Pi Hole Net

Pi Hole Net


After a successful beta testing and development period (many thanks to the beta testers!), we are pleased to announce the release of 5.0 for general availability!
There are many fundamental changes between Pi-hole 4.x and 5.0 – as such, this is strictly a one way operation. Once you move from 4.x to 5.0, there is no way to go back; you will need to restore from a backup. Read all the notes before you make the jump, and make a backup!
Quite a lot, actually, but we’ll go over the bigger things briefly here.
This is something that users have been asking for for a long time, and we are proud to be finally able to offer this awesome feature. Groups can be created and block lists, blacklist, and whitelist can be applied to groups. Blocklists, blacklist and whitelist can all be individually enabled/disabled.
To support this new functionality, we migrated the list storage from individual files in /etc/pihole to a new gravity database in the same directory. This allows control over enabling and disabling items in the lists, and even the ability to add comments to remind you why you black/whitelisted something! Furthermore, the database will store when you initially added a domain and when you last changed it (or disabled it). You may notice that updating gravity (pihole -g) takes a little longer to run than previously, however this process normally happens in the background once a week in the early morning hours and should not disrupt your DNS service. The longer run time comes due to generating an efficient B-tree index that allows fast lookups in the database.
We added a dashboard interface (Group Management) to be able to easily use this powerful new functionality, however, there is currently no CLI interface through the pihole command. If you want to manage groups from the CLI, you’ll have to directly interact with the database. We prepared an extensive example in our official documentation showing some possible configurations once through the web interface (https://docs.pi-hole.net/database/gravity/example/) but also how to achieve the same thing through the CLI.
Custom user scripts that rely on manipulating files such as gravity.list,black.list,whitelist.txt etc. will need to be changed to interacting with the database. There is so much power in this new database, it’s worth it! And, we’re here to help, just open a discussion on our Discourse platform and we can assist with advice on how to use the new gravity database for your custom scripts. The bonus is that you will learn how to interact with a database system that is also heavily used in widespread applications such as Android (yes, the smartphone operating system!), Google’s Chrome, Firefox, many content management systems, and a lot more. You can even add this to your CV for your next letter of application, if you like.
This has been a covered in a broadly discussed feature request for the ability to deeply analyze CNAME queries. This will allow Pi-hole to find whether any domain in the CNAME chain is known to be blocked. If one is found, Pi-hole can now block the original query. The feature defaults to being enabled but can be disabled with an FTL config option (CNAME_DEEP_INSPECT=false). Note that if you explicitly whitelist a domain, the domain will be retrieved regardless of whether the CNAME trail leads to a blocked domain (whitelist always takes precedence).
And, of course, also a larger number of small tweaks, improvements and some fixed bugs.
To update to this new version from version 4.x, run pihole -up. If you have been running the 5.0 beta release, run pihole checkout master to move from the beta to the master branch.
As there are also changes to the web interface in this version, you may need to clear your browser cache to ensure you can see the new changes. Usually CTRL+F5 will do the trick
Devs, and all testers, thank you very much for your hard work
Great job, devs! Not only did I have a smooth update from the previous release to the current one, but the new verbose gravity update output informed me that a lot of my blocklists were broken even though they were retrievable. Others had invalid domains. I deleted both broken link blocklists (replacing them with their new locations) and also blocklists with invalid entries (I'd rather not have bugs resulting from those.)
Took a while, but got it all done. Again, great job
Thanks to the Pi-hole team. This is a wonderful piece of software and I really do appreciate all the hard work from the developers to make it possible. Kudos to you all!
I already support this amazing project as a monthly patron.
The developers, including the staff, again invested a lot of work, time and research to offer us a new release with useful extensions and many improvements.
The whole Pi-hole team did and does great work, also with support here in the board.
Guys, you rock! My $100 donation is on its way to you.
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You asked for it, we added it. Dark mode has been an often-requested feature. With Pi-hole v5.1, we finally have an inbuilt dark-mode which can be enabled on the settings page.
Pi-hole v5.1 includes an official dark mode.
“Conditional forwarding” can be used to tell FTL to send queries to local devices (either with a local domain) and PTR requests for private ranges to a dedicated device (typically the router of the network) instead of the configured upstreams.
While this works for most users, it was not very flexible, as it implies three severe limitations (assuming the router is
Pi-hole v5.1 makes conditional forwarding more flexible:
We added a new tool providing users with easily accessible error messages. Previously, all these massages were only accessible by looking carefully through /var/log/pihole-FTL.log. As a result, many issues stayed unnoticed.
We adopted dnsmasq v2.81 very early on. As it turned out, there was quite a severe bug in TCP query handling giving rise to a very large number of bug reports for FTL. We found a fix for this and it will be in dnsmasq v2.82. We have also applied the fix to Pi-hole FTL v5.1
You now have the option to use the old curved line charts on the dashboard instead of the newer bar charts.
Exports more items and will import everything that is exported. Also, the teleporter export file name now includes the host name of the Pi-hole that generated the file (handy if you have multiple Pi-holes).
Don’t hard fail when adding duplicate adlists.
Moved network tab to “Tools” menu. General tidying and re-wording of various bits of the web GUI.
Further details can be found in the complete change log. You see, Pi-hole v5.1 again brings a lot of new stuff and also quite some fixes and other improvements:
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Pi-hole – Network-wide protection
Installation - Pi-hole documentation
Pi-hole v5.0 is here! – Pi-hole
Pi-hole 5.1 released – Pi-hole
Prerequisites - Pi-hole documentation
unbound - Pi-hole documentation
How do I configure my devices to use Pi-hole as their DNS ...
Pi Hole Net

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