Pig Tf Story

Pig Tf Story


Pig Tf Story
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Chapter 1: Plumbing Hog Sometimes you think your life just can't get any weirder. That is, until it's a different life altogether. I've been living that new life for a while now and I still haven't got used to it. It all happened on one fateful day. Phil and I had returned to human form after turning into ducks and migrating for the winter. We had toured a few different countries in our duck forms and both of us were glad to finally be back in our human forms. The day after we got back, Phil suggested we check out a local Science Fair. At first, I glared at him. "Phil, what's so special about a science fair? We normally turn into whatever we want on a daily basis and have adventures." Phil glared at me. "Of course we do, but think about it! What if we find something at the science fair that will truly change our lives?" I looked at him in shock, Phil seemed rather adamant about it. I could tell by look in his eyes, it was the look a man has when he meets destiny. That, or the look you get in your eyes when the restaurant messed up your order. "Alright, fine. We'll go. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" Phil smiled and grabbed me by the arm. He pulled me out of my seat and dragged me out the door. We hoofed it down the street and made it to the Science Fair, which was not far from my house at all. We walked into the large hall where the fair was being held and gazed at all the oddities surrounding the place. There were various booths advertising things like "Self-Replenishing Toothpaste" and "Breakthroughs in the world of teleportation". One strange booth that caught my eye that I knew had nothing to do with science was a booth titled "The Missing Link Between Pigs And Plumbers". The misinformed science booth seemed to be under the impression that plumbers had evolved from pigs. Posters noted the vague similarities between the two: They are both fat and sweaty, enjoy laying around in their own filth, like to show their own rumps and generally act like slobs. This couldn't be further from the truth, most plumbers I've met arn't like that at all! When did Science Fairs start going the same route as art museums and toss out such fictionalized rubbish? They were even showing this video on a screen behind the booth depicting a plumber switching minds with a pig. Both the plumber and pig are rather panicked at first but get used to each other's bodies rather quickly. The plumber in the pig's body snorted as he happily trotted around and the pig in the plumber's body smiled as he hobbled onto two feet. The video states that since the two enjoy and feel comfortable in each other's bodies, they will remain that way for future testing and study. I just thought the whole thing was dumb and staged, how does this constitute science anyways? Phil snapped his fingers in my face to get my attention. "C'mon! Let's go check out something actually interesting!" Shouted Phil. I nodded and followed behind him. Phil and I wandered around the fair until we noticed a stage with two large metallic pods in the middle. There were various buttons on the pods and the devices looked rather interesting. However, no one else was biting and the stage was completely vacant aside from a few scientists present. Phil walked up to one of the scientists and started talking with him. "So, what do these pods do?" Asked Phil as the scientist grinned from ear to ear. "I'm glad you asked! These devices are what we call the "Life Reassignment Pods". This pod assigns you a new life, it transforms you based on your thoughts." I chuckled at what the man said. "What's so amazing about a transformation? Phil and I transform all the time! Once the Life Reassignment device does its magic, couldn't we just instantly transform back?" The man shook his head. "Actually, the device locks you in that form. You can't transform or body-swap out until it's reversed! The device also transports you to a tangent universe, identical to ours. The only difference is that you're old life doesn't exist and your new life is your new reality!" I was now somewhat curious about this device as was Phil. He turned to me and we nodded in-sync, knowing that we should give the device a try. Phil asked the important question: "How long does the transformation last?" The scientist smiled and said, "Oh, we can transform you back right away! Once your transformed, we can instantly change you back!" Phil and I smiled. "Alright, we'd like to give your pods a chance!" I shouted excitedly. "Sure, you two step into the pods, and sit down. The door will then close and you'll asked to imagine the form you want to take in the tangent universe. The pods will then transform you according to your specifications and then the pods will release you into your new lives!" Phil and I smiled and made our way to the pods. "Hey, James! Let's turn into anthros!" I nodded in agreement. "Great idea, I'm going to choose an amazing and elegant form!" I shouted as I leapt into my pod and sat down on the cushioned seat inside the pod. The pod was rather large and spacious on the inside and the walls were padded with soft material, probably in case the transformation causes the person to fall over. The metallic door in front of me closes and I soon find a screen embedded in the interior of the door. "Imagine you form now. Keep in mind that once you choose, you cannot reselect." I nodded and was about to imagine my perfect body. I kept echoing the same sentence over in my head: "Think of a muscular lion!" Before I could do that, the thought of that Pigs And Plumbers Exhibit reverberated through my brain. For some weird reason, I pictured an anthro pig as a plumber. I tried to collect my thoughts, but it was too late. "Your form has been selected!" Shouted the computerized voice. "Wait, that's not what I want to be! I haven't thought up my proper form!" The computer rebuked my statement, "Sorry, but you have already chosen. You are now allowed to reselect. Now, commencing transformation into a plumber pig..." Suddenly, the inside of the pod started to heat up. My body started to sweat immensely, to the point where I was panting like a dog. I looked down at my body and noticed my skin changing color, changing from white to a solid pink color. Every inch of my skin was altered to possess this new color. The transformation really kicked into overdrive as my body started to fatten up. My body started to form noticeable flabs of fat, my entire body was fattening up to an immense degree. The fat was distributed to my legs first. My legs became immensely flabby and bulky as they increased in width. My pant-legs started to rip as my legs became immensely fat. Lots of flab was allocated to my thighs and hips as they too became flabby. My waist grew in width, tearing the elastics of my trousers in the process. My butt also grew larger and fatter, becoming insanely flabby in the process. My butt became massive and was almost twice the size of my head! My butt became so fat that I felt like I had fifty cushions attached to my backside. The elastics could barely handle my ever-increasing flab and gave out, my pants completely ripping in the process. The tattered remains of my trousers fell to the ground, leaving me sitting there in my underwear. Surprisingly, the elastics of my underwear didn't rip away! That's when I looked down and noticed that it wasn't my underwear at all! I usually wear blue or purple underwear, yes this underwear was completely white with pictures of pig snouts across it. I felt rather embarrassed to be wearing such a ludicrous pair of undies. The underwear didn't even fit me that well, my large butt was stick out the back of it with my giant butt-cheeks on full display. The flab then pooled in my feet as they became fatter and flabbier. My toes became larger and started to merge with each. My toes turned charcoal black and congealed into what appeared to be segmented hooves. My feet were now a pair of rather fat pig-feet complete with hooves! I couldn't believe it, from my waist down I was not a fat anthro pig! Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, my stomach started to rumble. At first I thought it was just indigestion, but my stomach started making some rather loud noises. I could see the flab starting to form on my stomach. My belly grew fatter and fatter as it ripped through my shirt. Buttons popped off as my girth continued to grow fatter and fatter. My fat belly grew truly massive as my torso increased in width. The buttons continued to pop off my shirt until I had none left. I grabbed the shirt and tore it off of my fat sweaty body. I was now sitting in this pod wearing nothing but my underwear! My arms started to fatten up as my arms became immensely flabby. My arms became so fat I could barely see my elbows! My fingers became chunky and pudgy as my fingernail turns black and covered the tips of my fingers, leaving me with hoof-tipped fingers. I looked like such as silly being right now, a human-head on the body of an anthropomorphic pig! Just when I thought this was as worse as it would get, I started to wobble in my seat a bit. My body had become so fat that I couldn't manipulate my weight properly anymore. My fat body toppled over with me landing on the back padded part of the pod. I squealed uncontrollably as a flailed my limbs about. I was distracted by my predicament by the flash of a bright light. I looked and noticed a slot under the computer screen. Out of the slot slid a picture of my human-headed pig body flailing around in my underwear! I sat up and hobbled my fat body back onto the seat of the pod. I grabbed the picture, ripped it up, and promptly devoured the shreds. The shreds of the photo tasted surprisingly good, but then again I did hear pigs could eat anything! After eating the photo, the transformation continued. My ears moved up to the top, now sitting atop my hair. My ears grew larger and became much floppier. My floppy ears drooped in front of my face, causing me to sweep them away with my hoof-hand. My ears continued to dangle in front of my face no matter what I did, distracting and annoying me all at the same time. My head started to increase in size as my face fattened up. I grew multiple chins as my cheeks became rather fat and bulbous. My nose started to twitch it soon changed as well. The tip of my nose turned upwards as my nose flattened out and became larger. My nostrils grew bigger, allowing me a much improved sense of smell. My nose changed in shape as it became more circular and somewhat curved, almost like the snout of a pig. My face then started to push out as my mouth grew somewhat wider. The front of my face formed into a porky muzzle, complete with a pig snout! I heard the computer voice chime in once more. "Time to move on to age modifications. Adjusting age from 24 to 44." Wait, age adjustments?! Is the computer just randomly assigning a new age to me due to the fact that a lot of people think all plumbers are middle-aged? The heat in the room intensified as somewhat noticeable wrinkles formed on my face and snout. Stretch marks appeared on my skin as my hair started to fall out in clumps leaving me bald. The top of my bald head became somewhat wrinkly as well and gained a couple of moles around the top of my head. My voice became somewhat deeper as well, my oinks and snorts sounding less like my normal 20-year-old voice and more like the voice of a middle-aged redneck. "Transformation complete. Applying replacement outfit..." A steam filtered in through the vents of the pod, the steam attached to my body and started form into what appeared clothing. The steam attached itself to my feet, forming into a pair of dirty white shoes that tightly hugged my flabby ankles. The steam attached to my legs next, changing into a pair of extremely tight blue jeans in the process. The jeans barely fit my large rump as I soon my large porky butt-cheeks sticking out the seat of my pants. The jeans themselves were dirty and covered with stains. The steam then coalesced around my torso and formed into a tight white T-shirt, the shirt was small and didn't even cover my belly! My large gut and big belly-button were completely exposed, much like my giant butt-cheeks. The T-shirt looked stretch beyond all belief and the front of my shirt was covered with sweat stains. The back of my T-shirt read "Porky's Plumbing" in big red letters. The steam moved around to the top of my and formed into a blue ball-cap that barely fit over my massive piggy head. A mirror lowered itself down from a panel on the roof of the pod. The mirror was lowered in front of my face, revealing my new porky appearance. My head was big, fat, sweaty just like the rest of my body. I wore clothes that barely fit me and I had various wrinkles and signs that I was middle-aged! My body strongly resembled that of a pig, yet was still half-human. I squealed like a mad pig as I stared at my loathsome form in the mirror. "Your desired form is complete." Said the computerized voice as the mirror was raised upwards and embedded back in the ceiling. "Oink, no it's not! This isn't my desired form, I didn't ask to be a pig! I shouldn't be a pig, I'm not a pig!" I shouted as the computer screen as I angrily threw my flabby arms about. "You're right, you are not a pig... Yet..." The computerized voice said as a metallic hand emerged from a panel in the ceiling. The hand was holding what appeared to be an apple, which the hand promptly shoved in my open maw. I panicked as I tried to pull the apple out from my big filthy pig-mouth. "Now, bite down, this may sting a bit." Said the robotic voice as the hand went around to my backside. The mechanical hand reached down and pinched a part of my flab above my butt-cheeks. I let out muffled squeals as the mechanical fingers shaped and molded the bit of flab. The fingers stretched out the flab and manipulated, curling it in the process. Within moments, the fingers had completed their work and now I had a curly pig's tail! After shaping my tail, the door in front of me opened up. With the apple still clenched in my porky jaw, I crossed my arms. I refused to leave until the computer changed me back. However, I was soon forced to leave as a boot on a metallic arm emerged from the ceiling of the pod and gave me a swift kick on my large backside. The kick caused my flabby butt to jiggle as I was knocked forward by the force of the kick. I landed flat on my fat gut, causing me to squeal angrily. I hobbled up onto two legs and realized the apple was still in my mouth. I wanted to just pull the apple out of my mouth using my hands, but instinct started to take over. I grunted as my mouth moved on its own, gnawing at the apple clenched in my open mouth. My teeth gnawed at the apple as apple-crumbs fell to the ground. I gnawed on the apple until I reached the core, at which point I chewed on it before swallowing it hole. I couldn't believe I had just eaten an apple-core, yet I was still hungry! My eyes darted down as I noticed the apple crumbs on the ground below me. Normally I wouldn't be caught dead eating off the ground, yet I was compelled to do so purely by instinct! I quickly lowered myself onto all fours, my fat jiggling all around as I did so. I moved my face towards the crumbs of the apple and started sniffing them using my large pig snout. I promptly stuck my tongue out and started lapping up the pieces of apple as quickly as I could, snorting and grunting while doing so. People stopped and watched me, chuckling at my animalistic behavior. I didn't care too much and kept licking up the crumbs of apple. After finishing I stood up and gave my head a good shake. After dealing with that weirdness, I turned my attention to Phil's pod. I assumed he had already transformed, yet he hadn't left the pod yet. I waddled over to the pod, moving my fat porky body as best I could. I weighed about 300 pounds and smelled like a gas station, truly whatever Phil was going to transform into would be better than what I accidentally picked! I looked into the glass part of Phil's pod and was able to see him inside the pod. I banged on the glass to get his attention, but he didn't seem to notice me. I assumed it was because I was part of the tangent universe now and Phil was still part of the primary universe. I rubbed my fat sweaty belly as I pressed my snout against the glass, awaiting Phil's transformation.

The thrill of hunting monsters can not be surpassed. For many, hunting gigantic beasts with oversized weapons is truly the greatest thing in life. Of course, every hunter starts at the bottom before rising to the top. It takes tons of training, plenty of hard work, and loads of grinding for that ONE DAMN DROP to complete your armor set. Of course, there are many obstacles on the way to being a great hunter. One such obstacle is the strange magical forces of this world of monsters and those who hunt them... Rob was a new hunter, one who had just started his Monster Hunter career a few days ago. So far, the only monster he was able to properly hunt was a sickly Velociprey. Despite that, Rob’s skills as a hunter was sorely lacking. While Rob’s weapon was a large and intimating Switch-Axe (a sword that can transform into an axe and back), he still didn’t look like much of a threat. His shaggy black hair and beard, along with his slightly chubby frame made him look about as threatening
 Charlie sat down at his table, unusally hungry. He hadn't eaten since yesterday, which is probably why. He decided after looking in his fridge that he would probably just have something simple. He decided on a scrambled egg. Charlie, somewhat delirious, made his egg as quick as possible, eager to eat as quick as he could. Charlie finished eating rather quickly as well, but strangely he still had hunger that seemed like it wouldn't die down anytime soon. His egg did taste great too. Maybe he just needed a drink. So Charlie poored a glass of milk and had a small healthy snack to compliment it on the side. They also tasted great. When Charlie
  Michael was on a bus, looking through messages on his phone. He had just finished going out with some friends, and was heading home. He could feel more than a few people looking at him weirdly, but he was find with that. He was a pig after all.
  And he meant that literally.
  He was an anthro pig, and had been like that for a few months now. He got off the bus and went home, and relaxed. He still remembered the day it had happened.
  Michael had tried a new take out place, called Big Dean's Eats, and ordered a large meal. When it arrived, he examined his meal. A large burger with a lot of extra ingredients, a huge pile of fries, s
  Holly wanted to go home. She had an abysmally long day at work, lost her phone, and had to walk home because her car was in the shop. So as she walked down the streets of the city, her only thoughts were on flopping onto a semi comfortable mattress and sleeping off her awful day. It didn't help that her house was several blocks away, and it was blisteringly hot outside.

  But, Holly's troubles were only beginning, because as she stood at the cross walk, someone snatched her purse. That was the final straw for Holly, after so much crap she finally decided to try and take matters into her own hands. Without thinking, Holly chased after t
Part 1 of a 2 part story. I wasn't going to post part 1 until I was almost finished part 2, but a couple of pig-related coincidences happened that made me post it early. Last nigh
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