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Reese Cantwell

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de diciembre de 2014

Edición: Smashwords

ISBN: 9781310791802

Idioma: Inglés

Opciones de descarga: EPUB 2 (Adobe DRM)

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Emily's parents take a ten-day cruise so eighteen-year-old Emily invites four of her girlfriends over for a weekend pool party...a naked one. So what happens? Sex, of course, lots of sex, girly sex. And that's before their boyfriends all come over to join in. You're invited, too, and you won't want to miss a single kiss, lick, suck or stroke. Ten people can have a lot of sex and you'll experience every bit of it. Enjoy.
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en 25 de agosto, 2022

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The Little Black Gallery is proud to announce the publication of Volume 2 of BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! - The Magazine.
The world's first fine art photography magazine dedicated to queer and gay photography.
Volume 2 - the Pride Issue features ten photographers from nine countries: AdeY (UK), David Charles Collins (Australia), Matthew Finley (USA), Ashish Gupta (India), Manuel Moncayo (Mexico), Juan Antonio Papagni Meca (Argentina), Sebastian Perinotti (Argentina), Mauricio A. Rodriguez (Venezuela), Xavier Samré (France), Inon Sani (Peru) + illustrator Matthew Hetznecker (USA).
We are particularly proud to publish the story Iquitos by indigenous Peruvian photographer Inon Sani - a series photographed in the Amazon. We also have our first collaboration between a photographer and artist in the beautiful story Maybe He’ll Change Your Life The Way He Changed Mine by Juan Antonio Papagni Meca with Matthew Hetznecker.
BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! - The Magazine will be officially launched at the "BOYS! BOYS! BOYS!" exhibition at Fahey Klein Gallery in Los Angeles from June 10 — June 30. There will be further events worldwide including during Photo London in September.
BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! - The Magazine is now stocked in more than 85 stockists worldwide including selected Barnes & Noble stores in the USA.
$1 from the sale of each magazine goes to charities supporting the LGBTQ+ community and fighting the HIV / AIDS epidemic.
The magazine is another addition to the growing output from The Little Black Gallery and its BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! art platform to promote queer and gay photography. 
It now represents more than 67 photographers from 27 countries - including China, India, Iran, Poland, Russia and Turkey where gay rights are repressed and queer lives under constant threat.
There have been online and physical exhibitions, and two sold out BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! books. The first published by The Little Black Gallery in 2019, and the second by teNeues | MENDO in 2020.
Ghislain Pascal, co-founder and co-owner of The Little Black Gallery, curator and editor of BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! said: "Despite the pandemic we managed to launch a new independent magazine dedicated to queer and gay photography. The response has been phenomenal and we are now distributed across the world in some of the most famous magazine stores and kiosks. It just goes to show that there is a market for a well-produced print magazine showcasing fine art photography by queer and gay photographers that is not just a dick magazine!"

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