Pictures Of Naked Teachers

Pictures Of Naked Teachers


Pictures Of Naked Teachers

These teachers got a little too close to their students and broke the law.


Amusing Facts Part 3









If you're banging your teacher and you're loving it...shut the fuck up! Stop bragging and fuck her raw.

I suddenly feel deprived of a happy childhood.

#3 that kunt would be my father no more

My dad would've hi-fived me. Not turn her in.

Clark likes to hug guy's weiners with his butt.

The father in number 3 was an idiot. He should have told her he'd report her if she didn't kick it out wide for him.

Ballstank doesn't even know why his balls stank

When it'a a female, it's an achievement. When it's a male, it's rape. Amazing how the boys laugh it off, and the girls act traumatized after.

I mean ... give me a dang break. "Oh, no ... he's 17 and his birthday is A WHOLE MONTH AWAY!!! DARN PEDO!"Please explain this magic barrier .. where a 17 year old one month prior to his/her birthday is a victim .. and then suddenly it becomes okay after they've been alive for 30 days longer? HA! Seriously ... people today are defective in SO MANY ways ... ONE of them being ... your "morals" suck ... and there is very little sensible logic behind many of them. Especially in this particular area .. obviously. If you've got an adult going after a kid who's too innocent to understand .. and is sexually preyed upon .. then that is a MAJOR problem. THAT would be pedophilia. If you've got someone who is old enough to make their own decisions and is excited about having a sexual relationship with someone else who ALSO is? Then shut up ... it's not up to you to say a damn thing. Please .. if you think it IS .. PLEASE don't breed. We don't need more of you.








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In a story that's destined to turn schoolboys all over the city into voracious newspaper readers, the Daily News brings us the titillating tale of two female "Romance language" teachers who were allegedly caught naked together in an otherwise empty classroom.
French teacher Cindy Mauro , 33, and married Spanish teacher Alini Brito, 29, and were booted from James Madison High School in Midwood after being caught in their "undressed" extracurricular activity by a janitor who ratted them out on Nov. 20., sources told the paper .
Students at the Brooklyn school were watching a talent show in the auditorium while the tenured teachers were doing whatever they were doing.
Both teachers were sent to "rubber rooms" -- reassignment centers where under-suspicion Dept. of Education employees are sent to await their fates -- while they're being investigated for misconduct, according to the DOE.
"Madison High School is investigating an incident of employee misconduct while the school was having an event in the assembly during the evening of Nov. 20," the DOE spokeswoman Margie Feinberg told NBCNewYork. "The two teachers, who are tenured, have been reassigned, pending the outcome of the investigation."
Students told the paper that both teachers were very popular.
"[Mauro] was pretty fun," junior Eddie Ramirez , 18. "She dressed like a teenage girl -- she'd wear low0cut tops, shorts, three-quarter length jeans. She was kinda sexy."

Female teacher's NAKED selfie posted online by mistake could get her the sack
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The music teacher thought the pictures would only be seen by close friends, but her work colleagues and students were able to view them
A Russian teacher has been threatened with the sack after accidentally publishing naked pictures of herself online for her students to see.
Music teacher Elena Kornyshonkova, 40, from the town of Konakov near the western city of Tver, posted the pictures on social media where they were spotted not only by colleagues but also by students.
She had intended only to allow close friends to see the pictures on VKontake, the Russian version of Facebook .
After school governors were alerted to the naked photos, they asked the teacher to resign.
She refused, saying there was nothing wrong with nudity, and that she lives a 'more honourable life than many others working in the teaching profession'.
She said the pictures were shot during a private holiday in Spain, and had been intended for a small network of friends but had accidentally been published to a wider audience.
Until the naked photos were published the 40-year-old had been regarded as a good teacher, and has been working at the school since 2009.
But school governors have told her she will be sacked if she doesn't resign by next week.
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