Pidge Rule 34

Pidge Rule 34


Pidge Rule 34
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(Voltron) Pidge X Fem!Reader|| Secrets  Pidge had been a bit off. At least that's what (Name) and the others had noticed. Whenever she would walk in the room Pidge would ignore her and when she'd try to talk to him, Pidge's face would turn red and he'd make an excuse to leave.      So a bit might have been an understatement. Pidge was acting ridiculously strange.   “Do you think something's wrong with Pidge?” (Name) asked Hunk. It was dinner time and Pidge was no where to be seen.   Hunk chewed the food in his mouth. “Ya know, (Name), now that you mention it he kinda has.” He finished and took another bite of his food.    “I just wish I knew what it was.” She said thoughtfully as she picked at her food. (Name) and Pidge had grown to be close friends since she first met everyone. Pidge was actually the one who suggested that (Name) joined them. The two had no secrets with each other. At least that's what (Name) thought. But Pidge had begun to avoid her and she didn't know why. Did she do something wrong? Why wouldn't Pidge tell her? (Name) decided she was going to find out.   “I'm going to go find Pidge.” (Name) announced pushing her plate of green goop away from her and stood up.   “Good luck, (nickname)!” Lance called behind her as she left. ………   After a bit of searching (Name) found Pidge perched on his bed in his room. With his headphones on he didn't notice (Name) enter. (Name) observed him from the door. She noticed how his glasses slid down his nose and how his tongue stuck out of his mouth the slightest bit as he concentrated on his laptop. (Name) couldn't help but notice how cute he looked like that.   For a few moments longer (Name) only watched. She had begun to wonder if Pidge would ever notice her presence and sure enough he did.   “(Name)?!” Pidge slammed his laptop closed and took his headphones off and hung them around his neck. “Wha-what are you doing in here? I didn't here you come in!” He stuttered.   “Yeah I noticed.” (Name) giggled and pushed a stray piece of (color) hair out of her face. Pidge's cheeks darkened in color. “Can I ask you something?” (Name) proceeds cautiously.   “What can I, uh, do for you?” Pidge rubs the back of his neck nervously as he awaits your question.   (Name) takes a deep breath before speaking her mind, “Pidge, why have you been avoiding me?” She jumps right in leaving no room for loop holes.   Pidge averts his eyes and plays with his sleeves. He refuses to look at her. “What do you mean?” He asks; his voice cracked.   “You never look at me and make excuses to leave when I try to talk to you. You ignore me when we are even in the same room. We don't hang out like we used to and I'm not the only one that's noticed something is off...” (Name) trails off and looks Pidge in the eyes. Her (color) orbs meeting soft hazelnut. “What did I do to make you avoid me like this? Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I want the truth, Pidge. Remember? No secrets.”   Pidge just stares at (Name) her posture changed from relaxed to defensive. Her voice held a demanding tone and her eyes were bright with a hunger for the truth. Pidge noticed a hint of what looked like worry in her (color) eyes. God, everything about her made Pidge light with a passion he didn't know was in him.   He decided to act on that new-found passion and did something he never thought he would do.   Pidge adjusted his glasses and moved his laptop and headphones aside. (Name) leaned back, arms across her chest, observing her friend with an eye brow cocked in expectation. Pidge gets off the bed and takes a deep breath and looks up at (Name). Something in him pushes his small body forward toward (Name).   “Pidge?” (Name) asks. Pidge walks toward her holding his head high, tilting it up bit by bit the closer he gets so he can look her in the eyes.   “Pidge, what are you doing?” (Name) drops her arms to place her hands on her hips as Pidge continues to walk toward her with out stopping. As Pidge approaches (Name) backs up until Pidge has her against the wall.   “Pidge?” She asks attempting to meet his eyes. Pidge was even with (Name)'s shoulders which caused her to look down at him. “Pidge. What are you doing?” Her voice wavers as she sees the sudden determination in his eyes that was absent when she first questioned him.   Without giving (Name) another chance to say his name, Pidge makes his move.   Pidge reaches up with his hands on both sides of (Name)'s head and pulls her down for a harsh, breathtaking kiss induced by passion.   (Name)'s (color) eyes widen with shock. She was frozen in her spot against the wall as Pidge's eyes screwed shut as he channeled all of his feelings into a single kiss. When Pidge broke apart the kiss he stared at (Name) as she struggled to catch her breath and process what had happened.   Pidge then realized what he had just done. He retracted his hands in horror and took a few steps back. “Oh my god...” He whispered in shock, “Oh my god, oh my god! (Name) I am so so so sorry I-I don't know what got into me! I swear I didn't want to-I mean I did want to it's just I didn't mean to-”   “Pidge?” (Name) huffed out to get his attention.   “-I don't even know why I did that! That was something Lance would do and I'm definitely not Lance! I surprised myself with that one and oh my god you must hate me so much right now!”   “Pidge?” She straightened her posture and raised an eyebrow. “You're rambling again.”   “Our friendship must be ruined! I'm a terrible person! I can't believe I destroyed our friendship because of my stupid feelings!” Pidge franticly spoke.   “Pidge!” (Name) yelled.   “And I messed everything up because I liked you and couldn't find a way to tell you!” He ignored her again.    (Name) decided to take matters into her own hands and return his actions.     Placing her hands on his shoulders, (Name) turned her shorter friend towards her and returned his kiss. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to get lost in it. Pidge's eyes remained open behind his glasses for a short moment before he also lost himself to the kiss.   (Name) broke the kiss with her hands still on his shoulders. She looked down at Pidge with a content smile and half lidded eyes. “I got that last part.” She whispered.   “B-but I ignored you! I avoided you and then kiss you suddenly which was completely out of line on my part and you respond with another kiss?!” Pidge's mind was filled with excitement, awe and confusion.   “Well if that's all it was, I can understand.” (Name) plucked Pidge's glasses off his face and breathed on them. Something in Pidge sparked again, he didn't know what it was but her thought the shape of her mouth had something to do with it. She cleaned his glasses with her shirt and put them back on his face. “It's common to get nervous and awkward around the person you like. Do you know how many times I used the bathroom as an excuse to leave to keep my blush hidden from you?” (Name) confessed. Pidge thought she just had the bladder of a squirrel.   Igniting the returning spark, Pidge launched himself at (Name) once again, who happily returned his affections completely. (Name's) hands moved to Pidge's waist while his tangled themselves in her (color, length) hair, relishing in the softness. Backed against the door as things began to grow heated, (Name) swiped her tongue along Pidge's bottom lip. He gasped at the feeling and (Name) took the opportunity to explore the new found territory. Pidge didn't deny and let out a small moan at the action.   Pidge couldn't have been happier. Both of them, (Name) and Pidge, completely lost to each other, only pulling apart for breath.   Lost in their own little world, neither of the pair noticed the door open and (Name) fell backward taking a very flustered Pidge with her.   “Ow!” (Name) groaned as her backside hit the hallway floor.   Pidge pushed himself up and looked down at (Name) underneath him. His cheeks were a blazing red and his glasses sat crooked and smudged on his nose. “What happened?” He groaned, still in a daze.   “Really, guys?” Above the fallen pair, Keith stood with his arms crossed and an eyebrow cocked. He couldn't help but give a little smile at the dazed and confused Pidge and (Name) lying on the floor.   Shiro stood next to Keith and laughed. “Well it's about time.”   Pidge, if it was possible at that point, flushed and even darker red and hid his face in (Name)'s chest. She giggled and patted his head.   Well at least he's not mad at me (Name) thought.

  (Name) was a skeptic of many things and soulmates were no exception. She didn’t believe in the idea that fate could pair you up with someone at random and that person will be there for you through thick and thin no matter the cost just because you were “Soulmates”.

 However, (Name) quickly learned that her ideology was false when she accidentally brushed hands with a friend and her world changed forever. She could barely handle coming to terms with the fact that soulmates may be real let alone the fact that she could finally see what color those piercing eyes she had grown so fond of were.

 The icy blue had quickly
        "Pidge, I need your help!" You attacked your best friend from behind, wrapping your arms around them. You were pouting.

        "What is it this time, [y/n]?" They were playing their 3DS during lunch at your guy's high school.

        "My brother won't let me go to a movie with you this weekend." The two of you had been planning to go out to see that new nerdy movie, but even though Shiro knew about it, he still wouldn't let you go.

        "Did you tell him it was me, or di
I actually describe the reader in a more feminine way in this one, as opposed to my usual non-binary.

        “Get back here, Holt!” You were chasing your boyfriend down the hallway of your apartment, but he used his slight height advantage to hold you necklace above your head as you reached for it. “That’s not fair!” He had spent the night, and your morning was like a fairy tail, waking up to a squinty-eyed Matt and nose kisses. He’d stay over once in awhile, but the two of you would only cuddle, falling asleep wrapped in one another under tw
You're Beautiful [Suicidal!Dave X Reader]

I did not mark this as mature so others that do not have a deviantart can see this. Once again, if you are not okay with suicidal themes, please don't read this.

Yawning, you creaked open the front door to Dave's house, making sure to be as silent as you could when closing the door shut. You decided you were going to surprise him, and you had to suppress giggles just thinking about it. You cle
Guess who started watching Voltron and is totally hooked. Pidge is my favorite so I had to write something about him. Enjoy fanfiction about my son. I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender or Pidge Gungerson. I do own this particular piece of writing.
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So is Pidge a guy in this or is she a girl but it's the part in the show where the she hasn't told everyone else yet?


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Lance X FEM!Reader (Miraculous Ladybug AU!)

16 Voltron Senerios Or Things Characters Would Say

Klance (Blind Lance AU!{Modern AU!})

Voltron X Reader (Actors AU! Pt. 1)

Voltron X Reader (Actor AU! {Pt. 2})

Shiro X Diabetic!Reader (Modern AU!)




by FallenKen


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