Pierced Wife

Pierced Wife


Pierced Wife


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Posted by David Watson . on March 6, 2013
How many have the courage to pierce his/her body? People are mostly scared of even an injection to be injected in their bodies but many people in this world are born to do something special by piercing their faces and bodies with rings, bells or many more things and enjoy their passion too. They enjoy standing out in the crowd.
David Watson is the founder of DesignDrizzle and is a professional website designer for over 10 years. He has competence in creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites for all the clients. He likes to explore new and creative ideas for designing, photography effects and other inspirational subjects
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Until recently ear piercing was something that I had never really thought much
about. My mother hasn't got her ears pierced and with no sisters I hadn't been
exposed to it much. My wife has her ears pierced but I hadn't taken much of an
interest in her pierced lobes.
This all changed about 3 months ago when
our 8 year old daughter came and asked if she could get her ears pierced. We
had always said that she could get it done when she wanted so when she came
and asked my wife we made an appointment at the local beauty salon for the
next day.
That night my wife told me about when she got her ears pierced.
The first time she got both ears pierced for her 16th birthday. She said it
hurt quite a bit. She also has a second hole in her right ear and hadn't worn
an earring in it much recently and it had half closed over. A friend of hers
from university had pierced it for her when she was about 20. She then decided
that she would try to get an earring through her second hole but it wouldn't
go through. To my surprise she then asked if I would pierce it for her. I had
never done anything like that before but she said she'd tell me what to do so
I said I'd do it for her. We found one of her original sharp piercing studs
and I proceeded to push it through her ear until it was out the other side.
She said that surprising it didn't hurt at all. She then asked if she could
pierce my ears but I declined the offer as the thought of my ears being
pierced was strange. I had never even considered get my ear or ears pierced at
that stage.
In the morning we both thought that our daughter would chicken
out but to our surprise she was very excited. We arrived at the beauty salon
and our daughter walked straight in and said she was going to get her ears
pierced. At the salon they do both ears at once so after she had picked out a
pair of earrings dots were put on her ears to mark the piercing holes. My wife
was asked if the positioning was okay and they were. The next thing the guns
were placed to her ears and CLICK, our daughter had pierced ears. All over in
the space of 3 minutes. My daughter looked as if she wanted to cry but when
she saw her newly pierced ears in a mirror she had a big smile on her face. We
paid for the ear piercing then went to her grandparents to show them.
the need to regularly clean the newly pierced ears there was much discussion
about ear piercing in our house in the following weeks. I couldn't get the
idea of getting my ears pierced out of my head. A week later I was to go
interstate for a work conference and decided that I would secretly get my ears
pierced while I was away.
Eventually I was at the conference and one night
while out looking for some dinner at a shopping centre I saw a sign
advertising ear piercing. After walking past about 5 times and eventually
decided it was now or never and walked in to be pierced. I can't believe how
nervous I was. I said that I wanted to get my ears pierced and was shown a
chair and told that someone would be over shortly to do it for me. After a
while a lady in her late 20s came over and said, "so, you want to get your
ears pierced" with a big smile across her face. She then said that lots of men
were getting their ears pierced as part of their mid-life crisis, which
reassured me a bit.
She then started to explain the process and I was
asked to pick out a style of earring that I liked. I choose a plain silver
pair. My ears were then cleaned with a little swab. After a bit of alignment
my virgin lobes were dotted with a marker. An earring was then placed in the
gun and it was time - no backing out now! The piercing lady could sense that I
was nervous as hell and said that it will look great which calmed me. The gun
was positioned to my right ear and I was told to talk a deep breath and CLICK,
my right ear was pierced. I wouldn't describe it as painful, more of a pinch
than anything. The gun was then reloaded and placed to my other ear and fired
through. As I looked in the mirror it couldn't believe it was me sitting there
was my ears pierced Β– I looked very different.
After paying a went back
to my hotel room and looked at my ears for the next hour or so. I decided to
take them out as I would never be confident enough to go around in public
wearing earrings. By the morning there was no sign that I had ever had my ears
pierced and I went back to being Mr Joe Average.
I returned home from the
conference and have never told a soul about my experience until this story. I
look at my wife's pierced ears a little differently these days and sometimes
recall my moment of rebellion. I think if she ever offers to pierce my ears
again I might take her up on the offer though!

submitted by: Anonymous on: 24 Aug. 2001 in

Ear Piercing

Artist: hairdresser

Studio: don%27t+remember

Location: Melbourne

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I'm a bit of a dare-devil, I suppose, but I've always liked to step outside the box, take a walk on the wild side.
Funnily enough, my husband and I are like chalk and cheese, and yet we adore each other and are very happy together.
My 'Ted' is a down-to-earth suit and tie kind of guy, and I love alternative fashion and body modifications.
Most of the time he's pretty tolerant of my tattoos, and my piercings, and has never criticised me.
My first piercings were on my ears, then my nose, and my bellybutton. He even got me a gorgeous real pearl piercing for my birthday, so I thought I'd get him a surprise on our anniversary.
'Ted' is sales director in his company, and twice a year he goes to NY and Vancouver to visit their sales departments.
I used the opportunity to add a very daring piercing that I thought would really tickle his fancy.
Well, I was very disappointed. The procedure was pretty painful and took the full 4 weeks of his trip to heal, and when I showed him he went ballistic.
He told me he thought it was absolutely repulsive, and that he would not touch me or make love to me while I had that 'thing' in my body.
I'm very angry because I feel I have the right to do what I want with my body, and he was very harsh in his reactions. He is not my owner, he is my husband and my lover.
I am in a quandary: Do I take off my piercing and give up my rights over my own body; or keep it and lose my husband?
I don't know if either of us is very rational right now, so some sensible advice would be very welcome.
If you need help or advice, reach out to us, and thousands of women just like you who are struggling with the difficulties of life. You are not alone, we are here for you, and we listen; so write to us anonymously using this form .
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AmoMama creates engaging, meaningful content for women. We collect and tell stories of people from all around the world.
We believe that every person's story is important as it provides our community with an opportunity to feel a sense of belonging, share their hopes and dreams.

Brad and Bea Forest had been married for 20 years. Lately he has noticed that she has become more aware of her figure by drinking more water, avoiding "snack foods" for being too fattening and even wearing more daring shorts and dresses. She would also spend more time around the pool, working on her tan and showing off her lean body and muscular legs in her light blue bikini.

At 39 years of age, she looks more like a women 10 years younger her age, if it were not for the three children they had. Paul was the eldest at 19 years of age, followed by the twin 18 year old daughters, Kristin and Brooke.

Brad was growing more uneasy about some of his wife's behavior over the past few weeks. She had become more critical of him and the way he does things, not allowing him to have a meaningful intimate relationship with her as often as he wanted to, and always obsessed with her work-outs at the Pilates Gym in town and talking on the phone often with her friends. She had become more distanced from her family. Brad couldn't help but get the feeling that there was another man in her life, but she would always tell him he was out of touch with reality and that he was way too jealous and controlling of her life, even after 20 years of marriage.

Then it happened on a Thursday that Brad had Ray walk into his office and tell him that his wife Cara had seen Bea at the Gym flirting with the Pilates-instructor. And to prove it he had asked Cara to get him a copy of the security-camera video that showed Bea coming out of the shower and walking into the instructor's office, dropping her towel to the ground and having the instructor pick her up in his strong arms and spreading her over the table, while eagerly and passionately kissing her and embarking on sexual intercourse with Bea.

With the video in his briefcase, Brad was going through an emotional roller-coaster as he drove home that afternoon.

At home, Bea was just coming out of the Jacuzzi when she saw Brad. "Hi Honey, how was your day at the office?"

"Oh, it was as usual frustrating and demanding as you know" Brad replied, not allowing himself to let anything of his suspicion show in his voice. "Say, what would you say if we break away to the farm for the weekend - just to get away from everything for a while?" he continued.

"I don't know, I guess it should be fine to spend some family time since Monday is Labor Day and it is a long weekend" Bea replied.

Brad was quite surprised that Bea was willing to go, but then again guilt feelings can often allow a person to go along with a spouse in order not to raise suspicion or cause him to distrust her.

So the next day the Forest family had packed the car and traveled the 4 hours to the farm where the old log house built by Brad's Grandfather was awaiting their arrival.

Brooke and Kristin helped to unpack the car while Bea was trying to make a phone call, and since John couldn't come with due to a previous arrangement to spend the weekend with his girlfriend, Brad had to get the power-generator going as there was no electric power on the farm.

Later that evening, after a light supper that Bea and the daughters had prepared, Brad suggested that they watch a few videos in the big old livingroom, where the only TV set was.

"Sure Dad, what can we watch?" Brooke asked in anticipation, while opening the cabinet next to the TV set.

"O!, we can watch the brand new series on the "Tudors" as I bought it at the store just yesterday" Brad replied.

"Dad that is so gory and not like family viewing!" Kristin replied ""cause it has to do with King Henry the Eighth and how he got rid of his wives!"

"Oh but I like history! " Brooke interrupts. "It always has lessons for us to learn from! Right Daddy?"

"Sure does!" Brad said with a smile on his face.

"Your father has always enjoyed the blood and gory type of movies.You'll never change him!" Bea replies, as she takes her place in the big old easy chair near the fireplace. She is dressed in a denim short, exposing her well-tanned muscular legs, clean-shaven and glistening in the dim light. Her reddish-brown hair compliments her attractive face and well-cared for skin.

At 5'7" she weighs 125 pounds, with fairly big, firm breasts. The tight brown short sleeve t-shirt fits snugly over her top. "Wonder what she would taste like over a spit" Brad thinks to himself as he takes his place in the couch next to Brooke.

The two girls are dressed in only a T-shirt and panties, due to the heat of late August.

Brooke, dark-haired is 5"4" weighs 105 lb and is very athletic, being active in the Cross-country team of her College.

Kristin is more kind of dark-blondish and being the tallest of the two at 5"6" she weighs 122 lb and has small breasts but a firm butt and strong muscular legs, being a Cheerleader since her Sophomore year in Academy.

Just as they are ready to start the movie, the sound of an approaching car interrupts their conversation.

"Who on earth could this be?" Brooke asks as she jumps up and run towards the window overlooking the front yard.

"Dad, it looks like Ray and his family! Have you invited them also?" she asks with a question mark all over her pretty young face.

""Oh Dear no! Not Ray and that family of his!" Bea exclaims as she walks towards the kitchen.

"Did you really invite them without me knowing about it Brad?" she continues with deep disgust and anger in her voice.

"It is only Ray and the boys, Honey, since Cara went to visit her sick mother in Kansas City for the weekend" Brad tries to explain.

""But Dad, you know those boys are real scruffy characters and I don't feel comfortable with the way they always stare at us!" Kristin says.

Ray and his three sons (Tim, Wayne and Sonny) are invited into the living room. The Boys are big guys, all three over 6' tall and overweight, unshaved and dressed in worn denim jeans and sweaty T-shirts.

They smile and their eyes sparkle at the prospect of seeing Brooke and Kristin, who in the meantime have rushed to their room to put on something over their scantly dressed bodies.

""Did you have something to eat?" Bea interrupts as the men make their way to the chairs in the big old living room.

"No thanks, we are not really hungry. Besides, Brad has promised us a feast like none before this weekend at the farm!" Ray replies as he takes up his place next to Brad on the couch.

Soon after, Brooke and Kristin enter the room, dressed in T-shirts and shorts. They were not willing to compromise their comfort for the sake of the 3 hooligan sons of Ray.

"What must be, must be " Kristin would say.

But then again, the girls kind of enjoyed the attention they got and especially Kristin would often flash her legs to the boys in order to look at the bulging members in their pants as they drooled over her teenage body and Cheerleader legs!

"Let's start the movie, it's getting late" Brad remarks as they all enjoy the coffee Bea had meanwhile brought into the room on a wooden tray.

The movie is enjoyed by all, especially the part where both Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard are executed for their disloyalty to the King.

"That’s the way to deal with unfaithful women!" Wayne remarked to the outburst of "Yea!" and "Sure!" by the rest of the men.

"Maybe there would be far less cases of divorce in the world today if people would still follow this way of dealing with these whores!" Ray said.

"What! You men are so disgusting and humiliating of women!" Bea interjects. "Thinking you men can treat us like animals and expecting us to always obey your sick demands!

At that moment everyone starts talking at the same time until after a few minutes Brad gets up and motions them to quiet down.

"Well, I can see we have the men all in agreement, but the ladies beg to differ from us. And this is alright, since we all have free choice, right?" Everyone agrees and even Bea feels that Brad is in a way standing up for her.

"However, there is another video that I have purposely kept until now, as I want all here present to look at it and we can discuss it afterwards, okay?" Brad says.

With that, he slips the video from the security camer
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