Pick up artists talked a girl into blow job

Pick up artists talked a girl into blow job


Pick up artists talked a girl into blow job


Japan Today










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In the past few days, professional pick-up artist Julien Blanc became the source of tremendous ire after footage was shared online of a man identified by Internet users as him grabbing women on the streets of Tokyo, manhandling a convenience store clerk, and pushing girls’ heads down into his crotch while posing for the camera.
This kind of conduct, it would seem, is not dissimilar to the kind of advice Blanc gives to men during his “training sessions” on how to pick up women, as a recently shared video shows him talking about how easy it is for white men to grab Tokyo girls as they please and advising them to “just yell ‘Pikachu’ or ‘Pokémon’ or ‘Tamagochi’ or something” while doing so.
The recently slammed Real Social Dynamics coach is reportedly due to arrive in Tokyo again soon, something that Internet users in Japan are decidedly unhappy about, and many have seen fit to join groups dedicated to raising awareness of his unsavory pick-up methods including the #TakeDownJulienBlanc campaign on Twitter and Facebook and signing a petition on change.org.
The footage of Blanc sees him standing in front of a group of men at what appears to be one of his training sessions, telling them that when in Tokyo, “if you are a white male, you can do whatever you want“.
The tips Blanc gives for picking up girls in Japan, along with netizens’ discovery of his activities through social media, have caused much outrage online, and a number of Twitter users are now making efforts to warn women in Japan that the notorious pick-up artist is due to arrive in town sometime in the next two weeks.
Blanc’s activities in Japan were first noticed by the Twitterverse when his tweet and video were brought to the attention of popular Canadian YouTuber and Fukuoka’s Kawaii Ward Mayor Micaela Braithwaite, who then warned her Twitter followers about him in a series of tweets, voicing her strong objections to Blanc’s behavior and attitude towards women in general.
Michaela also took the time to warn her Japanese-speaking followers about Blanc’s arrival in the country: “This person making fun of Japan and coming to Japan to sexually harass women should never be forgiven. In order to spread the news, I tweeted the video. Please do not be mistaken. This is not ‘Western culture’. This is just harassment.”
Twitter user @JennLi123, meanwhile, began the #TakeDownJulienBlanc movement after witnessing footage of Blanc at work, calling for hotels hosting him events to cancel them. Other Internet users quickly began using the hashtag, and as of today the movement had scored several victories.
First, under pressure from activists, The Como Melbourne – MGallery Collection where Blanc was due to hold a talk, cancelled his event.
Next, after directing phone calls and tweets to other posted locations of Blanc’s training sessions, @JennLi123 was seemingly able to convince the owners of several hotels, including Hilton Garden Inn Austin, Marriot Hotel Seattle and Mercure Hotel in Brisbane to terminate Blanc’s sessions. Getting wind of Internet users’ displeasure, ticketing service provider Eventbrite also removed Blanc’s events from its website.
Details of Blanc’s supposed visit to Japan have yet to be released, and despite causing much anger and concern amongst foreigners in Japan, the issue has thus far not garnered much attention in Japanese social media or press. @JennLi123 has tweeted her call for help for the issue to gain more traction in Japan as well.
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I wish the authorities would lure this guy to Japan, then while here, strategically place some policewomen around him. It wouldn't take long to get footage of him forcing himself on the policewomen, and once that happened, bam, press charges.
10 years prison time, I believe, for lewd conduct here (although rarely enforced). Time in a Japanese prison would be good for him and society at large.
This is just a disgrace that this idiot embarrassing Japanese women and Asian women in general. He is nothing but a complete douchebag that target these women because he can't get women in his home country. Him being white doesn't mean anything.
Sounds like a complete imbecile!!!!
The video which has gone somewhat viral is truly shameful.
I am shocked to see that he is delivering his 'seminars' to a very full house paying customers ($1,000 per seminar, I believe). They are all losers. What an embarrassment.
Here is the video (English, Japanese subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grV1iDns87s
Yep, saw his video and he is a complete twat. They should just not allow him to enter Japan. Problem solved! This nutcase will die a lonely and grumpy old man.
This person should be in jail, not selling this as something every foreign guy in Japan does, which is one of the claims he makes in his video to try and "normalize" his assaults. It's shameful enough there are gropers and chikan here at all without importing one and his dysfunctional followers-- who defend him on Facebook using his program's ludicrous jargon to brand outraged men "beta males" and crude misogynist insults aimed at protesting women. Alert the police that someone is coming here specifically to harass and assault Japanese citizens to further his moneymaking schemes abroad.
All the comments and the articles make japan seem like this quivering weakling that needs to be protected from the evil barbarian foreigner. Just because this guy says something doesn't necessarily mean that it's what he does. Mean of all nationalities talk big about their bravado when it comes to women. Japanese women are strong independent people and can decide for themselves what is appropriate and what isn't. We don't need to set up some geographical barrier to protect the wholesomeness of the country folk.
Doesn't japan have a culture of 'nanpa' artists?
Don't get me wrong, I am showing this guy no love, I am not defending him... I just find the reaction ridiculous.
Although this has been reported in the Japanese English-language press already, I don't think Japanese media websites have picked up the story yet. (I tried a search of his name in katakana (ジュリアン・ブランク) through the Google news search function, but no hits.)
If the story does break in the Japanese-language press, I just hope that they also report the groundswell of disgust that is being voiced by Japan's foreign community.
He is a twat sharing his experience. And shutting the truth makes no good either.
If girls did not sue him while they are adults means its their business only.
Dońt judge others because this is not justice.
Be modern and learn how world works elsewhere.
He just needs once to be punched in his balls to understand the wrong of his doings... No need of anything else.
I love Japanese girls, and love charming women, but tender way only...
All the comments and the articles make japan seem like this quivering weakling that needs to be protected from the evil barbarian foreigner. Just because this guy says something doesn't necessarily mean that it's what he does.
If you watch the video, it shows him grabbing Japanese girls heads and literally forcing them to his crotch. They are doing the nervous laugh thing, which he is misinterpreting as compliance.
There is nothing wrong with the pick-up seminars - some guys need coaching in how to deal with women. But this guy is both teaching and practicing straight up assault, and there is a big problem with that.
"....this idiot embarrassing Japanese women and Asian women in general."
He targets ALL women, not Asian ones. One pic shows him choking a Norwegian girl in Oslo. I hope people don't make this the usual race issue or the Japanese-as-victims issue; it's a gender issue.
Seems like he is the real "Charisma Man" but in the extreme. I would like to see him try this with a few of the Japanese women I know who mainly date Black men. Probably would get a different result. I am sure that he doesn't try that in his own country.
Guy is a loser running these seminars to pay for his trips to Japan.
Wouldn't be even funny if done by a top-class standup comedian.
The problem is that unfortunately its not only him, the fact that he has a lot of followers who will probably do similar things when they arrive in Japan. Sold out seminars of 3000 bucks a person, pathetic freaks.
My success in picking up women started immediately after I gave up on it.
He' a moron for sure but have you ever been to Shibuya and seen the way Japanese guys try to pick Japanese girls, it's almost the same way.
The journalist Jake Adelstein has been calling this guy out on twitter. Credit should go to him, too.
As has been pointed out, this is not a foreigner/Asian or white/Japanese issue. He is a misogynist who treats all women horribly, this time it happens to be related to Japan.
Please do not focus on the race relations aspect of this; it really is secondary. It's an awful male treating women badly, which he does regardless of skin color or place.
When you encounter a guy like this, take a few steps back, aim directly between his legs, smile sweetly then kick him in the balls with all your might.
Make sure to bow politely, apologize - and walk away.
"...and pushing girls’ heads down into his crotch while posing for the camera."
They didn't mind when it was Hard Gay. In any case, this guy sounds like a real lech and a criminal to boot. I hope some of these women lodge a criminal complaint and the guy gets locked up or at least sent away.
Goddamn, this guy is no "pick-up artist", he's just weird. As others have stated, this has little to do with race and more to do with this joker's attitude towards women. As many before him, though, he has this imaginary picture of Japan, something that isn't all that correct.
What is surprising is to see these guys, sitting there actually listening to him, spewing his bull and getting paid for it.
This guy will probably get what he deserves soon enough...
I wrote to you guys asking you to call this guy out cause I read this paper everyday and you did it in less than 24 hours! Awesome thank you so much! Let's sign the petition at Change dot org and get his visa rejected before he gets to Japan
If a Japanese guy does this 'out of the blue', he'd be arrested. When a white guy does it, many simply dismiss it because they think he's just another "crazy gaijin".
"Charisma Man" at his worst. These desperado white guys who come to Japan and carry on like are pathetic. And so are the stupid Japanese women who fall for them.
As has been pointed out, this is not a foreigner/Asian or white/Japanese issue. He is a misogynist who treats all women horribly, this time it happens to be related to Japan.
Please do not focus on the race relations aspect of this; it really is secondary. It's an awful male treating women badly, which he does regardless of skin color or place.
All excellent points. Even if he gets his visa rejected and has to leave without plying his trade here, remember he's doing this and encouraging others to do similar things in other countries as well... at $3000 a pop, no less. From the article, several venues in Australia seem to have escorted him from the premises in a manner of speaking. Many of these dudes blame women for their behavior, but their justifications are misogyny in any language and their "pick-up" behavior assault. Wrong globally, not just in Japan.
Here is the link to the petition to get julien blanc's visa banned before he arrives in 1 week in tokyo to teach more of his "classes."
Anyone know where he will have his seminars in Tokyo? perhaps a good idea to inform the establishments to deny his seminars being held there.
Excuse my french, Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculer ta mère.
Give the man no audience. He deserves no attention, and he will not get any. When people are uniting to botch your attempt to give a lecture on how to abuse women on the street, they are not interfering with your freedom of speech. They are saying they find your ideas atrocious, and they are showing you the door.
Guys in Japan like this already exist both Western and Japanese. Teaching how to pick up women and gain confidence is perfectly fine. Molesting is a whole other story.
When you encounter a guy like this, take a few steps back, aim directly between his legs, smile sweetly then kick him in the balls with all your might.
This is part of the problem. Many women here just don't kick up a fuss. There were some videos where he was hugging the women tightly or putting their faces in his crotch and they seemed to be doing nothing. The video where he was hugging the head of the lady in the Japanese convenience store - she didn't try to shout or push him away. And we all know how some Asian (especially Japanese) women go all gaga for white men (even the fat balding loser types). I think some Asian people need to start having a bit more self-respect and stop thinking that everything white is cool and judge others individually and not by their skin colour or race.
At the end of the day, these disgusting guys and easy women deserve each other.
Charisma Man" at his worst. These desperado white guys who come to Japan and carry on like are pathetic. And so are the stupid Japanese women who fall for them.
Exactly. The problem is, this gives a disgraceful image of other men and women.
"If a Japanese guy does this 'out of the blue', he'd be arrested. When a white guy does it, many simply dismiss it because they think he's just another "crazy gaijin".
In fact, several of his "pick-up" brethren are Asian, including Japanese, which you can see in the link below. Again, let's not resort to simplistic racism allegations, when it is clearly about gender. (And ironically "white" Julian faces greater chance of arrest than does his non-white colleagues at this point.)
I hope someone welcomes him to Japan again with a baseball bat to the head.
him talking about how easy it is for white men to grab Tokyo girls as they please and advising them to “just yell ‘Pikachu’ or ‘Pokémon’ or ‘Tamagochi’ or something” while doing so.
Childish moron. If anyone sees him doing this, please break every bone in his face. I'd do it if I caught him doing his stupidity. After all: “if you are a white male, you can do whatever you want“.
It's not a matter or whether or not the woman being groped has "self-respect." She might just be too terrified to push back. Sometimes a smile doesn't mean enjoyment. Sometimes it means, "I'm scared to death."
Without defending him I'll try to explain some of the logic of his visa and mainstream Japanese media. In short this guys is a dick but he is small potatoes, publishing a story on mainstream media creates more problems than solutions. Let's say NHK runs a 6 minute story on him, they would need to get permission to use his name and likeness (something he is likely not going to do). But they story anyways, now you have the mouth piece of Japan informally announcing a problem 'White men are sexually assaulting Japanese women'.....that is a dangerous blanket argument to make with dangerous repercussions, economic and social repercussions. This logic is also the reason I don't see this d-bag losing his visa. If he is a US citizen he is automatically granted a tourist visa and can work off donations so barring him would imply that he has broken a law in the past, in another other country, which is a lot of research to do at point of entry. Best solution, let him in the country monitor his activities and send some officers from prefectures to frequent the clubs undercover (but I don't know about how undercover law enforcement works here).
It is bad publicity and any fellow countryman/woman and embassy should discourage it.
Let me look into my crystal ball and foresee that he will escalate to other countries where people might not be as 'understanding' or focused on adult women only.
I am all for fun but there are lines you don't cross.
First, this guy is a complete idiot. Second, he has absolutely no idea how to pick up Japanese women.
Julien Blanc and his creepy business-- which he himself made a news story by posting that video and the simultaneous tweet of Tokyo being 2 weeks away as advertisements (which, fortunately, have badly backfired on him according to the Adelstein piece)-- are the problems here, not how NHK might or might not report this. I agree his visa probably won't be denied and that broad generalizations by the press are problems, but another problem is a lot of people saying, "Well, I don't like what he's doing, but let's keep it under wraps so it doesn't make the rest of us look bad." We'd probably look a whole lot better if we did something about Blanc and his ilk in the first place instead of getting angry at the media for reporting on them when they make noise about their activities.
This guy is a disgusting jerk and I hope Japan doesn't let him in.
Ok, I botched that. Better to say I think this prospective NHK piece on the guy IS a problem, too. But so is looking the other way when guys like this publicize themselves and their "molesting women is fun" business because we're more concerned it might find its way onto TV and make us look bad by association than we are with the potential for criminal behavior in the first place. I'm more concerned with stopping a creep than I am with NHK's take on the mess.
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