Piercing Girl

Piercing Girl


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Brittany got her first piercing as an infant, and now has a total of six (delicate) piercings.
Getting a piercing is always a big decision to make. Though it's definitely the most flexible of body modifications you can get (you can always take out a piercing that you don't like, or change the jewellery), it's still a tough choice to figure out what kind of piercing suits you and your lifestyle.
Many women want to get piercings, but might be turned off by the stereotype piercings may bring or may be worried that having "too big" of a piercing could distract from their other facial features or even draw too much attention.
For all these reasons, women are starting to turn to more delicate piercing options— small studs placed in discrete places, or even more obvious piercings, but with smaller jewellery. These piercings allow you to be versatile, for when you want to have a piercing that doesn't dominate your entire look, or when you want to be able to wear a facial piercing at all occasions- even at work or a formal event.
Here are several different options for women looking for delicate piercings.
This woman has three ear piercings; two in her lobe, and a rook piercing.
Forward helix piercings are so unique and beautiful!
You can't get more basic than a standard ear piercing. Most women (and even men) get their ears pierced, with girls getting them as young as 11 or 12, or some parents even electing to pierce their child's ear while they're still an infant.
Even though ear piercings are pretty "basic" you can still find unique and pretty ways and places to pierce your ear. Over the years, ear piercings have changed from just being in the lobe, to all over the ear. People get their ears pierced all over; everywhere from their lobes or their tragus, to their cartilage or rook.
With ear piercings, a lot of the versatility comes in the type of jewellery you choose, too. Regardless of which part of the ear you choose to get pierced, you can find dainty jewellery which can give even any pierced area a more unique and delicate look.
In total, there are nine places on your ear to get pierced: 1) Helix/Cartilage, 2) Industrial, 3) Rook, 4) Daith, 5) Tragus, 6) Snug, 7) Conch, 8) Anti-Tragus and 9) Lobe. My favourites are the cartilage, rook, daith, and tragus.
Double nostril piercings are both edgy and beautiful.
Septum piercings get a bad wrap, but you can find tiny, delicate rings that actually look quite feminine.
Everyone thinks of nose piercings when they think of facial piercings for girls. Getting your nose pierced is like the gateway piercing to other more "daring" piercings. There are so many ways you can pierce your nose though; you can do a septum piercing, a double piercing, a piercing on each nostril, a hoop ring, or just the traditional stud.
While traditional nose ring studs are pretty standard (and maybe even a bit overrated at this point), some women opt to get two piercings on the same nostril, one on each nostril, or the septum piercing, of course.
Any nose ring choice allows you a bit of variety though, when it comes to the jewellery you choose. Nostrils can have rings or studs, while septums can differ according to gauge size and jewellery (anything from infinity rings to rings with charms on them).
Septum piercings are also a good choice for women who want to hide their piercing (you can flip the barbell inside the nostril to hide it at work or other functions) and if/when you decide to take your septum piercing out, it won't leave any visible scars.
Hoop rings can also be delicate and cute- it really just comes down to the size of the jewelry.
This woman is rocking her Medusa piercing.
An alternative option to the traditional lip ring; placing the piercing in the center of the lip looks quite beautiful.
There are a few places on your mouth that you can get pierced. There's the "Medusa" which is placed on the upper lip (in the philtrum), the Monroe (named after Marilyn Monroe and her famous mole), which is placed on either side of the face, off centre from the upper lip, or a regular lip piercing, which is usually done along the bottom lip.
Medusa's are starting to gain more popularity, and though I don't think they are actually the most feminine-looking piercing, you can definitely make it look more delicate by opting for a smaller stud (like the woman in the picture above). Monroe's are certainly girly and feminine and again, can be made more so by choosing a small stud. I think smaller ones look best and don't distract much from other facial features.
Lip rings again have the most versatility; you can either have a small hoop ring, or a small stud. Either look dainty, depending on the jewellery chosen. You can even switch between rings and studs for different looks.
Be careful with all forms of lip piercings though; the back-disk of the jewellery can wear against teeth and gums and cause long-term damage. It's best to get plastic labret-studs to try and prevent this.
When looking for a delicate lip ring, it's important to find one small enough that'll both add to your face and not distract from your other facial features.
This woman has a very dainty-looking horizontal eyebrow piercing.
Her studs are so small that they're barely there!
Eyebrow piercings have been popular for quite some time. Both men and women get them often, but they can look a bit edgier on women, in particular. However, there are ways of making an eyebrow piercing look softer, by changing the type of jewellery you use, or the way the piercing is done.
Traditional eyebrow piercings can look quite nice by using smaller studs, instead of the traditional barbells or hoops. I'm personally a big fan of the horizontal eyebrow piercing, and even the anti-eyebrow, both of which are usually paired with studs.
Dermals can be placed nearly anywhere, and almost always look dainty.
Clavicle piercings can be very elegant.
This finger dermal looks very pretty!
Last, but not least, we have dermal piercings, which can be delicate since you can get them nearly anywhere in the body. Transdermal implants are when the object is inserted partially below and above the skin, and the skin around it heals as if it were a piercing. Women get dermals nearly everywhere, from their collarbone, to their cleavage, backs, ring fingers, and even hip bones.
Again, these little piercings can honestly look delicate anywhere, since dermals are usually just a single stud and can really just add a little glimmer to any part of a body. I'm really partial to dermals on the collarbone, hips or ring fingers, but you can choose anywhere you'd like to adorn your body with a dermal.
Dermals have a high chance of rejecting (when your skin pushes out the "foreign object"), so most don't recommend going for such a daring piercing, but if you're up for the risk, it can really pay off and look very nice.
Wherever you end up getting pierced, make sure you feel beautiful and confident once it's done!
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
Question: How will I know a piercing will work with my ear?
Answer: It's really up to your personal preference, and it's hard to say until you've tried a piercing if you'll like it or not. The good thing about piercings, though, is you can always remove them if you don't like them.
Answer: Of course, they can! My husband has his cartilage pierced, for example. It looks great!
Question: I'm debating between snake bites and medusa or angel bites. What are your thoughts?
Answer: I personally think the medusa is a lot cuter, but it's up to you and the way the piercings will look on your face.
Question: Can eyebrow piercing look soft and simple?
Answer: I definitely think they can, it really just depends on the jewelry you use! Smaller studs look a lot more soft/simple than the bigger ones. I also think horizontal eyebrow piercings look nicer than the typical ones.
Question: I just had to take a migrating standard eyebrow piercing out after having it for six months (which I know is not uncommon) - but I loved having it. Would you say a horizontal one would be more or less likely to migrate?
Answer: It's really hard to say, though as you've said, it's quite common for eyebrow piercings to migrate or reject. It may just be your body doesn't like them! I'd try again, though.
Question: I had a second piercing on both ears 24 hours ago. My question is can I tighten the the earring by pushing up the back piece?
Answer: You can do that! Just be very careful not to play with or irritate your new piercing as it's still healing and you don't want to infect it. Be sure you wash your hands before touching it.
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