery pleasant.
When I was around 14, I had a perfume bottle that was long and thin and the cap end was bulbous, kinda phallic, actually.
That became my favorite masturbation toy.
One day I was using it and in one of they in-outs, to my utter horror, it came out without the cap.
I tried to reach it with my fingers but it was too deep.
I was sweating and in panic and desperate.
I couldn't bear the idea of telling my parents and having them take me to a doctor and show it and explain how did it get there.
We didn't have any pilers in the house.
What I did next was out of pure desperation.
Don't worry, what I did was not as horrifying as you may be thinking now.
I closed the scissors and very carefully, inserted it in my vagina, keeping my lips spread wiht my other hand, until the scissors tip hit the bottom of the cap.
Then very carefully I opened the scissors. The cap had a narrow interior, just enough to cover the spray button, so I didn't have to open the scissors much until the blades hit the inner walls of the cap's interior.
I was sweating and trembling from fear.
Then keeping the scissors open and the blades pressed against the cap's interior walls, I was able to pull it out.
I almost wetted myself from relief.
I promised myself I would never insert anything that can come loose.
But that perfume bottle was my favorite at the time.
So I superglued the cap shut and kept using it :-)
When I was around 15 I used to wash my panties in the shower. Then I started rolling my panties in a ball and rubbing it against my clit to masturbate.
In that time also I was using the water jet from the shower head.
Or sometimes, I would turn the bathtub water tap on, lay inside the tub, spread my legs and position my pussy under the falling water.
My parents were always complaining that I was taking too long to bathe :-)
How can I masturbate secretly as a female (13) living with my parents (I am rarely home alone)?
To be honest, I’m pretty much used to be in the same scenario as you: 13 years old, female, live with parents (and a younger brother) and is left barely alone. I really wanted to keep my “masturbation life” secret, especially because I was a teenager and it was ‘embarrassing’. After some experimenting, this is what I found.
I was known in the family to LOVE music, like absolutely LOVE it. Therefore, I usually blasted on some music on my phone while I was in the bathroom and about to take a shower/bath. So this was when the secret began. I blasted on some music inside the bathroom, closed the do
To be honest, I’m pretty much used to be in the same scenario as you: 13 years old, female, live with parents (and a younger brother) and is left barely alone. I really wanted to keep my “masturbation life” secret, especially because I was a teenager and it was ‘embarrassing’. After some experimenting, this is what I found.
I was known in the family to LOVE music, like absolutely LOVE it. Therefore, I usually blasted on some music on my phone while I was in the bathroom and about to take a shower/bath. So this was when the secret began. I blasted on some music inside the bathroom, closed the door and pretended to take a long dump (after all, no-one wanted to come in when someone is taking a dump. Then (just in case someone came in) I locked the door.
This was the usual routine (that usually took around 5 minutes maximum to not seem too shady). Because, as mentioned before, no-one knew about me masturbating, I couldn’t afford to buy toys such as dildos or proper vibrators. Neither did I have an electric toothbrush (as everyone recommended). Also, it would be very shady and weird if I suddenly grabbed my pillow from my bedroom into the bathroom. So I mainly used my hands. It all depends on the person and how they like to masturbate, but I normally began stroking my clit (usually already wet) in circular motions and rubbed it in different directions until it got me all squirmish. Also, I prefer penetration over other techniques so then I simply slipped one or two fingers inside my vulva and moved them in and out, increasing in speed at times. Sometimes I even increased to three to four fingers when I wanted a more intense orgasm. (Remember that all this was covered by my music.)
Another thing that I found nice was aloe vera. Because I couldn’t get any lube, I found some aloe vera around the house for sunburns and such. I found that aloe vera is a great lubricant and allows you to orgasm much faster which is helpful to keep your masturbation less obvious. Also, I liked how I could use shampoo/body-wash bottles that were of a small, convertible size (you generally get them from hotels) for penetration and a home dildo. This is just an option. Remember that masturbation is different for everyone.
To speed up the whole process (orgasming), even quicker, I recommend watching some porn or “try not to cum/fap” videos before you even go inside the bathroom to have your ‘shower’. This makes your vulva all wet and hard, as well as your craving to touch your body and masturbate. But to be honest, whenever your parents are not around, just get into the mood with some porn and just practice masturbating; seeing what feels good and helps you orgasm.
Overall, I recommend just talking to your parents about it, but if not, I hope this helped! Happy Masturbating! ;)
I'm a teen girl who wants to masturbate. What is the most pleasureable way to do this?
Masturbation is a very natural and pleasant experience. It allows us to explore our body and discover what excites us. It is normal during adolescence for girls to start getting to know their bodies and arouse themselves with different stimuli. Touching yourself is full of benefits.
When masturbating for the first time, it is important to choose a quiet place. It is ideal to be in a calm state without feeling nervous or scared that someone will find you. It is very important to be relaxed when masturbating. Concentrate on the sensations you are experiencing without worrying. A good place is you
Masturbation is a very natural and pleasant experience. It allows us to explore our body and discover what excites us. It is normal during adolescence for girls to start getting to know their bodies and arouse themselves with different stimuli. Touching yourself is full of benefits.
When masturbating for the first time, it is important to choose a quiet place. It is ideal to be in a calm state without feeling nervous or scared that someone will find you. It is very important to be relaxed when masturbating. Concentrate on the sensations you are experiencing without worrying. A good place is your room or your bathroom, at a time of day when you know that no one can interrupt you.
Importantly wash your hands before starting. Why? If you have been out and about during the day and have been in contact with other people, your hands will be full of bacteria and dirt. You should avoid touching your private area with dirty hands. Once you have washed them, you can relax and start to masturbate for the first time.
Before masturbating, it is fundamentally important that you are sexually excited or you have a desire to explore and play with your body. You can think of images that excite you, relive a specific event or think of a person that stimulates your desire. When you start to get excited, you will feel your vagina moisten a bit internally, every woman is different however. You will also feel like your clitoris swells a little and becomes enlarged, which is a sign that you can begin to stimulate yourself.
Open your legs slightly and begin by playing with your vulva with your middle finger. Start from the entrance of the vaginal opening to the clitoris. The idea is that the lubricant you produce when you get excited should be used as a conduit to facilitate masturbation. It will make movements softer and more pleasant. But if not enough lubricant is created do not worry, opt for something natural and simple like sucking your finger as many women do and continue touching. Saliva is one of the best natural lubricants.
The movements should be gentle. You can touch your clitoris in a circular motion or play with your finger on the entrance of your vulva. Or, you could switch between caresses on your clitoris and penetration - using one or two of your fingers to insert them into your vagina.
While you are playing with your vulva and trying all possibilities, you may also want to caress your breasts. Gently pinch your nipples and let your imagination run wild. This will further enhance your body to warm up in a highly pleasurable way.
The time to reach orgasm depends on each girl and how excited you are, but what matters is that you stay focused and be patient. Do not lose rhythm and keep thinking about what generates great excitement. Before reaching orgasm you should feel a delicious warmth in the vaginal area, your muscles will contract, your clitoris will be very sensitive, you will feel a slight tingling and a burst of enjoyment and satisfaction.
The female body has many ways to be self explored and you can test out what works best for you. You can masturbate sitting with your legs apart, lying on your back with legs wide open or slightly closed if you want more friction. Or lying face down with your hand between your legs.
Once you have masturbated the first time you will irresistibly want to try it again. Don’t allow the first experience if it does not turn out quite to your expectations to deter you from further masturbation attempts because it will get markedly better each time you masturbate and you will begin to learn what feels more pleasurable for you. Experimentation through regular masturbation will help you to be creative. You can use inanimate objects such as a hair brush handle or dildos to obtain a more realistic pleasure, and experience new forms of excitement.
Masturbation is a beautiful gift we are blessed with and it is something you can do for your physical and mental well being for the rest of your life.
I wish you much pleasure and enjoyment masturbating.
And finally - don’t delay - begin masturbating today.
How do you masturbate with a pillow as a teen girl?
I like to do it this way sometimes. I put it between my legs, lengthwise, and fold it so that it is comfortable, and grind my crotch on it, and hold it imagining it is a boy I like. I think of the part of the pillow between my legs as his penis and rub slowly in circles around it, until I get close to orgasm, then it is more straight in and out, some little circles, but the closer I get to my cum I go faster and it is no longer a smooth rhythm, but more jerky, and my clit is so sensitive I can’t use direct pressure so I rub around it. My ass goes up and down and I squeeze is when I push into t
I like to do it this way sometimes. I put it between my legs, lengthwise, and fold it so that it is comfortable, and grind my crotch on it, and hold it imagining it is a boy I like. I think of the part of the pillow between my legs as his penis and rub slowly in circles around it, until I get close to orgasm, then it is more straight in and out, some little circles, but the closer I get to my cum I go faster and it is no longer a smooth rhythm, but more jerky, and my clit is so sensitive I can’t use direct pressure so I rub around it. My ass goes up and down and I squeeze is when I push into the pillow, and it spreads apart when I pull back. Tightening my butt seems to help me cum. My pillow is large enough that I can use it to muffle my sounds I make when I am in orgasm, too. There are a couple of things to think about. First is pussy juice. I have a cloth I use for this. Second is getting caught. I have been caught a few times, before, during, and after my orgasm. Someone seeing your ass rise and fall and hearing mo
How to Hump a Pillow Step By Step For Girl And Guys
What's the best way to hump a pillow and get an awesome orgasm? - Quora
Interesting set up method for "Guys" on how to hump a bulging pillow!
Humping a Pillow : Best Tips and Stories - EnkiRelations
Pillow Humps - Fetimation
Allysin Embers
Mothers Tied Up Dreambook
Fucked In Bikini
Pillow Humping Stories

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