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Cathy and her 36-year-old daughter, Ashley, know they have an unusually close relationship, but even they were shocked a few years ago when they learned they'd been on a first date with the same man.
"Every single guy I have ever dated or brought home, they either fear my mother or fall in love with her. So that's been an issue," Ashley told Insider.
Since they've accidentally courted the same man on two different occasions, they now check with each other before any dates, they told Insider.
Cathy, who says she's been super close to Ashley since she graduated from college, has gone as far as allowing her daughter to create an online dating profile for her — but their closeness goes beyond romance. They have matching nipple piercings and have gotten tattoos together, too.
Ashley told Insider their first body-modification experience was Cathy's idea. They both decided to get floral tattoos, but Cathy's ended up looking like a vagina, which they laugh about to this day, Ashley said.
The pair are two of the stars of TLC's "sMothered," a reality show that follows mothers and daughters with extremely close bonds.
In season four, "sMothered" has a cast of four returning duos from past seasons and three new mother-daughter pairs, including its first-ever duo featuring a transgender woman.
Meet the six other mom and daughter pairs joining Cathy and Ashley on "sMothered."
Francia, the 47-year-old mom of Paula, who's 27, likes to party with her daughter to stay youthful, while Paula makes her mom lunch every day.
They also share a bed and sleep in the nude. Francia told Insider they always wanted to show off their bond to the world and agreed when a casting director reached out to them on Instagram.
Coming from Colombia, Francia said people in the US tend to view her relationship with Paula as strange, but after being on "sMothered," Francia said she's comforted knowing other women are close with their daughters.
Angie said she became even closer to her daughter, Shay, since she came out as a transgender woman.
Shay, the show's first transgender star, said being on "sMothered" reignited her purpose in life, which is to make people laugh and forget about their stress.
"Me and my mom are best friends, and I love her to death, and that's why we both decided to do the show. But the primary reason was that I wanted to be a voice for the trans people that didn't have a voice of their own," Shay told Insider.
On the show, Angie teaches Shay how to shave, and Shay comes to Angie for advice on hair, makeup, and clothes.
But Angie's advice crosses a line when she tries to help Shay lose weight during season four.
"I realized that if I truly wanted to see some progress, I need to do it on my own because I can influence myself. I can give myself that motivation," Shay told Insider.
She says she and her mom have agreed to disagree about how to best lose weight, but their relationship is still as strong as ever.
Angelica and her mom, Sunhe, are returning "sMothered" cast members known for sharing bathwater.
In a previous season, Sunhe explained that she doesn't drain her bath when she's done, but lets Angelica get into it, which builds "trust."
"People want to find something wrong in a relationship when they don't understand it," Angelica told The New York Post . "But my mom and I are close. There's nothing wrong with it."
On the first episode of season four, Angelica says she called off her wedding to ex-fiancé, Jason, after he seemed hesitant to go through with it. Sunhe wasn't a fan of their relationship.
They still all live together, though, along with Jason and Angelica's daughter, Amara. The two women often get in heated arguments with Jason about childcare and housework.
Cher and her mother, Dawn, like to look as close to twins as possible, so they dress, talk, and act alike. Cher has said her mom is her best friend .
They've also said they can read each other's minds, even with Cher living in New York with her husband and baby, while Dawn is in Florida.
On season four, Dawn tries to convince Cher to move her family back to Tampa so they can be physically closer.
Cristina now lives five houses down the street from her mother, Kathy — much to Kathy's dismay. She wishes her daughter lived next door.
On season four, Cristina takes on new responsibilities when she opens the restaurant Pizza Boy, in Chicago, with her husband, Carlo. Kathy can no longer spend eight to 10 hours with her daughter every day, which makes her feel a bit jealous.
"I like being around Cristina, not only because she's my daughter. She makes me laugh constantly. When she was gone this weekend, I was lost. I didn't know what to do with myself," Kathy told Insider of their bond.
Since filming wrapped, Kathy said she's proud of Cristina for her successful business venture.
On season three of "sMothered," Lisa helped her daughter Lauren do at-home insemination to get her pregnant, but they didn't tell or include Lauren's wife, Laura Leigh.
The tensions mount further in season four, when Laura Leigh says her now-pregnant wife has to learn to separate herself from Lisa more, putting an end to their sleepovers and bathtub FaceTime chats.
You can watch "sMothered" on Mondays at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.

These Piercings are Extreme, Crazy and Rare
These Piercings are Extreme, Crazy and Rare
While there's only so many directions that you can go with tattoos, the body modification world is always coming up with new and more extreme procedures. The piercing community particular has stepped up it's game over the last several decades by showing the mainstream more and more unusual methods of poking holes into human skin. We've collected some of our favorite wild and wacky piercings that you won't believe exist in the gallery below and it's time you took a peek at what's out there. We bet at least one of these modifications will blow your mind and maybe you'll be inspired to book your next appointment with a local piercer. 
Can you imagine what your dentist would have to say about this controversial piercing?
We've seen plenty of stretched lip piercings, however, they're pretty extreme when you can see the teeth.
This is absolutely insane, how does this guy chew his food or drink water?
A rhino piercing is weird enough as it is, but stretching it takes it up a notch.
Why would anyone want to piercing their armpit? Was this a dare?
This piercing is actually pretty badass, we're impressed.
Again, stretched nostril piercings are nothing new but we're totally struck by the tunnel versions.
We had no idea that you could piercing your eyelids and we're not sure why anyone would want to.
It must be extremely difficult for a piercer to complete this tricky task.
A vertical eyelid piercing is perhaps the most extreme modification on this list.
A septril piercing isn't particularly extreme, but it's definitely unique. 
Again, who thought that it was a good idea to pierce eyelids? We'd like to know.
Sclera implants aren't technically piercings but they're definitely hardcore.
If there's a way to piercing a strange location on the body, someone will wind up doing it.
If you were born with webbed toes, why not make the most of them?
If you're going to say I do, why not tie the knot with a permanent piercing?
This is super badass and we definitely wouldn't want to mess with this guy.
Did you know that you can pierce your taint? Well, now you do!
This man is truly committed to the body mod lifestyle, that's for sure.
What do you think about these wild and extreme piercings? Do you have any unusual body modifications? Which piercing on our list freaked you out the most? Let us know your thoughts, opinions and questions in the comments section on Facebook.

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